iGE Jard iind ES Fay Food Market fcrss I mOSS INOBAJI) US-SHOP FAIRWAY FIItST 69c felSCUlTS irtons 22c 9c 9c 25c 35c .miise I arrivals i Rupert H. W. tannuver: ir?h, Pcnn; E. buyer Mr. and iTuljequah, C. F. liver, Mr and Mrs. huvcr. II, Smeth- iver; E Plnton, IJ.Wiglnton, Van- Alder. Victoria; ICrawiey. Vancou- I'rton Vancouver; lo. Vancouver. ' REUNION r.ethshlre. Wales J:: Janci 82-year-old p nine surviving nbincd ages 507 &e!d their first re- tars As part of Its Izatlcm campaign. aulage Association 8,500-foot movie for e halls and motor RUPERT TO iOUVER EAN FALLS h Adelaide" jlay. 10 p.m. 1A PORTS Ifss Noruh" union on failing ticket agent, or "riir llurpre. I If Station, f'lrourrr. u Nothing ft . . . VEGETABLES FRUITS TE Uxv hit ISERIES Lessen Cooked Mmi. r51 Chicken BLUE RIBBON COFFEE 1 pound bags VEGETABLE SOUP Libbys. 3 tins TERRACE POTATOES White and Mealy. 10 pounds LARGE ONIONS Spanish type. 3 pounds BANANAS Firm and ripe. 3 pounds ITALIAN ' P BRAND BEEF I'M Salad, Daily PERT CHERS r ird Ave. West 39c 25 c 39c 25c PRUNES 29c 2 pounds 'AY FOOD MARKET IS OUR PHONE NUMBER Use It For FREE DELIVERY WOMEN WOULD HELP ARMITAQE. Ens- Local women have offered to alleviate the labor shortage . by helping in house construction. Their of fer Is belnn considered by local contractors in conjunction with the rural council and the mm tstry of health. WOULD RIVAL OXFORD DURHAMrEnglah'd IE Vice chancellor J. F. Duff of Durham University said the hope is to expand the college so it becomes ".i third .ereat residential uni versity. a northern oxiora or Cambridge." Local News Items Mrs. O. A. Orlmble is salllne Friday on a trip to Vancouver. A Annual Tax Sale of city pro perties will be held at the City Hall, 10:00 a.m. Sept. 30, 1946. (227) Mr. and Mrs. M. Nordgaard and son Freddie arc sailing tonight on the Prince Rupert on a two weeks' holiday trip to Van couver. Mrs. C. Q. McCall, represent ing the provincial Parent-Teachers Association will ad dress a nubile 'meeting at the Civic Centre on Monday at 8 pm. (229) More than a dozen passengers from Alaska disembarked from the Princess Louise on her south bound voyage yesterday, leaving on last night's train for the eastern United States. Participants In all sports and athletics are requested to attend a meeting In the Civic Centre, Friday Sept. 27 at 9 p.m. to dis cuss the poslblllty of subscrib ing to a Group Accident Insurance Plan. (227) Jack Franks, who was recently discharged from the Navy, and who has been visiting with his brother and sister-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Franks, at Frascr Lake, returned to the city Tuesday night. The. Rotary Club held a busi ness meeting following lis weekly luncheon In the Commodore Cafe this afternoon. Plans for the winter season were outlined. Dr. L. W. Kergin, club president, was chairman. Entertainment ai the presen tation service honoring Bishop J B. Gibson Tuesday evening in cluded songs by Sam McPher- son, humorous character imper sonations by G. Aubrey Bate, and choral, numbers by the. choir dir ected by Peter Lien. At the pres entation, Mrs. Gibson, who was absent), also was remembered with a small companion gift. Rev, A. F. MacSween of First Presbyterian. Rev. R. A. Wilson of First United, ana Rev. A. An trobus of First Baptist churches brought the- greetings of their congregations. HAY FEVER Rdie l. - - t nuLtrlu adaltr .till f KfMIB9 TA who once suffered from sore,.it reaming. Irritated At-u liAu mar nnrt whft iriMTH ami 'hrI- coughed. choked. pluttcrel every year. Now they ' stoept work, feel normal than ii to I VIT If AIT VM Muff m 'ft muttm Hay Fever misery. Take RAZ-MAH and Rrt tnereiiei rou long ior aw. i tiutufKiai. am Its a Challenge! we ONt SHOE Test Open 0 am. to 2 a.m. PIIONE 173 Announcement... i i iN Shine one $Koe with 2 IN 1 . . . shine the other with the polish you're using $t FOR YOURSELF NliltW(tt"'Ml', THi$PAKLe) WA2I$HIN6 2 IN 1 was specially drooped o you can give your ihoes quick, brillUot ihine. 2 IN 1 combines a cleaning action and the polishing action of wax paste in one product. 2 IN 1 gives a faster, brighter, longer-laiting ihine. And the air-tight container is isptc'udly easy to open. iucMiioviH,!H,oxiooDPAsn iu, iovm 1101)10 REX CAFE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE Chop Sucy Chow Mcin Chinese Dishes our specialty. JOHN HARRIS and M. "PARKINSON have resumed proprietorship of ATLAS BOILER WORKS Boilers, Tanks and General Ironwork Lone triM or short, day or night, 9!) Taxi at your service. Mrs. T. L. Walker Is leaving on the Cardena Friday on a trip to Vancouver. R. G. Cunningham of Port Essington, is sailing Friday on the Cardena on a trip to Van couver. Announcements All &dvcrtluienia ii ran column will be charged for a lull month at 23c a word. Hill 60 Fashion Show Sept. 26, Civic Centre. C.N.R. Carmen's Dance and lunch aid of Pioneers' Home, Oddfellows' Hall, Friday, Sept 27. Music by Harmoneers. Mod em and Old-Time. Admission 50c. Evervbodv welcome. S(26). Catholic School Bazaar, Oct 2 and 3, K.C. Hall. Presbyterian Anniversary Ban quet, October 7. Cambral Spinster's Spree, Civic Centre, October 11. L.O.B.A. Bazaar, Oct. 23. Queen Mary Tea, Mrs. Par kin's, October 24. Rebekah Bazaar, October 31, I.O.O.F. Hall. C.C.F. Bazaar, Nov. 6, Civic Centre. W.A. Baptist Church fall sale, Nov. 7. Women of the Moose bazaar, Moose Temple, Nov. 13 and 14 W. A. Canadian Legion Fall Bazaar, November 20. St. Andrew's Cathedral Fall Bazaar, November 30. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, November 28th. United Church Xmas Bazaar, Dec. 5. Old Time Dance. Prairie Ram blers, every Saturday night, Odd fellows' Hall. Entertainment nroeram at the weekly luncheon meeting of the Gyro Club,, held In the Civic Centre Wednesday afternoon was the display of colored mov ing picture films of the China-Burma-India theatre, by Cedrlc Mah, who served there as a transport pilot during the war. Rev, aeorge 3. Jonnrton, who was ordained deacon of the Anglican Church at a special ordination service by Bishop J. D. Gibson on Sunday, leaves with his family next Sunday for Kln- colith, where Mr. Johnston will become missionary. He replaces Rev. Norman Green, who has been transferred to the Massett Inlet Mission. NIGERIA W07EN CELEBRATE LAGOS, Nigeria The Abeo- kuta (Nigeria) Women's Union has celebrated Its first anniversary. There was a rally at the grammar school and more than 2,000 -women took part in a parade, .visiting the chiefs and all Important personalities id the town. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver Monday ss Princess Adelaide, 10 p.m. Tuesday ss Catala 12:30 p.m. Thursday ss Prince Rupert, 11:15 p.m. Friday ss Cardena, 9:00 p.m. Princess Louise, p.m. From Vancouver Sunday ss Catala, 4 pjn. Monday bs Princess Adelaide. Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, 10:00 a.m. From Alaska ss Prince Rupert, 7 p.m. For Alaska , Wednesday ss Prince Rupert midnight. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Four-roomed house with bath, in centre of city. Call Blue 852. (228) GIRL'S COMPACT FOOLED GERMANS Belgian Girl Vislls Hamilton Family Whose Son She Saved From Nazis HAMILTON, Ont., OiA powder compact served ,as hiding place for the important dispatches which Raymonde Rock of Peruwelz, Belgium, carried from one chief to another in fcha underground organization when the Germans invaded the During the war she taught school and the Germans never suspected that in her spare time she was capable of packing guns and ammunition for the under-Ground, by bundling them In saddle packs and hauling them on her bicyple. In Hamilton she now is visit lag Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nethery land tneir son Aiex. miss kock BnaaananBBnaHMHiiaB UUHU V.. M-MM-MM-M 1 Yes, you'll agree, too, that Pacific's satisfying richness Is grand, and.gocd for you. The milk of a hundred uses, you'll find a can of Pacific Milk very handy around the house. Get some today from your grocer. I PERFECT ggjp PACIFIC MILK "Irradiated and Vacuum Packed" HBnBBnaHHKBBBWMM KWONG SANQ HINQ HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) A Product of Quality S A superfine tissue, creped for Jpifiue Eupctt Daily J3rtu5 Thursday, September 26, 1946 saved Alex from the Nazis more than two years ago. "Every day for 120 days Miss Rock and her mother ran the risk ol being shot ror hiding me," said Alex, a former R.CA.F. pilot. Miss Rock Is In Canada on behalf of the Belgian government to study the educational systems in this country and also in the United States. She had a good reason for olnhw the underground during the war ''In the First Great War the Germans killed my father and my brother," she said. Advertise In tne Dally News. Plumbing and Heating . Engineers OIL AND COAL STOKERS BARR & ANDERSON LIMITED Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th Street Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rates for your convenience t . . NEWLY DECORATED , Transient Rooms CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) PHONE 51 greater softness, rure ra I All your patronage welcome - Open 5 p.m. to 2 ajn. Outside Orders from 2 pjn. to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 V ... mm Mil ? : Fine Wood tor saiei NOW AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY v 100 Cords of Seasoned Scrap Lumber nails 510 per cord of First class H-inch Icneths, free lcnBths, ?8 per cord Second class trimmings up to lt-inch lengths uncut - P ctd Third class, various FOR COURTEOUS AND RELIABLE SERVICE HEMMONS TRANSFER Phone Black 15C Night Phone:, Black 6G5 P.O. Box 1131 Station B Office: H. Malr's Auction Rooms Third Avenue East PLAN POWER SCHEME BOMBAY Iff) The Bombay government has embarked on hydro-electric and the r.m a 1 schemes, Involving the expendi ture of about $40,000,000, which will bring electric power to every village. This power will be used not only for lighting but also for village industries and agricultural operations. 1 m 1 a 1 JAVEX tha magie cleanser chases grime from sinks and drainboards in a flash ' makes them shine as they never shone before. It charms ' away all types of stains from linens and cottons whitens, clothes on waUiday. Cleanses and whitens, disinfects and deodorizes te-i ' bowls, better and faster. at Your DEALER'! SEE OUR Ormesltd. 3?us Pioneer DrtiqgiaU Prescription Chemists Rexall Agents for Prince Rupert and District In Drugs If it's Rexall it's Right PHONE 81 STORE HOURS: Daily from 9 aon. till 0.p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 p.m. till 2 p.m. and 7 pin. till 9 p.m. THE CREDIT HOUSE OP QUALITY": There's beauty in every careful detail of these luscious virgin wools ... so soft, so handsomely tailored, so exquisitely styled. FashionShow September 26 AT . CIVIC CENTRE rag Quality Repairs Economy Price at 4 7i PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) BUY ON BUDGET PLAN No Carry Charge No Interest Terms in accordance with W.P.T.B. Regulations. COAL WOOD CRATING STORAGE HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 ;ti