f i il 41 Hit 5 J B 6 Priiirc Rupert Daily ii3cUis Thursday, September 26, 1946 BUILDS SUCCESS i NIPAWIN, Sask. CP An Alger Story entitled "success with seeds." would be a fitting biography J for H. O. Neufeld, 49-year-old farmer-businessman of this .Carrot River country about 120 miles northeast of Saskatoon. J The secret of his success Is "clean" seed which he says Is fundamental for good agricultural production anywhere. In 1918, following his father's death, Mr. Neufeld borrowed enough money to farm 40 acres In this district, dig a well, build a shack and buy a binder for J $15. He sold It 10 years later for j $25 in better shape than when he had purchased it. In his first attempt he planted two bushels of Marquis wheat and. similar amounts of registered Hennehen barley and registered Victory oats. "But at harvest time he dis u u B ON CLEAN SEED RUPERT MENS AND BOYS STORE AND BOND CLOTHES Combine to Give You the Best! covered that varieties other than those he had sown' showed in the grain which was in bad conaiuon. He aeciaea men to do his own purifying. Two-Year Task He selected 100 head of grain, planted It in special rows and after two years of slow, back-breaking work, weeding out the .off-grains, he was granted top 'status for his grain seed. At exhibits In following years he won provincial and Dominion championships for wheat, oats and barley and in Chicago in 1937 he won a championship for his oats. One year previously he had purchased 10 pounds of registered peas and In 1938 he shipped out 21 carloads of peas I grown from the original 101 pounds. I Today, he 'has seed-cleaning IBB LARGE FALL RANGE NOW. AVAILABLE $JJ.50 ? YOU II CHOICE OF FABRIC. ALL STYLES INCLUDING DOUBLE BREAST. IEBS SOLI) IN KUPEIIT ONLY AT : RUPERT MENS AND BOYS STORE laim We are here to serve you and guarantee you will be pleased. FREE DELIVERY OF ALL ORDERS BLAIN BROTHERS "HOUSE OF FINE FOODS" riIONE5I7 : P.O. Bix 174 Chrysler! Mopar! Chryco! Automotive Parts and Accessories BUILT BY CHRYSLER Distributed by: ' RUPERT MOTORS LTD. PHONE 566 Some New Goods Things arc still far from plentiful. We have a few of the following at present: RONSON LIGHTERS UMBRELLAS ONEsWALNUT MANTEL CLOCK PARKER "51" PENS REYNOLDS BALL PENS WATERMAN PENS AND PENCILS EVERSHARP NEW PENCILS STERLING CIGARETTE CASES NEW COMPACTS NEW SOUVENIR SPOONS Tool Shortages Plague Industry LONDON KB Shortages of skilled labor, iron castings elec tric motors and various com - ponents is causing a reduction In output of the machine tools industry, vital to reconversion and modernization of industry Production in the second quar ter of this year was at an an nual rate of 16,500,000 com pared with 18,250,000 in the first quarter and 21,600,000 last year. Orders are coming in faster than deliveries are leaving the plants and some manufacturers do not promise delivery within a year. plants in Nipawln and nearby Codette. Last year he, handled 140 carloads of seed, 40 of which were shipped through UNRRA to bolster Europe's grain growing. In addition, last year, he shipped 1,100 less-than-carload-lots to points throughout western Canada. He calls this district the "Garden of Canada" and claims that in no other place in the Dominion do farmers grow such a variety of seeds. He mentions , sweet clovejf brome grass, crester wheat grass, timothy,, rape seed, red clover, and five varieties of peas. Business and W. H. CORRINS Painting and Decorating FREE ESTIMATES Phone Blue 451 P.N. Kilborn W. Peterson BERT'S TRANSFER AND MESSENGER Lumber - Coal - Wood - BaeEaee Freight - Express Phgne Blue 810 Night Calls, Green 977 Prince Rupert If it's a Rock Job-Call a Rock Man Call M SATTMnF.PS Blue 666 Concrete Sidewalks, "Basements I don't take work I cannot do myself. FRANK H. PARTRIDGE CONTRACTOR Estimates Given On All Work Phone Green 417 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 JONES NEWS STAND Eastern and Western Papers Magazines SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN Sixth Street Red 808 The Experts Say - - With so many luscious -fruits : thls year, every sealer in pantry or cellar should be filled. To most homemakers the catch In this plan seems to be that sugar is rationed. Even those who can vegetables successfully cling to the1 idea that sugar' is necessary in canning fruit. The Agriculture Department home economists say that U12 keeping quality of canned frulPj c!oes not depend on the addition of sugar but rather on sufficient processing and the use of airtight sealers. They suggest two methods for canning the late fruits without sugar. For peaches, pear and large plums the fruit Is prepared and packed cold in sealers just as for cold pack canning when sugar is used but the filled, uncovered sealers are placed on the rack In the water bath canner with only about two inches of water! in the bottom of the canner. The cover is put on the canner and the fruit steamed until the juice flows, then the seal ers are removed and the fruit from one or two. used to fill the others up to within Y2 inch of the top. "The rubber rings and lids are then put In place and the sealers partially scaled Professional Massage for ladies ' MARIE RICHARDSON GRADUATE NURSE Special treatment for rheumatics Phone RED 246 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branched 206 4th Street : Phone 655 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL .CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners PHONES: Green. 486 Red 894 BLACKPOOL, England 05 Bus Driver Percy Lee, 42, died' when a rish bone stuck In his throat. I and returned to the boiling water bath which meanwhile has been filled with water enough to reach two Inches over the sealers. Peaches and plums require 15-minute processing and pears being a harder fruit are given 20 minutes. Plums that are very juicy or larger ones that have been pit ted or cut in pieces or sliced juicy peaches may be done by another method. A small amount of the fruit is crushed in the bottom of a preserving kettle, the remaining fruit added and heated slowly until the Juice flows. The hot fruit is then packed in sealers jo within Yi inch of the top, . the rubber rings and lids are put in place and the sealers partially sealed and processed 15 minutes in the water bath or 25 minutes in the oven at 275 degrees Fahrenheit. Fruit done bv either of these' methods may be used just as fresh' fruit would be used in pies or puddings. If It is to be used for desserts, as canned fruit, the Juice may be drained off and enough water added to make two cups of liquid foe each quart sealer. This juice is sweet ened to taste, brought to the boll and poured over the fruit. If allowed to stand several hours to absorb the sweetness it will have a better flavor. With apples coming Into their own again after last year's lean crop, a treat for the family is Apple and Salmon Salad, made with two tart apples, diced; two cups of flaked salmon; one cup diced celery;; 12 cup grated raw carrot, and about Vz cup of salad dressing. Mix the ingredients lighlly and pile in nests of crisp lettuce This makes six servings. PRAMS FOR RENT TOWXSVILLE, Australia 05 Perambulators with 'number plates attached are seen In the streets of this north Queensland town. They are from Townsvllle council's fleet of 19 strollers kept for the use of shopping mothers and lent, free of charge, against 32 cents deposit. VAIN BOAST MAIDSTONE, England flt Solicitor Ronald Llttlewood-Clarke, 39, who said he could drink a bottle of whisky and still be sober, was fined $400 and dis qualified from driving for three years on a drunken driving charge. 1 - mw POR PROMPT and EFFICIENT SERVKI f I CANNED vnnni.li FOODS rwuua K mll ieur ! t fjk FORT y GARRY Bmlm ffioM your; MASS COOKING IS SCIENCE REG IN A, O-Cook books are the biggest headache to. Mrs. W. H. Horner, Instructor in cooking at the Canadian Vocational Training scheme's chef school here. Measurements In most cook books on the market today follow United States' customs and that is where the trouble comes in, Americans put 128 ounces into a gallon while Canadians generously make It 160 ounces. "Small quantity cooking does not reveal the same problem," Mrs. Horner said ,and she knows. She is a bachelor or household science and holds a certificate of education for Saskatchewan. Previously she did Cietltlc work In Montreal. "Gone Is the day when cooking was done haphazardly," she said. "Cooking for institutional purposes Is coming into Its own as a recognized senlcce." As proof she cites the case of baking powders. In old-fashioned quick-acting powders carbon dioxide Is given off before the batter is put in the oven. Today there are both double action and slow powders which allow the batter to set for several hours without loss of action, TOY vow's;- mis n' CCIENCE has proved there' are . certain food dementi everyone needj for health. It there aren't enough of them In a child's food, serious things caq happen such as stunted growth, soft bones, poor teeth, faulty nerves, loss of apatite, defective eyesight. Oraltine supplements the diet with elements frequently deficient in ordinary foods. Three servings of Ovsltine furnish a significant portion of a child's daily requirements of Vitamins A, B, C, D, Riboflavin (B2), and Niacin and Minerals Calcium, Phosphorus and Iron. In addition it provides the basic food substances complete proteins to build muscle, nerve and body cells high-energy foods for vitality and endurance. It thus acts as an insurance against food deficiencies that retard normal growth. So if your child eats poorly, is thin, underpar, perhaps nervous, why not try delicious Ovaliine for normal growth and better appetite. OVALTINE 7 EARLY NEWS IS WELCOME Local news items, to ensure publication, should be In the office by 10 a'.m. Contributors are asked to bear this in mind. Items of social and personal interest are always welcome. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING NIGHT CLASSES Teacher, MRS. HILL (WX3.T.) PHONE RED 281 Housoholdors bo "warned and act accordinglyorder your coal for next winter NOW. By doing this you protect your family and yourself against being caught without coal when winter comes, Philpott, Evitt Se CO. LTD. Phone 651 and 652 5 TODAY 'TIL t er 'selected siioww MATINEE IS EVENINGS Shows . J 0 Continuous Saturday! H0DIAK Em il BUY MORE WAR SAVINGS STAMPS A. MacK enzie r LIMITED urnituri "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" NOW IN STOCK... CONOOLEIM Mr, , ... ... n.u tfuaiiuiy unly Choose now while a selection is avallahi. .......w, w...... 04.t0 aic now in Stock fnr.i " ,or ard windows. U WINDOW CRANES which we have long 8 waibH alle(i ' J now in stock. WINDOW CURTAINS and DRAPEKIES and accai nre nlsn In sr.nrlr u Hi ELECTRIC TOASTERS will be arriving this CCt Everything for the Home '" - b'-n yiuuiyi, utteuuun, wmich our wind rhone 775 -j- J27 Third! REDUCED PRICK FRIDAY TO TUESDAY . See Our Windows For Value ffltuSm NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTl 1 Expert Foundation Work and Interior Altcra":d CONTRACTS LARGE OR SMALL Planning and Designing Estimates 6 STONE BLOCK P.O. BOX Phone 5G3 Evenings: Blue W !OiOO)iOO0ieKHO5iOOeCiioiO0iOOiOiOOOM5 Stratford . . . Two-Tone Pens $ 1.70 THE DEPENDABLE PEN FOK SCHOO D IBB PRINTING COMPAI BESNER BLOCK THIRD A1- 0ioooiooiieiooeoooooooooo0ioicioioooocHwl,: COASTAL CHARTER SERVICE nY SLTERMAR' FLYING BOAT '"Haida Queen". - . Dlrcc MONDAYS Vancouver to Prince Rupert TUESDAYS Prince Rupert to Vancouver vw 4 Afl lotte Islands. , vu Q WEDNESDAYS Vancouver to rnnce v-r Charlotte Islands. . jours' THURSDAYS Prince Rupert to Stewart an Anyox, Alice Arm and Request Points. FRIDAYS Prince Rupert to Vancouver D"c SPECIAL CIIARTEUS ARRANGED J PASSENGERS AND 1"' ' 3 Types and Sizes of AIRCRAFT to 0 From 3 to 18 Passengers, or 480 lbs. to G. H. STANimiDGK,Agc"tcfBfJ P.O. not 1249 r,,"" 126