ml v. gJrincc Rupert Daflg I3clusf Tuesday, April 23, 194C PublUhed every afternoon except Sun-flay by Prince Rupert Dally New Limited, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia. O. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor, SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By City Carrier, per week 15 Per Month 65 Per Year $7.00 By Mall, per month . . .... .40 Per Year 4 .00 Department, uuawa). MEMBER (Authorized as Second Class Mall, Post Office Nineteen Years of It Next June 14, the Right Hon. William Lyon Mackenzie King will have completed nineteen years as Prime Minister of Canada, thereby equalling the record of Sir John A. Mac-donald. With a few brief intermissions; his life, since his graduation from the University of Toronto, lias been, spent in the service of his country. If Parliament is still sitting when the great day comes, there will be a flood of complimentary oratory from; both sides of both houses. For that one day, members of His Majesty's loyal opposition may be expected to bury the dull, and little-used hatchet, and join with their conferes across the aisle in wishes of long life and happiness to the Prime Minister; The congratulations will be fulsome, but deserved, for longevity in office in such a country as Canada, .with its many divisions of interest and opinion, is a remarkable achievement. Comparison of the careers of Sir John; and Mr. King will be unavoidable. ..Sir John's National Policy envisioned the building of Canada as a nation within the British Empire., He had his opponents, but there was ' national unity on the main idea of building Canada. Sir Wilfrid Laurier had the same vision and faith in Canada's great destiny. WELCOME BISHOP ON NAAS RIVER Diocesan Head of Anglican Church Visits Kincolith and Aiyarish Alter a week's visit to the Naas River,: Rfe Rer. J. B. Gibson, Bishop or Caledonia, relumed to the city from the north cn the Catala this morning. At AMyansh B'shor) Gibson conducted confirmation of candidates prepared by Rey. S, Klnley, the resident missionary. He also visited and conducted Easter Sunday services at Kincolith where the missionary la Rev. Norman Green. It was the Bishop's first ecles-lastlcal visit to the Naas River mission and he received a hearty welcome at all points with sev- When Mr. King succeeded Sir Wilfrid, a phase of the pioneering was over. The railways had been built, the settlement of the West was no longer attracting immigrants in the swarms that entered in the early years of the country. Mr. King's task has been not so much to unite the nation for great purposes as to keep enough unity to hold the structure of Confederation together. That he has succeeded in this task is admitted even by his political enemies. The structure has creaked and groaned under the strains that have been put upon it, but Mr. King, like a skilful engineer, has known where and when to prop it up and how to divert forces from working against each other instead of combining to move in one direction. He has yielded to pressure but has always been the master. Civilized Kindness , One of the indications that people are truly civilized is their general level of kindness to animals, says Christian Science Monitor. Not kindness just to a sacred cow, or a high-bred Pekingese, or the empoV-or's favorite horse, or a decorative Borzoi. But kindness to an ordinary mongrel pup. That is why Be Kind to Animals Week is important. It reflects, as it fosters, the civilized kindness of those nations where it is observed toward the lesser creatures among them. The nation whose children are encouraged in school and at home to pick up and care for the bird fallen from the nest, to greet with pats instead of kicks the "mutt" who comes to the back door looking for food, is the nation whose children are least likely to grow from bullies into VETS ATVELCOME HOME AFFAIR Official Affair Last Night I Led by Mayor and Aid. McKay Prince Rupert was host last night to almost 300 of its World War II veterans, who with their escorts, attended the official civic Welcome Home dance in Urjlvlc Centr? auditorium. TJfc eral banquets and meetings a well as the services. There were no fewer than 600 natives from all parts of the district assembled In Kincolith for the Easter Day services. In addition to Aiyansh and Kincolith the Bishop also visited Greenville to conduct a Good Friday service, all the Greenville people coming in from Fisheries Bay where they have been Oola-chan fishing. 0 70 CONWBR CANCER! CANCER KILLS 3 DAILY IN B.C. Unless it is checked it will. hill 1 in 8. IT CAN nE CIIECKED-$r,00,000 needed In B.C. to protect your loved ones and reduce trogedy in )our and jour neighbors homes. Send contribution! to Your Local Committee or to B.C. CONQUER CANCER CAMPAIGN rnuvinue. PUILUINU - VANCOUVER, B. C. Canada's Finest Paint Cleaner Dissolves greasy soil without rubbing . . . Large, 32-oz."'BotUe McBride Street YStm tl"NJ palnt.d kitcUn WmblJI wolli ond woodwork 1 lnSiiCtl I'k dusting. Ho woftr, AiUltV' 0 tinting, no drylngl 69dpi SOIL-OFF Gordon's Hardware gay affair was put on In cooperation with the Canadian Legion and the Legion Women's Auxiliary, whose ladies prepared the luncheon. Mayor H. M. Daggett officially opened the function bv annro- prlately welcoming the veterans and their escorts, after which there was dancing to mu.slc by Jean De Carlo's orchestra. Alderman Robert McKay, chairman of the civic committee -which sponsored the dance, was master of ceremonies. Ladies of the Legion Women's Auxiliary who prepared the delicious cold plate luncheon were Mrs. Dan Parent, W. A. President, Mrs. A. Guyan, Mrs. C. Barker, Mrs. F. Miller, Mrs. Henry Smith sr., and Mrs. Henry Smith Jr. Mr. Green: "My wife fs scared to death someone will steal her clothes." Mr. Jones: "Doesn't she have them Insured?" Mr. Green: "She has a better idea. She has some ruy stay In me closet and watch them," TERMS CASH LAWYER STEERS U.N. OVER FIRST DIFFICULTIES By LARRY HAUCK NEW YORK (API Iryg've Lie today carries the burden o one of the world's most difficult jobs with all the rugged enthusiasm of his native Norway. As secretary-general of the infant United Nations, this 50-year-old labor lawyer Is charged with the task of steering the vast organization through its early critical years. By nature not a smooth diplomat in the old world sense, his affable manner, determined drive and forceful' reasoning have nevertheless cleared the way to decisions. Much of his work Is unofficial and behind-the-scenes. He must keep the delegates abreast of the latest developments, consult with them on some matters of policy, idvlse them on tickling situations, keep the huge secretariat operating efficiently, and In general serve as the clearing house ind work-horse ot the ! A tireless worker, associates I say his foremost characteristic Is an ability to get along with all j kinds of people. This trait of lov-I lng to talk with people any time I and place has been curtailed i sharply In the touchy position i he nowholds. No longer cafi he go and come as he pleases. Be cause of close association with the powerful Security Council and the magnitude of his own job. friends have pointed out to Mr. Lie that meetln?s with -factions" might be interpreted In some quarters as affecting decisions of the world organization he serves. This has served only to intensify his devotion to his family which includes his wife. HJoerdis 46, and three daughters, Mette, 15; Gurl, 20, and Sis.sel (Mrs. Jens Harvard Bratz), 23. Mr. Lie's " associate. say he never makes an important decision without talking it over with his wife. She ?tay.$ entirely out of the limelight and In her own words spends "all my time taking care of my husband," '. Mr. Lie gets $20,000 annually plus another $20,000 In expenses but associates declare h can't break even. He lives modestly but the necessity of entertaining within the organization eats Int; the total. Mr. Lie chain-smokes' Tdrklsh clsarets. His principal hrkbles are people, hunting, tennis and skiing. He sneaks Norwegian, English and German, understands some French, enjoys good wine and likes to eat. He taste' in food Is strictly quality and npt quantity. He was born in suburban Oslo fOrmud), the son of a carpenter- Quality Repairs Economy Prices at GEORGE J. DAWES " The Auctioneer PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office! Auction Sale of HOUSEHOLD GOODS, etc. on THURSDAY, APRIL 25, at 2:15 p.m. On the Premises 327 SECOND AVE. (Opposite CFl'R) Favored with Instructions from Mr. W. Macey, I will sell by Auction the following articles: General Electric Radio j Hoover Vacuum Sweeper; Oak Dining Room Suite; 2 China Cabinets; 3-piece Wicker Self Music Cabinet; Axmlnster Carpet; Oak Centre Table; Occasional" Chair; 2 Beds, complete; Monarch Range; Heater; Brass Trllight Lamp; 2 Dressers; 2 Centre Tables; 3 Card Tables; Cutlery with silver and pearl handles; 3-pieces Cut Glass; Several Jardinlers; Gramaphone; Hall Seat and Mirror; Love Seat; Swivel Chair; Mahogany Fern Stand; Oak Fern Stand; Pair Etchings; Pots, Pans, Dishes; Electric Iron; Toaster, etc. PHONES: 145 Bus. Red 127 Res. A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" N. B. C. BASKETBALL- CHAMPIONSHIP OCEAN FALLS HIGH vs. BO-M-HI April 24th and 25th 7:30 p.m. Roosevelt Park Gym Boys' and Gjrls'Viames SUPPORT THE CHAMPIONSHIP GAMES jiWP ' 9 v YELLOWKNIFE Town of Yellowknlfe, Northwest Territories, taken from a raise north of the residential district Yellow-knife's waterfront with transport aircraft depicted on the left. and became secretary-general of the Norwegian labor party after being graduated from the University of Oslo and receiving a law degree. From 1022 to 1935 he was general counsel to the Norwegian trades union federation and became minister of Justice In 1935. Four years afterward he took over as minister of supply and shipping. When the Invasion of Norway came, Mr. Lie fled to England with the government. As head of the Norwegian merchant marine, he made the decision to turn over to the Allies 3,500,000 tons of shipping and the services of 25,000 Norwegian sailors. In 1940 Mr. Lie became acting foreign minister of the government in exile and later was named to the permanent post. SOUTH BRENT, Eng., stag believed to have killed five staj Is beloved to have killed five sheep and wounde.l 15 others on two farms near here. LONDON, O Sausages ami ! onions Is a favorite dish of Mrs Sarah Murray, .100 years old. FOLKESTONUE. Eng.. ' -Amateur fishermen here may us.' the Southern Hallway pier again fo rthe first time since 1939. Throughout the war he kept in contact with the underground in his native land. ' In politics a social democrat. Mr. Lie was a compromise candl- I date for secretary-general after losing out to Paul-Henri Spaak of Belgium in the contest for presidency of the general 'COMMISSION IS luncheon .. " .: . - I tJII ENTERTAINED BY CITY COUNCIL ) II. Carl Goldenberg. chairman . of the Royal Commission on pro vlnclal-municlpal relations, arrived in the city Monday after-nooa on the Princess Adelaide accompanied by Mrs. Goldenberg and members of the commission pattv who included A. C. Des-Bilay, commission counsel; R, R, F Scvell of Victoria, secretary of the Union of B. C. Municipalities; J and J. E. Brown, secretary of the commission. Hearing of Prince Rupert's i bvlf f began in the court house at ; 10 o'clock this mornlnt, followed bv the presentation of the brief of the town of Smllhers by S. W. Oould, village commissioner. Today' session was concluded after the hearing of the Smllhers brief, and plans for this afternoon aclled for a tour of the city In (i Black and Whit bus which had been put at the disposal of the city by the proprietors. The commission party and other guests were Invited on th; tour which included the American warehouse, government elevator, Canadian Fish and Cold Storage Co. plant and other places of Interest. Social plans for Wednesday at the conclusion of'the Rearing of oneis irom Terrace, will Include a luncheon In honor of Mrs. Goldenberg 'at which Alderman Nora Arnold will be hostessi .Guests will include Mrs. H. M, Daggett. Mrs. Goure of Smllhers, Mrs. ji. d. Thaln and others. The YOU may find yourself in the same position as Joe Green. Anybody may! Personal loans through your bank make it possible for you to anticipate future earnings. This is an essential part of its services. SU(h loans may be obtained to meet financial need's of many kinds: to lay in ahead a winter's supply of coal, to pay municipal or other taxes in time to earn the discount, to provide for home repairs, to send a boy or girl to college, to consolidate debts indeed for any sound reason. Bank Credit runs through all personal life and com-mercial life. It operates silently and Unobtrusively. You take it for granted. That is the way Canadian banking works. "l be v ... uoiiywood Care ' I 1 W..j mission n-.JL!!?.1 icivic civic banquet banquet inthe jntJlK, PI a er which the, i i iiir i r'l in r .. -. tmri .. further heartna For the Monday WednH.. - 8 p.m. ' Fiom the r.ast- Twalay. Thursday s,t, S1 10:45 p.m. From Alaska yPn , p.. 7 p.m. WOMEN ATIILEfK Women of Ore,,, r in alhlptip .. ' . unristlan era, Man Mj"AiAMn muii.iiuillrjliras Take Special Ton Praisedjyjjocfe reel New Normal P,Pl m Be Thrilled Don't tiL Ihouundi of c; tiuiUr,! mtn t, I ; lt. M K hut gi i ?i m, " Ml MM II lh. t Ut. Th u . mintlit lurti, . , tvrytiiM c..a K' ti 'uuUIr tur.;, i t ho lurk hi, nr.. . ,, Iwruiw U. r , . iweWoJi, c Us r r ll ihI fi it. , outr. (mi,, ., , Ul U ,., : e?v - .., wwnw nH9 MiiL inc f $1 III P. J Green l a ,eat,y worker with a sfeady fob. gfW He ha always me! his bills. But now, because 1 S&Sll of sickness, he suddenly finds he is short of 1 j "g ready cash ..; tomorrow he will go to his I ' f bank and arrange a Personal Loan. J j J J I : .111 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN i)Alin PHONE 851 SAVffl HOTEL Car) Zarelli, Prop Phnnp 37 P(l Bniu FRASER STREET Prince Rupert FOUR VKT1KAXS PRINCE 1UTKKT DECOR AT0IK Speclalwti m E-;:h Br. ' PaprrlianKln; Sifm Decnralin; Blue 285 Box 1422 " 1 Liiia Wlf'lVU -, iit.iii"'' .0 lltl licmx IK') ii iomi fioru trill iioacii 4$ ; 9 QjrJcrWta wMiW I ..HI. ..i w WKtAin AJ10WAS 32 John Bulger I.IMITKP Third Ave Phone 122 General Conlrarf" We do basement, resjf pemol or move bull-,00 satWactton CALL BLl'E i; . .... ...hi irive an 'bV ana we wm , I'lione 311 Thane 775 I bit Advrtitemint P.O. u v" It 327 Third Ave. Sponsored by your Bank s