0. ft t prince Uupctt Dallg jaeto Tuesday, April 23, 1946 WALES ISLAND RUNNING AGAIN Naas River Area Prepares for Another Salmon Season Wales Island of the Canadian Fishing Co. will again be the only operating. salmon cannery In thj Naas River area this year and it Is already being put in shape for the commencement of packing at the end of June. Alfred Simpson is manager. Mill Bay will again be oper ated as a fish camp this season by B.C. Packers with George Harris back again as manage; and Alex Gray as accountant Naas River fish collected at Mill Bay will go to Sunnyside on the Skeena for canning. Anandalc is also to be run again as a fish camp by Anglo-British Columbia Packing Co. "No Need to Keep your Orders Well Ahead for our Quality Coals! this year; Thomas Young being manager and Douglas Campbell, accountant. Pending the commencement of the sockeye season, the three canning companies active in the Naas River area will be buying springs and cohoes for delivery to cold storage plants In Prince Rupert. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver-Monday ss Princess Adelaide, 10 pjn. Tuesday ss Catala, 1:30 p.m. Thursday ss Prince Rupert, 11:45 pjn. Friday ss Cardena, 10:00 p.m. Vrom Vancouver Sunday ss Catala, 4 p.m. Monday ss Princess Adelaide. Wednesday ss Prince Rupert 10:00 a.m; For Alaska-Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, midnight. .(NOTK: Of Course It Couldn't Happen Here!) "Oh Sis! Raining and My New Coat, Too!" Worry, Mom Got It at Peoples. STORE PHONES 116 - 117 , l . At GIRLS' SPRING COATS PRINCE RUPERT HEALTH UNIT Weighing Stations and Immunization Centres " CLOSED ON APRIL 21th and 25th OPKN on following week as Usual Health Unit Offi'-c, Wednesdays, 34 p.m. Conrad Street School, Thursdays, 3-1 p.m. PROTECT WHAT YOU HAVE . . . Before storing your winter garments, come in for moth preventatives., We have an ample stock . . . we also have materials to clean those spots, so you can have everything splc and span before storing. You'll like the wide variety of things you need, at budget-pleasing prices, when you come to The Variety Store. THE VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Arc Little Dollars" ALBERT AND McCAFFERY H i Stewart Coming Back Prosperity Is Returning To Portland Canal Area Consolidation of Three Famous Properties Is Reported On Cards Salmon Gold Spectacular Transportation Experiment (By G. A. HUNTER) The famous Portland' Canal mining town of Stewart shows every indication of being due. this season for the commencement of another mining boom. It is now well on the way out of the wartime slump which, due to the inactivity of precious metal mining, almost decimated the camp, reducing its population and business nearly to the vanishing point. Now, however, the people say that everyone capable of working or willing can, get a job and, indeed, labor Is scarce. Old timers who went away when the wartime depression struck arc drifting back In. Old businesses arc reopening and new ones start ling. There has been a good deal of activity recently In residential property deals. All the new life around the town, of course, stems from the stimulation, some of much significance, which the mining Industry is showing. Everyone in the camp l.s highly optimistic that happy days for Stewart are immediately 'due again. The newest and possibly the most important of the current mining developments at Stewart Involves the three spectacular famous high grade silver properties on Dolly Mountains-Silverado, Prosperity and Porter-Idaho. With the recent arrival. at Stewart o Angclo Bugnello, no stranger to the camp, it became known that Eastern interests had. taken over the three properties in which the Premier tlmaled that the new controlling Interests have in mind a major consolidation of operation of the properties with high grade min-lns and nasslblv a mnim- mill in. ".stallation. The three properties H; consist of 40 claims In all. Silver- ado lies at ane elevation' of C000 Blfppf nlinnsf. etrn'ltrlif Mn I ...... v .... Ht Mp mUUII'J RUPERT' PEOPLES:!1 .mountain top lies Prosperity and on the other slope of the towards Marmot River to the south is Porter-Idaho which was equipped years ago with an aerial tramline to the beach Just below Stewart. The original locators of Silverado were John Haahti and John Stewart. Ell Watland, Jerry Stewart and William Jancowskl were original owners of Prosperity and Clay Porter saw the Porter-Idaho through from its, first stages to the big tramline development. Another property immediately handy to Stewart which is again receiving attention is John Haaliti's Molly B., at the foot of Dolly Mountain, just across the mouth of Bear River on which Stewart Canal Gold Mines Ltd. of which Haahiti is president, is undertaking a new program of development centering in the limine of a 250-foot tunnel for which Emil Brent has been awarded the contract. The tunnel work, if attended by favorable results, may lead to a diamond drill progiam and eventual installation of a mill. Molly B. was originally staked in 1906 by Jack Stewart and in 1920 John Haahti first became interested in the properly. This is the first time since 19 U that work has been done on the prop-"rt'- , A most spectacular experiment in winter transportation marks the moving in of hundreds' of tons of supplies to the Salmon Geld (Morris Summit Mines Ltd.-property far up the Salmon River Valley beyond the Big Missouri. These .supplies have been trucked up the Premier road to 13-Mile whence tractors take to the river bed for 5 miles to Salmon Glacier which they are crossing for nine miles and then for two miles fur frL, "C,e !" I-" to the property. Under the. .vu.uut ,,llcw up. ii, Jo ill- skilful and In-rpntnnsrilrpr-tlnn rf Evan Harris, a Welsh engineer, a dream of the late Ted Morris, who pioneered development of the property,, may be fulfilled. Ulitimately concentrates would be produced. Another of the newly active properties In the Stewart area Is the Gold Drop on the south fork of Marmot River where Art Cameron and a crew of seven men are driving a tunnel for Gold Rock Mines Ltd. in which J. O, Le-Francols and Montreal Investors are the principals. Early last year this property was taken over' as a prospect from Albert Casey and Joe Morin and 400 feet of tunnel driven. Future work on ihc property will depend on results of present development. It Is situated four miles up Marmot River and this February a new-bridge was built across the Marmot to facilitate reaching it. Montreal Interests are expected to become active again this year on the Mountain Boy and L. L. and H. properties and a temporary bridge has been put In across Bitter Creek to replace one which was washed out. GOVERNOR-GENERAL AND FAMILY ARRIVE Shrill whistles from Tiarbor craft small and large, a 19-gun field marshal's salute that rolled from atop Halifax's storied Citadel Hill greeted Canada's new Governor-General and his family as they stepped off the liner Aqultania in Halifax on April 10. Hundreds of citizens gathered near Halifax docks early in the day ' to pay a true Canadian welcome to one of history's most brilliant soldiers made famous by his masterful retreats and NEW DEAL (Continued from Page 1) civic - financed improvements "it only appears reasonable to expect some financial recompense from the province for the service rendered and that these services should be paid for on the same basis as those provided for privately-owned lots that is, either by direct taxation or by the annual payment of an amount that would be equal thereto." Social Services Seeking relief from financial responsibility for social service, the brief states: "We are of the opinion that social service expenditures are a direct responsibility of the"Dominion government. We claim emphatically that they should not hs borne by municipal taxpayers and therefore request that they bo asumed in full by the provincial government, which is . in a position to negotiate with the federal government for full' or partial responsibility as it sees fit." The brief points out discrepancies in the .Municipal Act which even in normal times sometimes work to the disadvantage of the municipalities. Quoting from the Municipal Act which says that "it should be the duty of every municipality to make suitable provision for its poor and destitute,"' the brief says: "The municipalities are called upon to pay for medical and other services for old age pensioners. We consider that there is something radically wrong If the recipient of a government pension "is considered by that government to be poor and destitute." The wartime boom has also created Increased social service problems which are products of the great Influx- of people to British Columbia during the war and which place the prospect of unfair financial loads on municipal taxpayers, the brief states. Administration of Justice Suggestion that a provincial Jail should be built in the northern part of the province was presented as an alternative for the claim that the provincial government should assume the cost of transporting prisoners from Prince Rupert to Okalla prison. Citing the cost to Prince llu- The St. Eugene property on Mcziadin Lake, owned by Owney McFadden, Harry Zeffcrt and Harry Bennett, is,t0 also lecelve further attention this season. What the future holds in store for the Premier Mine, which has been for a quarter of a centiirv and more the wonder property of me Portland Canal, is a matter of speculation. For some time the property has been operating only one shift and the days of spectacular profits appear gone for the time being at least CAPITOL FASHION PAIUDE ON THE STAGE TONIGHT - 8:45 New Spring Sly las Jusl Received from ike Mumiftmm and displayed by SWEET SIXTEEN LTD. and FASHION FOOTWEAR SHOWS AT 1:00 2:35 4:40 6:43 8:45 pert taxpayers of transporting prisoners to the provincial jail ak Okalla during the last five years as $8,773, the brief urges that "the province assume the cost of transporting and escorting piisnners to (he common jail; the cost of transporting accused persons from the place of arrest and the cost incurred throtifih the payment of expenses and fees to witnesses." "All persons receiving slmi-tences ranging from 30 days to two years less one day through summary convictions must be transported to the common jail at the expense of the municipality. We maintain that there Is no community of comparable size located so far from the nearest provincial Jail as is Prince Rupert. "It Is contended that Prince Rupert Is the logical site for the erection of a common jail. There Is no provincial jail hvthe vicinity, and the city lock-up, despite Its admitted Imitations, also serves as a provincial joil for the accommodation ot provincial prisoners when necessary." The brief also asks that thC provincial government m a'k e representations to the federal government for the allocation to, municipalities of a portion of the fines levied under the Dominion statutes, which do not accrue to municipal revenue. Municipal police often assist In the Investigations, and the cases are tried In municipal court rooms with the city defraying the cost of the magistrate's salary, clerical expenses, heat, light, etc. Government Grants 1 , "We contend that munitl. ; palitirs arc entitled to a sub- itantial portion of the provincial revenue which Is dc- i rived from sources within the municipality, especially where i the sources of such revenue stunning victories. In the above picture Lady Alexander and her children, Brian, Shane and Rose with school friend Harriet Scott, cause a great deal of Interest with the three sheep dogs they brought with them from England. Shown left to right, Mrs. H. E. Kendall, wife of Nova Scotia's Lleut.-Governor, Dr. H. E. Kendall; Lady Alexander; Lieut-Governor Kendall; Brian, Shane holding dogs; Rose and friend Harriet. (Canadian Army Photo) ON THE SCREEN NIGEL BRUCE LEO CARRILLO GAIE SOSOERSAARD OOUGUSS DUMBRIllE CURT BOIS create an additional expense to the city." The brief cites in this Instance liquor profits, gasoline taxes, motor vehicle licenses and amusement taxes from which, in 1929, the city received $27,-flC8; but which had shrunk to $6,120 in 1945. In regard to assessment, the report contends that there Is an "urgent need" for a provincial assessment board with a staff of trained assessors to effect the unified standard of sLJ assessment stre; scd in the (I cron educational repc.' In regard to hnsnilah council .strongly advurai,. nationalization of all hoJ and urges that the proTin government take all t,J steps with this end in vi.l The Municipal S; n II.... A. -I ' . nun nn uiaui-5 undue r :n I on the municipalise; bead has the effect of reduce! employees' penslou a:.d creasing the cost to the tl clpalitles." CKtOOHWMOOOOOOaOOaOOOCHKKIOCHJOaOOOOOOOOOOOOOa) 5 I I Mother's Day Cards.., Mother's Day - Sunday May 12th DIBB PRINTING COMPAN' Office Supplies, Bookbinding, Printing, Stationery Birthday and F.very Day Cards BESNER BLOCK Waterman Pens THIRD AVLNTl QaoooDODOODD-ooaDOOonDOKJoaoaooooooooooooooDCKia AUCTION SALE 2:30 p.m. THURSDAY and FRIDAY April'25 and 26 Favoured with instructions to sell contents of buildir . (.22 Fraser Street (NKXT DOOIt TO SAVOY IIOTKLl consisting In part as follows: Small she Restaurant Range (like new) with hot waM tank; white enamel Kitchen Sink with metal covered bas Small Cash Register; Radio (.Mix-master); Electric ToastfH Dishes; Pots; Pans; Studio Couch; Chesterfield: l Washing .Machine; China Cabinet; 1 large Wall .Mirror 9x11 Rug; 3 Oil Burner Heater; 15 Dressers; II compl.fi Beds; Smoking Stands; Bedroom Suite, walnut, 1 pieces 2 Wardrobes; 3 Chests of Drawers; Restaurant Table Chairs, etc., etc. Goods on view Tuesday and Wednesday April 23 and 21, 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. only. ACCTIONKKIt N BOX 13GG Oil Burners Installed J. H. MAIR 99 ALL PERSONAL INCOME TAX RETURNS MUST BE FILED BY APRIL 30 Take your tax problems to S. G. FURK Room 6 stone Building Open all day and evenings. PHONE 563 Phone Black M R The Seal oE Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S j FINEST SALMO phone m Servicec & Cleaned PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS ESTIMATES Mini. I fll... ni... n ... Itl.ll'k W "'S" yaiii iMue juu urcen ioi - CORNER SECOND. AVE. and SEVENTH ST W11