ccfE BRIDES iy AT HOME chine Available For spn1 to Antipodes LeRRA ' Pinning their an Bw recent statemerit on " j Australian Resident Mfn-n ('or London, J. A. Beasley. oo Australian wives of oai nt-rsonnel. at pres- Elgul3hing on official lists, -nape would be pro- Rur 0C0 war brides to sail EL -hortlv. Mr. Beas- raijd rue p"" - R ..rf Inlri MY. npsis. a,,,, rive ;;hlp.s naa wen lavunaDie to carry bride Sstraua a"d New Zealand next two months. iiimaDiv briae passages bo allocated to, as well Bm HI .Llilll, 111 Mirot BH,i.n.7.auon of the Royal fepe.'-: 'ip and men ""turn B (l :: n Kingoom lor nis-E Brn ill husbands Join fcur . in anxiously scan- kper, for the latest news Lortfe fillip position. EXPERT DIO REPAIRS Work Guaranteed F.CTRICAL 8UPPLIES A Tint T A KTOtTQ PUBLIC ADDRESS INTERCOM orders sniDpea same day as received IJPEKT KADIU & ELECTRIC i Third Avrnue West . mi rr-.w nil J. L. CURRY pain - Chiropractic 1 nerves- doubly sol h hivk ureen was WINDOW BLINDS CANVAS SPECIALTIES fe M m m m mm 430 Bowser Street '..nd 1J7 Fifth Ave.) i'.P P.O.BOX ICS 302 FACES AND THEN LEGS Millinery Executive Says Men Lock First at Girl' Feature NEW YORK f-Ifs the girl's face, not her gams, that attracts masculine eyes, claims Albert E. Schlmmel, who annuallv hn millions of women from six to 03 years of age. In hLs 15-year study of people's reactions to women's hats, he has found that nine out of ten men look first at a girl's fa?, then their jlances stray over her figure and down to her legs. As the hat Is the frame for the face, therefore the hat Is the most important single Hem of feminine apparel, he says. Schlmmel, who at 42 Is head of a large chain of millinery operations In major cities, has made a study of hat preferences of women and men. He can place" his finger unerringly on the pulse of feminine millinery foibles. He has found that, if a little flowered number .s a hit in Philadelphia, it can be counted on for a smash hit In Chicago and St. Louis. Mention a city and he can tell you what kind of hats the women In those towns like and what nabs they will not buy or wear. New York Is a city of black, with morp women wearing black fuitj. coats and hats than anywhere else In the country. New Orleans Is a white-haj city, Atlanta a blue. Brooklyn I Is a fine proving ground for I women's hats. If a hat Is a lilt I there, it's safe anywhere, he ! ays. lUini'antie Type Ik Favored Romantic, glamorous bats arc in for peak popularity this spring and summer, he predicts. Large hats and open-crown hats of transparent horsehair will be leading summer favorites. He also points out that American women are the best-hatted ir. the world, whether they, pav 13.50 or $?5 for their headpieces. The Sshlmmel study reveji'.s that though she spends only $2.60 for a hat. a woman buvs a hat for its smartness and for Its flattering effect when she puts It on. This year, very voting women are coin in fortiats that fit the head, rather than the topknots roulnped with bicycle clips and REX CAFE Chop Suey Chow INIein Chinese Dishes our specialty. Open G ajn, to 2 a.m. PHONE 17.'J iiiiriri ft mm w 4-1 ww ww f i ww t - rr ifrif IhryMer Service School will be held at the premises oi -- mi i v uj : - ft ta fM J f j . r-irs iu rnaoie our mrn 10 aurnn inis ?rnwwi. UPERT MOTORS LIMITED Chrysler Farts and Service Depot We are pleased to announce that conditions now permit us to place on the market again "RUPERT BRAND" SCOTCH TYPE SMOKED KIPPERS S.MOKEn ALASKA ULACK COO SMOKED MILD CURED SALMON Try them today from your Butcher or at your favorite restaurant. .anaaian dian Fish AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. Kwong Sang Hing CHOP SUEY HOUSE Reopened Thursday, April 18 "we Red 247 612 Seventh Avenue West (97) 7m 4 &fessss; i - and, pet peeves In women's hats revealed that: Men like hats in high shades, such as red, especially if they harmonize with the castume.s worn with them; like small hats on business women, but go for large-brimmed, softer hats for dressy wear, such as dinner. Men dislike any hat that Is conspicuous, outlandish I or extreme; laugh at the Incon sistency of a spring flower ha: worn with a fur coat but like it, Men like "loud" hats but only on the other fellow's girl. Modern Etiouetle By ROBERTA LEE O If Jhere are several men members of a family, may one Invitation to a formal affair be addressed to Include all of them' A. No; each man. other than the husband, should be sent c separate Invitation. t). When meeting an undesirable acquaintance in a public place, what would be the best way to avoid recognizing him? A. The best way, and really the only way, Is to keep the eyes averted. q. Should the soup plates be set on the tablecloth when serving? A. No; they should be set on tho service plates. fiYMNASIUM SCHEDULE AT CIVIC CENTRK Tuesday 2:00-4:00 Open to servicemen. , 4:30-5:30 Junior boys. 5:30-6:30-Basl:etball. 7 :00-8 : 30 Basketball. 8:30-9:30 Basketball. 9:30-10:00 Basketball. Wednesday 2:00-4:00 JVC.A.F. sports. 5:30-6:30 Basketball. 7:00-8:30 Event night. 8:30-9:30 Event night. Thursday 7:00-8:30 Intermediate boys. 8:30-9:30 Senior men. 2:00-4:00 Army sports. 4:30-6:30 Junior girls. 5:30-6:30 Basketball. 9:30-10:00 Men's volleyball. Saturday 11:00-12:00 Juvenile classes. 2 : 00-4 : 00 Basketball. 4:30-5:30 Basketball. 5:30-6:30 Basketball. 7:00-8:30 -Basketball. 8:30-9:30 Basketball. . 9:30 10:00 Basketball. BERINO GAP Alaska and Russia are separ ated by only 56 miles of open sea. f-Tmrr fXivT'-w Wldy Meat SUN. MON.j TUES.j WED. THU. FRI. SAT. Roast Cold Savoury Swis Corned Fish Meat Lamb Lamb Baked Steak Beel Cro- Eggs quettet Group left unxat- Group Group' -unrort- left- C over loned B C loned ovr " 4 lbs. 1 lb. 2 lbs. 2 5 1 coupons, tokens coupon 3 tokens left-over. With Easter's traditional ham meeting a need lsewhere these days, that something special for the holiday dinner might be a roast of lamb, surrounded with, browned potatoes and baked orange halves and accompanied by a vegetable favorite. The cold meat will be good eating for'Monday, supplemented, If there are guests about, by unrationed tongue. As Easter time is the time for eggs, they could "provide the protein meal on meatless Tuesday. . Into" a shallow pan of tangy tomato or good whit sauce, break the eggs,- sprinkle generously with grated cheese and place in the oven to bake and, hrown. Baked stuffed potatoes and a. crisp salad, for. your, vitamin tonic would be excellent complements., For Wednesday a Swiss steak is suggested. And on Thursday corned beef will provide a tasty treat, Fish is scheduled to land on your table for Friday's meal. . On Saturday the corned beef .remnants could be fashioned into croquettes, rolled in dry crumbs prepared from that stale .tread you didn't wdste, and oven browned to save your. fat. Three .tokens remain for future use. other gadgets to anchor them bn the head. The casual American custom of omitting the hat from the daytime costume arose Xrom poor salesmanship on the part of milliners, Schlmmel brieves. Ihe woman who Is really convinced that she looks smarter in a hat than without a hat will lot course wear a hat; Just as the woman who Is convinced her figure looks better In a girdle than without a .girdle will wear a girdle. Ills study of men's pet likes The Experts Say - - HINT FROM GREAT BRITAIN FOR CONSERVATION FARE HERE By HELEN BANNERMAN Canadian Press suit Writer VEGETABLE PROBLEMS At no time of the year Is the housewife's problem more difficult than In the early spring when stored vegetables are past their best and the fresh garden produce Is not ready. Canned vegetables are the answer. Sometimes canned vegetables may be served Just as they come from 'he tin. On other occasions It Is better to stretch them by combining them with sauces or other 'locls. When canned vegetables are irepared for serving, the liquid should never be -.nrown away, as It contains much of the flavor. Drain the liquid Into a saucepan md boll rapidly until It Is reduced to about half a cup, add the vegetable, heat, season and serve. Vegetables which may seem flat without the customary melted butter pepped up with a piquant sauce like this one suggested by home economists ?reen beans In custard sauce. The recipe requires one table- rifion of fat. two tablespoons of flour, two teasooons of sugar, Vi tfasnoon of salt. Jf teaspoon of Classified Advertising -- - - ;iailf leOs: 2c per worJ pr Insertion, minimum charge, 50c. Birth Notice: &Oc; Card of Thank. Onath Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage and ( Engagement Announcements: 12. FOR. SALi: FOR SALE Rug 4V2 by Vt feet, maroon. No. 6 Shortridge Apts. (97) FCR 8 ALE Three V h p. electric motors. One saw mandrel and 10 Inch saw. Apply 107 8ih Ave. East. 197) FOR SALE 1834 light delivery panel truck, engine overhauled. $275 cash. Ssrlal No. G312G3. new licence plate, spare tire and wheel. 200 Wantage Road. 1100) FOR SALE Easy washing machine and kitchen cabinet. Call at Suite 2. Helgerson Block after 7. (97) FOR SALE Five room house on 10th Ave. East. 2 bedrooms, large garden. $1800 terms. Armstrong Agencies, Phone 34Z (1001 FOR SALE 1939 Plymouth sedan Deluxe. Phone 71. (991 FOR SALE Two roomed house, shed and chlckenhouse at Klt-wanga, B.C. Apply 418 Sher-brooke Ave. FOR SALE White enamel stove, cheap. Call evenings, 333 8th Ave. East. (97) FOR SALE One 25 h.p. Canadian Fairbanks Diesel engine, complete. In good shape. Write Crawford Transfer Co. Ltd., Stewart, B.C. (96) FOR SALE Four-burner and oven General Electric kitchen range and annex: one con-goleum rug. 1533 Piggot Ave. (95) FOR SALE 6-room furnished house. 742 7th Ave. West (112) FOR SALE McClary electric range, used, $10.00; barber chair, fair shape, $35.00; small size coal and wood stoves, new, $28.50; new hardwood chairs, special, $2.65; tri-light lamps, big assortment, used, from $5.00; electric and battery radio sets from $10.00; electric press Irons; hot plates, new, $4.75; drinking classes, new, lCc; slightly used kitchen set. $10.50; dining room set, seven pieces, in good shape $45.00. All kinds of furniture and hardware bought and sold at the lowest prices. B. C. FURNITURE CO. Black 324. FOR SALE 10th Ave. East. 4-room house, fully modern, hardwood floors, furnace, garage. $2200, terms available. Collart & McCaffery Ltd. (95) FOR SALE Fifteen acres of river bottom land, two miles southwest of Terrace; all fenced, ten acres In grass, small orchard and buildings. Price $1500 cash; $1750 terms. Box 1, Terrace. B.C. (103) DESIRABLE RESORT SITE on scenic Lake Lakelse, near Terrace, B.C., for sale or lease. Communicate with Frances Poe, 147 Linden Ave., Wllmette, 111. (116) FOR SALE New five-roomed h&use, hardwood floors. Possession May 1. Cash or terms. Can be seen after 0 p.m, Apply 1093 Ambros Ave. (96) continue cooking until beans are thoroughly heated. Serve hot. This reelpe makes six servings. Thesft spicy beans may also be coaled and ssrved, as a relish. TirE LOWLY POTATO If there were no loss of nutrients In preparation, it Is estimated the lowly potato would vie witH tomatoes and citrus fruits in contribution of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and would rank third for thiamin (vitamin Bl), nlconinic acid fnlaclnhlron and carbohydrates. Unfortunately, the common methods of cooking, potatoes in (his country cut down Its contribution in amazing proportions. Ascorbic acid, thiamin, niacin and iron are all. water .soluble and all, except Iron, are affected by heat. Ascorbic acid Is especially rapidly destroyed by heat In the presence of air. Tliis method of cooking potatoes Is susjexted In order tosav? as mch of the food value as pUvslble: 1 Scrub potatoes thoroughly ani cook In their .skins: If for variety you wish to peel the potatoes do not da so until, you arc ready to rv mustard lliron loacnnnn. nf COOk thf ml COOk OlllV in the yine?ar. one can of green beans '20 oz.) containing 2s cups, '2 teaspoon of minced onion. MMt th fat. add the flour and sugar, salt and mustard. Blend with the vinegar, slowly shr in the liquid drained from the beans. Cook over low heat until thickened, stirring constantly. Add drained beans and onions; HELP WANTED WANTED Good, reliable, steady couple to work at sawmill, half-way between Rupert and Terrace. Wife to cook for small sawirilll crew and run cook house as a restaurant; also catering to highway tourls? trade. Husband to work in sawmill operations, and help restaurant ir neeaea. for particulars write George Little & Son Ltd., East Kwlnitsa, B.C. (90) WANTED Housekeeper for small family; private room, board. $50 a month. Other help kept. Phone Red 879.1 tt)! WANTED WANTED Children's clothing and shoes for needy family, ages ranging from 2 to 14 years. For further information please phone Mrs. R. G. Sutherland, Red 878. (93) ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD Single or double room, board If desired. One-minute walk from Post Office. 400 4th Ave. West. Black. 965. (95) FOR KENT FOR RENT Apartment, 2 rooms and bath. Onjy reliable tenants considered. $19.00 per month. Apply In writing. Box 109 Dally Nfws. (100) FOR RENT Furnished apartments and furnished single rooms. Close n. Phone Hlne 815. (99) FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping suite and rooms. 344 Bherbrooke Ave. (98) PERSONAL GRADE 9 BOY wishes full or part-time work during Easter holidays, and after school later. Phone Red 728. (951 A TREAT FOR YOUR. FEET I Use Lloyd's Corn and Callous Salve for prompt relief. 50c at Ormes Ltd. (99) TENDERS TENDERS WANTED for painting for the following: One large wooden frame building, two small wooden frame bulldlng3, wooden tussle, wood and Ice chutes. Located at our Cold Storage plant, Falrvlew Bay. Inquire at the Cold Storage office for full particulars. Tenders must be In before 5 p.m., April 25. (95) RADIO SERVICE RADIO SERVICE For guaranteed radio satisfaction phone 6 and an Associated Radio Technician will call. McRo? Bros. Ltd. MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company L'mlted. Vancouver, B.C. (tf) iiumuer TFijuircu inr one meai; when bnllins. use only th amount of water necessary to prevenburnlng; add salt to the va'ter at die start of cooking to preserve vitamin C: place potatoes In boiling water and keep pot well covered; avoid serving mashed potatoes since mashing incorporates air, decreasing tho vitamin C value. However, If you must mash" (hem, serve them promptly; potatoes, steamed or baked In their skins, will not allow, loas of nutrients but the conking should not be unnecessarily prolonged. Buy War Savings Starnpa NEURALGIA Ar NEURALGIA and the Hammering Headaches it cauaea blinding you with cruel pain? Ctt fast, afe reliel ai otheri liavt. with Teupleton'i T-R-C'a. Uon't delav another 04y. Start now to relieve that aln with T-R-C't--lhe remedy enthusiastically nialsed by.tliousanda. At all diugisu SOc. T-22 J.H.Mair Auctioneer SALES AHKANC.KD and Conducted at Your Convenience . SALES ROOMS 171 Third Ave. E. Phone Black 156 FOUR STAR TRANSFER 'SERVICE WITH A SMILE" Phones: Blue fl! Res. Green H'JO Prop., L. Chrlstopherson (Ex-Naval Vet.) in Mi w SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Point Tuesday-SS Catala. 1:30 p.m. Friday SS Cardena, 10 p.m. Railings for Queen Charlotte Islands every fortnight Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 968 t Prfnrc Uupm Daflp Jftctosf 5 Tuesday. April 23, 1918 7 . it . tmisr mo. viw Coffee at itt upme.Be6t There Is little in common between Omar's prirnjtive brew and the superb blend of coffees now known throughout the world as Maxwell House. For Maxwell House is the result of an expert blending of Latin-American coffees the finest the world produces. This glorious blend is , Radiant Roasttd to develop the full flavor of every coffee bean. And because Maxwell House has extra flavor and .vra . rich, satisfying body, more people buy and enjoy it than any other brand of coffee in the world. The tantalizing fragrance and mfUovv-rich flavor of of Maxwell Maxwell House House add add pleasure pleasure to to any any meal. meal. Dinner with Maxwell -I House, louse, is is something something to to bring a husband icurry-ing ing home home I I mBWf. Am I vcKri Sm H feffiyi liEiH Food. BUY MORE WAR SAVINGS STAMPS Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 1 1 AIM. TO 1 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CIIINKSK DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE CM 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 . P.O. Box 196 COMMERCIAL ! HOTEL COMPLETELY MODERN Warm comfortable rooms, with plenty of hot water. Reasonable weekly rates to reliable tenants. First Ave. and Eighth St. BOX No. 997 PHONE 678 HOME OWNERS IT IS TIME FOR YOUR SPRING REPAIRING! We have now in stock a substantial quantity of Cedar Shingles, Birch and Cedar Panelling m a variety of finishes, Insul-Brick, Building Papers, etc. Philpott, Evitt & Co. Ltd. LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIALS Phones 651 and G52