6 n B a !2tfnce Rupert Daflp J3etos Friday, July 26, 1946 Mom Always Said: "There's Only ONE Rupert Mens and Boys Store!" I bought my first suit today out of my own earnings. Found just what I wanted at the Kupert Mens and Boys Stole. It's sure ( a honey. - Boys Suits Boys' Pants Boys' Hats Boys' Socks Boys' Belts Boys' Shirts Boys' Sweaters Underwear Swim Trunks Suspenders "Your Friendly Store" i CHARLOTTE FOR DAD AND LAD RUPERT MEN'S AND BOYS' STORE Increased Coastal Charter Service BY SUPEBMAKINE FLYING BOATS 18 PASSENGERS "'Haida Queen" and "Skeena Queen" MONDAYS Vancouver to Prince Rupert Direct. TUESDAYS Prince Rupert to Vancouver via Queen Charlotte Islands. WEDNESDAYS Vancouver to Prince Rupert via Queen Charlotte Islands. THURSDAYS Prince Rupert to Stewart and Return via Anyox, Alice Arm and Request Points. FRIDAYS Prince Rupert to Vancouver Direct. SPECIAL CHARTERS ARRANGED FOR PASSENGERS AND FREIGHTING 3 Types and Sizes of AIRCRAFT to Serve You From 3 to 18 Passengers, or 480 lbs. to 4,000 lbs. Freight G. II. STANRRIDGE, Agent P.O. Box 1219 Phones 52 J or Red 878 Announcement . . . JOHN HARRIS and M. PARKINSON have resumed proprietorship of ATLAS BOILER WORKS Rollers, Tanks and General Ironwork LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE Established 1910 SERVICE Phone LINDSAY'S 60 or 68 JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIS-T John Bulger Ltd. ' Third Avenue QUALITY, BRANDS Phoney 18 and 19 LIMITED FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS PACKED, CRATED, STORED AND SHIPPED TO ALL PARTS OF CANADA AND U.SJV. FOR QUICK, EFFICIENT, CAREFUL AND RELIABLE a COMMERCIAL HOTEL COMPLETELY MODERN Warm comfortable rooms with plenty of hot water. Reasonable weekly rates to reliable tenants. First Ave. and .Eighth St. BOX No. 997 PHONE 676 Food! Help yourself to health from our stock. You'll find healthful foods for delicious '.summer , menus. All oiders delivered to your kitchen door. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE (Opposite Canadian Legion) P.O. Box 575 Immigration Great Need Importance of Northern Development Theme of Visiting; Rotarian To colonize and develop northwestern Canada and Alaska, the Canadian and United States governments should drop immigration bars and allow an influx of hardy peoples from Europe, in the opinion of Walter E. Elmer, Calif ornlan Rotarlon, in a speech i before the Prince Rupert Rotary Club Thursday afternoon. Mr. Elmer told the' meeting that he shared "100 per cent" the expressed opinion of the former United States Interior Secretary, Harold L. Ickcs, a lover of Alaska, that Canadians and Americans were too "soft and luxury-loving" to pioneer the vast and wealthy hinterland which is Northern British Columbia and Alaska. "To have development, these territories must have population," he asserted, "and I think the best way to get it is to encourage immigration by the oppressed and hardy peoples of Europe." If immigration were encouraged, he added, Canada would have a population of 60,000,000 Instead of 12,003,000, and Prince j Rupert would take its rightful i place as one of the major ports of the world. "With its unexcelled harbo; and proximity to the Orient," Mr. Elmer said, "Prince Rupert should be a great port. Unfortunately however,, you have stiff competition. You'are being bucked by San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle and Vancouver. They have tremendous capi tal behind them, and capital is a hard thing t0 buck." Speaking of the Alaska High way and the Canol project, which he had heard attacked as a "waste of money" by an Ameri can radio commentator, Mr. Elmer said that in his opinion as yartlme measures both were justified. Alaska Highway Is Here To Stay "The Alaska Highway is here to stay, and the peacetime im portance of Canol is revealed in the fact that it is being used be tween Skagway and Whitchorse. The section between Whitchorse and Norman Wells is idle but it still has potential value in the 1 light of oil explorations that are being carried out." Mr. Elmer, a retired high school principal of Santa Cruz, California, described himself as a great lover of British Columbia, which he has visited annually for a number of years. He left by car Thursday afternoon for Prince George after his first visit to Prince Rupert. At the conclusion of Mr. Elmer's speech, E. T. Applewhalte, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, expressed himself in accord with the speaker's ideas and moved a vote of thanks in behalf cf the Rotary Club. Chairman of the meeting was J. Harry Black and guests were Sam Jabour, Vancouver; Nell Ross. Prince Rupert; Wesley Clark, Prince Oeorge; Alfred Blackaby; Ted Purdy, Vancouver; Norman Morrow, Vancou ver, and W. F. Stone. Buy War Savings Certificates CROPS STILL LOOKING GOOD At Least an Average Yield Seems Assured Some Frost and Hail Damage WINNIPEG- - Crop conditions remain generally good over the whole prairie region. The weather turned much cooler at the beginning of the week and frost damage Is reported from a number of points In the northern parts of the prairie provinces, according to the weekly crop Agriculture of the Canadian i National Railways. j ouiiic scauerea nau damage 13 : reported but it has affected only In the Okanagan Valley during the past week weather has been warm and dry and fruit Is dolns very well. Apricots and vesretarJ.es are movlntt freely The cherry crop movement fin ished at the end of last week. ...V.W.V.'.NW.V.".V.V.V TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd Vancouver Bralorne . 11.65 B.R. Con lit i B.R.X. : 11 Cariboo Gold 2.80 Dentonia 41 tb Grull Wlhksne 11 Hedley Mascot 1.43 Minto .05 Pend Oreille 2.75 Pioneer 4.10 Premier Border 07 Premier Gold 1.50 Privateer - .52 Reeves McDonald 1.35 Reno - 112 Salmon Gold . 16 Sheep Creek 1.15 Taylor Bridge 58 Whitewater - 7 ,Q3?i Vananda -37 Congress 11 Hedley Amalgamated .. .11 Spud Valley 23 Central Zeballos 10 ' " Oils A.P. Con .12 Calmont 23 C. & E .. 1.80 Foothills 1.50 Home - 2.80 Toronto Aumaquc 64 Beattie 66 Bobjo - 15 Buffalo Canadian 21 Con. Smelters 02.25 Eldona 48 Elder 55 Giant Yellowknife 6.00 Hardrock 75 Jacknlfe 17 , Jolict Quebec 58 Little Long Lac 2.00 , Madsen Red Lake 3.15 MacLeod Cockshutt .... 1.94 Moneta 53 Omega 20 Pickle Crow 3.20 . San Antonio 4.30 Senator Rouyn 61 Shcrrltt Gordon 2.25 Steep Rock 2.80 Sturgeon River 24 1 Lynx 25. Lapaska 35 God's Lake 65 Negus - 2.12 Advertise In The Dally News Notice to Taxpayers City Taxes, General and Local Improvement, are due and payable at the City Hall on or before July 31st, 1946, after that date five per cent penalty will be added. II. M. FOOTE, . Collector. Due to the critical shortages of automobile parts, we urge motorists more than ever before, to LUBRICATE and SAVE WEAR, If you wish to continue to ride. We use only the best grades of oils and greases. Call us for an appointment . . . PHONE 500. Pennzoil and Peerless Motor Oils RUPERT MOTORS LTD CHRYSLER PARTS DEPOT NEW CONSTRUCTION REPAIRS ALTERATIONS GREER & BRIDDEN Builders and Contractors PHONE RED 561 P.O. BOX 721 Negotiatipns (Continued from Page 1) activity. 1 No Intention to a relatively small area. If condl- Neglect Rupert tlons remain normal for the rest of the season; at least an average crop seems assured.' tlcular interest In the large warehouse which had been built here by the Americans and In the shadow of which he was speaking. It was still in the hands of the War Assets Corporation and he had no information as to its disposal. Posr sibly it would be better if the property was acquired by private Interests than by the railway company. If private lndustry could be Interested, it would en sure something in the way of ; Confronted with the feeling of dissatisfaction that Prince Rupert and district people held in regard to supposed lack of interest of the railway company in this area, Mr. Vaughan said,! perhaps, Prince Rupert folk were sometimes Inclined to forget that j it had been .the railway com-i pany which established this! place and had developed and : maintained the line at great' cost. Industry and foresight ofi Prince Rupert people had, of course, helped to build up the community. Certainly, the railway management was keenly interested in the future development and prosperity of the port and district. "I certainly feel badly if the people of Prince Ru pert feel there Is any desire on our part to neglect them. Much the opposite is our attitude " Mr. Vaughan instanced the grain elevator. "We would certainly like to keep grain coming here," he said, "but control of the grain movement is not in our hands but in those of the Board of Grain Commissioners." The railway president said that the possibilities of new colonization of this district was not being overlooked by the rail way company. The London office was working on the matter but there were still difficulties Including the Impossibility of getting transport accommoda ' tion. Answering a question on the matter of north-south commcr- iclal air service which might af feet Prince Rupert, Mr. Vaughan said tHis was a subject on which FOR SALE from P.O. Box fi0!)9 WEDDING POSTPONED Announcement is made that the marriage of Miss Patricia Stork to Martin Van Cooten will take place Monday, July 29, instead of Saturday, July 21, &s previously announced. BOVINE SNiFFLES Four out of five cows suffer from hayfever. I it was impossible for him to comment at this time. Speaking generally, Mr. Vaughan mentioned that crop prospects on the prairies were looking very encouraging and the outlook for .Canadian business was very good if Industrial troubles could be disposed of. Later Mr. Vaughan and his party paid a visit of inspection to the company's local properties including dry dock as well as visiting the great American warehouse and cold stqrage plants. After the conference with the executive of the Prince Rupert, Chamber of Commerce and Industrial development committee. Mr. Vaughan was host at a dinner aboard the steamer Prince Rupert on which he sailed for Vancouver. ... the only miny. lifer iaiulttioa il superior in principle. It won't shift, sag or settle. Sires up to 30T on fuel. Instill it yourself, (we'll show you how), ot let pur triintd men do it for you. Eithet wiy there's no mess. 'Phone today for i free estimate, otstop in and let us show you why umsul is best fotyou-howit pays for itself while giving you teal comfort. Act now. Suit siring I 7V2c -SQ. H. (Mi wsmim lion INSUMIS 100 SQ.FT. BUY NOW- Albert & McCaffcry KIMSUL DEALERS Phone 116 Prince Rupert (Crown-Owned Surplus) AT PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. War Assets Corporation Invites proposals for the purchase ' of all the Crown's right, title and Interest In the Improvements, extensions and additions constructed during the recent emergency upon and in the Dock Area, Prince Rupert, B.C., and lormerly occupied and operated by the U.S. Army. All of these facilities are centred around what was formerly the Salmon and Oriental Wharf, and constitute improvements, extensions and additions constructed upon lands and- buildings leased to the Crown by the Canadian National Railways. The successful purchaser will be required to make his own arrangements with the Canadian National Railways in regard to the continued leasing of these properties. Rail service to all of these facilities is available from the Canadian National Railways under side track agreements, to be made directly with Canadian National Railways by the purchaser. Crown-owned surpluses are as follows: (1) Improvements Salmon and Oriental Wharf and Transit Shed. (a) A 16' widening of the dock, built upon creosoted piling. (b) Two 15,000 pound each, Barlow Marine Elevators, manufactured by the Colby Steel & Engineering Company. (2) Extension to existing Salmon and Oriental Wharf. (a) Extension 700' long by 175' in width, built to accommodate extension to Transit Shed, Cold Storage Plant, several smaller buildings, and serve as the base for a 7C-ton Gantry Crane. Another dock extension contiguous with the one mentioned above 175' long by 100' in width was constructed as a site for a Marine Repair Building Dock Is protected with both fresh and salt water fire fighting equipment. (3) Extension to Transit Shed. This .wood frame structure Is 400' long by 146' wide with a ceiling height of 17V containing 58,400 square feet of floor space. It is equipped with 27 manually operated overhead doors, 18 of which are 10'xlO' on the railway side and 9 of which arc 19'xl4' on the dock side. Fixed wood sash windows furnish adequate light. Sufficient toilet facilities are in place. The building is not heated and is wired for electricity with transformers in place. (4) Cold Storage Building. This building abuts the extension to the Transit Shed and Is 180' long by 60 wide, 9'4" high, divided as a work room, an office and two large cold storage rooms. All of the rooms have concrete floors and fibre board walls, and are completely wired for electricity. Sufficient toilet and wash room facilities are in place. The refrigeration units, automatically controlled, operate at 10 degrees temperature, differentials. The Corporation is advised that it is possible to operate this plant at a 457o demand factor. (5) Marine Repair and Equipment Building. This building, built upon the Dock mentioned in (2) above, is of wood frame construction 160' long, 61' wide 20 high, adequately wired with transformers in nlace' and contains Its own heating units. (6) Gantry Crane. Located upon the Dock Extension, as mentioned in (2) above, Is an R30 Electric Revolving Crane Serial 474-5 manufactured by the American Hoist & Derrick Company, St. Paul, Minn. It has a rated capacity of 150 000 pounds at 70 radius. All proposals must indicate the Intended use of the nronertv and ant cipated employment figure which, for economic reason will be determining factors in considering any offers Proposals should reach the Head Office of the Corporation not later than: FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 191G. puMuon The highest or any offer may not necessarily be accented All data given in this advertisement are necessarily abbreviated and subject to correction). Inspection of this property may be arranged upon application to the office of the Corporation at Prince Rupert, bc . H.wm.i iCBrtiuing wicse properties may be obtained LANDS AND BUILDINGS DEPARTMENT WAR ASSETS CORPORATION 4095 St. Cathetine Street, West, Montreal 6, Que TODAY AND SAT. . . .i "i BOX 1308 I 41 - . a 1 ' n ANDY DtVINI Film KNIGHT SHllDON IfONUD .Musical News Donald Duck Cartoon Ml i u . r UIPSII " -..m mitt Episode I: KING OF THE ROYaL MOPy ocwooooooooofloaoooooaoaoooo&uooooooacKuxioo. SEE US FOR ALL REQUIREMENTS IN Office Supplies Consult us for your needs In all types of printing Everything In high class stationer Cards for every occasion Fountain Pe; MRR PRINTING f flMDAu w w .i ....... w w vi ii HI) lF.KNF.ri BLOCK TllTun OOOOOOOOmJOOOOOflOOIKWOnOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMlJilM, We are pleased to announce that conditio now permit us to place on the market a: "RUPERT BRAND" SCOTCH TYPE SMOKED KIPPERS SMOKED ALASKA HLACK GOD SMOKED MILD CURED SALMON Try them today from your But Vr or at "your Favorite Re.tauran Canadian Fish AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B C UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT ' Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY at CENTRAL HOTEL HAS REOPENED -o- We specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. ENJOY OUR FINE FOOD We Serve You Nothing But the Best . . . SPECIAL RED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRUITS COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats Roast Chicken Meat Pies and Salads Daily RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West Plumbing and Engineers .... ...... itf CTI) BARR & a u rv C n(fl IV III II 1 1 I LIMITED Corner 5nf1 AVB A Phone Red 389 011 Burnc BSIOJK 11IOIU1ICU ' PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & H J. II. Schuman S. Julia" REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS RRTTMATES 9 Night Calls: Blue 170 Green W uuknuii o&uund AVE. ana b&VJm SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert NEW ROYI HOTEL - cvnffl A Home Aw:y rnr- T5CUP ifotanic water PRINCE RUPER' Phone 281 rnone: BKlair 3771 BUY MORE WAR SAVINGS -T-'T3 PC'