Sizes 1-12 Reg. $10.95 LADIES' QUILTED CC QQ HOUSECOATS Sizes 12-20 Reg. 75c REFRIGERATOR BOWL COVERS 29C Package of 4 Reg. $1.95 Yard CREPE SILK DRAPERY g()c To Clear, Per Yard See WALLACE'S Famous 9c Table Reg. 20c Woodbury's FACIAL and CLEANSING CREAM Reg. 20c Lady Esther ROUGE Assorted Shades Your Choice Reg. 20c Tangee ROUGE A Famous Brand To Clear Reg. $1.15 $2 Value FINE TABLE STATUES Reg. 75c MEN'S FANCY TIES Your Choice 9c 9c 9c 'z PRICE 49c WALLACE'S DEPARTMENT STORE At WALLACE'S Of Course! WHAT? No Pictures? How can wc show you pictures? Tlicre arc so many items to be moved in this sale that to illustrate thorn would make this ad look like a picture gallery. After all, it's bargains you want and that's what we're giving you ! The proof is right before your eyes! $1.50 - $3.25 GIRLS' DRESSES 99c 3 lift In Reg. 55c INFANTS' ALL-WOOL TAMS Reg. 55c INFANTS' 2ftC ALL-WOOL BONNETS Reg. $1.25 BABY Qc WATERPROOF PANTS $4.25 GIRLS' JUMPERS 199 Sizes 2-7 95c Sizes 1-2-3 GIRLS' SLIPS $1.95 BOYS' and GIRLS' HATS S'SBBSS5S9B SSaS5SB-!;B55H-S -S- SS 5S-5SSS5 49C 49C ,Reg. 35c BOYS' Qc 0 SUN VISOR CAPS Reg. 75c MEN'S OQn WORK SUSPENDERS $5.25 MEN'S RUBBER WORK JACKETS $2.65 65c BOYS' and GIRLS' BEANNIES 65c READYTIED MEN'S TIES 9c 29c Reg. $3 C fjn DRAPERY CRANES m 50c - $1.50 OQn uu NOVELTY JEWELRY $4.50 ZIPPER GARMENT CO Off BAGS Moth-Proof VA'AO $1.25 FEATHER POM-POMS 49C . SALE . NOW ON!! EVERYTHING IN THIS SALE One-Half Off OR WAY LESS $19.95 LADIES' RAINCOATS 9.99 Sizes 12-20 Reg. 45c Yard CANTON FLANNEL ' j Price Per Yard Reg. 95c LADIES' FANCY SNOObS To Clear Reg. $5.35 LARGE TABLECLOTHS Size 63x82 23c 9c $2.70 See WALLACE'S I ALT 771 rji 1 1 r anions piiici'l able Reg. $1.44 Yard RIPPLE WEAVE DRAPERY Q()c To Clear Per Yard Reg. 98c Value LADIES' POPULAR SPORT BLOUSES Reg. $3.50 Value FLOOR RUGS Reversible $3.50 - $5.00 MEN'S JUMBO KNIT SWEATERS-6 Only 79C 1.75 $1.99 $5.00?$14.00 LADIES' RAINCOATS r npirr Your Choice l PLEASE DON'T ASK!. THERE WILL BE NO EXCHANGES. ALL SALES' FINAL CASH ONLY. WALLACE'S DEPARTMENT STORE !BBBBHB5BH "WARNS AGAINST : THIRD CONFLICT i Canada Would be Devastated Between Russia and United Stales', Says Mickleburgh In a war between the United States and Soviet Russia, Canada would be devastated as the trans-polar battle ground of the two might nations. Prime Min ister Mackenzie KI115 will co down In history "as the man who allowed Canada to be used as a base for American Imperialism." Speaking to an audience of 30 at a May Day meeting In the Fishermen's Hall last night. Bruce Mlckleburgh declared that the "forces of fascist Imperial-Ism" are already preparing a war against Russia and that atomic energy secrecy Is develop ing a military fascism In in ted States. He branded the proposition of a war against Russia as a "suicidal Imperialist adventure." and added that the "people of the world will not allow an atomic attack on the Soviet Union." "Some people think." he said "that, because the United States has atom bombs, It Is all-power ful. Russia may have atom bombs too. Expedition Muskox Is seeking rocket bases for an attack on Russia and, In case war did come. Canada would be squeezed between Russia and America and wiped off the map." Britain and the United States, he charred, are attempting to convert the United Nations into an imperialist organ under which they wish to launch a Milrd world war while at. the ametlme the United States is trying to make a "Junior nartner out of Britain and obtain a stranglehold on the British Empire." In Its battle to oppose the forces of capitalist imperialism in the United States and Britain, Mlckleburgh said, the Soviet Union is not able t0 fight alone. It is up to the, working people of the world to unify and make certain that there is not another world war. Jumping-off place In this struggle Is action to obtain higher wages In capitalist countries which would be a victory which would add strength to the struggle. Chairman Paul Tarangcr, president of the Paul Henderson Labor Progressive Club, outlined the history of May Day demonstration which originated In the United States In 1884 when the American Federation of Labor began Its campaign for the eihl-hour day. P F D D Radio Dial V r r l 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change I THURSDAY P.M. 4:00 Radio Repertory 4;30 MacMlllan Club Quiz 5:00 People Ask 5:15 All the World Shigs '5:300. Waddington Show 6:00 CBC News 0:15 CBC News Roundup ,0:30 Julius Caesar 7:00--To be announced 7:30 Story of Music 8:00 Winnipeg Drama 8:30 Gypsy Strings 9: CO CBC News 9:10 B.C. News 9: 15--Gregory Clark 9:30 Woodwind Quintet 10;C0 This Week's Composer 1C:55 CBC News and Itu. 11:00 Biltmore Hotel Orch. 11:30 Silent FRIDAY A.M. 30 Musical Clock 00 CBC News 15 Morning Song : 30 Music for Moderns 45 BBC News ;59 Time Signal : CO Little Concert 15 Morning Devotions :30 Wayne King and Orch. :45 Transcribed Varieties ; CO Morning Visit 15 Showtime ;30 Roundup Time :45 Kato Mendelssohn :C0 Hits of Today : 15 Thoughts for Today : 30 Weather Forecast : 31 Message Period :33 Recorded Interlude :45 Personal Album P.M. :0C B. C. Farm Broadcast :25 Program Resume :30 CBC News :45 Recital, Winnipeg :00 From the Classics 15 Women's News Com. :18 Needlepolnters :30 Children's Program ;45 Musical Program :00 Don Messcr's Islanders 15 Echoes from the Tropics :30 Serenade 45 BBC News and Com. :C0 Jack Allison Show : 15 King Edward Hotel Trio :30 Oscar Peterson : 45 Top Bands TEDDINGTON, Eng., It Travellers waiting at a bus stop roared with laughter when a wire-haired fox terrier rushed along the sidewalk pursued by a Persian cat. SURBITON, Surrey, Eng., 0i An optician here has six sons, all opticians practising In the Surrey urea 1:00 - 2:48 - 4:58 - 7:03 - 9;0t EASTER AT KITWANGA KITWANGA Observance of the Easter season began here with services In St. Paul's Anglican Church on Good Friday ail continued on Easter Sunday with a sunrise service and morning ajid evening congregations. There were many visitors In the village for the week-end. Topic of the Good F'rlday sermon, delivered by Rev. J. Hay-hurst, was "The Crucirixlon" au.1 the service Included an anthem "Alas, and Did My Saviour Bleed" by the choir conductfcl by Solomon Bryant. Eddie Benson was organist. In the evening a service was held In the Church Army Hal!, conducted by Capt. Edward. Solomon Bryant delivered the sermon In the native tongue. Following the Easter sunrise service, residents of the KlU wanga district gathered In St. Paul's Church for the morning service at which Rev. M. Hay-hurst preached on the "Resurrection." The choir sang the anthem 'Christ. Our Passover." The evening service was held in the i Church Hall and was conducted by Arthur Matthews. An Easter banquet, arranged by the Church Army pupils was TODAY 'Till u, T -11, . 111 'Mi 1 w trmn w imv jsmmM emu 1 js rft Jerrai COURTUNO Wilier ABEL Robert BENCHIEY Episode No. 1 -Phantom rider-at 2:30 only IWPIli Mil held In the community S11nri.1v n,,.... . ' hl, UJj j, uu,3 ol ...r crossing, and Capt Arthurft vi ruiwancooi Eiw m t bolomon Bryant ;,nd Ha; m, Jiair welcomed (he many, , Quality Repairs Economy Prices aT DD1MOP ri SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post 0(11; EARLY NEWS IS WELCOME Local news Item:, to ex nt.klt.n Mah .1 ,J 1 . . office by 10 a.m. Contribut are asked to bear thh in irJ- Items of social and pcra it..-. .. ... Weekly Auction Sale UK-HOUSEHOLD GOODS On Saturday, May 4, at 2:30 p.m. l Ullipi tl 1 IIIICC CI I Ml tit I 1 11 II . 3f (ItV Vi" (150 ejre); Klectrlc Toaster, 7-slce; Studio Couch; lictnit Single Beds;. four Dressers; one small Safe; Kitchen Chaii Pots and Pans. TEKMS CASH LIST YOUR GOODS BEFORE FRIDAY 6 I'M BOX 1366 GEORGE J. DAWES The Auctioneer Oil Burners Installed HIONKS: Blue 1 1" Bin Hed Res PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING REPAIRS AND AITEIIATIONS ESTIMATES Mhl TalU; RIm 11(1 r.reen 87 Illatk CORNER 8ECOND AVE. and SEVENTH ST WEST We are pleased to announce that conditions now permit us to place on the market again "RUPERT BRAhD" SCOTCH TYPK SMOKED KIIM'PKKS SMOKEIJ ALASKA KLACK CO I) SMOKED MILD CUKED SALMON Trv them today from your Butcher or at your Favorite Restaurant i. r-L anaaian ribii AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMlTbD PRINCE RUPERT, B.C AiuiouncenwiU W.M.MARTIN Has taken over .and Is now operating SEVENTH AVENUE MARfiS mil. LINK OI-' TIIOICE MEATS AN" "1 m mil Mitii o tm nrtw I