ITJrfnrc linnet- STY? f In tTrSti An Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of lyilllll VWIJ.UU 'tl 1 1 i.JlW) prince Rupert and all the communities comprising northern and central British Columbia. iir j j i v. o ni! Wednesday, October 23, 1946 (Authorized as Second Class Mall. Post Office Dep't Ottawa). Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited. Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, British Columbia. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. Q. PERRY, Managing Director. 20 YEARS AGO October 2S, 1926 The Edmonton Board of Tradj unanimously dejlded to send c representative to Prince Rupert loHnspect port facilities here. It was thought likely that the delegates would be C. G. Robec:., president-elect of the Kdmon'-on Board of Trade. The cannery, season cm the Queen Charlotte Islands was closed. A number of cannery workers landed at Prince Rupert from the Prince Charles enroute to their hemes at Vancouver, A Daily News editorial opined that it was not trying to stir up trouble or to precipitate elec tions hut the' time was ripe for good citizens to start thinking about the civic elections. It deplored a tendency of people to 'sny away from civic office. FURNITURE REPAIRING Upholstering - Slip Covers Drapes Car and Truck Cushions Repaired and Recovered Out-of-town orders given special care. LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Phone Green 974 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre SUBSCRIPTION RATES By City Carrier, per week. ISc; Per Month. 65c: Per Year, 7.00; By Mall, per month. 40c: Per Year. 4.00 i MEMBER Or' CANADIAN PRESS Knfjjjifb AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION DIFFERENT OBJECTIVE ONE of the easiest things man does is to accept a habit. As the various Victory Loan campaigns approached during the war years, about the first question a citizen asked Was, "what is the objective this time" Since money was needed to win the war and to take care of our men and women in uniform, the money objective in each campaign became a challenge to Canadian people. Naturally, when the new issue of jCanada Savings Bonds wfls announced, men and women promptly asked: "What is the objective this time?". And as they got the answer, "There is no money objective," they Were momentarily puzzled. A sale ;)f bonds without a goal to aim at just didn't seem fitting and wasn't easy to 'understand. .' It is literally true that no prescribed sum of dollars is sought during the sale of Canada Savings IBonds which opened on October 15. This sale was not prompted by a desire to fill up the money bags of the government treasury. It was launched to meet the keen desire of ands of Canadians to continue their program. of regular savings inaugurated by the Victory Loan and War Savings .Certificates campaigns during " the war years. However, there is an objective associated with the sale of bonds to the public. It might be described as the determination of those who "are responsible for the sale of bonds in all provinces of Canada that all citizens shall have, an opportunity to buy bonds. That is why the story of the canvass of the new Canada Sav-ings Bonds is being so widely told, and "why investment dealers and the banks are setting up facilities which will enable citizens to buy, no matter where they may be located. Put another way, each Canadian sets up his own objective this time. Canada Savings Bonds have been created to help a man help himself. THE HOCKEY BROADCAST of the local radio station FAILURE to emit the popular National Hockey League broadcast from Toronto on Saturday night occasioned disappointment among many a local radio and sports fan and some rather eplosive protestations. A letter from "Hockey Fan " in today's Daily News expressed a very general feeling. The station, itself, reports that it was barraged with 'phone calls wanting to know the reason why the broadcast failed to go on at the scheduled hour. Probably the most effective way to get action towards restoration of the program would be for local organizations and individuals to get down to sending in written expressions of their desire for the programs they like and their disappointment when they fail to come through. A plenteous series of communications to the parties concerned is the surest way to draw attention to a service which wants correcting. Just cussing here among ourselves or even at the local radio station is not heard by the people who have it in their hands to make the changes which woukl meet with our wishes and provide service to the public in this area of great spaces and relatively sparse population. ACCURATE INSTRUMENT NEW SCRIPTURAL LANGUAGE An electronic stopwatch can The Scriptures have been ' count at speeds as high as printed in another new lan 1,000,000 objects or movements guage Ancash Quecha spoken per second. LONDON, W The Post Office has shelved plans for repainting letter .boxes and telephone kiosks because of the linseed oil by some 300,000 in Peru. GLASGOW m The Clyd paddle steamers Queen Empress, Duchess of Rothesay and Eagle III are being scrapped after war service. o . '"Haida Queen" - "passengers MONDAYS Vancouver to Prince Rupert Direct. TUESDAYS-Prince Rupert to Vancouver via Queen Charlotte Islands. WEDNESDAYS Vancouver to Prince Rupert via Queen Charlotte Islands. THURSDAYS Prince Rupert to Stewart and Return via Anyox, Alice Arm and Request Points. FRIDAYS Prince Rupert to Vancouver Direct. SPECIAL CHARTERS ARRANGED FOR PASSENGERS AND FREIGHTING 3 Types and Sizes of AIRCRAFT to Serve Yon From 3 to 18 Passengers, or 480 lbs. to 4,000 lbs Freight G. II. STANBRIDGE, Agent P.O. Box 1249 Phones ,'24 or Red 878 JAYCEES PLAN CONVENTION Anticipating that Prince Ru pert may be the venue for the 1947 convention of the, British Columbia section of the Junior Chamber of Commerce of Canada, the local Junior chamber has begun outlining plans to provide ways and means for receiving the delegates which may riock here next .June. Ah Invitation has been extended to the provincial body to convene at Prince Rupert, and although final selection of the 1947 site will not be made until early next year, the Prince Rupert groun wants to be in a position to handle tne convention should this City be select ed. Discussion of ways-and-meaiis took up ihe full time of a special executive session in the Civic Centre last sight. Members agreed that holding the convention here would offer Prince Rupert an excellent opportunity to put good publicity across, and felt that every effort should be made to create a good im pression. The winter program Is expected to include a radio' auction, dances, and other entertainment features which will be presented to the next general meeting of the group. EiRADFORD, Eng., 0 -A drive has been started for permission to show Sunday movies in towns In Yorkshire's West Riding. ..n fiZ. i DOMINION OF ni II -A K "A CANADA BONDS WM I due November 1st 1956 1JS 1 iimr nrru mum rnn WmMi . f I' ? nHiL BttN uhlllu run mm iwmt-n , . . mjfm I 11 PAYMENT NOVEMBER 1st 1946 MM J These bonds should be presented for yMm redemption with all coupons of later I date attached. No further interest will Rft8lf I Classified," Advertising Paysl GENUINE ASPIRIN ISV IBH JHI L MARKED THIS WAYKj NkJHP HViHs wtLf COASTAL CHARTER SERVICE BY SUPEHMARINE .1 FLYING BOAT I : S omiies A golfer, trying to get out of a trap, said, "The traps on this course are very annoying, aren't they?" ' Second golfer, trying to putt, "Yes, they are. Would you mind closing yours?" A beautiful young bride of a few months greeted her hus band one evening with a happy smile. "Your dinner is going to be different tonight, honey," she said. "One of the neighbors Just told me that you're supposed to add water to those dehydrated foods." Next Winter's Story: Seems two Manhattanites met on the sands at Miami Beach. "Vel," says one, "if it ain't Oivins. Vere are you residing, Oiv?" "By der Roney Plasma," say? Oivlng. , "Roney Plasma?" says der friend. "You mean Roney Plaza, stupid. Plasma means 'blood.' "Veil," says Olv, "at fifty dollars a day, It ain't vaterl" WAIF WITH WANDERLUST LONDON, t Twelve-year old Willie (Wanderlust) James has run away frcm the Dr. Barnado Home at Woodford Bridge eljht times this year, four times in September alone. TOPSY-TURVY BANANAS Bananas grow "upside down' they point skyword. LETTERBOX ALSO WANTS HOCKEY Editor, Dally News: In regards to Canada's national n'.sht, "hockey night," can I find out why we In Canada should be denied. ths privilege of hearing these hockey games. The radio station claims it Is a commercial program and they put on Just what they get. I would like to know If there are others In this town interested as I am, so that we could possibly work out a solution or pjtitlon'the proper source. JAMES CLOUGH. SHEFTlci-D, Eng., (P Results of oil bcrlng at Bringley-on-the-should be known soon. Drill-lr?, has rennhed 4,500 feet. DRAMATIC STORIES FRON EVERYDAY LIFE FEATURING JOHN FISHER CANADA'S ACE COMMINTATOI EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY CFPR 6;,i5 PRESENTED EY HBiMHBIMMB'llf Ill Just plant your dollars in the new Canada Savings Bonds and you'll feci k- very happy when you see what h ippens. They really make your savings amount to something. They put your money to work earning more money day after day, year after year, ' At any time you can cash yqur Canada , Savings Bonds at full face value, with interest; at any bank. But you won't want to cash them because every $100 Bond pays $2.75 interest each year for - -10 years. They are the finest investment ,. available today for your personal . savings. You can buy Canada Savings Bonds in units of $50, $f)0, $500 and $1000 up to $2000 per person. Your bonds will be registered in your own 8 out of 10 kuy again.... J k his way you make your dollars grow name, providing protection against loss. But please remember this point. These are "Serve Yourself" Bonds. This time there will be fewer salesmen. They will not be able to call on everyone. So it's up to you to take advantage of this fine investment opportunity without delay. You can buy them at any bank; authorized investment dealer; stock broker; trust or loan company for cash or. by- the Monthly Savings Plan. Where your employer offers a Payroll Savings Plan you can buy Canada Savings Bonds by regular deductions from your pay. In a recent survey 82 of those Canadians interviewed said they wanted to keep on buying bonds. Better put in your order today. , ' ' 6anada'5&yiy Bonds Simple as ABC fC Joubt you do) all , nidtdT,' v an Application form or '"us I 12. 'ith cheque attached ' 5trilP 4 PJureo Rive your fullamc,, .1 G Count on n tn iT-ui ,. . ,c6mpletc utUfWj Denommation,; H0,im,m,im interest 2:75 Every Bond rr-nict.,.1 ,t. James Richardson d HA5TING5 AT HOWE VANCOl'J rnonc iWAnne 8511 Fourteen offices from Montreal to Viae, connrurd dj direct private Kirn. INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 MOTT 1 'Prince RaptrJ r.LECTKlCJUtO Commerclil . Marine iM Ume WlrlrJ PhODt U 238 Second I KWOSO 8.d HOP CHOP 612 7th 471 (Next to E All your ptel H Open J pi I Outside tel J.Dal Tbe sir EttrJ OoodiSoUOtl Household Si at YourC HOLD GOOCSI PACKED Estimated PRINCI AUCTIO (Opposite Clrtl pHfi c Blue t,!i I ! I SlIOKTU'I TYPE" XIGHT Teacher. 1 I 1 H 1 WE'LL Kt WAHW led ..... nroie 11V n t phone