ft ?T PACK WiiUtc Hujiert Daily rScnis Wednesday Ocabe; 23, 1946 Get extra good-Iookina. comfortable shaves with MINORA BLADES Canada's favourite in quality and low price. 4forlOj5-12for 25$U I ECONOMY BLADES 25 HAVES! Chrysler! Mopar! Chryco! Automotive' Parts and Accessories BUILT BY CHRYSLER Distributed by: RUPERT MOTORS LTD. PHONE 566 HEW 0 LOCATION a EQUIPMENT O STOCK COMBINED FOR A COMPLETE CANVAS GOODS SERVICE 0 WE CAN MAKE RE I 'AIR 'LACE ALL CANVASS PRODUCTS PHONE BLUE 12G EDMONDSON Awning & Sail Works 1G0 East Third Avenue Next to McMeekin's) Prepare for Winter Driving! IVINTER GRADE LUBRICANTS CAR HEATERS DEFROSTERS ANTI-FREEZE SEAT COVERS STORAGE BATTERIES FAN BELTS EiEDEEHil ,iator . ..... CLEANERS S. E. PARKER LIMITED "THE HOME OF FRIENDLY SERVICE" Third Avenue , Thone S". Pacific Cafe Phone Blue 803 720. Third Ave. SPECIALIZING IN WORKMEN'S MEALS Chop Suey : : Chow Mein 6:30 A.M. TO 12 MIDNIGHT COURTESY AND SERVICE I Fine Wood for Sale! NOW AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 100 Cords of Seasoned Scrap Lumber First class 14-inch lengths, free of nails $10 per cord Second class trimmings up to 14-inch lengths, $8 per cord Third class, various lengths uncut $6 per cord FOR COURTEOUS AND RELIABLE SERVICE HEMM0N5 TRANSFER Phone Black 156 Night Phone: Black C63 P.O. Box 1131 Station 'B Office: J. II. Mair's Auction Rooms Third Avenue East For That Party . . . PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port Edward, B.C. CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN 7:00 ajn. to 11:00 pjn. NEW CONSTRUCTION REPAIRS ALTERATIONS GREER & BRIDREN Builders and Contractors PHONE RED 5G1 P.O. BOX 721 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 1 0 TAXI, EO ME-HI VJNIHiRI) HOOP GAMES What may or may not be the shape of things to come in the Senior "A" and "B" basketball leagues' was indicated in the Civic Centre gym last night when the Taximen captured their third straight victory, an exploit matched In the Senior "B" section by Bo-Me-Hl Raln- 'makers. 1 Things progressed in a simi larly lop-sided manner Jn ttw ; Girls League when High School J overcame their perpetual and i only opponents, Peoples Store, also for the third time; Only in the Junior League do things have a semblance of equality in this early stage of the schedule. In beating Watts and Nickerson, Canadian Legion, formerly called Junior High, tallied up one win to offset their single loss. The Clothiers also have one win and one loss. Last night's scqres: Senior "A" 99 Taxi 56, Savoys j 40. Senior "B" Rainmakers 45, Maceys 23. , Girls High School. 25, Peoples Store 14. Junior Canadian Legion 28, Watts, and. Nickerson. 24. SENIOR LEAGUE Jack Lindsay, 99 Taxi guard, and Johnny Clausen, forward, reached rare heights of scoring virtuosity la the struggle against Savoys, If It could be called a struggle. Half-time score was 31-19 in favor of the Taximen. Lindsay ran up ' an individual score of 18 points, followed. Dy Clausen with 10. A sustained Savoy counter-attack, led by ' Ted Arncy, could, not bring Savoy within proper hailing dis- tance of the lead. Arney tallied Boulter led the Legion scoring inn. f nrtJ vMnnl crnro ef 11 riilT3 U'lt.Vl 7. HISTORY REPEATS j History came very close to ro -jpeating itself with exact precision in the Rainmakers-Ma-cey's encounter In the "B" League. The repetition was thrown out of exact kilter when Macey's tallied, a score of 23 against Rainmakers' 45. In their first encounter 10 days ago. Rainmakers beat Maceys by a 45-17 scorci Rainmakers had it pretty i much their own way throughout the game, ending the first half with a 24-U lead. The Students high scprers were Mel Thompson with 11 and Hartwig with 10. E. Pierce of Maceys led his team's scoring with. 9 points. In the girls' game Betty Hamilton, and Budlnich led High School in, an early scoring spree which netted them 8 points each before the half-time bell sound ed. Half-time score was 19-4 for High. School Peoples Store put on a spurt in the second holt which netted then 10 points but were unable to overcome High School's lead. Edna Sandhals was top scorer for Peoples Store, with 8 points. Hamilton tallied 10, and Budinich 9 for High School. REAL COMPETITION ' The Junior lead-off jame was the most competitive of the night. Watts and Nickerson were on the short end of a 22 -IG score at half-time, but could not quite bridge the gap in the final half. Bobby Scharff of the Clothiers was high scorer of the game with 11 points to 'his credit. Torn THERE'S 15 rf? CTIII STILL t&t TIME TO u YOUR if .. :. . STOP AT THE SIGN OF THE BIG B-A 1. CRANKCASE Dram, flush and refill crankcase with correct winter grade of B-A Peerless Motor Oil. "it's Alloyed". to give complete protection under extreme, winter driving conditions. J. CHASSIS-Lubricate the chassis with B-A quality lubricants, using ttte B-A Chek Chart vXiich as-sures the right lubricant in the right place, "according to car manufacturers' specifications. 3. TRANSMISSION -Drain, flush and refill with B-A Winter Transmission Oil assuring quick get-away in sub-zero temperatures. 4. DIFFERENTIAL Drain, flush and refill with B-A Hypoid Gear or Transmission lubricant according to car manufacturers' recommendations giving complete winter protection to tliese vital parts. 5. FRONT WHEEl BEARINGS -Remove front wheels, carefully wash bearings .nd repack with B-A Wheel Bearing Grease. 6. HOSE . CONNECTIONS Check radiator and heater hose and tighten all connections to ensure there are no leaks. Senior "A" 99 Taxi McPhee 8; Lindsay 18; Beynon 3; Houston 3; Do minate 2; Viereck 6; Clausea 10. Savoys R. Holkestad 5; T. Arney 15; Vukovlch 6; Gurvich 3; D. Arney 3; Bill; Menzies: Murray 8. Senior "B" Rainmakers Hartwig 10; Sko? 6; Lavigne 9; Ciceone7; Thompson 11; Flaten; Intermela 2. Maceys Teng 1; Skogmo 2; Murray 4; Slatta; B. Pierce 3; E. Pierce 9; J. James; B. Menzies 2; B. Gill; A Arnsten 2; Olofson. Girls' League Bo-Me-Hi Hamilton 10; Budlnich 9; Thain 5; N. Bill 1; Mac-Kenzie; Howe; Youngman; Kennedy; A. Hamilton; Thompson. Peoples StoreGrey 4; Sandhals 8; Blaln; M. Bill 2; Berg; Vukovlch; Paine. Juniors Legion W. Woig 5; Boulter 7; Lien. 6; Olsen 3; G. Carlson 2; B. Carlson 2; Eidsvick 3; HllL Watts and Nickerson Garner 2; Scharff 11; Kelly 2; Ratch. ford; McChesney; Scherk; Spring. THRIVING ENTERPRISE Canada's National Film Boaid has grown from a tiny staff occupying two small rooms to an organization employing 70O persons and scattered through various buildings in Ottawa. SLOW GROWTH An average of 13 months Is. the time required for sugar cane to reach maturity. 7. RADIATOR - Drain, clean and reverse-flush the radiator to remove dirt and scale and assure efficient operation of cooling system. Refill for th required protection with B-A Frost Cop or B-A Nevrfrez. 8. BATTERY - Check volt-age and hydrometer readings and recharge if necessary. Clean and apply grease on terminals to prevent corrosion and check battery connections for wear. . SPARK PIUGS Remove, clean and regap spark plugs forgreater economy and better engine Tl.ii wintir it is mo,, n.c.uory lhoi tv.r for you to tol. .!, , 0f your cor ogointt lh rigoroui d.mandt of told w.alh.r driving. Many wor-w.ary, cars havi b.in t.pl op.roling b.au.t of iht careful torvicing and top quality B-A product! obtainable at your ntlghbourhood B-A dtaltr. Hi Inowi that B-A wint.riiod proltclion, plus B-A top-quality go.ol.,, motor oil. and gr.au, will giv. you an txtra margin of winl.r driving comfort and protection. It pays to winl.rin your car at ih. Sign of lh. Big B-A. Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 A.M. TO G A.I. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISnES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES cnop SUEY enow MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE liM 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST M-A CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rates for your convenience .... NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms CAFE. In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) PnONE 51 SHORT SPORT The Stanley Cup was still a challenge trophy and Montreal Victorias filed the first challenge of the season for the trophy held by Ottawa's Silver Seven 41 year , ago. Montreal Wanderers finally emerged champions. Blond Jules Audy f Montreal, glamor boy of the six-day bicycle racing, was suspended for six months by the Dominion racing board of 'the Canadian Wheelmen's Association six years ago for using profane language and throwing chairs at the referees stand alter being set back a lay for nqt ."chasing" during a raci in Montreal. Watch Your Step, .. Freyberg Warns WELLINGTON, N.Z., W Nett Zealand's Governor-General. Lt. Gen. Sir Bernard Freybffrg, V.C.. lamented in an address here, the way people are losing the ability to walk, "If we are not careful we shall not be the hardy race we were"" he said in. warning that the next generation would have Jo "watch its step." In this sentiment he Is carrying into civilian life the cardinal principal he stressed in rata'.ng when he commanded the New-Zealand Expeditionary B'orce during the war. He insisted that the first and most essential step in train Ins was lengthy route maschs with heavy packes. Although hii troops grumbled that this was not necessary with a modern mechanized army, the policy paid rich dividends in hard campaigns In the Western Desert and In Italy. ITALIANS DRINK PEROXIDE MILK NEW YORK W A slmpln method cl sterilizing; milk by stirring In a small amount c! hydrogen peroxide, the familiar antiseptic, Is being used in Italy The milk Is said to taste better than pasteurized milk, an American 'tJhemical Society magazine reports and .sterilization is complete for three days The Idea has been studied before, but an Italian chemical company In Milan, Italy, apparently solved the problems of producing hydrogen peroxide tiia'. is high enough in purity, stability and concentration . to .be used in milk. American investigators are studying the. treatment. Containers .fcr the peroxide-treated milk have to be made of tinned iron, aluminum, glass or clay products since the peroxide Is reactive to iron, copper, lead and alk:-Iie?. RESULTS IN FIVE PINS Stcne's, Burns and Tost Office Winners by Clean Sweep Stone's. Burns ana Post Of'V were clean sweep thite game nil winners oyer Co-Bp Butch -Fish Dock and Morgan's r? Mvely In the Men's FiV;- p Bowling League Monday nr V while Grotto, Moose and People Store scared two games u c:. wins respectively over Matkkrs Gyro Club and North Star. Dy MacKay rolled the high ar t gate of 763 as well as the high single game of 200. Teiinl standings to, date A ' A Stones n 5 13'. Co-op Butehess .... 12 c 12 Burns 11 ,7 a Moose 10 8 jo People's Siot 10 8 lot Grotto ..... ; 999 'North Stax .., 9 9 s Malklns 8 10 r PostQtfia .....L, 8 10 1 Fish Dock '. 7 11 7 Oyro ... a 15 3 CarlZaJ Phone FRASEPJ Prince if " T j if "Like most pipe j for a real cool 111 tobacco you con i -i cool, easy-pack' ihi host I: n our' smokers, I've made the rourJ smoke, and when I say 'coof, smoke all day long. Yd ng, smooth-burning, fragrol cobac is the best 'fill' I M Have you hied Pcol GET SOME TO-OI HELP TO ENSII THE FUTURE SBPPl OF BOTTLED BEE Empty Beer Bottles Are Urgently Needed The quantity of bottled beer which can be made available to the public is limited i the number of empty bottles available. A definite shortage of empty beer bott now exists. It is difficult to secure new bottles to replace those which consumers do not return. promptly. You can help to ensure the future supply0' bottled beer by returning empty beer boin promptly. YOU WILL RECEIVE CASH for your empty beer bottles when you deliver them to. LOCAL DEALER CITY TRANSFER Prince Rupert, It. C.