0 Al jji)! coincs Outlornisw" Bride I ;!cre.:t I" Pnncc ,-irrinr WW SOI- L, id First Barba'? pshtcr oi Mr. .jS Mora". f"' East became v j, outtorms- f.Thc rite was w.r. A. Wilson. n of Pe bl"c 'kicccoilcs and tr3SC: the bride carriage y mi hv her dlloran. m pale -ccoriei attended by brother oi mc reception at Hie parents TO 11 s us 4 III IVL I .11 LI I 111 a iuui 'm. h Red 839 ...j service .ot putting on - and going to cr ouinrcacn j I every day." : "i School. .l..i Service -ruts Under His L'e is not a little ;.ang out a Dig Sic things. Many ;ir lives may be it Hi hand they 11 'nrt iicrviil mwl a ucful i Brice Hlgglns. e radially Invite through this life without insur-l:t FELLOWSHIP . lng themselves against this ctcr-;re to invite and liai joss? God has freely pro- r.e to this informal vldcd for each one of us. through rand the Fireside win school room. Ccmc and Sec." Brure 01 norvirps ilchurctur. at 11" tun. nd Sunday KrhnnI PL" Miovn. i r.tTiit.'fii a t wuiimuuil Ob. fflUntnn fl .in . H. u.v a.m. School 9nn ... . .VW l.ll 1. a. 1 Nw . t a A .i (Bluf 7: tKS AVf'.t tf'AM war lounu Bt Fred Antrobus died 839) , is LirriiKiiAv t McBrMr Kt, I Black Ma) ARMY Siren W. P L Onrrln (Black 269) ''111 AVO !.... n 1 . .." "if Wilson, M.A. 7r-- ("fen 613) 2 Avp West R, j, i i,:n Orccn 020) s '".".E, Hall an(l McBrlde St.) Christ Rowned OMINQ Tli . ui'iiecnu-d U3." -Gal. 3-13. ' sVKMnKll 21 "niay School. Service. 'fANDLosS" Gco- S. Wcathcrlv ESDAY 2!:y"Mng.. ni ea 701) ULE W on i n TO SUBSTITUTE BUSES FOR CARS VICTORIA The British Col umbia Electric Railway Is negotiating-with the city of Victoria lor an agreement whereby street cars would be discontinued in this' city and .buses substituted. CHILDREN LOVE SCKArS WASHINGTON, da. -Mach inist Zcno Young is a scrap-master with a sense of fun. Out of odds and ends an oil drum, a length of stove pipe, a few nuts and bolts he has Installed In his back yard such children delights as a miniature train that hauls passengers around a wooden track, a small fcrrls-whecl and airplane swings. which was attended by more than 30 guests, the newly married couple left on last- night's train for Vandcrhoof where Dr, Outtormsson has been practicing medicine for the last few months. TURD AY SERMON ABSOLUTE CERTAINTIES is T stroostad, rcntccostal Tabernacle, Smlthcrs) wallow up death In victory; and the Lord away tears from of f all faces." Isa. 25:8. all more or less confronted with the spec-ernational unrest, suspicion, fear of pos- i the near future and general uncertainty (1 today Hut wc are also confronted on and with two absolute certainties death non foe of human happiness, and victory over death through Jesus Christ for all who put their trust In Him. To most folk, death Is a grim reality a reality that Is not con templated with any source of pleasure but rather apprehen sion, dread and fear a fear that arises from the fact of being unprepared for the un invited Intruder Into life with Its activities. Tliis stern reaper who seems to strike with such an unerring accuracy, makes himself felt from time to time In any community and, eventually. In every home. Each time he appears, his very presence Is a forceful reminder that all men will some day be his victim. A reminder that all men. therefore, need I to-prcparc themselves for the Inevitable. How strange then that so many seem to let warning after warning pass unheeded. Too often, because of procrastination, men find themselves quite unready for the unwelcome guest. But why should men go His grace, that we might have eternal life through Jesus Christ the Lord. Our text clearly sets before us the welcome news Jhat tne "Lord will swallow up death in victory and, In Paul's epistle to the Corinthians, we read a like statement In these words, "O death, where is thy sting? O grave where Is thy victory?" and again, "But thanks be to God, which glvcth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." Elsewhere in this same chapter wc find the following Inspired words: "For He must reign, until He hath put all enemies under His feet. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death." Hence in Christ Jesus, and in Him alone is there true security against this common foe of man neltevinir the inspired Word of God, let us then unreserved .Steamship Sailings For Vancouver Monday ss Prhjccss Adelaide, 10 p.m. Tuesday ss Coqultlam, 1:30 p.m. Thursday ss Prince Rupert. 10 pin. Friday ss Catala, 10 pan. From Vancouver Sunday-as Coqultlam, 2 pan Monday sis Princess Adelaide. Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, 10:00 a.m. For Alaska Wednesday-ss Prince Rupert, midnight. Front Alaska ss Prince Rupert, 7 p.m. After the usual 16-week program for new entries is completed, stokers receive an additional four weeks' training in the Mechanical Training Establishment, which U equipped with the most modern machine-shop equipment A group of stokers Is seen being instructed in the use of a milling machine. Local News Items A Cash for old gold. Uulscr's. A Basketball Tonight, Civic Centre. A Don't forsct tea and home cooking sale, Saturday. Nov. 23 in Lutheran Church Parlors. tf) George Weightman, who has been on a 'trip to Vancouver, returned to the city on the Camosun last night. Mr. and Mrs. II. Hclin of Port Simpson, who have been on a trip to Vancouver, returned from the south on' the Camosun last night enroute heme. Herbert Young of the Swift-Canadlan Oo. left on last evening's train for Edmonton where he will takg a month's sales training at the company's plant. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Skinner ! and family are among those making the round trip north J.o Ketchikan todajralmrd the new steamer Camosun. Sgt. Henry, transferred from Duncan, Vancouver Island, to Smlthcrs as chief of provincial police, arrived In the city on the Camosun last night from Vancouver enroute to the Interior. CHURCH OPPOSES SUNDAY BATHING ELOEMFON1EIN, S. A., (P -- The Dutch Reformed Church here believes Uiat Sunday bath ing at their pleasure resort of Mazcltpocrt, near the city, is a menace. The Synodal Commission of the church is expected to make strong representations to the clly council to put a ban on Sunday swimming at the resort. It believes that Sunday bathing Is a "social evil." One member of the Dutch Reformed Church declared: '"Mazcl.-.'puort is a menace to the morals of our young people. Wc want to take them out of the swimming pool and get them Into the church pews where they belon,, on the Sabbath. For youilg nun and women to strut around together in the state Qi scml-nudlty provided by modem bathing costumes is bad enough at any time, but to do it on a Sunday is sacrilege: Wc ly turn to Jesus and In Him find musl ,)Ut a step to It." ' Salvation both for time and eternity. Let us thus fortify ourselves against the day when dcth coincs so that It may not be said of us "wc were unprepared." May the parable of The Ten Virgins serve as an ample warning to each one of us against neglect, in this ull Important matter. Rcmcmbcrl deatli Is a certain ty, but so is Christ's Salvatiin from Its power. Two absolute certainties! COAL WOOD CRATING STORAGE HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 BLONDIE A Worshii) Service, Lutheran Church, morning and evening. Long trips ur short, day or night. 9'J Taxi at your service. SKATER'S SPECIAL First bus leaves 99 Taxi 12:30 noon, Sunday, for Lake Oliver. (It) H. G. Perry of Tiince George is among those making the round trip north to Ketchikan aboard the steamer Camosun today. David Allen, local manager oi Kelly-Douglas. Ltd., is a passen ger making tne round inp 10 Ketchikan t oday aboard the new steamer Camosun. A. Will E. L. Dale call at Secretary Manager of Legion after 3:30 for prize won In Canadian Legion IV. A. drawing with ticket No. 1G72. fit) Peter Laklc, C.N.R. divisional freight and passenger agent, returned to the city on Tuesday night's train from a business trip to Vancouver. Tonight's train, scheduled to arrive from the cast at 10:45, was repojted to be running three hours and 50 minutes late, and li expected here at 2:35 Sunday morning. Connection at Jasper with trains running late on the prairies was given as the reason. FROZEN FOODS' POPULAR ' E'sht out of 10 housewives in cities buy frozen foods. ASTHMA SUFFERERS Oct welcome irlicf Irom the vlipfilr.c nrrzinir. e.ninin? struecle for lieath cauwl by AJtlufta. Take KAZ-MAII. Irci.illy made to relieve iteliy. atrcamini ryes. cliokcl-up bronchial tuiies. difficult breathing und'hnraiwinjr coughs caused bv -Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis, Hay Fever. At druggists 50c, $1. Wc Serve You Nothing But the Best . . . SPECIAL RED BRAND II EE I' CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRUITS COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES O DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats Roast Chicken Meat 1'ics and Salads Daily RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 20 YEARS AGO ports. No 'Still Life" For Kitty! November 23, 192fi The first post office in Prince Rupert was established 20 years previously, the Daily News ob served. The post office was opened by R. L. Mcintosh on November 23, 1900. It was served originally by an irregular weekly boat service. The i Alaska-Oriental Ex,port Co. was reported by the Ketchikan Chronicle to have secured one 3.C00-'ton boat and options on five other vessels to establish an ocean service from Prince Rupert (o the Orient, via Alaska Y. Mulra, manager of the Na kamurj Guml Co., large Japanese shipping firm, arrived in the oity to-inspect the port facilities, ostensibly In view of shipment OI grain, lumber and lags, which was prciposcd. TAUNTON, Eng. Somerset county cricket suppdrters'' club, believed to be the first of its kind in first-class cricket, was formed at a public meeting here. . INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See It. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 UNITED CHURCH TURKEY DINNER A single silting was unable to cope with the more than 250 guests who attended the turkey dinner held in First United Church hall Thursday evening, and late-comers were entertain cd until the start of the second . sitting by Miss Kay Nlckcrson at uic piano. The dinner was sponsored by the Junior and senior Women'. Association of First United Church, the ladies of both groups taking part. Contribu Hons of food wore received from many other people, however. The dinner began with the aylng of Grace by Rev. R. A Wilson, and was followed by a pleasing musical program. The program: Vocal solos, S. A. McPherson "The Mountains of Mourn. (French): "Sunrise and You" (Arthur A. Penn). Piano solas, Mrs. K. F. Hard 'na "Serenade" (Cchubcrt) "Nocturne" tChopln). Solo, Mrs. B. O. T. Hlgglns "Carlsslma" (Arthur A. Penn). A Skit George McWhlnncy. Solo, Mrs. Douglas Gushue "Be the Best of Whatever You Arc." Accompanist, Miss Frances Moore. Announcements All aclvirtlsojiioHS in Wis column will be charc'-d for a full mouth at 25c a word. Lutheran Tea and Home Cooking, November 23. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, November 23th. W.O.TJ4. Benefit Dance, Armouries, Thurs. Nov. 28. Proceeds Pioneer's Home. Adm. 50c. St. Andrew's Cathedral FaM Bazaar, November 30. Scotch Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, Nov. 30, In aid of Pioneers' Home, United Church Bazaar, Dec. 5. Toe H'Grand Variety Concert, December C. Civic Centre. Orange tea and home cooking Mrs. J. G. Anderson's, 303 4th I East. 2:30 to 5. Dec. 12. Advertise in the Daily News. v v tiivc- 1 1 ICR Lovely Lineerie Nightgown, Slip and Pantie, In heavy satin, sizes 32 to 12, in white, blue or rose. Deposit, $2.70 Balance, $10.79 COD., Send color, size, deposit, and address to SYLVIA'S Remly-io-Weav OCEAN FALLS, B.C. Delivery In 3 weeks CANADIAN LEGION (B.E.S.L.) Annual Xmas Tree Saturday, December 21, 1946 Presents for children' of all members of the Canadian Legion. Names, ages and addresses of all children (12 years of age and under) should be forwarded promptly to: The Secretary, Women's Auxiliary, Canadian Leeion, P.O. IIox 473, 'or to; The Secretary-Manager. Canadian Legion (llrancli No. 27), r.u. ox u,o. ft !,s3..3..Sl3.Si.3.s.Si3,JJ.s.s.Ms.l.s.1aA3l,,,,, Call for EDWARD LIPSETT LTD. Expert Radio Repairs PHONE 237 For That Party . . . PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port Edward, U.C. CHOP SUE V CHOW MEIN 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 pjn. By Chic Young ptintc Rupctt DnMp JciujJ Saturday, November 23, 1940 Value.. for your money Yes, there's real value in these honestly made suits by Fashion - Craft and, equally important, every style detail is correct . . . While our showing is not as extensive as it was prewar it is well worth your while to see our Fall range . . . Priced from $33.50 to $53.50 "THE MEN'S SHOP' w. itH fi ixoTIIIXG AM) FURSISHISGS K I - H - ' 532 THIRD AVENUE PHONE 345 7 A N TE D MUSICIANS FOR PRINCE RUPERT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Weekly rehearsals now being held ,.' at Civic Centre . For further information phone T. A. Johnson 20'), or Fred Conrad 220 This space donated by ' Canadian Fish AND Cold Storage ; COMPANY LIMITED- . PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. CET YOURS TODAY!. 3 !r iiht1 H I'honc Ulue CU3 Issued In Celebration of PERM C0t0 WBEK Nov; 15th: lo 22nd. HITS YOU'LL ENJOY OVER AND OVER AGAIN AaMIDEN IN THE RAIN rtnr Cm uilk-lbi Stliilitn YOU MUST HAVE BEEN A BEAUTIFUL BABY , Pfnj Como uilb tbt Stlnlitrt BLUE SKIES CbylrvlM BH" rtn, Qm CIRL OF MY DREAMS ttt, Cvmo LITTLE MAN YOU'VE HAD A BUSY DAY . , . ,. I'm, Cnma uilb lit SituUnt KENTUCKY BABE Vttf, Coma Music by Kuss Case and His Orchraln McRAE BROS. LIMITED Pacific 720 Third Ave. SPECIALIZING IN WORKMEN'S MEALS Chop Suey : : Chow Mein B:30 A.M. TO 13 BIIUNIUIIT COURTESY AND SERVICE )JbbbbW WW General Contractor Wc do basements, reshingling, build fences, sidewalks, remodel your kitchen. Demolish or move buildings. 180 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED . CALL BLUE 010 and we will give an estimate. P.O. BOX 654 -:- PRCE Rup"1