NORTHERN AND CENT rKl' British cbLtfMfeiA's newspaper , TAXI TAXI TAXI hone 537 MOHT 6EKVICB DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE SU"'1 . . . Bill and Ken Nesbitt li""' "- Hotel, Ipnpifss VOL. XXXv, ..J. 274. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, NOVEM&ER 23, 1946 PRICE FIVE CENTS r c Ship ie Ends -w ' -i r a ) if A . . Omar .: Ihtor. iif? A.F.L union work, re- to iiCttlC id . today to ai ic- which sviidrawii a 15 per i....; a union OYMENT (ironing and t'p!iii iyn Arr I'rwcr in. N'aUortal I ".and for mine '.ca when- labor ti'.du :,ry arc Protect Breaker 3i. Qwbc Mayor Cuter of Noianda says kae w,.i bo ro or- tlut men who .t Ins f-rcat Nor- -ti-! f lit. . ol Uv strike " Provincial ) be conilii!:. WKATUCD S.vti(iisjs c: uvy rain of ; 'W'ht -.-,!. to U.C. ' '"" ?75 inches " r' on the V; iivrf liUuul 2J U:iUU With Ol 1 M"h npiiornl mo. or interior ! " t'A'n (i t. rn,i. ln,l ,J - y rr ton, Rain ' ' "'J aiiw over , c iai.inuc today . !tr flow of moist . '"fftaM -t cwr-u char . uvuill' .. wnn m- ; 'a n tocay Overcast, 'w .h rain show- "y ina ,5 miles per ti"-in,f?0,Uon nor-h-, l 10 miles wt hour lA'311! 'l't and Sun- i """'uui ionium: U 33, Prince nil Tl.Xmum Sunday; "Ma; :ctt 43, Prince Novo Tida mbcr 24, 104C ,i:4 19.3 feet 21.7 feet ,?;28 77 feet 20: 3.1 feet ing the summer between the1 provincial premiers and the fed cral .cabinet to find an acceptable basis under which the provinces would be agreeably, compensated for leaving their taxation rights in the hands of the federal government. Should the provinces return to the practice of collecting In come taxes, dual taxation, similar to that In effect before Hie war would come Into effect again. In Edmonton last night, Prc- ...t- Ifirttilnrr cniH tVint t.hl Al- 8crvfcf in a state-i brt go vcrnment would-not' nc- r . i t:r .;in laoor cent the latest icacrai covern- Ft "ur ,a of job i mcnt terms for a Domlnlon-tk 1 i lie yearly j provincial tax agreement, but 13 x rrur.hnd iiu full share to facill- I .ib: .r turn-Itnii. the nrcriaratlon of an al- .i t.i industry j ternatlvc agreement satisfactory to his province. hc'5) i c were 18,- , 1 ur,i..ii:cl acan- CARGO SHIP IN TROUBLE rrrUhlcT Wallowing in 'North Atlantic with I'.iiRines iiij Head I'inii shlD. the Theo dore Parker, which Is wallowing In the North Atlantic wltli ncr engines dead, The crew Is reported In no immediate danger TERMS NOT ACCEPTABLE- EDMONTON -The Alberta gov ernment is not accepting i"c new Dominion terms for a tax agreement, it was announced yesterday. The provincial treas urer says that the terms are m.v acceptable for "good and proper reasons." The province Is ready to negotiate, however. Fire Destroys 'Stovnston School eTEWTrM-rnN Kfi Fire destroy- .i t ..-.i TLmir rirmpntary school I.U iju.u wjitb ' - , . i,or ir,rin with a loss estimated at more than $50,000. Five hun dred and fifty pupils attend me school. Cause of the blaze is unknown. The fire broke out In the early hours of the morning. Murder Suspect Found By P Mav Take Control lncome,STORM FLOODS Hart Hintc I ENGLISH TOWN .1,1 M Prn ! 1 I nr.. onn 1 n n a Ltion By Next April, Premier bays I0RIA i 1'' rremier Jonn Hart indicated lit it ma e necessary lor uritish Columbia rovineiat income ana corporation taxes lor 'iscal voar. starting April, 15)17. in:.vo)' for Uttawa tomorrow to nciro- s peacetime taxation agreements with the ; uomimon government, rrcmicr H;ut said that he would use water swept through Barnsicy every effort to arrive at reason. traPP'"8 more than liOO lamilies able iiccord wltli the federal!1" tearooms. authorities "tTnurvp-r If Mint. f nnt nn;. i sioic, l snail rciuciauuy dc com pelled to recommend that we Co hack Into the taxation field," lie declared. The nine provincial governments turned their taxation powers over to the federal gov- west crnmcnt to create a central war time taxation authority, and talks have been continuing dur I Floods in England were subsiding ! today, but at Barnslev 40 lam-1 lllcs spent the night In the local I sciiooi alter tncir nomcs were . Inundated. Gale warnings were still up In all coastal waters as danger ol the 10-day long rainstorms continued. Heavy seas again caused cancellation of Channel steamship service between Dover and Calais' Last night a six-foot wall of SUDDEN GALE ON LAKE SUPERIOR HAUL'' S1E. MARIE A C0- milc gale swept up from the head of Lake Superior and drove 80 ships to shelter. Althou?h there were no Immediate reports i of damage, coastguards were( standing by ready for emcrg ency Compromise i On Trieste Is Asked NEW YORK, Oi The United States offered a new compromise last night to meet a Russian demand for a definite deadline on removal of foreign troops from Trieste. L It, was repotted that Foreign Secretary James Byrnes suggest ed a clause which would can ror the simultaneous withdrawal oi all foreign troops from the area within 45 davs after the governor of Trieste notifies the United Na tions security council that he is rble to maintain order without them. Foreign Minister Molotov of Russia as yet has not approved the compromise offer, still Insisting that it shows lack of confidence In the people of Trieste. England Having N YORK, a- The United piw; " States Coastguard report yes-. LONDON . ganger or niore iliu lerday that . the cutter cainpocu, serious m ... although the Thames continues to rise In the wake of tremendous fall gale; and nine successive days of rain. Coast shipping is disrupted with gale warnings still In effect. U.S. Gov't May Pipe Gas to Relieve Coal Shortage as Lewis' Miners Stay on Strike "Finish Fight" Looming Between Prcsi-rlnnt Truman and Mine Workers Leader . t kt ,irvn m n r. rf'IM Amid drastic VV i oil 1 IN vi i v' ll moves by the United States government to ease the soft coal shortages, Prone cnt 1 rum an he-ided back from Florida today iu""; ommami of his "finish fight" with United Mine Workers' president jonn y. iwio Meanwhile. It was reported that the "Big Inch" and "Little tnrh" Dlncllnes, wartime convey ors of oil, may be put to work carrying natural gas from Texas in the cast for emergency fuel. A rllm.nilt was ordered to half unnecessary use of electricity n fnr nhrlstiuas tree ngnimg -In 21 states, as attorneys prepared their arguments 'for the nt nf court proceedings Monday, which might put Lewis Thr. mivrrnmcilt contends Wat t u in mntemut of court for disobeying an order which called on him to cancel his con - rort. termination move which led 400,000 miners to leave the 3,000 soft coal mines held oy in nnuArn m on t. Lewis has said nothing since the injunction was issued iasi, Monday. CANADIAN DELEGATES AT U.N. -Canadian delegates Bet together for a few minutes Just before U.N. meeting was called to order on the second day. Seen at the .delegates table In the stately b"uc and bronze general assembly room in the former New York city bulldimr of the world's Fair arc: Hon. Louis St. Laurent 'standing!, head of the delegation, Hon. M. J. Colwell, lclt, ann Hon. jonn iiracKen. Children Abuse Infant NANA1MO (CI') Seven-month-old Ronald Lee, beaten sadistically by Ihree neighbor children, is showing improvement in hospital today and it is believed that he wilLiecQyer. Meanwhile, authorities -are puzzled as to the best method of handling his assailants, the oldest of whom is a five-year-old boy. While the baby's mother. was absent, three youngsters entered the Stewart Lee cabin where the baby was sleeping, beat the infant with a stick, piled snow and rocks about the tiny body, then left, it exposed to the cold wlipn they left the cabin door open. . They all said they had been "playing games" with the baby. All arc below the age limit for juvenile jurisdiction and it appears to be a matter for parental decision. Youth Convicted Of Attempt To Kill Constable VICTORIA. P John Blrtclscn, 17, was convicted by an Assize Court Jury last night, on a charge of wounding with Intent to murder Constable Stanley Cornish in connection with a shooting in: the city last July. Blrtclscn was remanded until Monday for sentence. FREAK MISHAP KILLS WOMAN VICTORIA tP'-Mlss Patricia Walsh died today of injuries received in a freak accident on the Island highway last night. Three others. Dr William Arbcr and Miss Patricia Byron, suffered bruises and shock, The car skidded on a hill near Duncan, left the road and overturned. A tree slum) which penetrated the car's top struck Mlsi Walsh in the back. IIUUSi: WALL BURNS An overheated stove pipe Ig nited the fibrcboard wall behind the stove in the home- of J. L. Johanscn on Friday. The city fire department was called and the fire put out before any great damage was done. EMERGENCY IN SEWARD SEWARD This western Alaska city has been declared In a state of emergency owing to an acute food shortage. The emergency has. been declared by Governor Gruenlng. All stocks of food will now be subject to control and distribution. by the government. "The people of Seward have become tired of eating fish," said one spokesman. STUDENTS RIOT IN CAIRO; 13 ARE INJURED CAIRO U -Thirteen policemen mid more than 20 students were lnlurcfl todav In the second clash within, a few hours between police and the student body of Fuad University. Nino hand grenades and one bomb were thrown In the riot. The students were attempting to march into Cairo to demonstrate for the evacuation of Brit ish troops and the unity of the Nile valley. Venezuela Is the second largest oil producing country In the world. ENGLISHMAN SENTENCED TO DEATH FOR MERCY SLAYING OF DAUGHTER MAIDSTONE, Eng. Oi Gordon Richard Long, pleaded guilty to a murder charge yesterday in the mercy slaying of Ills scvcn-ycar-old deformed and imbecile daughter, Jessie, and received In stoic calm sentence of death on the gallows. "I laid a home guard respirator beside me and turned on the pas tap," Long said in a statement to the police. I played with Jessie and killed her and then had put on my respirator-then I kissed-hcr goodbye She closed her eyes and and oTauccessTui appeal or commutation of sentence can now save Long from the gallows. IN CHARGE OF DEFENCE Prime Minister of Britain to Retain Responsibility , LONDON Prime Minister Att- :ee told the House of Commons yetterday that broad responsibility for British defences Is to -emaln with the Prune Minister when the new ministry of de fence is organized. PILOT'S FATHER FLIES ABOVE CRASHED PLANE PARU3 9) Sixly ahinlst res-suers reached the scene of the crash of a United States army transport hlch In the Swiss alps ' 4 nfln if n f n t-1 11 fVt I tl IT 1 fmVU H timet jr atict luwiiiAti treacherous elacier, Preparation were begun tl ulacial bowl. Those most seri ously sick or Injured will bo brought down first. PARIS O) General Ralph Tate, deputy -commander of the United States forces In Australia; who flew over the American plane which crash landed In the Swiss Alps four days ago, said that he had spoken to his son, Capt. Ralph Tatxv pilot of the plane, who reported that the. U victims were all alive and four were n eood nhvslcal condition. General Tate's wife' also was a Dassenaer on the plane. I A nart.v nt rlvllian' culdes and i2i alpinists of-the Swiss, array have reached the . loot of the last incline separating tnem from the stranded plane. The transport Is believed to be 51111 In one piece, so that most of the passengers may have found shelter In the cabin. Lewis May Be Jailed Industry of United States Will Soon Feel Effect of Miners' walk-out- WASHINGTON, D.C., The walk-out of 400,000 United Mine Workers of America from the soft coal mining industry of the TTnit.rd states will soon have many vital fuel-short industries in a stranclehold If the strike continues long. Dlm-jouts have already been declared in 21 states. Railway services are be ing drastically cut. Steel ulants are preparing to curtail produc tion. Drastic measures to con- erve existing fuel supplies may be taken by the government,. The writ which . was served yesterday upon John L. Lewis, president cf the United Mine Workers of America, rcquirm; him to aDcar In court on Mon day to show why h9 should not be punished for contempt of court is another clen toward the possible clanging of "jail doors on the United Mine Workers niilpftaln. Issued Thursday and served yesterday, the writ directs' Lewis to appear before tnc couri and tell why he did not order recall of his contract "termina tion" of Wednesday night, ir convicted, the., Union might be fined and Lewis sent to Jail until he obeys the court. Neither Lewis nor his lieutenants have given any inkling of what ho Intends to do when he goes bc-for the court. Some 10,000 of 80,000 hard coal miners, whose contract Is not involved, walked off the Jcb In e:i.;t.ern Pennsylvania. A union official blamed it on a false re port that LewU had, been Jailed. Two men were fatally shot in West Virginia tu the first major flare-up of violence BATH. Eng. CP' As a reward for saving hundreds of Christmas puddings threatened with destruction by fire 20 Bath firemen received ft pudding each. Donald Russell Hid in Hotel Room During Hunt; Charged With Murder of Former Friend EIGHTEEN-YEAR-OLD YOUTH HALF-STARVED AFTER NINE DAYS HIDING AS FUGITIVE . VAMrnTTVF.R (C.P ThP nine-riav liunt for- lS- vear-old Donald Russell, sought for the murder . of i i i i ? i -. Robert F. Tepoorten, ended today wnn nis capture in a west-end Vancouver notei Dy tne ponce. . Pnccol whn nffpred no resistance when taken into custody, saul that he had been staying atHhe CANADA VICTIM OF ATOM WAR OTTAWA, 0' Blunt warning that Canadian cities will be destroyed and thousands of Canadians killed in attacks cans down from the 3,000-rootj Hh atomic bopbs in the next war was.' sounded, nere lasi night by Dr. O. M. Solandt, director of general defence research for the armed services. He called for elimination of war as the only defence against the bomb in a speech before the Defence Medical Association of Canada. Witness Charged With Sedition QUEBEC Premier Duples sis' announced plan, to brlni: members of the Jeh'ova Witness sect Into court on conspiracy charges "has resulted in the ar- roct nf fnur sprt mmhfrs in Sherbrooke. They are charged with distributing pamphlets of a seditious nature. The publication in question is entitled "The Burning Hate in Quebec" and is considered by tne Attorney General's ceparunent to be a seditious publication: The defendants were ireeo on $900 bail, In the records of the court, Recorder Mercler termed the sect's teaching as " v 1 1 e and vicious, Inciting to revolution against the state and the church.1- TAG DAY HELD TO AID BLIND More than two score taggers were on downtown streets today assisting the drive which Muni- cinal Chapter. I.O.D.E. is spon spread search for hhn was carried out. He disappeared following' the shnntlnr- of Tenoorten In the tiny community of Woodlands on the north arm. of Burrard Inlet on November -14. Tepoorten was shot In the back with a blast from a shotgun and- hU wife beaten with a club. Mrs. Tenoorten named Russell as the man who clubbed her while he made an urgent de mand for money. . The youth had no weapons when he was arrested today. Police said that Russell had one cent In his pockets and ob viously was half-starved. He was turned over to the Norm Vancouver provincial police who have charged rum witn muraer. Russell had been told' by; lbs nrorjrletress of the hotel to leave because he could no longer pay lor his room, and was later found sleeping in the hotel bath- room-'. ; ' ' .j The proprietress said she would call the1 Dollce. and Russell re plied: "You might as well know. I'm Donald Russell." Village Is Attacked Forty-two Anil-Communists Slain in Greek Town on Yugoslav frontier Investigation Favored ATHENS, tB Forty-two villagers, who signed a petition disavowing communism, have "been killed, 30 others were wounded and 45 houses were burned in the village of Xeroxrlsl, pcpula-tlon 210. in northern Thessaly, It was reported yesterday The village Is the third on the" eat Vardar River to De side blue Ul of the me iavi4 ww - - sorlne In aid of the Canadian ; oM-rtpn inre outbreak of fight- National Institute lor tne tninu.' fng near tne Yugoslav ooruer.iasi, With headquarters in tne cana- ween. dlan Legion committee rooms, the tag ay was directed by Municipal Chapter Regent Mrs. D. C. Stuart, assisted by Mrs. E. V. Whiting, Mrs. Jens Munthe, Mrs. E. Wi Becker and Mrs. G. Tim- mcrmeister. Mpnmvhile at Lake Success, New York, authoritative sources" said yesterday tnat ureat orwaiu and. United States were reaoy 10 support a Greek proposal requesting that the United Nations Investigate Greek border warfare involving alleged Invaders. MARINE HISTORYMADEj(ETCHIKAN; NEWSTEAMER MAKES MAIDENCALL Union Steamship Co.'s Camosun Inaugurates Regular Service to Territory (By O. A. HUNTER) KETCHIKAN When Capt. Ernest Sheppard, veteran British Columbia coast shipmaster, brought his comelv and glistening white streamlined luxury liner Camosun up Tongass Narrows and alongside the Heckman dock at this southeastern Alaska port at midday today, marine history was made by UnJn PLANE HITS BUS, EIGHT KILLED LOCKING AIRPORT, Eng., Vi Eight Royal Air Force men were killed and 12 were injured Friday when a 'bombing plane crashed into a double deck bus in which they were setting out on week-end leave. There were no Canadians umbla for this territorial entry point. If marked the Inauguration-of a new regular steamship service from Vancouver and Prince Rupert into southeastern Alaska at a time when the territory's regular shipping faculties are so seriously curtailed. Although Union Steamships Ltd. has "operated for half a century or more Into every nook and cranny of the British Columbia coast be-(Contlnued on .Page 5)