u I x. v V V a v v V V V if i V V V -V V I V V w I?tfncc tttipm Mil? ttcui Saturday, November 23, 1940 WAR IS THEME OF NEW NOVEL Ton ONTO 9) Ralph Allen, who covered Canadian forces In action in Italy and on the Western Front, is the first Canadian war correspondent to publish a novel with a war theme. His "Home-made Banners" (Longmans, Oretni conies out later this month. It is a story of what the war meant in the- lire of one Canadian private. Allen enlisted as a gunner -late in 1941 and after going evenieas was given his discharge to beccme war correspondent for the Toronto Globe and Mail. Now he Is an editor of Maclean's Magazine. Ohcr Canadian war correspondents -who published war books non-fiction, net novels-include Rcss Munro, Matthew Halton, Lionel Shapiro and Peter Stursbcrg. Indian airlines ItOOil KARACHI, India P A survey by the civil aviation, directorate of the Indian government shows that during the first half of this year the number of passengers carried on the air services trebled as compared to last year The civil air services were restored 10 commercial operation on Jan. 1. 1946, and within six months the mileage of air routes and the number of routes in operation had nearly doubled. The number of passengers carried on the air services- during the first half of this year was 37,633 as ccmiparcd to 24,090 in the whole of 1945. FOOD-PRODUCING COUNTRY 'Argentina ranks with Canada as one of the two mct important surplus food producing areas in the world. Advertise in Tiic Daily News. b n h e 9 n h h n it a b 4 1 ' B dALE s 5 Luxurious FUR-TRIMMED Co a ts $25.00 . Sizes 12 Through 10 OKKHNAL VALUES TO S(i." AImi Tlirrc Only Coals Krdiiml .... Ilishcr-Pricctl RUPERT PEOPLES STORE We do not need to led you That the fuel situation is 'by no means easy Please keep your orders well ahead so that we may be able to keep you supplied. Fuel stocks are by no means unlimited. Philpott, Evitt & CO. LTD. 1'iiii ami Ituilding Matcrlalj Rhone 651 and (152 FURNITURE REPAIRING Upholstering - Slip Covers Drapes Car and Truck Cushions ICepaircd and Recovered Out-of-town orders given special care. LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP riionc (ircen 971 117 Second Avenue West" Opposite Civic Centre I &W fjfigp XMAS SHOIM'ERS MAKE A "REE-LINE" FOR THE VARIETY STORE itccau.se they couldn't find a more cxlcn'slvc, more varied showing of gifts if they visited Santa's own workshop! liecauso not only will you find gifts for everyone that arc useful as well as welcome, but you'll find all the "trimmings", too! Colorful wrappings, ribbons, stickers cards". Save lime, save jour temper, save shoe leather.' Shop at THE VAKIETY STOKE! THE VARIETY STORE "WHERE YOUR DIMES ARE LITTLE DOLLARS" "BIG FOUR' BEGAN CONFERENCES NOVEMBER 4- Two military police guards stand at the door of the conference room In the Waldorf Astoria, New York, where the "Big Four" foreign ministers 'U.S., Britain, Russia and France) opened a new scries of conferences on November 4. A special switchboard was set up to handle press messages and business of the conference. The guards here are Pfc George Hefflcy, of San Francisco, Cal., left., and Corp. Charles Olendorf, WiUiamsvllle, N.Y., both members of the 64th M.P. platoon. Note four flags; LEGION GREETS GEN. PEARKES A talk on "veterans' aTalrs" by Major General G. R. Pcarkcs. V.C., M.P.. a member of the parliamentary Veterans' Affairs committee, was heard by almost 1H0 Canadian Legion members who gave their illustrious comrade an enthusiastic welcome In the Lcpion hall last night. Among the 60 members of Parliament, all veterans, who compose the committee, political ' mrtv mnsiripr.itlnns nr mif ! .iside during committee sessions, T'd vcry effort is made to pro-mulc lesislaticn to benefit vet-mns of all wars, General Parkcs Inlet the meeting. In outlining the accomplishments of the committee, he re- vrr.lcd that it had held 52 mcet- Inea, heard scores of witnesses, r emnmended 13 bills to the government and had brought forward many other recommendations for the welfare of veterans. A leading member of the Saan-irh branch of the Canadian Lciion, General Pcarke touched briefly on the benefits that that r-rranization has secured, and is attempting to secure. He pointed out that the Lngion, with a membership r-f 250.000, is a body wheh Is "respected and listened to by the government."' He arsertcd that It Is the duty of a'! ex-servicemen to belong to the Canadian Le-glon, and stron.ily( advocated that World War II veterans be placed In responsible position, so that they nan prepare themselves to take over from World War I veterans In the future. BOWLING ALLEY FRACAS ENDS IN COURT SMITH ERS Q i Two trappers, Irvine and Larry Wade, are being held by the police here on charges of doing actual bodily harm to James Cummins. Smith'' crs bowling alley proprietor, who today Is recovering from a .severe beating, allegedly at the hands of the two brothers. The men appeared before Stipendiary Magistrate Harvey Davics this morning and were remanded for hearing until November 29. They were taken into custody by the provincial police ! list night. Also injured in the fracas was Faul Pichl, local Forestry em 3-Piccc Modern BEDROOM SUITES ployee who was struck on the head by a bowling pin. when he attempted to assist dimming against his attackers. 'Pichl was knocked unconscious. According o dimming, he was attacked when he attended to stop acts 'of destruction beiivg committed in the bowling alley. He is said to be suffering from a severe scalp would, a broken rib and lacerations of the face. GIANT GRASS Su.?ar cane is a giant srass. sometimes attaining a height of 20 feet. showing of a film "Veterans Inn Industry", a National Film Hoard picture display(d by M, J. Harper. A guest at the meeting was Col. A. Hamilton Grant, local representative of the Depart- The meeting opened with th? imsnt of Veterans Affairs. Choose (ho Dresser OR Vanity Just aiiolhcr example of the values that have made m inaiij friends for this friendly sloio. This smart modern' Kiiitc is sturdily constructed of beautiful matched walnut veneers . . . with waterfall lops and interesting contrast. If yoU want a really stunning gift for the home, here's your "buy." CAKE RAISES MONEY FOR PIONEERS' HOME The fruit cake "halibut boat," afflcd at the fishermen's "welcome home" benefit dance in the Civic Centre auditorium last night did double duty by way ol raisins funds for the Pioneers Home. Raffle winner George Noocy placed the cake at auction during the evening and then donated the $13 paid by high bidder Peter Haan over to the Pioneers Home fund. Highlights of the well attended affair were gymnastic displays by Rup Re.c leaders under dlrec- nn of Neil Ross. Taking part In the tumbling, pyramid and ruringboard dLsplays were Kitty I Currlc. Mrs. Eileen Yelland and Miss Jean Krausc. An additional 'entertainment feature was provided by three native- singers from Port Simp- , :on, Libby Kelly, Paul Price and Ed Valpy. who presented several songs with guitar accompaniment. Miss Lorraine Youngman Mo sang several songs. Dance music was provided by Mrs. J. S. Blacks' orchestra and Harry Robb was master of ceremonies. Committee in charge of the dance consisted of Harry Robb, Mrs. Nellie Thomas, Mrs. Arnt Rye, Magnus Halvcrsen, Mrs. Florence Greenwood, Miss Jean Lysak, Mrs. J. Chrlstcnscn. George Hooey and Magnus Halverscir were in charge of the Don't let constipation get you down. Do this for effective, yet remarkably gentle relief; Simply take 2 to 4 tablespoonfuls of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia with water. You'll wake up feeling on top of the world refreshed and bright. In addition, Phillips' Milk of Magnesia is acknowledged by science one of me lastest neutralize of excess stomach n-;.i;... I...... it, . Whiff lets From The Waterfront aaoooooaaaoooooaaoooaaoo Union Steamship Co. had three vewcls in overnight to make it a busy time since midnight at the Canadian Naaonai wharf. Arriving at 11:45 p.m. was the new coastal liner Camosun, Capt. Ernest Shcppard, which had been delayed in making her maiden voyage up the coast from Vancouver via Ocean Falls and sailed from here at 4 a.m. for Ketchikan whence she Is due back this evening southbound. On her regular weekly voyage, the steamer Catala, Capt. Alex McLennan, arrived in port at 6 a.m., sailing later In the morning on her return south. Also in during the night was the Cassiar. Capt. Lome Godfrey, which arrived from Vancouver via the south end of the Queen Charlotte Islands and sailed for Mas-sett whence she Is due back here tomorrow southbound. LONDON tt Mrs. Sophia Taylor, 86, and Joan Dawning, 7, were chosen to welcome Princess Elizabeth when she visited Dermondscy district of London. cloor, and Tat Forman and Charles Anderson handled the ticket sales. Proceeds from the affair will be turned over to the Pioneers' Home fund, action rciici irom acid indigestion If PHILLIPS and sluggishness. Remember ., . I ,0FM4C, 1 r Q' V hi TABLETS IN ph!.W1PS'tKS I Fine Wood . for Sale! UtMUMSl fell tarn GLASSWARE ELECTRIC GOODS HARDWARE CROCKERY FURNITURE A Great Stock in Our Toy Department "EVERYTHING V O R THE HOME" GORDON & ANDERSON The Newest and Largest Store in North Central B. C. 4 - NOW AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY J 100 Cords of Seasoned Scrap Lumber J First class 11-iuch lengths, free of nails $10 per cord Second class trimmings ud to 11-inch lenrlhs. S8 nrr rnrrl Third class, various lengths uncut $C per cord FOR COURTEOUS AND RELIABLE SERVICE HEMMONS TRANSFER ' Phone Blue 73D Mght Phone: Black CC5 P.O. Box 1131 Station B Office: Frederick Street fa LAST TIMES TODAY 7.9,. ITIED ASTAIUE WILLIAM POWELL (JUNE KELLY ESTHER W1LLIA.MS RED SK ELTON JUDY OAKUM, l'(Vi 'ZIEGFELD FOLLIE SUNDAY MIDNITE AND THE GIRL WHO LUItLI) HUNDREDS OF G.I.'S TO THEIR DEATH! 'Tokyo Rose' LOTUS LONG BYRON ISAKIt CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rates for your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Itoorru CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) rilONE 51 A ZANE Rut westeiin "VVANDEREF or the WASTELAP JAS. VAi:itl. U'DKKY I MONDAY'S SHOWS AT 2:30 - 4 4b - 0C g - RUPERT MOTORS IT PRINCE RUPERT I) , PARTS AND SERVICE DEP0 DOIMiKj i DKiSOTlll DODGE AND FARGO TKl ( Ks Wm. H FRANC! Optomctrii ol Vane ... is now in I'rintel Wm. II r'ntick this city ami) Nc? Francks i: at Uk P i pert Hotel and ' r KllllltlCI)t ApiMtliiUnt' :' made at C: A. MacKenzie Furnitur I'hone 77S LIMITED " A GOOD PLACE TO UUV HOLIj CAKKIARES Colors Morton 11 uc mid ur (1 ped with brakes and mud guards, larac and i'jv. for dolls. Height of handle 30". Priced CAKVINfi SETS Made by Wade and Buictict S: lamous ior sicei with keen edge, sunned : handle. Set: carvlnc knife. sharDenlna stcci ana Priced at .SI 1.5(1 and l Mall your orders for these goods now they will be s I w you at once or sent c.o.u. ac ;irca NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up SO Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, il.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 195 327 3rd Ave., I'rinre Quality Repairs Economy Prlcci at Kuprrl, PRINCE RUPF SHOE REPA 3rd St. (Near the ToA At Last . . . COMMUNITY and ROGERS SILVER sicrs c. di We have received several lunt. ,"",,wsT the most popular I'attcras. incl 1 f 1"" URS, LOVE, ADOIIATION, KTlJtNAl-LY . ..... ....... .,.r ,.mtT1 MM I'll' Linux iiAivnijiwn, rui""""' " Some scUs liavc 26-piecc scrvwj i ... ; Some have 31 pieces for c l h and some have service for tw .v t w 54 pieces. These arc mostly w oiC i. but wc have some bulk sets who do not need the chest. U'r. can Milt .almost any VrM f"r ',c ftclc run from $ I to $(11.00 '''"L m,c same arc all at the approveu ni""s i as all over Canada. Might be well to look early Uiuusli.