ISER LINK 0 PEOPLE lifjO Leal I-'- la 01 ft l it acre liii 13:: lj jo- If Canadian L ,-a,in- ue sense people is ncsd- ne United e have Chlpman, :ador to i ddre'-s to an Club o turn c rectlons. ,-ur South Argentina, prru where .on have Chlpman a warmtn rstanding ;:r aiy gratl-;.-pr. sent her Visitors." -: rar. there in the - taUonand r ii a great their rols-:j can do. so, ;.. ad rs of are tray el -l r intcrna- Aava mm . t en; ; other." saw 1. We cannot begin C TC.::-e diplomatic i. i more must JAILORS IN ANDES- Eleven thousand feet .up. In J.he Andes a party from the cruiser Uganda encountered a herd of llamas, strange ,cameL like creatures which are native to Peru. Tne .haughty animal had to be restrained by his owner to have his picture taken. E CUATE BOATS 2000 YEARS OLD T"Ti t Kn"f.. P -Plank hoats 2,000 years old, imbedded in th? mud of the. Jlun'oer River when Julius Caeser landed in Britain, are being excavated under the tender care of scientists. Efforts are being made to dig out the boats in a solid block of clay and haul them to dry ground on a steel sled. .The planks arc fast ened with yew withies countersink to avoid wear. Possibly fhe boats were -paddled. About 30 feet of one boat remains -.and the other Is some 37 feet long. Scientists said the discovery was of "great import-, ance in the history of European I water transport." LONDON London theatres have decided to. cancel their ad vertising In underground . ta- Uqns unless the London. Passenger Transport . Board lowers, its space rates., now 15U per cenv above pre-war. COAL-BURNING AUTO? It takes 4500 pounds of coal j to make a new automobile. Marme Hjstory 'continued rem page 1) tween Vancouver and the Alaska Panhadle, this is the first time if na esavB'1 a rftijar 8eryl"e Jnto the territory of Alaska Jtself, O. A. Rushton, traffic .mana-cer cf Union Steamships : Ltd. teho-welcomed leading citizens of Ke(eWiw abcard fchs .new ship; .nrospised thfim that the same! j Jiigh standard, of, courteous and friijiaje ryic,e which hai .been a bvrword .as far as his cot gany is concerned i?lQn2' the British Columbia coast. gladly extended to Alaska.The Kf-tehikan people,,-w'no inspected the Camoaun with adrniratoy interest during the stay -of (rtw vel in ,por.t. agreed that ,the skin, wan indeed a splendidly tn nciblc tckef Jlhe, pledge. The. Camosun .nassed through1 Piipcejluoert in the early hour .1 r.f '.he morning and will be. back hr ii late ionfaht on the south i h'mpd voyage to Ocean 'JTiills strlfl . Vancouver. Waltm? for the tide Jn.Sey' mo'ir Marrows .and. handling ,0 JiT:".ht at Ocean Falls caused xti3 1 Camosun's .dejay. Officers .of ithe Camosun are! Master. Capt. E. M. Sheppard. Chief Office;-, J. E. Summer-field. Second Officer. R. J. Ashmpre. Third Officer, O. W. White-" hurst. Chief. Engineer, F. Matheson. Second' Engineer, J. Fisher. Third Engineer, G. E. Gran- quWt. Purser, A. W. Robinson. Aaistant Purser. G. R. Grelg Fjre'ht Clerk., D, W. Bustoy. Vireless Operator, A..V. Simpson. Chief JMewart. H. Keen. I r 1 r 1 Z$2rL WHV did i do rr? h 7 I WONT WEAN TO rtK$J " M 11 At lll V -n v SAV NINE DOLLARS.' 1S2 'j I BLOND E - i SS' mWms I I i IMP I J i si 1 M I I I I I ( I'LL GO AWAY-I'LL GO .) 'JrX 1 bf3 '1 : MV OWN CHILDREN "viCi' f H t OUT IN ,TWE DESERT Pi.) U R . I 1 H jLJ and even the dogs ) j . f 9 1' ( someplace and J) St II j- i I ii JA 1 I 7 THERES- BEEN A TERRIBLE 1 2)"lf 1 rm -w w. t- y.m .i i ii i - - . . i rr c i i.i i I BURDEN ON J U?,. 1 1 V KtflLANIiyuc jw Xji .1 III -j t- " ZSZ jisisi V teal !"..rriiiV&?:ir-n,,rLT e, i n I ILL GLADLY W K M.& jSr ' IOPWwm I Cow's Taste Expensive, 1 Jler Owner Complains BEATTYVnXE, Ky.. W It was give and take for Mrs. Mary, Punigan's cow. The ccw was giving her milk, while it was Jta'king. $130 in currency she had In a tobacco sack and chewing it. 6o exolained Mrs. Dunigan in an affidavit when she brought a ..wp ll-ntas4,JC9.te.d batch ,of bills to ,a; Beattyyllle bank to baye it exchanged lor .more usaoie jiotes. .Mrs. Dunigan said The cow snatched the money Das from Jier aiocket while she was busy with i the milking. SJcond Stewart, J. Gerrard. Stewardess. Miss Ida O'iMeill. . Renrasentihe the Union Steam- gbip Co., on the Camosun's maid en woyage were R. p- Rushton, traffic imanager, and R. M. Logan, superintendent eniineer. Newipapermen on board include os Cunningham of the Seattle Times. G. A. punier oi the Prince Rupert Daily News Joined the party at Prince Rup ert. 1 1 1 ' .ii . X GENUINE. ASPIRIN ISpiti) MARKED THIS WAT D0 S 3 E W "f YOU Write, for your FREE catalos of cloth-covered Buttons and Buckles. We also do button holes, pinkinp, frilling and nail heads. We carry in stock many types .. of Shoulder -1 - Pads, trite- Zippers, rins, jnrwus, tic. Belting. Chalk. Sequins, Arm smeius, wias m- ;B.C. SEWING SUPPLIES 1025 ttobson Vancouver, Maa Orders oiven Prompt Attention SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Coqultlam 1:30 pjn. Friday SS Catala, 10 p.m. Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every fortnight. Further information Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Geo. y y y y Third Ave. Phone 56S J. Dawes The Auctioneer Sales Every Saturday , WE SELL EVERYTHING Ooods Sold On Commission .Household Sales. Conducted at,Your, Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED. PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free y y y y y y y y y y y y y y ,y. PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bldg.) PHONES: Rus Blue 145 Res. Red 127 Ask for George y y y y w y PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MINING MACHINERY Piftitc Rwit miv ciusc Saturday. November 23, j6 V CHRISTMAS GIFTS LEATHER GOODS PLAYING CARDS CONGRESS, OAINSBQUOUOH mi McBride Street FUUrCAST . FOR VOU!.f Picture yourself in this-lovely, coat! .Youll hear whispers as you-.wrau yourself In your -secret fur. Our budeet rh i styled right furs are for ' you! 5 USE OUR BUDGET PLAN No Carrying Charges ro Interest. Terms tn accordance -with W.P.T.B. Regulatloni ' .... t Si LARGE OT,ECTIO OF BOXED Attn INDIVIDUAL CARDS .-GIFT VUAPPINf,5 TACi .SEALS, Dibb Printing Co. BESNER BLOCK THIRD ST., DOWNSTAIRS Improve the efficiency of your OIL BURNER null KLEEN - FLO FUEL OIL CONDITIONER for Quicker StartingCleaner Firing Faster Heating 32-oz. tin $1.70 (enough for 8 barrels of oil) PHONE 311 K K K K A Is .1 K A A . K H H A K X A Prince Rupert SBottle Collector ALSO MESSENGER SERVICE PJlOne BlUfc 737 We buy . . . all sizes - Pcrfex Beer Whiskey, Gin, pnd Bottles Bottles Wine Bottles PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE A REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE JtUPERr HOTEL ; Chop Suey Chow Mein " ; Chinese Dishes our specialty. Open 8 ajn. to 3 ajn. PHONE 17S ALWAYS . . . Bulkley Market WE DELIVER DAILV Jrd Avenue Phpue 17? IT w Mi. : .m mi if-! v .:'( :