13rfttfP 11 mi II Iirrt i llUl) refill? An independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of lyumi jni -,uili Prince Rupert and all the communities comurlanft Wednesday, October 30, 1946 WE'LL KEEP YOU iya" 1 If WARM NEXT WINTER or you order your coal for next winter NOW. By ordering today you protect your family and yourself against being caught without coal when winter comes. Philpott, Evitt & CO. LTD. Phone 651 and G52 INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 northern and central British Columbia. (Authorized as Second Class Mall. Post Office Dept Ottawa). Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited. Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, British Columbia. Q. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY, Managing Director. SUBSCRIPTION RATES By City Carrier, per week, 15c: Per Month. 65c; Per Tear, $7.00; By Mall, per month. 40c; Per Tear, $400 MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS EJE AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION TIME TO STOCK UP f ALE of Canada Savings Bonds is J; lagging in Prince Rupert. The people of the city are not rising to the occasion. Possibly, they do not realize that these bonds are better ihan any comparable form of savings, providing a higher return than can be obtained on any. investment as safe and cashable. They pay 2:Vj percent interest each year for ten yp'ars. They can be cashed at any time for full face value plus accrued interest. Of course, thrifty people will not cash them unless it is essential to do so but will, instead, maintain them as their good paying A fine opportunity is being offered for safe, sound and profitable investment. The securities are readily available through bank, investment dealer, stock broker, trust or loan company, employer for cash or by monthly savings plan. Stressing the fact that Canada Savings Bonds have many extra features all designed to one's advantage, we can recommend to Prince Rupert people to avail themselves of the remaining few days and stock up on a good investment. It may be a matter of regret to some that the limit is 2000 per person. T fA'CUUM.packed, straight from the roast-1 Jng oven, with all its glorious fragrance and flavor sealed in by the wonderful Vita-Fresh Process. No goodness can get out . . . no air can get in. It's truly roaterfresh. Try it today. 1 By XPtc YOU RICH FULL BODV tuat i a MttJttCMl COUSO SMOOTH AND MEUoiy RADIANT ROASTED TO CAPTURE EVERY ATOM OF DELICIOUS FLAVOR.ITS COOP TO THE LAST PROP! MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE MH-II34 CENTRAL HOTEL (Weekly and Monthly Rates for your convenience . . . i NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms CAFE . In Connection Licensed premises (Renovated) PHONE 51 A Product of General Foodi LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE Established 1910 LIMITED FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS PACKED. CRATED, STORED AND SHIPPED TO ALL PARTS OF CANADA AND UJ3.A. FOR QUICK, EFFICIENT, CAREFUL AND RELIABLE SERVICE Phone LINDSAY'S 60 or 68 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER H H" H w 0,'Rjt COASTAL CHARTER SERVICE BY SUI'ERMARIXE FLYING. BOAT '"Haida Queen" - passengers MONDAYS Vancouver to Prince Rupert Direct. TUESDAYS Prince Rupert to Vancouver via Queen Char lotte Islands. WEDNESDAYS Vancouver to Prince Rupert via Queen ' Charlotte Islands. THURSDAYS Prince Rupert to Stewart and Return via Anyox, Alice Arm and Request Points. FRIDAYS Prince Rupert to Vancouver Direct. SPECIAL CHARTERS ARRANGED FOR PASSENGERS AND FREIGHTING 3 Types and Sizes of AIRCRAFT to Serve You From 3 to 18 Passengers, or 480 lbs. to 4,000 lbs Freight G. H. STANDRIDGE, Agent P.O. Box 1249 Phones 524 or Red 878 'ARBITRATION 1 KEY TO STRIKE SETTLEMENT Strikes are not necessary but th;y -will be Inevitable until an effective way to settle disputes by arbitration is put into practice, according to the findings of the Prince Rupert Citizens' Forum group which discussed the topic "Are Strikes Necessary?" at us tr.-jri meeting of the season in the Civic Centre last night. Basing its discussion on a radio discussion which they-listened to during the' early part of the meetinz, the 11 -member group probed the basis of arbi- trav.in and arrived at the conclusion that the strike should he withheld until boards of arbitration enquire into the dispute. Findings of the arbitrators should be binding on the dlsput- j ing parties. Trie meeting decided that the chairman of the baard of.arbl-tratlon should be a government appointee, who is fully conversant with the industry In which the dispute oicurs and aertept-abie to both disputing parties. The board should have full powers of a Royal Commission with powers to bring In evidence v'.tal to the settlement involved. Tts decisions should be legally recognised as binding. Labor must agree to withhold th? strike wearwn and the em-oloyer his lockout powers while the -trike is bein? arbitrated, the group concluded. Chairman of las: night's dis-?nssion was Ken Harding, who wis apneinted to ;:ie position at the weekly meetings for" a month. Miss Freda Hall was appointed secretary ror a similar period. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTf'D Carpenters fo Prince George area. Room with I excellent board., $150 per day. Apply Northwest Construction .Ltd., Box Til, Prince Oeorge, i or Prince Rupert office, Room 1 6, Stone Block. 12591 r LETTERBOX MORSE CREEK POXI) Editor, Dally News: May "Amateur Skater" borrow scjr.e mere of ycur soace in the attempt to put the Morse Dam inio operation again In my last letter x was not Interested In why the dam could not be put into use as I had already found out the reason before the letter was published. The real reason of the If tter was to bring the matter to the attention of seme local organization which takes interest in the welfare of the younger generation. I felt that they would have more drag v- "h the Naval authorities than a poor, lowly taxpayer. Now, we are all proud of our great Navy. During the war tiny proved that thty were second to none and no Job was too big lor them but is it still impossible to have a place to skate "this winter? Naturally, the defence at our great country comes first, so. if we can't have the-pond, "w?U, no hard feelings. Thank you, Mr. Brown, for your answer and Mr Edlto-- f:r Quality Repairs Economy Prlcej at PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. Near the Post Office END OF STRIKE IN MINESNEAR VANCOUVER Early ending of the International Union of Mine, ! Mill and Smelter Workers strike j in the gold mines of British CoU iumbla is expected. The miner- will vote this week on a recommendation that they 'return to work pending arbitration of their differences with the companies The strike has been on for 115 days. Speaking for gold mining companies, c H. Locke warned the miners against expecting that arbitration might lend M further Increases in wages. your space and please excuse the ipen name. I don't like publicity. STILL AMATEUR SKATER. FURNITURE REPAIRING Upholstering Slip Covers Drapes Car and Truck Cushions Repaired and Recovered Out-of-town orders given special care. LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Phone Green 971 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre Terrace Corner Snack Bar MRS. F. LAMBLY HOME-MADE PIES SANDWICHES CAKES LUNCHES FOR TRAVELLERS On the Main Highway ' Maybe I wmt make the centre, but . . . Every FAT HE ...should answer these "I law much art my spl ines really WORTH f" The tttb yah, of T0Uf savings is not what counts most. What is important is the amount of iMi incmt thtr would provult, if tout wif and children is! Life insurance companies are much alike as to policies and rates, but actual long-term results vary widely. We invite you to co npate The Mutual Lift of Canada's record THE fxcluim.li to TV vi support, in most cases ordinary . MVIIIK)lll I 11MVIUC CIIUUEIi: 1121 is whr you need life insurance ... " ' nc" ti-i..wi "It it important THIC1I lift in. luramt company I thoostf" It UUP ,h '' TlAr . Eidfnr i-I .k. . Our rci-vhnU .. . the fan that ttnu I succedin ted their tiff Pol'Cho!Jers.AskTC IfMtifr r.l ! . r v. , .7- Ur Inuirance Simr im lYZHOF CANADA boi HEAD OFFICE WATERLOO, ONTARIO 1 Richard Sephton, Prince Rupert, Coastal and Interior J IU E. Mortimer, Representative Priutl E.'T. Kenney, Ltd, Representative Hoops Si Madijan, Representatives t.. it. uonaon, uepresemaiive otd Prince Rupert Bottle Colh ALSO MESSENOER SERVICE VhoTlt U I..... rr c uuj ... ALL 3IZ Perfex Beer Whiskey, Gu Rottlcs Rottlcs Wine Botl PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICI ' - ... '0f 50 This Is -your opportunity to add lo.your savings or to start saving. You can't afford to pass it up unquestionably there V no investment today which offers greater security and a better return on your personal savings. Canada Savings Bonds are too good an opportunity b miss, as eight out of ten people who bought Victory Bonds will teU you-So don't be content with a fifty dollar bond if you can buy a hundred ... or with a five hundred dollar bond if you can purchase a thousand. Aim for the bull's eye! Buy as close to ine individual's limit ($2000), as you possibly can- for cash ana on the Monthly Instalment Flan . . . now. When you buy Canada Savings Bonds you have an taw"?' that's backed by all the resources of this country . safe! And you can cash Canada Savings Bonds at ,,uU value, with interest, any time at any branch in Canada oi a , chartered bank. They are better than cash because they ma money for you, year after year. Bur to benefit from them you must buy them! Remember -these are "Serve Yourself Bonds. This time there are fewer salesmen. They will not be able to call on TJ" ' So it's up to you to take advantage of this fine investment oPP" tunity . . . without delay. n . i . r i . as many as you can , now! , for money Sold through banks, investment dealers, stock brokers, trust and loan companies. 8 out of 1 0 will buy again to help ror own satisfaction tor . . your . . . proiecuon Bonds . make your dreams come true . . . buy Canada Savings