ltfllCC UllUCrt EiliiD JDcUlS .vtuv An independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince RUDert ftnd all the enmmnnltlpii rnmnrlelnir Monday, October 28, 194G Now Who's Crazy Students Wonder DUNEDD.f, N.Z. Ot Two Otago University students sitting in their automobile were approach-e"Tv a stranger who admired the car and asked if they sell it. They named a price whkh the stranger promptly accepted. One student went'into a garage to, give the purchaser an official receipt and the car was handed over to the stranger, who djqvc off. Then the students faurxl that neither had received trie hioney, as each thought the purchaser had ?lven it to the olher. They hired a taxi and ph-p frenzied chase but could not find iiii INUINE ASPIRIN ISfVV is I nij WAT CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rates for your convenience ... NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms CAPE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) t PHONE 51 northern and central British Columbia. (Authorized as Second Class Mall. Post Office Dep't Ottawa). Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prlnco Rupert Dally News Limited. Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, British Columbia. O. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. Q. PERRY, Managing Director. SUBSCRIPTION RATES By. City Carrier, per week, 15c; Per Month. 65c; Per Year, 7.00; By Mall, per month, 40c; Per Year, MOO 1 MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS SS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION TRIBUTE TO BRITAIN "A ROCK of stability in a sea of uncertainty" is the way Matthew Halton, noted Canadian "Broadcasting Corporation commentator, describes Britain after a visit to Europe. They were the words He used in one of his interesting broadcasts yesterday. Mr. Halton spoke of the real progress that the 'United Kingdom was making economically while all the while there was a great "social revolution" going on with the Labor government carrying into effect its program of "democratic socialism." Mr. Halton acknowledged that it was the spirit of the British people, their continued willingness to submit to austerity and self-sacrifice in the national "intei est, that was leading the little island to; a postwar recovery which was a shining example to every nation in the world. 'Whatever one may think about the economic policies of British Labor government, there can be general -agreement with Mr. Halton's statement that it is the will of the people to work together, in spite of their fundamental political views, and keep up the production that has now brought British exports back to their pre-war volume and will in the next few years give. the country a higher general standard of living than it has ever before enjoyed. It would have been the same under any democratic party government even if the going might be difficult at times. Possibly, Britain economically is today in n unique position in the world. It is not beset with the industrial strife and dire threat of inflation which is seen on this side of the Atlantic where labor and industry, equally culpable, fail to gee together to settle their differences. It is not being reduced to a state of militarized serfdom such as the dictatorship of force has brought to Russia and is imposing on other nations which it has ruthlessly subiu-gated. We can agree with the tribute that Mr. Halton .pays to Britain in her .progress to economic recovery. She is leading the world in peace as she did in war. People of Canada and the United States could be. doing the same if they had the understanding, the will and the intestinal fortitude for which Britons, in spite of all their growling and their faults, have so long been able to show the world. SO MUCH AND SO. LITTLE "UlELL, I made my trip over the " Alaska Highway to Whitehorse and down by Skagway to Prince Rupert and home again (Peace River). I enjoyed the trip but it proved to my mind that the Canadian people have no business holding on to so much country and doing so little with it. I did not contact over a dozen .men who seemed to harbor anv idea of developing the country. Those old timers who were real 'boosters stem to have all gone to Victoria to live and the younger generation just do not know what it is all about, or what to do about it." Those are poignant words, when they are uttered by a man, who has spent most of his lifetime endeavouring to awaken people to the fact that, in the North West, Canada has a most splendid heritage,, if it has the will and vision to plan for the future instead of just being content, with looking at the open places where people are few and opportunities abound. It took World War II and the Americans to start the ball rolling as regards developing this huge district. They showed in a few months more progress than has been shown by Canadians in fifty years. The country is crying aloud for men of vision, men of ambition, not only on the ground, but also at Ottawa and other provincial capitals to point the way. The world has shrunk in proportion to improved methods of transportation. The crowded areas of the older lands are lookKig for new homes and places where they can at least live without starving to death and Canada and its people will eventually be asked: "Why hang on to lands which you neglect to even populate"? It has been stated that if Canada does not make the utmost use of its wonderful resources -other nations wil step in and do so. Nor' West Miner. the car. They reported their loss to the police who informed them that the purchaser was an escaped inmate of the Orokonul MentaJ Home. After "buying" the car he had driven back to the home and reported his return. The two students are still wondering Just what the 'transaction makes them. Buy Canada savings Bonds! PROPOSE POETS' CORNER EDINBURGH 0 A Scottish "Poets' Corner" on the same lines as th Poets' Corner . In Westminster Abbey has been proposed for St. Giles Cathedral, Edinburgh. RETFORD, Nottingham, Eng.. 0i A pair of Adam maliagony wing bookcases sold at auction for $4,000. CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT NOTICE RE VOTERS' LIST The City Clerk's Off'ec will be open from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, October 28th, 2Sth and 30th, for the purpose .of receiving registrations. The Voters' List closes at 5 p.m., October 31st II. I). TIIAIN, City, Clerk. Z - 'A V V V V V n AKT you order in now for your V persona greeting cards. Large selection of decorative and plain patterns now in- stock. Don't delay! Stop in today place your order and have your cards on time. DIBB PRINTING COMPANY Besner Block Third Avenue Chrysler! Mopar! Chryco! Automotive Parts and Accessories Distributed by: UUILT BY CHRYSLER RUPERT MOTORS LTD. PHONE 566 iu i NOTHING NEW ON SUBSIDY Inquiry by Chamber of .. Commerce Produces No Information Inquiry made to the Department of Trade and Commerce at Ottawa as to whaj developments, if any, have followed the subsidy for United Kingdom shipping out of Prince Rupert au thorized at the recent session of Parliament has elicited no definite information from the federal caoltal despite current reports locally that certain interests have been considering the idea of acting on the Visls of 'the subsidy to develop cargo shipments through the port. The Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce a few days ago wlr-ei Hon. J. A. McKlnnon, ministry of trade and commerce, seek-in?; information as to what steos. If any, might have been taken towards utilization of the sub sidy and if any interest was be ing manifested. A. C. L. Adams, private secre tary to the minister, who Is absent from the capital, says in ivp'.y: "My understanding is that no steps have yet been taken to utiliz? the subsidy provided in the estimates for Prince Rupert-'TTi'ted Kingdom services and there are no recent ! U..U :- i LIFE in this Prince Rupert by BIDDER JINKS "I've got a head like a tack," I said as I rushed back into the cafe for my umbrella which I had left hchind. 'Lady, you're not the only one!" the proprie tor consn.ed generously. "I could open a shop with the stuff people leave me. Everything from canaries to false 'teeth. Why, there's one lady In this town, that consistently leaves her umbrella here. She Just" couldn't help herself!" he laughed. "I can't so bad," I told myself. "After all, this umbrella has been mine for five years" but I couldnt push back the numerous close shaves it had had and then and there I determined to do something about It. Of course. the fact that on that same; day I walked out of a show and left a parcel of tenderloin and bacon on the counter and although I returned with all speed it wasn't quick enough that too may have been a deciding factor. Anyway, wnen I picked uo o ma-nrine the next day, these words stared out at me: "Do you have trouble remembering?-(Oh Brother, do I?) Yon shouldn't. Ifs really very easy, and the article went on giving the low down on memory troubles and their cures. It seems that many people may lay claim, to a fair tiiare of intelligence are still not able to boast of a good memory. This does not mean that they have not the necessary wherewithal but simply that thfy have never learned how to use what nature endowed them with. Karl Meninges noted psychiatrist, believes that this is undoubtedlv true and that, after a lifetime of study, He says that a great deal or this memory-falling grows from chtldhcod, from 'convenient eva Aon by saying "I forgot!," when you did not do what you were supposed to. Childhood evasion, did he say? Habit weaves carelessness Into the grain of th'rklnt, dulling the sensitive texture of the mind and by and by It takes an earthquake or something equally unusual to make a lasting Impression. To remove this clutch of inertia, we are advised to report to a trick or two. Something on .the old knotted string idea, only we dont always hay a string handy end the most of 'is, remove our I shoes at bedtime so we use I ! rnes. That !s for two reasons. j The first is because material absorbed .before going to bed will be remembered 30 per cent more effectively. The second is the opportune moment to practice int old nrlnclole of association. brokers,., trust and loan companies For instance, there Is something you must do first thing in the morning and you are dead certain you will forget. Well, you just stuff one shoe Inside the ether. In the morning, you'll remember why your shoes are so placed and like a flash you'll buzz off and do that little chore unless of course, you forget Then hire Is the little matter of remembering names. Suppose you meei a lady at a tea. Her name is Cartwright. When you are introduced you really pay attention to her name and murmur politely: "How do you do Mrs. CarttfrighJ," placing mental emphasis on the name. Then you say "Cartwrlaht. Cart two wheeled or four?" to yourself, of course. Surprisingly enough when you speak of this lady to a fr.'end, instead of saying "Mrs. Oh Goodness! You know who I mean, the ladvwe met n't th t the other day."- automatically a picture or a cart comes to mind and you are amazed to hear your own tongue saying "Cart-wright" with no hesitation. The beauty of it Is that It works every time. A friend of mine proved It. Upan meeting a ladv whose h.-imo wn m. Swallow, she Just said "Bird a bird to her subconscious self. Now she confidently speaks of "that charming lady, Mrs. Another item, which though net entirely surprising, still sounded very ?ood when I read It aloud to my husband, said: "The old notion that men have re You , 0 f Have you a "dream home" you are planning to build ? Are you hoping to send your boy fo college? Do you dream about that trip r you've promised yourself . . . some day ? Or maybe it's that business of your own you hope to have ? Well, here's your chance to do somelhlng practical about making your dreams come true. It's simple, too many proved lhat when they decided to buy Victory Bonds and War Savings Certificates, and found out thai saving money wasn't so difficult after all. Eight out of ten Victory Loan buyers have expressed their desire to continue a systematic savings plan with Canada Savings Bonds. How about you ? You can buy them on the Instalment plan as well as for cash. Where your employer offers a Payroll Savings Plan you can buy Canada Savings Bonds by regular deductions from your pay. You can buy Canada Savings Bonds in units of $50, $100, $500 and $1,000. You may buy up to $2,000 per person. They pay 2 Interest each year for 10 years. Your bonds will be registered in your name, providing protection against loss. You can cash Canada Savings Bonds at full face value, with interest, at any time at any branch In Canada of any chartered bank. But please remember this point. These are "Serve Yourself" Bonds. This time there ar fewer salesmen. They will not be able to call on everyone. So it's up to you to take advantage of this fine investment opportunity. Crystallize those dreams into action . . now I J! Sold by bonks, Investment dealers, stock I LETTEl Editor .X if th rz the JWrlttt Oil mv nffu- . --u uuuuuotedly uu'y men with lntelli?n as I got even aid Ihnt .V,. ..... 'l umDreua. a Dreamer Canada Savings Bonds 8 out of 10 will buy again.... , m the jj Morse CiJ i "avy)( C.T.0 Df,l Staff oinJ and ,Benweirs h ,"a' i"y. InuwliJ 1 Well innnA . . 1 ' better mpmm l '"VI 'entirely faiS( 1 nic aumor wai By this time l buoo dm a conclu.ji was a stunnir i. . 'and white -the J nine a muscle i strengthened fcy i best you can An i, What VOII mm which nf.itiv nin. 1 Anyway. I stm hJ