r! (F ver - V j jcpat'.ur. at V3;,. 9..30 u m .m auuns .111 Lai,' Mr. riff . .Air rpictnc il t" ' ifitrmion LJ !...- p, Ruper. , f 'mi- i. - " . f .IPS. ;-a.v Fus- a w'. " .; u. ft amci j Mi w r. VV.jam , i Mi O A. C t' Mills. r a. j r r. Mr. Mi ana E- Miss A A.m- : :.hc s Smithers Many Years .. : Mrs. Bit) of '.!) Mrs. 4. -j nephew? M: J.imes i:'1 Bi-lUng-last - . Wcd-? T . jiv-day m visit ; 3 enroute it of-- ty is sal-U iprhiU. ' T rr.df1 K.iby in months C . ? the If -c in she in the " t taken ... owed to Th party F m:mlm E ,:d ? -W2-de 57. sin-re J BLshop , HQTSPOT Ancient cosmographera believed it was so hot on that part of the earth directly beneath the i sun that np life co,u,ld exist. HITCH-HIKERS Ye?y yunf mussels, called glochldia, attach themselves to birds' feet and feathers and thus WANTED Sewing machine, any condition. Phone Blue 834. j (200) ENGINE Heavy-duty 10-15 h.p. boat engine wanted, must bo I in good condition. H. P. Olsen, i Sawmill, Bums Lake, B.C. (200) HELP WANTED WANTED Experienced woman clerk for grocery store. No other need apply. Apply Skeena Grocery. (tf) FOR KENT FOR RENT Four-room suit? with bath; fine harbor view. Available Sept. 1. Phone 547. (205) MST AND FOUND LOST Sola r wrUt watch Reward- Finder please leave at HaJly News Office or Phone Rfd 913. (205) FOUND Pair of glasses on Third Avenue. Owner may have same by calling at the Daily News and paying for this advertisement. (tf) LOST-rWallet containing valuable papers and -$300 cash. Phone Oreen'491. - (202) PERSONAL VIOLIN TUITION. For appointments phone Black 120. Mrs Ellen M. Anderson. (s22) LOOK YOUNGER! Restore na-j tural colour to greying hair I wlthAngelique Grey Hair Restorer. $1 at Ormes Ltd. (205) OILUUKNF.US RELIANCE OILBURNERS-1052 6th Ave. East. Phone Black 897. (203) MACHINERY TO 8AW better lumber more economically, use the modern and tiD-to-daie type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company limited. Vancouver. B.C tf "AVAL CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS No. 5 THE KING: British Naval Officer! when afloat treasure the right to drink the King's health seited-Sofr,e y that the prmlege of Naval r UBicers to remain seated during the "Toast to the King" dates back to the reign of Charles II, J no cm returning to England in 1 660 on board the Koyal Charles, .bumped his head when replying to a toast, and ever afterwards held Naval Officers excused from rising on these occasions. Best Of Tradition Always 0HN H. LCnFP ,!T0METRIST 0 ilrilrr r . I ' Red 319 MILD or MEDIUM CORK TIP and PLAIN PLAYER'S MILD Wotn hav Wtproor' pop wtMcu do i not nck to m re o I 'tenor Build ana Work x ixermoae er and Painters Free Estimates and Prompt Service RUN OYER BY PLANE ADELAIDE. Australia 'V -G! n Wyatt, JJl. w,a run oyer by an airplane. Working at Rarafteld ; airdrome, Wyatt slipped in front j of a plane being -tawed, from a hangar. Before,, anything could i be done one of it wheels had I lasted over hjm. , get a free ride to other waters. Bqy mote War savings stamp's Classified Advertising jlsM.'fleds: 2c per word per insertion, minimum charge, 60s." Birth Na6.pi 5()c: Cards of Thanks. Death Notices, Kuntral Notices. Mftrrlaee. and Engagement Announcements: ti, WANTED FOft SALE FOR SALE Furnished cabin. Apply 19 Cow -Bay. Also new gas stove, oven, large size, $5.00. (200) FOR SALE McClary circulating heater, good condition. $35.00. Phone Red 802. (204) FOR SALE A Lesage walnut piano and a Beattle electric .mangle. Phone Red 128. (204) FOR SALE-loirls" bicycleU.S.A streamline model, Al condition. Apply Blaln Bros., Phone 547- (205) FOR BALE Almost new dinette suite, wheatstraw finish, $75; 2 tables, $6 and '$4; beautiful radio, 8 tubes, decorative lighting, $45; bridge lamp, $4-Sqite 2, Summitt ApU, evenings and week-end. (200 FOR SALE-5 acres land and three-roomed house in Cedar-vale. Close In. Annlv nmivlat Marsden, Kltwanga, B.C. (202 FOR SALE 7-room house. Phone Green 973. (201 1 FOR SALE Beauty parlor; equipment and furniture complete. Reasonable price. Phone Blue 943 or call at 603 Cth Ave. West. (tf) FOR SALE Sawmill with two-and-a-half million feet of timber; camp and kitchen utensilsr equipment, tools, 4 horses, good condition. Price $5000. Apply Lee Jim, Hazel-ton, B.C. (tf) Vvfi BUY AND SELL New and Used Furniture; also Hardware. See us before buying elsewhere. Used phonograpn records, 20c; 5-piece kitchen set. $16.50; electric ranges, McClary's, from $15; 3-plece chesterfield in good shape, $09.50; baby carriages, from $7; hassocks, from $2.50; beds, complete, from $1250; electric fans, from $7.50; new Gurney -ranges. an-elameT; new scatter rugs, big assortment, $105 each. B.C. Furniture Co.. 3n1 Ave. Phone Black 324. (tf COLD MEATS O FOR WARM WEATHER BULKLEY MARKET WE DELIVER DAILY THIRD AVENUE PHONE ITS P.O. Box 1404 VANCOUVER GIRL IS BRIDE HERE 3IUs Harriet Itcgers Becomes Bride of Harold Anderson Before a simulated altar in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson, 221 Second Avenue Wet, Saturday evening, Miss Harriet Alice Rogers, daughter of Frederic Rogers and the late Mrs. Rogers of Vancouver, became the bride of Harold Ander-ion, second son of Mrs. R. T Anderson and the late Mr. Anderson of prince Rupert. Canon W. F. Ruihbrook officiated at the double-ring ceremony. Given in marriage by Charles Anderson, brother of the bridegroom, the bride wore a light blue dressmaker suit with navy end pink accessories with a corsage of yellow roses. Attending her as bridesmaid was MLss Pat Inderson, who wore a light brown dressmaker suit with dark brown accessories, with a cordage of pink carnations. Grocwoman was Harry Robb. The bridegroom is employed at he Aiy dock here after serving six years with the navy, most of is service being wjth destroy-tvs on the Atlantic. The bride Mas formerly a telephone opera-'nr at Vancouver. Their marriage took place be-:ore an altar which stood be-leath an arch decorated in pink 'nrj white .and on each side of vuich stood bouquets of color-'ul summer flowers. Following the. ceremony, the )rkie and groom cut a large lirse-ticr wedding cake. A toast to the bride, proposed by the rootnsnian, was responded to by the bridegroom. The guests were received by Mrs. R. T. Anderson, who wore a dress of pab LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 648 220 Sixth Street NEW CONSTRUCTION REPAIRS ' ALTERATIONS GREER & BRIDDEN Builders and Contractors I'lIONE RED 501 IN THE SUPBEMt COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP RAONAR N. FREDRIKSEN otherwise known as FREDERIKSEN and FREDRICK SON DECEASED INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honor E. D. Woodburn. Acting tor and at request of His Honor W. E. Fisher, made on the 31st day of July. AD. 1946. I was appointed Administrator or tne Estate oi Rag-nar N. Fredriksen, otherwise known as Frederlksen and Fredrlckson. deceased, and aU parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to lurnlsh same, properly verified to me on or before the 18th day of September. A D 1948. and all parties Indebted to the Estate are requlrad to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED jtl Prince RupertC Ud. SttJ- day of August. A.D. 1946 GORDON F. FORBES. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, BC I 209 ; P.O. BOX 721 HAVING WONDERFUL TIME ELACICiUPX England f.-In one holiday week residents of Blackburn who went away spent tlOO i$8,CO0) on 54.000 nost- cards to tell relatives and friend wnat a good time they were OCTOGENARIAN CELE3RATES COVERDALE, Yorkshire, Eng. Oi Alfred Reeve, one at ten residents of Coyerdale (popula tion 5UU) past EO, celebrated his 27th birthday haymaking. CROATIAN. CRAVAT Cravat was the name given by the French in the reign of Louis IV to the scarf worn by the Croatian soldiers. blue, with a corsage of white carnations. Refreshments were served during the evening with Mrs.. T. M. Crosley and, Mrs. Harry Ward pouring. Serviteours were Miss adhh Dodds and Miss Marilyn Anderson. ' Mr. and Mrs. Anderson will reside at 933 Hays Cove Avenue. 1 SS 1 South Hzelort Woman is Dead SOUTH HAZRLTQN-M-'V Emma-Fie win, native daughter of Kltsegukla, died at her home here at the age of 68, after a prolonged Illness. Funeral services were held Saturday at Haz -elton with Interment in Hazel-ton cemeteix Adjutant Clar ence Rendall of the Salyatloni Army officiated; Born at Kit segukla, the daughter of Stephen Nee-Yas-NarWee, Mrs. Flewm was twice married. Her first husband, Mr. Williams of Andl-maul, died shortly after the First World War. In 1922 she was married to James Flewln and moved to South Hazeiton. She is survived by her husband, a sister, Mrs. T. H. Brown, a son, Joha-than Brown, and two daughters, Miss Rosle Brown and Mrs. Esther Edgar and several stepchildren and grand children at Haysport and Port Advertise In the Daily News. You Can Waterproof Your Raoamant Parmanonfluf MtWVllIllll Never before such an amasing discovery as "AQUAPEL"! Her is a paint that actually waterproofs cement, stone, brick or wood! Your basement and walls easily can be .mid blight and dry when you give it a protective, waterproof "AQUAPEL" coatl "AQUAPEL" comes in 6 standard colors. See your Paint or Building Supply Dealer Block Bros. Ltd. Gr.jnville St. MA.r r 221 B.C. Distributors: E. B. Horunon & Son Ltd. 562 Burtoid St. MArme 2354 H. A. Socgtrtori Ltd. Manufactured by 0CAY CEMENT PRODUCTS 453 Powell St. Vancouver, , B.C. nafiiifsasJsnHHpHj' QvjismitlsiJijBssssHis We are here to serve you and guarantee you will be pleased. FREE DELIVERY OF ALL ORDERS BLAIN BROTHERS "HOUSE OF FINE FOODS" PHONE 517 : P.O. Box 174 Good Food! i Help yourself to health from our tit, w; svuck. luuw una ncaiuiiui iuous 7 ;. 9K&B 'or delicious summer menus, ah iW orders Ueiivered to your kitctien MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE (Opposite Canadian Legion) Phones 18 and 19 P.O. Box 575 TENTS - PACK SACKS TRAPPER NELSON PACKBOARDS WATERPROOF GROUND SHEETS PROTECT YOUR LUGGAGE WITH CAXVAg COVERS . -j. . Edmondson Awning and Sail Works 330 .SECOND AVENUE P.O. Box 302 : PHONE 632 II Jewellery I MEANS MORE... I For Your Heart Goes I With It .1 That's Why JEWELLERY I IS THE PREFERRED GIFT I. Your jeweller is an understanding participant when you choose jewellery for a loved one. And he I takes pide in it . . . for hel knows that a GIFT FROM THE HEART must be CHOSEN BY THE HEART . . . that is why he selects the finest for your sonsideration. H His knowledge and experience assures you I j happiness and satisfaction. 12HK? gtMtt -Dijflj -T3CU10 " .Monday. 4u,just.2t), 1946 ALADA TEA BAGS CIVIC CENTRE CARNIVAL Draw Prize List i $25.00 War Savings Certilicatts to eftch prize winner. Prizes may be had by contacting A. B Armstrong, Royal Bank of Canada, Prince Rupert. $25 War Savings Certificates 1 No. 1538 Yet Wong, Rupert Butchers, City 2 No. 2862 Harry Innes, Pprt Esslngton, B.C. 3 No. 5371 N. Thompson, 615 8th Ave. West, City 4 No. 8521 David McKay, Klncola 5 No. 5838 Marjorle Peachey, 733 Tatlow St., City 6 No. 4802 John Murray, Box 1294, City 7 No. 2381 Bill Horrobis, Sunnyslde 8 No. 7302 A. Bltton, Box 531, City 9 .No. 1658 Ruby Oreen 10 No. 12081 .. . j. Martin, Box 46, City 11 No. 8280 Andrew Kusln, Box 1226, City 12 No.3815 B. H. Benson, . Kltwanga, Skeena River 13 No. 4267 p. Smith, co P. Gilllsr 520 7th Ave. West 14 No. 8118 j. A. McDonald 15 No. 5682 E. R. Foster, 432 8th Ave. West 16 No. 3191 17 No. 10576 .... 18 No. 10707 ....Z. Prevost, 537 7th Ave. West 19 No. 2549 .. Dan Chung. M.B.F.. Port Edward 120 No. 11440 .... Zl No. 7690 Fay Ingram, Box 1265, City ZZ ISO.Z7ZU . 23 No. 5492 . Hovdebo. 32 Taxi 24 No. 10935 ...Marjorle Clayton, Port Edward, B.C. 125 No. 3205 paul White. Massett 26 No. 11532 .... perry Reace, Hartley Bay 27 No. 4312 mts. Al Black. 1152 7th Aye. .West 28 No. 3895 Sam Miller, Ware, B.C. 29 No. 1535 Danny. Shlra, Box 1153, City 30 No. 7293 J. port. Citv 31 No. 8292 Dennis Mark, Pacific, B.C. 32 No. 1853 ' mf i 33 No. 3693 ;34 No. 4437 .... Mrs. W. H. Corrins 35 36 . ,37 38 .39 i 40 41 No. 7755 C. R. Twaitea. 780 Alfred St. City . No. 11773 S. Hembrof f . 2570 E. 19th. Vancouver - No. 7935 William Spence. Cassiar Cannery . No. 7740 A. Smith, Carlyle Cannery No. 3074 H. Sinclare. co St. Elmo, City No. 11493 . ..Tames Cosnell, Sunnyslde - No. 2747 J B Nobartson. Box 845. Citv '42 No. 12500 ... C. N. HendHrks, Fraser St., City 4 No. 3523 t jprnon, City 44 No. 4198 ...... rori will. Box 636, City 4s No. 10505 ...Mrs. Pellatte, Caspaco, B.C. 4fi No. 11539 . 47 No. 3153 i No. 8067 Wone Sinir, Box 302, Citv 49 No. 135 a Benpr co John Clausen, City 1,50 No. 3100 Ale Stephens, Greenville OIL AND COAL STOEERS BARR & ANDERSON LIMITED Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th Street Phone Red 388 P.O. Box 1294 EARLY ADVERTISING COPY WILL BE APPRECIATED 1'lumhing and Heating Engineers KWONO SANG! HING . r HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE' 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 pjn. to 2 am. Outside Orders from 2 pjn. to 2 ajn. PHONE RED 247 SPECIAL - $3.95 Elizabeth Arden Treasure Chest CONTAINING : Ardena Cleansing Cream Velva Cream Feather-Light Foundation Cream Skin Tonik Hand-O-Tonik Poudre D'lllusion Blue Grass Flower Mist Lip Stick. Ormes Ltd. "Ju Pioneer Drtu&tet STORE HOURS Week Days 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays 12 noon till 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Pall Mall Ca fe AND CHOP SUEY at CENTRAL HOTEL HAS REOPENED We specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishesT WE EXTEND A HEARTY INVITATION TO COME AND ENJOY OUR FINE FOOD