5MITHERS WINS OVER HAZELTON Smart Interior Baseball Aggregation Scores Another Victory SMITHERS Smithers senior baseball team travelled to Haz-olton on Sunday for a win over the Hazelton nine to the tune of 8 to 2. Spicer pitched a nenr perfect game for Smithers, allowing only one hit in the ninth for . total of two runs. Smllhers team hit 13 time's for a tcial of 8 runs. Smith and Devlin shared the mcund honors for 0 Haxelton team. Smith giving up a total of 11 Hits spread over six in-.nlngs and Devlin allowing two -hlifc in three innings. - HazeUon's two tallies came in th? last of the ninth when Parent, the catcher, walked, Marshall reached first on an error at third by J. Hetherington, and Srrllt, Haselton's centreflelder, doubled over the first baseman's head to drive in the two runs. Line-ups were: Smlthers Aida 2b, B. Leach If, Splcer p, G. Hetheriujrton lb, Delake as. J. Hetherington 3b, Paulis c. Fowler cf, Mayer rf. Haselton -Soooner ss. Marshal! 3b. Willan lb, Sterritt of Parent c, S. Smith If. Wilson 2b. Sargent rf. Smith p. Snares Devlin (relieved Smith in the seventh) Reynolds and Ilalvorsen. FASTBALL Men's Lea;ue July 19 Grotto vs. Ba-me-Hl, Reserve Atmy vs. Co-op. July 2299 Taxi vs. General Motors, Co-op vs. Grotto. July 21 Ceneral Motors vs. Bo-Me-Hl, 99 Taxi vs. Reserve Army. , Girls' League July 16 Moose vs. Whirlwinds. Macey's vs. Klnettes. July 18- Macey's vs. Moose, Kinettesnvs. Whirlwinds. : July 23 Moose vs. Macey's, Whirlwinds vs. Klnettes. July 25 Klnettes vs. Moose, Macey's vs. Whirlwinds. July 26 Whirlwinds vs. Moose, Klnettes vs. Macey's. Two Canadian newspapermen j ranked h"--h in it rf 1945 . Governor Cener.il awards for Can. -: :v w z NOW you con again get eaiy-ihaving, money-laving MINORA BLADES in ttve generovs Economy Pad: 12 blades for 25i I MIHCRA is Canoda'i favourite low-price blade, became it ovtbits ordinary blades and gives smooth, comfortable shaves every time. So a:k fx and get MINORA ElAD.S in the big Ec noray Pact It saves you 16 ',! SHORT SPORT As saagi jted on this paper last week the :t Is need for having a ; city-wide athletic association to handle al. sports on a co-opera tive basis. This idea already has i been given a good start by the ; Canadian Legion in connection iwith the forthiomlng visit of U.M.C5. Uganda; The Legion lias already wfit-'ten the ship outlining Its wish ! to provide all possible sporting-I events for the visit. The sports ! listed are football, fastball, box-! ing, lawn bowling, tennis and bil liards. As soon as a reply is received from the ship it is the intention of the Canadian Legion to call a meeting to which each organized sport in the city would be asked to send a delegate. At this meeting ah arrangements could toe considered with each organization putting forward its own suggestions for competitions with the ship's teams. Then all the details could be arranged toy mutual agreement. The Canadian Legion is to be congratulated on its initiative In the matter and It is felt that all sporting organizations will give every support to the move. The Prince Rupert lacrosse players are very busy fixing up rant jor me siart oi me season. The old handball court Is being torn down and they expect to icsume practices next week. Soon after the games will start. In connection with the forthcoming visit of H.M.C.S. Uganda the Canadian Legion Is hoping to line up a really representative football team to meet the ship's team for the Hanson trophy. There Is a real shortage of football boots and any sportsmen who-have pairs to spare are asked to get hi touch with the Le gion. They plan to play trial Barnes and the city team will be ehofen as a result of the trials. Ttiere is a. great deal of interest feeing shown in the series and wKti Hie lads back from the forces the rity has lots of talent available. WELL-IRRIGATED India has me largest lrriga-tern in the world. Due to the critical shortages of automobile parts, we urge motorists more than ever before, to LUBRICATE and SAVE WEAR, if you wish to continue to ride. We use only the best grades of oils and greases. Call us f6r an appointment . . . PHONE ."i0. Pennzqil and Peerless Motor Oils RUPERT MOTORS LTD. CHRYSLER PARTS DEPOT NEW CONSTRUCTION REPAIRS ALTERATIONS GREER & BRIDDEN Builders and Contractors PHONE RED 561 P.O. BOX 721 IN FASTBALL IS REALLY FAST Lindsay's Homer Cinches Game for General Moiors With both warns righting every Inch of the way, the score tied in the seventh and an extra inning needed, the Co-op vs. General Motors provided one of the best fastball games ever played on the Gyro ball park last nl3hi. Co-op got two. men on In their half of the eighth but a doubte play ended their hopes. Then Lindsay came to bat for the General Motors. He fouled off the first ball but hit the second one solidly and It ended up on the lawn in front of the Masonic Temple. That was the winning run. Both teams were right on their toes all through the game. Par-lett gave up nine hits, struck out three and gave one walk. Pav-likis caught well. Kellett. gave up 11 hits, struck out two and gave one walk. Bellis was catching. Co-op were held scoreless for five innings but scored two In the sixth and then added one in the seventh to tie the score. An extra inning was played. They got two men on bases but a double play ended their hopes. Astoria hit a three-bagger ant' Lindsay pulled down two big hits to save the day for the Motors. The Motormen scored In the fjrst inning and added two in the fifth when they got the bases loaded but lost out In a forced play at home. They went scoreless in the sixth and seventh and then Lindsay came through in the extra inning. Johnson hit a three-bagger in the first inning. Runs were scored for Co-op by Smith, Astoria and Kellett. For the Motormen Arney, Simonson, Parlett and Lindsay sccrsd i i Teams: J Co-op Bellis, Smith, Astoria, INordgaard, Ward, Slater. Kel lett, Hensick, Mintenko and Peterson. General Motors T. Arney, Simonson, Johnson, Lindsay, Pav-Hkis. Davis, Fitch, Lambie Parlett. Scores: Co-op 000 002 103 General Motors .... 100 020 014 99 Tail Beats tio-Me-lli The young High School team put up a fair showing against their older opponents, 99 Taxi, in fastball last night, but were .aih; and outplayed. They seemed to expect to be beaten and did net show the fiht thu. they, usually do. Forbes. Piercs nd S; herfc scored for the students for whom Wesch pitched gt-3d game with Sharp catch- " u. Shrocder. with three runs; Hou: 'on and Ratchford, with Wj each; Bill, Postuk, Windle. Montc-ano and Dominato. with one each, brought In the runs for the taxlmen. Gurvich and hen Shroeder pitched with Pos-tuk and Gurvich catching. Teams; Bo Me-Hl Forbes. Ciccone, Pierce Hartwig, Sharp, Scherk, RESERVE BEATS PORT EDWARD Although Reserve Army defeated Port Edward by a score of 6 to 2 in a softball game at Port Edward last night, it was, a keenly contested match which excited a good-sized crowd of fans. Port Edward scored in. the ' third and sixth innings, a home run In the latter frame seeing nne on bases. For the Resem Army Pitcher Shier scored in the third inning while Mack and Basso crossed home plate in th. fourth. The victory was definitely clinched by the Reserve in the seventh and last inning with Basso. Carlson and Bates scoring. NOTICE The Dally News wishes to draw attention to the rule that classified and transient advertising Is payable in advance at the office at time of presenting copy for advertising. Those desiring to advertise in this manner In the Dally News axe asked to assist the office and respect this rule by refraining from telephoning classified Baseball Scores American St Louis 2-4, New York 3-8. Chicago 11, Boston 3-0. Cleveland 8, Philadelphia 2. Detroit 3, Washington 2. National Boston 0, Chicago 10. New York 5, Pittsburgh 3. Brooklyn 2, Cincinattl 5. Philadelphia 10, St. Louis 7. International Montreal 10-14, Rochester 5-5. Toronto 6, Buffalo 5. Newark 2, Baltimore 1. Jersey City 5, Syracuse 4. American Association All-Stars 4, Indianapolis 2. Pacific Coast San Diego 6, Sacramento 7. San Francisco 3, Hollywood 2. Seattle 2, Portland 9. Los Angeles 0, Oakland 5. Western International . Wenatchee C, Spokane 5. Bremerton 4, Salem 3. Vancouver 4,-Yaklma-3. Victoria 8, Tacoma 5. Holkstad, Forroan and Wesch. 99 Taxi Postufc. O.njth, Gurvich, Houston. Calderonl, Mante-sano, Shroeder, BUI, Dominato, Ratchford and Windle. Scores: Bo-Me-IU 111 000 0 3 99 Taxi 182 012 x 12 Balls and Strikes Kellett and Bellis make a very ro'table battery. Cy has lots of speed, variety and control. Bellis's throwing to second is quick and accurate. The Co-op team has a grand fighting spirit and. good ballplayers. Their new sweaters of red and green look well. The General Motors' -murderers' row" was shackled tor most of the same bat Lindsay's home run was a mrderoos" wallop. Geqrge Murray umpired elH-clently and impartial?. Peterson evidently jtai quite a length of leg between his ankle am! knee! Maurice Brydges was quick on base decisions and his calling out of Walter Johnson who turned to his left af'er rearting first baf was r t-- --t PRIME (iEUHGB to i i vnniirnn V iL.tUlJ.Ml 2 i Hours Leave PRINCE GEORGE DAILY 5:30 A.M. (Except Monday) Single $30 Return $54 Flu Tji Further Information from Mr. Bob Boehme Canadian Pacific Air Lines Prince George Hotel Prince George, B. C Campbell's Cosy Cabins Skrena Bridge Toutist Camp One Mile East of Town Box 13 TERRACE, B.C. ATTENTION!! Campers Watson's Food Store AT SMITHEnS WILL BE MAKING REGULAR. DELIVERY TO LAKE KATHLYN THIS SUMMER. Hill Rink Wins j Woodland Trophy , liar: Dfcisivi Victory Over I Jack Judge's Agere-Ration j I In the final jf the W . ul.) bowling trophy tost the Prince Taipert : uli ;i ' greens George Hill'.? lin1" w-ri from Jack Judge's vink 'y 1B-K The winning te?m. r ' n- -of G. Bchn, Mrs. Forbp .. Bi n Morgan and George Hill a I: i. was aRways In front J.ick Ju : p'ayed 'jelow form and in ''" of their bast efforts th- v.im could not ?,et on evr i t fin-Alex Finnic. Jork David -on and W. Ranee were the ofhrr m tubers of the losing trnm. Sports Schedule i Girto Fastball League Macey's vs. Moose; Klnneties vs. WWrhYlnda. .Baactoal Savoys vs. Watts Nicfcercon. MORE OOLF "BIRDIES" SYDNEY, Australia, 0-GoK-ers at the country town of Nar-romlne are packing shotguns In their bets to shoot flocks of crows which swoop on their goK balls. Gunfire is Hie onVy thing which will repel the marauders. EARLY PAWNSHOPS There were pawmhops in China 3.000 years ago. THESE IS HO OTHER T0IACC0 JUST UKE old mum The Tobacco of Quality CANADA'S OtISINAl aiomahc nn roiAcco ITrMTTTTTTTTr FOR BETTER NOW CONVENIENCE. SERVICE AND GREATER WE ARE LOCATED AT PRINCE RUPERT Second Avenue For . . . SAILS - AWNINGS TARPAULINS CANVAS WORK OF ALL KINDS Venetian Blinds Window Blinds Garden Chairs Shopping Bags Edmondson Awning and Sail Works Phone 632 p.o. Box 302 In TERRACE... Shop at Skeena Mercantile A .MODERN DEPARTMENT STOKE Groceries - Ladies' Wear Goods - Shoes and Men's Wear T r'TTnr'IS'lt iouna 11.- That is r.l lr.K A ' Archimedes shouted, when af ter study, memoa oy wnich he might in King Hlero's crown. And that is exactly what you will be saying when you instal a RELIANCE KITCHEN RANGE OIL BURNER and discover .the efficiency and convenience of easily controlled oil heat for cooking baking and water heaUng. RELIANCE OIL BURNERS are available In Prince Rupert right now. Burner may be viewed at address below or at PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING Si HEATING RELIANCE SALES & SERVICE PHONE 10S R. W. Vick GOV-CJ 'i. C'ETS INTERNATIONAL WELCOM AT WINDSOR, ONT VI IT r govern !-: r.u. Sir Harold Alexander. ,it U" .1 ''-'hoi-al wo::.-ai du. m. Out. Shown above arc. left to right. Win 1 .1'; M.iyor Arthu J r -Alexander; Viscount Alexander shaking hands across the Intcrnatio bassador bridge with Detroit's Mayor Edward J. Jeffries, and Mr.;. R u..:- OF MANY PARTS The musk ox has Uie tall of a sheen, kidneys of a coat. soUen of a donkey, bones of an ox, ribs of a bison and hojrs of a caribou. As an illustration of the acute newsprint shortage, one advertising agency in a southern VS. centre furnished 2K tons to the loeal newspaper to run a special advertisement tor one of tlielr clients. 1 i Mz&k -v M&k rTTTirrrrnr 'I I 11 IIiiliMil ! SUPPLY HOUSE what long he suddenly discovered a ascertain the amount of alloy , 1 r.O. BOX UG3 10S: Siith Avenue East STUDENTS ON STRIKE j HORART, Tasmania, One j hundred schoolboys at one of, Tasmania's oldest schools re-1 sentry went on strike because j they were asked to attend classes 1.00 Classified Advertisim I f 1.4 9. 2c nr wtrA word nor InMrllnn lnarrtlon, mlnlm-i.1 mlnlm . . Ouslflrds: per prr FOR KENT FOR RENT Room. Meals if de- FOR i Ml sired. Phone Black 965. (168) FOR RENT Green's Rooms. Reasonable rates; quiet and clean. 622 Fraser St. 1C7) FOR RENT Furnished Tooms. 813 9th Ave. West (185) HELP WANTED BRIGHT AND HONEST boys and girls wanting Dally News de livery routes should enter their p o R S A I names at tne oince. nri, r WANTED WANTED Packsack for No. 3 Trapper Nelson packboard. Phone Red 728, after C p.m. (tfi FOOTBALL BOOTS ANfl GEAR wanted to outfit a team to play H.M.C.S. "Uganda." Will owners please communicate with Canadian Legion immediately. (1671 WANTED Small oil burner blower, any condition. Box 147 Dally News. (167) WANTED Light truck or can Phone Black 823. (1671 WORK WANTED WORK WANTED - Dependable middle-aged woman will mind children. Phone Blue 488. (100 TENBEKS FOR SALE-Sealed tenders will oe received by the undersigned until noon of Friday, July 19. next, for the purchase of Lot 6. Block 33, Section 5. City of Prince nupert, Map 923, located at 527 8th Avenue West, together with the following Improvements 'located thereon: Ten - - roomed, two storey frame house, ad one small one-storey, three roomed cabin. Separate sealed tenders will also be received, for the furniture contents therein Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms strictly cash. Premises may be viewed by arrangement Occupation subject to Rental Control RfKirfl rponlollnn. Four-roomed flat In the ten-roomed house and the sma'.l three-roofed cabin are presently rented. Gordon F. Forbes. Administrator of the Estate of John Kach, otherwise known as John Tkach, deceased. OG8) TERRACE TRANSFER AND W (Harold Smith) I TRUCK AND PASSENGER SOT JplifliiLl T'rinc in Sunday, Wednesday and SaturdaJ Charter Trips to Any Part of Ilistrict P.O. Box 1C7 on a p.; gOi'l ) fco:b;i.; tr. Nur.v.1, im c '"Usui I fur::. R.a V..i!f..i I B.C FOR SALE Ave Ej.:-aft.r ' S p.; J FOR ?'Ar.E Ki kitclK-; -Ea.st 1 FOR f ALE r rl S1G0O A; t good Enter , v ceijV'- cr r ::':"; WL-.iir ; c I. DaiJ.v K.:t. fob sale c ;.: from 3 t ' ' from $!- ca.-c". $5 -m : $1.65 lura C : t. $2250; c" Cost J' turc f ' s chui; f u cd r- " 1 UkcV thin" rr : sell a: 1 1 fun. :i : US f. '-Furnlfur c 324. " FOR SALE ' andec " f- FOR SAi E hnu.' w ( part town P' -a $2400 An t' FOR GALC VT. new f- ' 737 FOR SAU Vf' d.iubiu-Blue fl- AUCTION 54 AUCTION r.A'3 ai 1 1 1 " "maciiinOJ TO SAW better JF economically n ' and nP' to -date n.t.Ms r-vtr. tured by Nat' Company ''t1'"0 B C Hi TERRACE MACHINE SHOP &0i TEKKACR. H.C. Dealers in GENERAL MOTORS .MACHINE WORK GAS and tn-DIESEL and TRACTOR KIT."" OTr.T SITNHAYS and llOMHA For minor repairs and l