C Payrolls" 0 II I ! i:. rant re "JO IK little won- 1HK i v tcuum packed, s,:ier Valley . . . mean;, added min D. !C MILK I I 1 1 v,1 1 'm , IGERS BROS. i Finejf Silvcrplate BULGER B jut 1 1) Opp. Post Office usmess and fevi WS STAND fc w item Papers ;:UI1Cj IIPTIONS TAKEN Red 808 ' "RUINS d Decorating ESTIMATES Dim 451 W Peterson f TRANSFER hh SSENGEIt Wood' Baggage Express P' nice Rupert in- n job a Rock Man IV" N DISKS J Blue 6GC i:,!!,walks, Basements work I cannot P myself, UTRIDGE, ?TON & RICE Contractors P '489, Station B w Oreen 417 i repairs, all kinds. vrk - Foundations Cheerfully Given Intention all work. i fNDYMAN E SERVICE L CONTRACTORS F Repairs of all kinds Ky; and Oil Burners iyHUNES: .ocal News A For that Port Edward Trip-Tommy's 77 Taxi. Grotto Cigar Store. (tf) A Carpenters Union Meetins Wednesday 8 p.m. Fraser St. Spe cial Business. (172) J. Harry Black, president ol the local branch of the Automobile Areoclation of British Columbia, accompanied by Douglas Frlzzell and Hugo Kraupnor, will leave tomorrow for Terrace where they will take part In a further organizational-meeting of an Automobile Association branch. Gunner Metro Odowes, who returned recently to Canada after five years overseas with the Canadian Army, arrived on the train from eastern Canada Wed nesday afternoon to spend leave wKh his brother, John Odowes. After his discharge he expects to take up residence In Vancou ver. A meeting, under the chair- mansblp of Mayor Daggett, will be held at the Canadian Legion at 8 tonight to consolidate plans far enter. ainment of H.M.C.S. Uganda. Representatives of city Navy, Canadian Legion, Navy League, Clvk Centre and foot ball, baseball, softball. boxing, lawn bowling and lawn tennis associations and service clubs ln- vlted. (It) funeral NOTICE I The funeral of the late Robert Ilcrneil Uammon Will De held I from B. C. Undcrtaksrs' Gren vllle Court Chapel and proceed to the r.ngi;can Cathedral where services will be conducted by Rev. B. Prockter at 2 p.m. Friday, July 19. In-'termeiu will be made in Fair-view Cemetery B. C. Undertakers. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS The Philippine Islands are eonipe,"?d of 10 rargc and 970 small islands. Announcements All advcrtlRemcntn n t:n. column will be charwd for n full month at 25c a word. Sons of Norway Dance, Friday, 19th, Oddfellows' Hall. ETrtheTari'Tcx,aIid,sale, Home cooking, July 20, Church Parlors. L.O.lf.A. Garden Party, August 7, Mrs. J. P. Moller's, 130 4th Ave. East, 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. Port Day, August 22. Old Time Dance, Prairie Ramblers, every Saturday night. Oddfellows' Hall. L.O.B.A. Bazaar, Oct. 23. Professional CHIROPRACTIC R. J. PARKER, D.C. '(.Palmer Graduate) Suite G Telephone Smith Block Green 995 GAIRDNER'S CONSTRUCTION Jackings - Building - Repairing Alterations and Cement Worlc PHONE GREEN 482 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all its branches 200 4th Street : Phone 655 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 ANDY ANDERSON PAINTING & FAPERHANOINQ 033 Tatlow Street Phone Green 937 (After 7 p.m.) GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Incomo Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 H. J. LUND Painting Paperhanging Interior and Exterior Work P.O. Box 1286 Phone Black 823 mm FOR PROMPT and EFFICIENT SERVKI man sour COLUMBIA OPTICAL C0.p iT- Items Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Hill of Newmarket, Ontario, have arriv ed in .the city and arc the guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Eyoifson, Ninth Avenue East. X NOTICE Stewart Public Utilities Ltd. The Annual General Meeting of the above will be held In the Registered Office of the Company, 5th Street, Ste wart, at 3 p.m., Wednesday August 7. A. Russwurm, secrc-j tary. PRINCE RUPERT Honor Roll List of Men and Women who gavt Active Bervlce Are YOU responsible for someone's name not In this list? NAVY MEN Sidney Alexander Arvla J. LandaU Peter D. Allen Jack It. Laurie Charles Andernon Maurice Lay Harold Anderson James O. Laurie Stanley Anderson Klchard Lelghtou J. Armstrong Jr. Jantoft Lcland rt. Armstrong Paul Betourncau II. D. Armstrong Kred Lewis Uon Arney Karl O. Ltndqutst Tort Arney liny II. Lloyd Oeorgc Bagshaw Iiruce Love Kred O. Barber Harry Lundqutst W. O. Barker M. II. Meuse Emllo Blaln Fred Miller John Bowman Ted Mills Arthur Bredeson Harry Monkley J. K. Breen John Morrison William Bremner T. A. Mulhern Bernard Brldden William Murdoch P. II. Brooksbank William Murray Cleorge J. Brown Wm. II. Murray Jumm Bryant W. M. Murray Tony Bussanlch Daniel McDonald Bronson Busuey Jack Macflc Harold Bunn Robert McKay John Bunn Ernest McKlnley lluzh llurbank Itobert Mclean O. Caldcrwood E. (Ned) McLcod $ g John Norman McLcod McLcod Edward Capstlek David McMeckln Robert Canstlck David McNnb Doug. ChrlstlDon .Robert McNab Vernon C Olccone John D. McRae James Clark Harold Neville Thomas Collins Joim O'Neill Wm. J, Commons II. K. Olsen Allstalr D. Crerar Charles Ormlston Sydney Croxford Pi E. M. Palmer Spencer Davlcs Frank D. Parker Edward Dawes Oordon Parkin Gordon Dell C. It. Parsons John F. Denning Tctcr J. Peterson Oiurga Dlbb Douglas Payne a. r. Doua A. M. Phllllpson Vincent Dodd C. J. Phllllpson John Dohl Bud Ponder Robert Duggan N. C. Powell Harold Duncan Maine Rabben Donald Eastman Lloyd M. Itlce Elmer Eburne David Ritchie Melvln Fburne Jack Ritchie John Eby Robert Ritchie Robert L. Ebv Harry Robb William Earl Eby J. II. Robinson (tooert tiKins Robert Roy William P. Elklns Arvld J. Sandlials lrn Engs'.rom Arthur Baunders Martin Erlksen W. J. Sehenffer James Feasby U. M. Scherk ternard Fortune Stanley Scherk Terry Fortune J. D. Schubert Onrdon Fraser A. Slmundson Mitchell Clay C. Sllvcrsldes Patrick M. Ulllls t. J. Blms ;iner Oreen M. Bkalmerud Janes Clreer F W. Bklnner lister Ortmble Henrr Skinner rerry Orlmble John Skog Inn Ortmsson Ole Blatta Royo Ourvlch Carl Smith John Orlmsson Jack E. Smith Carl J. Oustafson Malcolm Smith neorce D. Hague Ralph smith llawn Ilanklnson ''alter Smith Victor Hanley Thor Solllen Harris V. II. Stephens, Jr fllen Hcmmons Carl Strand W. W. Hlldebrand John Strand Trevor mil Jack Storrie Raymond Hougan Orme Stuart Bill hunter Charles Sunberg Poster Husoy .Tames Taylor Peter Husov .1. H. Tnvlor James M. Irvine Paddy Taylor Peter C. Johnson Iiikc Valen Tom Johnstone Stanley Veltch Rodnev Jones Sid White Jack w. Joy Robert Whiting i. (Rnnnvl Keavs Carl O. Wilson Alantl Keririn Oscar Wlneham Marry L. Itnulson werald P. Woodslde prcv Knutson Ocorgo Yule Uoyd Lahte lack Yule (Women) Lnvlnla Kxley 1". M. Thomson Dapane llemmel U.S. NAVY (Men) 3. J. Rouertnon Howard Frtaell U.S. NAVY (Women) Viola M. Dybhavn ARMY aichard Adklns Wm. I.. Levcrett DoURlas E. Alvey James Evan Love J. Armstrong Br. Cluience Lovln Louis Astoria Charles Q. Lord R. E. Aves a. P. Lyons Stanley Ualllnger Danny Magnet C. K. Bartlett U. Marchlldon Jack Baltour Cecil M. Marr Krlc Barton Murlll Mathews Oeoffrcv Bates Leonard MendeH R. II. Beerllug Steve Mentenko W. Beynon Jack Mlcholuk Jack Bergen Leo Mlcholuk 8. W. Ulrell Victor Miller f. O. Birr. D. Montgomery Leonard Blrtch R. Montgomery Walter Bird M. D. Montesano N. Blackhall E. T. 8. Moore Donald Blake Clyde Moraes R. L. Bouvette Stanlev Moraes W. W. Bowes Ford Moran Lloyd Bowman Jack Moran uay uraceweu Jamea Moran Rnnnict Braccwell Carl Mostad William Brass Otto Mostad J. W. Brldden Robert Moxley Earl Brocnu Arthur Murray W. M. Brown John K. Murray Frank Bruce J. L. A. Murray Wlzncr Bryant Jack Mussallem ALBERT AND BRITISH WAR BRIDE CANADA BOUND Joan Brlggs, who Just arrived from Rorkshire. Eng., on the Orlpsholm, is met at the pier by LAC Peter Hannon, of Camp Borden, Ont., who made the trip from Canada to New York for this special occasion. They will be wed In Canada. IS HONORED AT KITWANGA Retiring alter 25 years as post master at the Skcena River village ol Kilwansa, J. A. Sampatc was honored before his departure for Prince Rupert recently by a gathcrin;; cf more than a score of pioneer friends who presented him with a leather club bag as a token of their esteem. Mr. Sampare intends to remain in Prince Rupert for a while and possibly go south later. The presentation was made by T. E. Moore, pioneer Kitwanga rancher, and speeches were made by W. C. Little of Wood-cc:k and Percy Andrews of Kitwanga. Mr. Sampare spoke in apprecition of the friendships he had made during his life at Kit wanga. The affair was held in Uic post office residence and was also featured by the welcome given to Mrs. Vernon Rowc who has succeeded Mr. Sampare lo the pest office position. The evening concluded with community sinning and refreshments. Holiday Trippers SUMMEKIZE your car now ! Let us check your car before you make that long vacation trip. A motor tune-up, lubrication, and tire inspection may save you time and money on the road. Phone So for an appointment S.E.PARKER LTD. Ford and Monarch Dealers The Home of Friendly Service McCAFFERY IHllllllllHillKiBKiB loiiiiiiiiiiitiHiiiiiH Phones lib ana 11 MllLLiliUJU I'U LJ Red 891 I MISS CROSS PRESIDENT July Meeting of Prince Rupert Business and Professional Women's Club Sixteen members of the Busl- Steamship Sailings For Vancouver Monday ss Princess Adelaide, 10 p.m. Tuesday ss Catala 12:30 p.m. Thursday ss Prince Rupert, 11:15 p.m. Friday ss Cardena, 9:00 p.m. July 24, August 3, 14, 24 ss Princess Louise, p.m. July 17, 27, August 7, 17, 28 ss Princess Norah. From Vancouver-Sunday ss Catala, 4 p.m. Monday ss Princess Adelaide. Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, 10:00 a.m. From Alaska ss Prince Rupert, 7 p.m. cess Louise, p.m. July 24, August 3, 14, 24-Prln- Returning Service Personnel Records Are Being Sought The Dally News is anxious to completely record the arrival of all service men and women returning home from the war. Accordingly, it Is requested that information be made available to this office regarding the date of arrival home, the service with which the veteran has been Identified, in what theatres of war, If wounded, 111, etc. If inconvenient to call at the office, the Information may be written or telephoned in. Pictures would be particularly welcome. Street and Postal addresses and telephone numbers are also requested. n. a n&u a "HAIDA m s and Professional Women s Club drove by car to Prudhomme Lake on Wednesday evening to hold their regular monthly meeting at Diana Lodge, sum mer cam? of Mrs. Arnold, the tiu-bv honorary president. Following a delicious informal ui.pt'r arranged by Mrs. Arnold ",nd Mrs. BoRon, a briel busl-ne.-.s mieiing was held. Miss Frances Cress was elected to the office of president, vacated by the resignation of Mrs. J. Bolton, who is leaving the city shortly. Mus Audrey Wrathall was elect ed treasurer succeeding Miss Jtan McMillan, and Miss Kay ' R'id was elected vice-president succeeding Miss Frances Cross. the balance of the evening was i rnjoyably spent in boating on the lake and around the camp- fire which was later built on the beach. TIIREE AT CHURCH PARADE CHATHAM, Eng., O) Only two colonels and a lance-corporal fell in on the first voluntary- church parade held here after compulsory church parades were banned in Southeastern Com mand. SALAD DAYS The word salad got Its name from the Latin "sal," meaning salt. July 17. 21, August 7, 17. 28-ss -Princess Norah. For Alaska Wednesday ss Prince Ruperf, midnight. July 19, 24, August 9, 19, 30 ss Princess Louise. July 22, August 2, 12, 23 ss Princess Norah. CRAWLER CRANE I'Oll KENT Crawler Crane. A-yard shovel attachments, dragline, 30 ft, boom, available for day use with operator and oiler. Call Hiuhway Construction Co. Phone 631 (172) BULKLEY CAFE CHOP STJLY CHOW 3IEIN Our Specialty Open-Weekday 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. Sunday 8 am. to 8 p.m. Located at Bulkley Hotel SMITHERS, B.C. QUEEN' SUPERMARINE FLYING BOAT PASSENGER, FREIGHT AND AIR EXPRESS SERVICE PRINCE RUPERT TO VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS AND ALL COASTAL POINTS For Information, Reservations, Hates, etc.. Phone or Write G. II. STANUltlDGE Agent P.O. Box 1249 521 or RED 878 PRINCE RUPERT PHONES: York Genera! Construction See or Phone Us on a New Insulation KIMSUL Somcthin Ncw and thc Bcst Free Estimates on Any Kind of Construction You Name It, and We Can Do It WE HAVE OUR OWN SHOP - WE CAN MAKE ANYTHING Phone Black 120 Day Phone Black 731 Evenings gnince Eupett Dailp BcW 3 . Thursday. July 18, 1946 $16.00 $20.25 Several styles to select from. Shades of brown only. "THE MEN'S SHOP' CLOTHING r- 532 THIRD AVINUE A. MacKenzSe Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" CARPET UNDER-FELT 'OZITE1 9 feet wide, cut to any length required to fit any carpet. It gives them new life. Save your carpet until new ones become available. PHONE US FOR YOUR REQUIREMENTS Phone "75 327 Third Avenue E3 Gordon McBride Street Announcing . . . OPENING OF PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port Edward, B.C. CHOP SUE Y CHOW MEIN 7:00 ajn. to 11:00 pjn. G. SELVIG General Contractor We do basements, reshingling, build fences, sidewalks, remodel your kitchen. Demolish or move buildings. 100 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CALL BLUE 610 arfd we will give an estimate. P.O. BOX 654 : PRINCE RUPERT Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 1 1 A.M.TO 4 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. lo 8 p.m. Music by "Esquires" Mondays and Thursdays 10:30 to 12 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER CHOP SUEY FOR OUTSIDE 735 THIRD Comfortable Smart Long Wearing GENUINE Horsehide JACKETS by leading makers AND FURNISHINGS fHONI 343 Mc CLARY RAN G E S "Built to Last" Beautiful enamel finish, easily kept clean. Splendid baking oven, fully enamelled Inside. Highly polished steel top. Coal and wood models admirably suited for oil burner conversion. See them now at Hardware PHONE 311 TO PARTIES CHOW MEIN ORDERS PHONE 133 AVENUE WEST Tit I