j prince Rupert Dailp J3ttos Thursday. July IB, 1945 ACTIVITY AND INTEREST IS GAMP KEYNOTE "Plenty cf ratdoor exercise and proficiency ba-re training is being xpwixd by the more than dozen Prince Rupert Girl Or: ides who are now in camp at the Bfcackaby summer home at lake Kaihlyr.. near Esnithers. reports reachine the city indicate. The 10-day camp ends on Saturday, -shea the girls -rill return home. Under the tutelage of Guide lieutenant Honora Silvers and Mrs. G. R. S. Blaekaby. the gtrjs are experiencing a weH-rcunded summer outing. Al-thewgh there has been some rain, -the weather generally has fceen-jgood and hiking is taking a ekrpart In the camp activities. Arriving at the camp last Tuesday, the girls .-pent their first day on a hike to Hudson Bay stecier on Hudson Bay Mountain. Daring the rest of the vreek ey hiked to Srcith-ers on Thursday, took a nature hike on Fridav during which they learned to recoaBiie vari-cas species of native vegetation, and on Saturday tramped through the farming area about Smith ers. In addition to hikirsg and I Piii Mrs. John - (YOU MET MY HUSBAND LAST MONTH) J That's Why My Daughter and I Buy at 5 WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE AND : THE RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Announcement... JOHN HARRIS and MR. PARKINSON hive resumed proprietorship of ATLAS BOILER WORKS Boilers, Tanks and General Ironwork Charts LARGE AND SMALL SCALES British Admiralty U.S. Government Charts Canadian Charts NAVIGATIONAL AIDS Dividers and Parallel Rules B.C. Pilots, Vol. 1 and 2 MaeMvs.Mi QUALITY, n 7t,'C ; Help X ,-Wf33rrT stofk- Appointed to Board iOn Vet's Assistance George Anders n. secretary . f the Deep Sea Kimic rmc n's Vttiov. at Prince Rupert, has been an vised of his appoir.trner.t as s member of the panel of the regional advisory committee f: the Kamloops region under rh? Vrtfvrans' land Act Mr Ander- i son's arpointment is in view of a suo-board of fisheries hav been set up under Ine Vetera: 3 Land Act which is de si cried t assist Teterans in reestablish:: themselTes in civilian life RECORD TUNNY CATCH S1MONSTOWN. South A'.r.rz. 0 Fishing boats rut ou. :r. a" effort to encircle vri:h r.e'.i a large shcal of tunny whirh ' seen 3TO yards offshore rr re'- ? but only one boat was suc-ei -' She managed to ne: and br.: ?fhore 212 fish, claimed to be a 1 world record catch cf tur.r.y 'camp duties, the girls have been busy studying tor their seear.d-' class guide badees. They day; 1 arc full of activity and Interest. . On Sunday, the campers par-jaded to church In Smlthers. ; where the Anglican rector, a B3y Scout leader, spoke on the significance of the Girl Guide laws. Sunday evening, prior to I the church parade, a brief service was held at the camp "All Us Housewives Have the Same Problems. We Meet at Parent Teachers and Sewing Circles. Raising a Family Presents the Same Problems. It's My Job to Make Our Bud get Work, Too!" Coverage from San Francisco to Kodiaks I r II yourself to health from our l'91 And healthful foods .Cq-j 'or 'ens summer menus. AU ' jGM -Bi Tiit&i 'r orders delivered to your kitchen -"MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE 'Opposite Canadian Legion Phones 18 and 19 P.O. Box 5T5 GRIM SECRET REVEALS TERROR OF A-EOMEIXO ON' JAFS-Tr.t- ra.:,:..: c; the b rri-fv.:-- :s .1 r:.L:'ji:'.y i:.'...g fcu s.om bombing cf Japan wa given the world in Chicago by a man ol science who saw :t. He is Col. Paul D. Keller. 98th Division surgeon, nationed at Osaka. He asserts Jap scientists knew .the "how" of the atom bomb, but could not put It to work. The above pfctare. furnished by Co. Keller, shows the twisted remains of a railroad right-of-way in the bombed area. Radio Dial CFPR 1240 Kilocycles Subject to change , THURSDAY PiL i 4:00 Radio neper wiry 4 30 Especially For Voa 4:4S-Iohnny Burt Trio 5 00 People Ask 5:15 All the World Sings j 5 X The Concert Hall ' 6:00 CBC News 615 They Lived to Tefl the Tale 6:30 Eventide 7 :C-3 Parliamentary Committee On Radio Broadcasting : 7:30 Concert of the Nations 8:00 Choral Program 8:30 Gypsy Strings " 9:00 CBC News 9 10 B.C. News 9: 15 Eastwood Garden Oreh.--9 .30 Music by Shrednfk C: CO This Week's Composer C:55 CBC News and Int. "1 .00 Weather and Sign Off Ann. 1:05 Suent FRIDAY -M. 7 .30 Musical Clock 8 .U BBC News c : 1 5 Homing Song J 30 Muse for Moderns i:45 Mediey Time j:0C LitUe Concert 3:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Smooth and Sentimental 9:45 Transcribed Varieties .0:00 Music While Yon Work 10:15 Scandinavian Melodies it, 30 Roundup Time .0:45 Piano Masters ;1 00 B.C Farm Broadcast .1:25 Program Resume 1 30 CBC News il:45 Weather Forecast 1:44 Message Period 1:48 Recorded Interlude PJlL 2:0Oi-Tunes for Today 12:15 Music of Lower Basin St 2:30 Musicai Program 12:45 RecitaL Winnipeg 1:09 From the Cfaucfcs IS THE SUPREME OOtJKT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IX THE HATTEK OF THE ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IX THE XtATTER Of THE ESTATE OF ELMB HAieOLO RICE DSCEASD TAKE NOTICE tbat Vr Order of "lis Honour Joder W. E. Flahii. UkbI Tudse of thr Supreme CMart of Brit - i .h Columbia I was oq tbe lOUl daj ( JuIt. i6 Tator of tbe Estate of ice. deceased. Umtted M bis estate ntbtn the Province of Brttlah Col- imbia. and all parttac hnwtaf (gainst tbe said estate are Tquired to fwalsb -eriftrd to me on or Ustmi tbe la lay of August. 1M. after wnlcb -Jalnu fUed aaaj be paid wttbout Tferrnce to any eJattaa of vrbatk I Jien had no Icnovtodac- AND all parties ImaiMwl to tbe state are lequlied to par tbe amount jf their Indent, driest to me fortb-rnitlL DlTED this 1Mb dr of JitfT. AX IMS. OOPDON FRASER FORBES. OiUtm Admit. Btra tor. Priz-cr E.nert BC 171 SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday S3 Catala, 1:30 pr (Daylight Saving Tine 12:30 Prince Rupert Tirnel Friday SS Cardena, 10 pja. (Daylight Saving Ttae 9 pm. Prince Rupert Time) Sailings for Qaeen Charlotte Islands eTery fortcight. Further Infsrmatton, Tickets and Rejerratlons FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Tiiird Ave. Phone 563 Ancient Ceremony In Ruined Priory . LONDON ftiih ancient ceremony the. Archbishop of "nti lull Fir P n nriwr wa enthroned as prelate of the Order of St John at the annual festival of the Order held in the ruins of the old Priory Church, CterkenweQ, destroyed by incen-5 diary bombs in 1941. The enthronement took place in the Norman crypt under the ivy-covered remains of Pricry Church. It, was consecrated in 1 liS by HeracuBs patriarch of Jerusalem. Girls and men in overalls em-played in Hirroandine. factories leaned over walls and oat of -windows to watch the medieval scene VARIED VgRTSBBAE Usst animals have awn vertebrae but there seems to he no definite standard. Swans have S. dnews about 1 and the Uay h wnlunhrrd 14. 1:15 Women's Mews Commentary and Speaking as a Osnadiin l:3An About Glen Alan 1:45 Downbeat 2:0 Rudy Naylors Orch. 2:15 Echoes Tram the Tropics 2:30 Serenade 2 45 BBC Sews-asd Com. 3 :( Jack A"A;n Shrw 3 '.5 Kis EtTi'f E: :el Trio 3:30-Osrar P Motorists Sunday Service Hours: 12 Noon Until 4 p.m. June 16 to September 2, 1946 For Gasoline and Oil Sales, Quirk Cattery Charce and Tbe Eepairs Out-of-Town Service Preferred AT Frank Morrison's Service Station At near ef LOISG MOTORS. 3rd Ave. and Tth St, Prince Hurwrt Courtesy of LONG MOTORS S. E. FARKEK LTD. 6 o SEE US TOR .VLL REQUIREMENTS IN o a o o o o o a o ffice Supplies Consult us for your needs in all types of prir.ting work Everything in high class stationery Cards for eTery occasion Four. lain Peru DIBB PRINTING COMPANY o a o o g 3ESNER BLOCK o CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Uon:hJv Rates for yoor convenience . NEWLY DECORATED Tranvirnt Roems CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) ' PHONE 51 Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA IXE Q. li it proper to mail the wedding announcements at the . same time as the invitations I A. No: the invitations are 'mailed nro cr three weeks In advance but the announcements should be mailed immediately after the wedding, never before Some member of the family can attend to this. Q. What would be the proper way to introduce Miss Smith to Mrs. Brown? A. Say, "Mrs Brown, may I present Miss Smith?" Always present the unmarried woman to the married one. Q. How should one place the knife and fork after finishing a jeeurse at the dinner table? , A. Parallel across the plate. wife the handles to the right. LIMi kfi1hY ACT Kc: Oertfflcte of Title No 4M1-I to Lot ll"r Thousand Four Hundred aa StxlT-oor iSMlt. fUcg H iS. Coast Dfetrtct. satd to CTttlin Ta and Ftftf Ow-Hun-Srtki W and XIQfKtn. I acres. man or teas. WKDOUS SBttsfactorr proof of loss of Ifcr above OerUficate of Tlt ts-sord In the naaar of Alexander Noble bat beat fUed in this office, notMe ts bnvbjr prm UsU I shxll at tbr expiratlaa of one moatb froni the dan- of tar firrt posUnf benof. tasoe a PiniaHiaiil Orruf icate of Title, tot Bra of isd Lost Oerufletae. nalwn alt aw m TTttmr DTD at :br Land BeglsUv Of-f rrsstfr Hutt B C tlus lScb Cm aC i : AD Jftmrar THOMPSON. Ir .--. avtnr ol Tltirs A17 NATIONAL MOTORS RUPERT MOTORS LTD. 1 o 0 a o o o o o o THIRD AVENUE g o KWONG SANG IIING HOP KEE . CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tall AH your patronage uekome Opes S pjs. to 2 ajn. Oststde Orders from 2 pm, to 2 am. PHONE RED 217 ' 'CARPENTERS SEEK BOOST Want Their Wages Equalized With Vancouver Carpenters in the Prince Rupert aTca are seeking an Increase a the J wage scale which will p-a;re them on an equal wage c: ..j with carpenters in the Var.- "v r region. A resolution tj enter ncgotlon with local fc- id.;. ; contractors and ern-.. ;ycr3 va approved toy a meet- r i tlic Prince Rupert local. 1 . Br therhood of Carpen- - . r d Joiners in the Carpen-tr. Hali )ast night. TV. y request that the lo-ra a-e scale of il.10 an hour be. "cased to $1.25 an hour, the w- r.i;r paid to carpenters In W..r . uv.-r. If approved by the . ( rnployere, the increase " - br submitted to the weat-r nal War Labor Board 7 f nai acceptance before it br rac effective. L :::ch1's meeting wai at- ..: . d b practically the full rr.rn.ber;-hip of the Prince Ru-7- rt :...-ral. August Waliin, union pr -f.aint. was chairman. 20 YEARS AGO July IS, 1926 .i The Vancouver Province car ried a story that negotiations were under way for the sale of the Union Steamship Co. to 1 Canadian National Railways and 1 the Canadian Government Mer-: chant Marine. The story was not confirmed. 1 Joe EtcheUa. fisherman, was dnrTved when he fell from a i sailing teat In the Sfceena River. With tils partner. Etcbells had been gurnettlng for Inverness cannery. The Salvation Army young people's camp at Cedarvale openrd' with 27 people from ' Prince Rupert in attendance iThe camp was scheduled t0 las; i two weeks with ua additional i cumber going later. ; Advertise hi toe Dally News. HAVE YOU ORDERED NEXT WINTER'S COAL YET " : IF NOT, DO NOT DELAY! INQUIRE ABOUT OUR BUDGET FLAN Philpott, Evitt&Coltd. I'hone 651 or 652 1 The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S TT?5AM tat t- : 1 FINEST SALMON Quality " PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Port Ofnce) TODAY 'TIL SAT. t -7 'row ' V EXTRA! COLOKEI) CAKTOOX NLWS UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT." Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY at CENTRAL HOTEL HAS REOPENED We specialize in tender, ju. - . and Chinese dishes. WE EXTEND A HEARTY 1NVITATT T ENJOY OUR FINE FOCI WE HAVE: Birch Wood, 11", per cord - 513.50 Jackpine. 11", per cord $120 Slabs, 11", per cord $10.00 Lump. Egg Nut and Slack Coal In any quantity. Fill up now for winter. HYDE TRANSFER Phone "S(l flEj in a wide van ' SEE THEM TODAY THE VARIETY ST "Where Your Dimes Are Lit. j r Phone Blue 860 Green & Kermoi All Interior and Exterior Work We Serve You Nothing But the Best . . . Srr.CIAL RED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRUITS COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats Roast Chicken .Meat Ties and Salads Daily RUPERT BUTCHERS Thone 21 Third Ave. West BOX 1308 Oil Burners Installed PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATf NUht Calls: Blue 170 r"n CORNER SECOND AVE., and SEVi. H) ' T J SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 511 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert AT 12 30 - 2 .2 0 SISTERS EiTHETN GRAYSON JUNE ALLTSOH LAURITZ JIMMY MOXH10R DURANTE PETER LAWFORD JOHN R BULGE John DuIeci r j t PLASTICS.., Kitchen and H colors now on i ': show window. . i Builders and Painters F E Plumbing andB Engines OIL AM) COMfi BARR ANDERS LIMIT'1 Corner 2n3 Phone Red C MM t J. II. Schuman S. J"'-3 REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS ESTIMATED NEW RO HOTEl r -:l A ft 50 Ro; PHIS. Ph : '