Experts Say - - r n A T '! XT f a program 1 1 ic i-j w jr anizaiuns are r am by donat- i-otinh onnnns. icab - - r atr food f.onser- :f..:e.s. .. . . of the opinion .... ,n pre iant ol ... - . a. t AX MUNti 'liiro r nil ' ampaisn Against iudice nunc ft - nev. p " ance move-- he ame time (I cf neyr. mlnls-iti", that the r. y have gom llofmeyr ad-ai) friendliness" i a citizen and C: Jtt ha car-war with the a 'urther by "buy-C..5V hich had cv at Ive woman r :o t 3 many chll-v. but c mid not i. le mite go i Mi 1 1 prrient "John ? ct.y reipon-a The ar- Oie f. ter par- E ',t will pay hat th other hc city coun- ay the child's tie home. another e xrlence -i' ; Q" is T.v original f :a of five wn Into a aTO. The : n -:ivered with :';. It had rtt "bin one night. AJR CERVICES '.'0 U Z Qi -tr-' a network v.- in" the island uib Pacific. For lie services ore Royal New Zeal-u' in Dougku "craft, but will uken over by civil opening device shoe polish tin the Canadian Federation of Uni-1 vcrslty Women. "Many people eait too much anyway. They could well dispense with desserts." Canadian farm women also are backing toe "Save Food" campaign, increased production being a feature of their program rather than special conservation measures. "We have no elaborate pro gram of food conservation he- I cause coruervation comes natur- ' ally to farm pscple," said Mrs Cameron Dow, president of the Federated Wcmen'3 Institute of Canada. "W; feel that we ran accomplish far more by urfiin? increased .production. We am planting more vegetables, organizing garden brigade . per- n A TlI uaaing youngsters to garden." kAKY Mfmbws of the Women' Inr selves to rat one slice of bread lew each meal. "Country people are bread caUra and across Canada that llre nf hnnH Kavprl monrni . rp!l who j. reiusin , fflvln3;. Mrs D3W strewed, h ;e as a pro- At tne Natlonai council of he rails race Women,s annuai meeting at rjth ATiica, hasN1,,ara FaIls M member.", ex-r ure Recently , vreKtA indention of doin, their " 1.3) t3 the In- hnrp In thi rnrntprvnl Inn nf liurt so that increased shipment, could be sent overseas to famine areas. The Fnid Information Committee says: I3uy bread only as needed-use every crumb. O't a few extra siloes from eah loaf by thinner cuhtln?. Make c.ien-face sandwiches Instead of rioub! or triple deck. PEAR MARMALADE Pear Marmalade Is a pleasant treat for he family breakfast and requires, for four pints, four pounds! 14 cups) of peeled, cored, sliced pears; two ounces of green ginger root or one ounce of drv ginger root; two lemons and iwo .nounds of sugar. P1cp the rears In a nreservlm kettle in lavers. snrlnkllni? each nur of the city's iayer wlth sugari emon juCP CCieDrailOIU, i nnH orafpH (rlnrrnr Tf HHnrt rnnt ued break in pieces and tU In bag. Let the mixture stand for two to three hours or orer-nlerft. Cook slowly until clear and thick. Pour Into sterilized glasses. WATEiRFROOF TEXTILFS WUDbX. 0-During the Second Great War. Hritain's textile industry discovered the manufacture jof cotton materials whlcli are completely waterproof The new materials made their first aopearance at a fashion dlnnlay In Manchester and have aroused great admiration among experts from all nations. MARKS FAMOUS SPOT A red, white and .blue buoy in Cresaoeake Bay marks the ap- New proximate spot where the "Star Spangled Banner" was written. To keen the morale of the citizens high throughout the Coventry blitz despite the severity of the attack, the daily newspapers v.ere produced and printed without a .break in the F POIICIJ iar BLACK, BROWN TAN, OXBLOOD "Win i i ih ehu AMD TASTY C01D e&rs ULKLFV MARKET WK DELIVER DAILY AVENUE I'llONE 178 Neral nnisisTRiinTiON CONTRACTS LARGE OR SMALL PLANNING AND DESIGNING ESTIMATES ORThTO rntKraimnn Block LIMITED Phone BOS Evenings: Green 10.1 P.O. Box 1381 LEADEIt WHEN BUNDHOOD WAS IN FLOWER" Fritz Kuhn wa. considered top Nazi In the VS. when ho reigned as head of the German-American bund in the U.S. before the war. His organization was replete with swastikas, helling "Jugend" and goosc-stepplng Storm troops. As a result of investigation of a bookkeeping inconsistency, he was Jailed and then deported to Germany alter the war. He is pictured now at home with his wife in Munich, Germany. He has been reading want ads lately. 1herc Is little opportunity for known Nazis these days For a while during a period of incarceration in Germany, he worked ar a porter, carrying baggage. HOW PAN I ? ? 7f Hy ANNK AS11LKY j Q. How can I relieve tired feet? A. Try inserting in each stocking under the arch of the foot a .small rubber sponge. It l.i surprising what relief and comfort they afford; and the fponges are easily washed. Q. How can I make soap paste? A. By savings the small brnk- ien pieces of soap, putting them In a cup and adding enough boiling water to stand about an Inch above the soap. .The soap will graduaMy dissolve. Q. How ran I make a good lemon JeMy salad? A. Add to one package of I lemon Jelly, dropped apples, cel ery, nuts, and a little finely cut cabbage. Serve on, lettuce leave with mayonnaise dressing. SIGNIFIES FREEDOM The national bird. of, Guate-aiea is the beautifully colored quetzcl. It was chosen because it Is a bird of freedom which die$ in captivity. Get Mi the Vitamins you need CONTAIN VITAMINS A Bi 82 C D plus IRON and LIVER CONCENTRATE Vnmjn w tiiiiwun MULTIPLE CAPSULES Don't be confused as to which Vitamins to buy. When you take just 2 VITA-VIM Multiple Capsules (one of the golden and one of the black) each day, you supplement the Vitamins in your diet needed for normal health. Twenty-five day supply for $1.75 or a fifty day supply $3.00. VITA-VlM Muhlpli haNytl Quality PrtJuct, loU tnh t Hyal DtMl Stem. McCUTCHEON'S PHARMACY E. C. Wallace, Manager 3rd Ave at Sixth St. I'JIONE "9 EARLY NEWS IS WELCOME Local news items, to ensure publication, should be in the office by 10 a.m. Contributors are asked to bear this ln mind. Items of social and personal Interest are always welcome. Hotel... arrivals Prince Kupert F. Reume. Vancouver; J. H Flatman, Vancouver; T. S. Mc-Ewen. Vancouver; H. J. Bower-man, Vancouver; Fred Lowe, Vancouver; a. Gibson, Annette Island; Major Hopkins, Vancouver; K. Malthouse, Vancouver; N. Fiddler, Vancouver; G. R. Clark, Vancouver. SAVED BY F. O. W. LUTON, Eng., Two-year old Richard Maidment was saved by a German prisoner-of-war working on a local housing scheme when he became stuck head-first In a mudbank. Wholf wheat contains muscle-building proteins, energy-giving carbohydrates, and other vital elements you need. Kcllagg's All-Wheat isCana-dian whole wheat. LING , THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street QUINTS ARE THREE NOW .Scientific Feeding and Tra cing l'nsurcs Good Health for South America's Famous Five BUENOS AIRES ffi The five lKtle Diligenttis, one of the two 6Cts of quintuplets in the world, crkbrated their third birthday July 15 quietly. The father, Franco Diligentl, said they would have a birthday pauty like any other children but "nothing peclal." The quints, received one present in advance an autographed picture of the Dionnc qulntup- i ! li ts sent them from Canada a 1 icw wccks ago. Ana some new tops, but not too many, because j they share :them and one new one amounts to five new ones. Tils birthday cake, however, v.': :r. a monumental It had a centre tower three layers high i w:th five smaller individual cukes arranged around it in a s or; of scalloped formation. Ea-.h of the individual cakes had !'s own three candles and the name of the owner: Franco Jr Muria, Fernanda, Carlos, Al-terio, Maria Esther and Maria Ciisllna. This was the design worked out for their second birthday. It ,?ives each one his own set of candles to blow out not that they had much success along that line last year. Diligentl hopes It will be better this time. The neighbors don't pay much attention 'to the quints, whose birth was kept secret for- eight months. Only on Sundays do people stop to look at the children nraying in their garden, and Diligentl says they are people from outside the neighborhood. You walk up to the new Dili- I .5enti house along-, quiet, tree-chaded streets in a suburb where many English and North Ameri- , can families live. The clerk in j a corner store, in reply to a ques-l tion about them, hardly looks up from the counter as he gestures' and says: "That's where they live rlghi, across the street. Probably they are in the yard now. And so they are all five of them clustering around a butterfly on .he graveMed walk of their gardens, wllh two uniformed maHs looking on. iree girls in pink coals and the two boys in tan ones. All the same size now, but not looking very much alike. A six-foot fence of sFeel Dal- NOW, MORE THAN EVER, one of Canada's important foods i Busy housewives everywhere are on the alert for suggestions that will help them save time and effort. Thousands depend on Kellogg's ready-to-eat cereals not only for breakfast, but for quick snacka anytime! All-Wheat, Pep, Corn Flakes, All-Bran, Rice Krispies, Bran Flakes and Krumblea are all made by Kellogg's, the greatest name in cereals. SAVE TIME. ..SAVE FUEL. ..SAVE FOOD! J.I. . J We are hero to serve you and guarantee you will be pleased. FKKK DELIVERY OF ALL ORDERS . BLAIN BROTHERS "HOUSE OF FINE FOODS" l'lIONE.-.IT : P.O. Box 171 BOTTLE PKINCE KUPEKT COLLECTOR W Phone Blue 737 We Huy PERFEX Bottles PKOMPT AND COUKTEOUS SERVICE ings surrounds the acre of flow ers and grass in iront or tne new house. But there is plrnlv of Space to took through --not. that many people do. Children coming homo from schooj don't glance in; an older woman does. and waves at the quints who i wave back. The gates are unlocked and one of them Is not even closed. The children are kept to themselves and seldom go away from the house. They have np friends in the neighborhood and are not encouraged to go near the fence whll ether children are passing. As a result of this care and a rigid regimen of injections "calcium and vl t a m Ln s and things 1!ke ithat" so far they have escaped all children's diseases. "Haven't been sick a day ln two years," the father said proudly. There is a special r4nff of flv? servants who do nothing but care for the quints: a physical trairMng tfoeher, a French governess, a trained nurse and twi maids. The children eat just abeut any food they like and. naturally enough, prefer devrt to potatoes. , Their day starts around 8 a.m when they wake up. They set 3 few minutes of p-.lentific exercise "and love it." then breakfast. Play time is until lunch, then there is a nap from 1 to 4. Bedtime comes, reluctantly, at about .8 or 8:30. Dilktentl. -who was planning a trip to the United States before the quints were born, has given up the Idea now. "Mv wife and I are content here at home," he said proudly. SMOOTH TRAVELLING Rubber heels arc "c irl far all kinds of shoes because they lesson the Jar received In waikir". BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKERS LTD. VANCOUVER, CANADA t3 FURNITURE REPAIRING Upholstering - Slip Covers Drapes L 0 V IN ' S CABINET SHOP Phone Green 97 i 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre Prince Rupert Dailp r-Jctust Thursday. July 18, 1946 43 . VV J yM $mi'es Depend onTeetV FIME.SOUHD TEETH DEPEND OH FOODf '"THE bea jty of a child'i teeth depends to much on A n Anil fn rnf!vi f II lr rt itcfinrlln 1ir useful in a diet planned to maintain healthy teeth. For Carnition, as it pours from die can, contains twice the calcium and phosphorus found in ordinary milk . . . and many times the "sunshine" vitamin D. As a drinking milk (properly diluted and chilled), used in cooking, or used undiluted on cereals and fruits, Carnation can do a lot for the teeth of your youngsters. For menu help and milk information, write for frte book, "Growing Up With Milk". The Carnation Company Limited, Toronto, Ontario, or Vancouver, B.C Carnation Milk A CANADIAN PRODUCT "&& For VACATION WEAR Cotton Dresses Casual and cool . . . cambray, pique, voile and sheersucker. Gabardine for sports wear. Slack Suits Smart and Jaunty . . . Varied Styles and Shades to Suit You. USE THE BUDGET PLAN No Interest, No Carrying Charges. W.P.T.B. Regulations. mm 0) e "THE CREDIT HOUSE OF QUALITY" LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE Established 1910 LIMITED FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD OOODS PACKED, CRATED, STORED AND SHIPPED TO ALL' PARTS OF CANADA AND UJ3.A. FOR QUICK. EFFICIENT, CAREFUL AND RELIABLE SERVICE Phone LINDSAY'S 60 or 68 SPECIAL - $3.95 Elizabeth Arden Treasure Chest CONTAINING : Ardena Cleansing Cream Velva Cream Feather-Light Foundation Cream Skin Tonik Hand-O-Tonik Poudre D'lllusion Blue Grass Flower Mist Lip Stick. OrmesLtd. "Jfm Jh'oneer Znuzffjs STORE HOURS e Week Days 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays 12 noon till 2 p.m. an(17p.m.tiI19p;.m. We are pleased to announce that conditions' now permit us to place on the market again "RUPERT BRAND" SCOTCH TYPE SMOKED KIPPERS SMOKED ALASKA BLACK COD SMOKED MILD CURED SALMON Try them today from your Dutcher or at your Favorite Restaurant. Canadian Fish : ' AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, D.C,