FlMMIGRATION PANADA MUST HAVE a vigorous A immigration policy immediately. This country needs and can support la very much greater population and 'the present opportunity may be the last in which we can freely choose :the immigrants who will fill our thinly populated country. .2 Canada was built by the energy', vskill and initiative of immigrants rand her future growth will be accelerated by bringing in those with technical and scientific skills and experi-ei& as well as those prepared for elabor on the farmsand in the fac-.iories. Today as perhaps never before there are men of skill and experience with the capacities to establish new employment creating industries, who are footloose in Europe ;and seeking opportunities in countries where they will be welcomed. : Canada has raw materials to-gether with power and transporta I PBfflCTIClt 2? "-i It- f a. Q9 rPtinrc Rupert Dailp rectos Thursday, December 5, 1846 ft ' MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS m CANADIAN G:30 A.M. TO 12 MIDNIGHT COURTESY AND SERVICE An Independent diEy errspaper deTotd to the npbuIMteg of Prince Rupert and au the communlUes comprising northern and central British Columbia. (Authorized as Second Class Mall, Post Office Dept Ottawa). CigiO AUDIT BUREAU OP CB3CCLATIOXS lit' DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION I RATION OFFICE NEEDED RUPERT BUSINESS INTERESTS wholesale and retail have PRINCE taken stock of what the situation will be if the local rations office is actually closed down as from the end of this month as it has been announced it will be. They have come to the conclusion that it will cause Revere inconvenience in connection wih the distribution of rationed food goods in this area, slowing up business all around and, quite probably, caus-irtg hardship and loss. Instead of being able to get almost instant action from an office conveniently located in this principal distributing and administrative centre of all northern and central British Columbia, closing of the office would mean (reference to the Vancouver office five hundred miles away and requiring 'two days at least to reach in each direction. : Prince Rupert should be the last place in British Columbia to have its ration office closed with the possible exception of Vancouver and Victoria. To close down Prince Rupert while such zn office as Kelowna remains open seems quite unreasonable. ; Possibly, if a strong enough protest were made in the proper quarters, -pointing out the true situation here, necessary reconsideration of the move Tcould be obtained. tion, irrigation projects have opened up for intensive cultivation formerly waste lands and increased industrialization provides new job opportunities. Production will be increased, the standard of living raised and employment expanded if selected immigrants are encouraged to come to Canada to assist our people develop these opportunities., Canadians should think of immigration policies with confidence that, the more there is produced the more there is to share, and not on the old basis that, the fewer the people the more for each. , The Canadian Chamber of Commerce does well to urge "the government to immediately adopt a positive long-term policy of encouraging the movement to Canada of desirable immigrants from abroad. Such a policy must be based on Canada's economic needs and the maintenance of an appropriate balance between our agricultural and industrial requirements. ffltf FROM YOUR NEAREST GROCER FORT GARRY Pacific Cafe Phone Blue 803 72C Ay(J SPECIALIZING IN WORKMEN'S MEALS Chop Suey : : Chow Mein 1 KWONO SANG HING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 Seventh Avenue West (next to King Tal) will be closed until further notice For outside orders phone the HOLLYWOOD CAFE ia.J hum mr i i i nil ii ii ii it iu i mi ii ii ' . u U-L MJl (LiL AND SPORTING GOODS I KAIFN MADHUADC h 9 mmmm mW ff WW Mm & W". lillnvr v 1,121 ATTEND CITY SCHOOLS behoel, enrolment was 467. ac- t cording to Principal W. W. C. , OWeill. and the attendance was f S3 per cent. There were 240 in I the Junior hieh school and 219 in I IN THE SUPREME COURT OF , BRITISH COLUMBIA ! IN PROBATE ITS THE MATTER OP THE ADMINISTRATION ACT" AND in the Hatter op the estate op ole kornelius olsen. DECFASPn IVTNTitp TAKE NOTICE' tht by Otin of! i nuuum juage w. t. rl&ntT. Local Judjre of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, I was on the 28th dnr of November. 1946. appointed Administrator oT the Estate or Ole Kor-I nellus Olsen. who died on or about ! the 10th day or September, 1948. All i persons Indebted to the said Estate : are required to pay the amount f i their Indebtedness to me forthwith and all persons having claims against , the said estate are required to file ; them with me properly verified on or ; before the 31st day of December. 1946. falling which distribution wiu be made having regard only to such claims of which I shall have beea ! notified. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C. this 28th day of November. 1948. i GORDON P. FORBES. OHlcial Administrator, Prince Rupert. B.C. Geo. J. Dawes The Abcttaneeff Sales Every Saturday WE sell evertthtno Goods. Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bldg.) PHONES: 'i Blue MA Res. Red 127 Ajk for George HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving. Beauty Culture In all its branches. 206 4th Street : Phone 655 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of ail llnds Roofs, Chimneys and OIJ Burners PHONES: Green 486 Red 894 PRINCE RUPERT FLORIST A. R. LOCK Wedding Bouquets Corsages Designs Potted Plants ' Bulbs Novelties MODERATE PRICES Prompt attention to mail orders Box 516, Phone 777, 300 3rd Ave' JONES NEWS STAND Eastern arid Western Papers Magazines SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN Sixth Street Red 803 Fresh Loral R? tlr1 Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 Classified Advertising pays iNevv Irish Priests 1 In This Vicariate Two young Irish priests from Dublin have arrived in this vt- canate oi we Konian uamonc i tne l,,c '"'R"J"U resignation of Vice-Principal vice-mncipai Novemoer enrolment in thei t James Clark from thp tnff nf city's fire public schools total-; ,.: rnthor PatHrk Kn u Booth Memorial Hieh School led 1.121 puoils. aecordine to principal reports presented to: mhn rvit.itf m ti I " f 4U 4Af S.VJUI.. the D?etnber , meeUns , of . the . . Prince Rupert and District pnnnM ns n.o School Bjard last night. Reports! OtflUUL OUAKU O from two dbtrfct schools showed ' FINAL MEETING an enrolment of 20 at Port Es- sinartcn. and 12 at Port Simpson Final meeting of the 1945 At Booth Memorial Hish -School Boatd was h:-ld lat, n;7hf in City Council chamber, aonnv- ins the 1947 fiscal estimates of $155,640, and discussing teachers' salaries. All five seats held by city members of the board the senior. ! will be ooen this vear Th B: nr j Bcrden Street elementary ' recommended that the f.; ' school had an enrolment of 194. meeting of the 1947 board be with 94 per cent attendance. , held on January 8. Principal J. S. Wilson reported.' At Conrad Street elementary PRIEST IS RAPIC school the enrolment was 195. T . V. and the percentage of attend- FROM OVERSEAS ance was 90, according to Prin-' . ilpal T. G. Bateman. Father J. DeKayser. formei y vinir r-, ....... -i . narlsh nrlptr nf rmn n school showed an enrolment of Catholic Chureh at Stewart, has 265 with 91 nercent attendance, "'"rned to this vicariate after according to the report of Prin- an a"1" of over two years c:pal R. O. Moore. (during which he served over- PRESIDENT DESIGNED FLAG The familiar red - and - white checkered flag of Canadian Pacific Steamships was designed by Sir William Van Home. Dresi- . dent of the company at the close : of the last century. jseas wlth the Canadian Army cnapiaincy service. He was with the army of occupation in France. At present he is a guest at the priests' residence here. Advertise in The Dally News. NEURALGIA Don't let the pitileta pain of Neuralgia prevent you from enjoying life. Get fast, sale rtli'ef with T-K-C's. specially m ule to relieve you quickly of piercing, slabbing pain and dull, tliroiitmig aclie. (kuI also for Khmmati;, Arbritic. NViiritic Pain and Stiffness, Scat ).'. .umhago (Wt a bos today 50c.il ttdnriits. T-41 a T1UCKS SALES AND SEKVia BOARD ACCEPTS l RESIGNATION I Prince Rupert and District j School Board last night accepted cijjnes eurciive at tne ena or the present term, has accepted a po?t as Lieutenant Commander KEEP YOUR TRUCKS Royal Canadian Navy STEEL fC TANKS Of ull kinds, from Design to Erection. WESTERN BRIDGE k Strrl Fabricators Ltd. Vancouver, H.C. Quality Repairs Economy Prieej at PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office iN THE MONEY FX it . Wo service trucks to say on the road-giving the kind of repair work which gives you profitable operation. No job too small none too blgl We're set"uj to give expert service to any make, any model. HOW ABOUT YOUR TRUCKING NEEDS? Need some advice or particulars about thai new truck you're needing? . . . Drop by and talk th.ngt over with u. You'll find we have some prelty interesting Information about the new REO trucks which provide more load space . . . bringing you more pay load. BINGHAM & HOBBS ER,OT 395 W. 5th Ave. Vancouver, B.C. FA. "030 We Keep 'Em Rolling Business and Professional SMITH & ELKINS LTD Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 GEORQE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns CompHed Besner'Block - Phone 387 If Its a Rock Job-Call a Rock Man can M. SAUNDERS Blue 666 Concrete Sidewalks, Bxsements I don't take work I cannot do myself. JERRY VREBOSCH PAPERHANGING and PAINTING PHONE 372 P. N. Kllborn w. Peterson BERT'S TRANSFER AND MESSENGER Lumber - Coal - Wood - Baggage Freight - Express Phone Blue 810 Night Calls Green 977 Prince Rupert D fM mOMPTmd EFFICIENT SIRVKt Mil Hour Jiiui t COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO. IP tK WMOOWULBX. P.O. Box 274 It A. Ill -WAV SERVICE Now Open for Servicing, Light Repairs and Vulcanizing BELLAMY & TWEED 404 MBride m Steamship Service from f - PRINCE RUPERT to KETCHIKAN OCEAN FALLS WESTVIEW (Powell Itlver) VANCOUVER is expected that Kalli lie resumed December 12, 11:15 p.m. XMAS SAILING Dec. 19th, 11:15 p.m. For reservations call or write City or Depot Ticket Offices. j i Mr 5 Watches of Accuracy jeriect Diamonds mm LUW AIR FA b from Prince Georp 1" l l--ivn .... '."J"""' HJ.Ifll aUncouvk n;z i i.t ... "we. orO., nm mMnicKt. " I'rmrc C.nttg, ,,o,rl, I'tuX uJ' fortr. LIMITED r PLACE L A l. F 21.60 J H.TOnl ''"Jim. ft A, MacKenzie Furnit "A u u u u Tn i .. STORE NEWS We have a snlendld spiocHnn .. all very SuiUbie"S2i r Bedroom suites 1 in four pieces daietu Duncan Phvfe tahiP it r"" ui lJ cDfiee uh! utaumui wainui; null Un eal , new shipment or cedar chestsP have iti , I chrome chairs I, coming this week th! 3i,?. carruee, have arrived, made by Lte-as upholsiered. As Santa is brineing fc R b ' Id 'J J recn ir nn n aeK r o. V. - ui ovuir news, ''hone 75 327 3rU Ave, rrin 'iew Lealhtir Hainllmgs Rid Two shipments have just arrived from the iJ The styles this year run mostly b!::ki ana crowns wnn some or tne nev de stn in fasteners and quite a i have jjippctt and different ki.i: L radtcetR and fittings inside There are a number of new thapej tnd fl lilies and the prices run from S7..VI to Si'i.il We have also some of the new bags at somewhat lower price Oliid to show you anyhow eve ) wish to purchase Just r.r-v J with these three Sctin-'ilo finishes: ax.' S CHRISTMAS DECORATIN( Von ran lipauiifv ivt'rvfhinir in the Satin-Glo Sat'tn-Glo Satinj Enamel Finish Varnis MTL U J r tin ii i.i p. n. D 2X illMIC IU1 " INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 This year, with so many items unobtainable, an ex-cellent solution to your gift problems is to give practical gifts. In our stork you will find many acceptable items. Drop in and look around. 1 McBride Street nirKS FRASERHO Warm, Clean and r 1 4 FRASER SI Phone Black j JfllCfJf ennp NOW wnni SELECTION IS LARf Rememlicr-Re Wise! Shop ban)' M anson s THE HOME OF B TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR SPECIAL CHRISTMAS LAY-AWAY rwin riioNl WARNING! oiy a wh m jewel'1 BOX (IDS ,! ri TITIVK.ILjI" English B""ff Mnll nrrlnre T7oooIva Preimnt Attention . .tkXl