Prinrc Rupert Dailp ftcUig Thursday, December 5, 1946 DECEMBER PICTURES For the holiday ionth or De-1 cember an mtetenin? list of ! moving pictures is announced bv i J. H. Black, manager of the Capitol Theatre. Outstanding amone th offerinoc nrr thp cur-ent "Road to Uicpia". with otht r features uth ac "Dragon-wyck", -Garden of Allah" and "Jlollday In Mexteo" coming up later. Following is the list for the bionth: December 5. 6 and 7 Jiope and Bing Crosby in ' Road jlo uopu." Decemter 8 and 9 Phil Reed and PhyHis Brooks in "Big Town" and Mary Beth Hujhw and George Montgomery in 'The uowooy ana tne Blonde. Decftrijer 10 and 11 Charles Boyer and Lauren Bacall in - loniraentiai Agent. December 12, 13 and 14 Gene Tierney and Vincent Price in - J)ragonwyck." Decen ?er 15 (Sunday mW . night) Buz Henry and Sybil M2rnu m "Daiwy Boy" and Cesar Romero and Jsn r in "Viva Cisco Kid." December 16 and 17 Zachary JScott and Janis Paige in "Her w Kind of Man" and Johnny Mack . Brown in "Under Arizona Skies." December 13 and 19 Charles so Boyer and Marleae Dietrich in ' Garden cf Allah." December 20 and 21 John 'Hodiak and Nancy Guild in "Somewhere in the Night." 14 December 23 ami 91 Rogers and Dale Evans in ' Sun- IN THE SUPREME COURT OP ERITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" AND J THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP ANTON AMBROZIAK. OTHEB-K-VOWN AS ANTHONY AM- onuMAik, uw.A5m INTESTATF ' Hls Hohor Judge w E Ftoher, Loci : Judge of the Sunrrmo r-mtrt r.t SHORT SPORT There is a Canadian horse called Five Minutes to Midnight and when he went into retire ment recently at Portland, Oregon, it was a uubiie ceremony before 10.000. This small, shaggy, dark horse :iar one credo: "If it's on my back, it's got to be bucked off." Most western horsemen say there never has oeen snch a backer. Pnr wttr than two decades cowhands hsw been tnrine to stav aboard him Owner Verne Elliott. Platte vUle. Colo., estimates better than 2.080 tried. He savs that 14 succeeded Tor tne required 10 seconds. Few of these still were uo at 11 seconds. And even fewer at 12. Elliott adds that eves the 14 who made it ante were pitched off on other rides. "He's the greatest I've ever seen." says Elliott, who runs a rin? c: tuckers for rotfees from Madison Square Garden to the west coast, and has seen thn all for more than 20 years. "3u( it was 111 the most daneernitc " Elliott continues He gives that henor to Midnight, a feared man-killer of earlv rodeo dav whose grave on Elliott's ranch vtrtnattv a mwhov hHn Yov can lead Five IflnnUt tt Midnight around like a dud. tost long as no one tries to act on his aek." Elliott says. "But I new saw another horse that eouid put so much into bucking. rant his size. He stands onlv hands. Avenue bucker is at et in EMorado" and Pennv Slngteton and Arthur Lake in Btondte's Lacky Day." Dertmbcr 35 and 26 John (IctiHak and Lucille Ball in "Two Smart People." December 27 and 28 ' " "v - aw bv Randolph d;nmui man's "'- Territory irrruory. " John Hubbard in "Murder Arnong Friends" and Joe Kirk-wood and Leon Errol in "Joe Palooka. Champ." December 30, 31. and January 1 Jane Powell and Walter Pidgeon in "Holiday in Mexico." December 31 (New Year's Eve Bcb Hope and Blng Crosby in "Road to Singapore." Si"?1- on 21lh iy , December 23 (Sunday miA&n, lll' tFAr ' - Marjerie Weaker and niuuiwut, owervi&e mown as n- Uiony Ambrozlak. who died on or bO"t th Sfd dT 61 September. 1948 All persons inlebted to the said f-?u.f re erqulred to pay the amount of,.ihelr 'idebtedness to me forth -'th ndt all persons having claims r,"' M te are required to file them with me properlj verified on or before the 31st dar of December. m. fallln? which distribution win be made having re-card only to such claims of whvh k"e been notified. DATED at Prince Rupert B.C.. this Z7th day of November. 1946. GORDON P. FORBES. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C. 286 IN THE SUPREME COURT OP ERITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" AND IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OP LEE DON'O DECEASED INTESTATE ...TAKE NOTICE that by Order of Ills Honour W. E. Fisher made on the 2nd day of December A D. 1948 " appointed Administrator of the -Estate of Lee Dong, deceased, and --Svll DftrtlM havlna .fBfm 1 . . -ald estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to ! me on or before the 18th day of Januarj AD. 1947. and all parties indebted to the Estate are required to pay the amount of their indebt- ! ed"e. tA me forthwith. ( DATED at Prince Rupert. B C , this I 2nd day of December. A D 1948 I OOKDON P. FORBES. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C. 298 "SIMPLE WORDS" Millbank is a Mild, Cool, Straight Cut Virginia Cigarette Simple words but they mean 7) II:?' VA 4 maybe Five, he was onl? 1.040 at top. now he's stent $75. He's always been skittish and wild. Xot mean, you know. Just wild. He's hnrt hardlv a on - his rMtfu T ptc tlum dn-x-n n sort of. But he never could stand anything on his oaci." Elliott tart heard of Five in 1924. It -was a story from Canada M a wiki nore, oougni ier o who was Ditching all toners out of the lot" In 1927 Elliott bought him at Calgary. He named him . . A 4 1 w. r started Five's tours. He scatter- ed cowboys from here to Lon- L 2L If mai ' inc uiiiuuu a4jpraraTCV nernas was his biggest sensation, for they'd never seen sucn a norse. Few AMttcant have either. V t Jotnfon. San Antonio. Tex., onoe orrered $10,000 for hiw-a record i for a bu:k:r. Elliott refused it.' bt nroscoth- inMred Ove for: .. also a record. ! For 19 years Five travelled with ESiott. backing them off. Phs in tnree years he bwked in OaBods. that wakes as years a long lime iimc to i be re a a champion. cuampion. 1 -"WW fl ive goes on oensien for ; life the run of the Elliott ranch , at Platteville: soft, green grass wnen he wants it and grain when his now-ailing teeth cant handle gra?s. Bu: 1. great horse requires a final tribute So thev brough; Five t0 the Pacific International Livestock exposition at Portland for a farewell ceremony. FURNITURE REPAIRING Upholstering - Slip Covers Drapes Car and Truck Cushions Repaired and Recovered Out-of-town orders given special care. LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Phone Green 974 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre Wffy IS PERFECTION COCOA WB 86ST VALUE? PERFECTION COCOA ij made only from the best Cocoa Bean that can be secured. It is carefully processed -with the skill of a century's experience in making-fine cocoa. Its extremely high 22 Cocoa Butter content makes it exceptionally nourishing and gives it a superior, true chocolate flavour. Its fineness of texture assures a smooth, creamy beverage, and makes it ideal for baking, too. For the utmost in quality, food value, and chocolate flavour, ask your grocer for PERFECTION COCOA. Regardless of price, there is none better. Yet PERFECTION COCOA costs less! I full pound VyrVj W CANADIENS LOSE GAME NEW YORK Cr Mor.'.real ' Canadiens suffered a two to one ! reverse at the hands of the New , orlc Rangers at Madison Squa S!.wtA 1. .1 RUki I M. I uaiucii uit 1113111 Dui reiamru i ' their inc,r league eague leadership leaaersnm with witn a a fCant on point margin over the !Toronto Mapte Leafs who were : n ivmv a tniuh a n 1 1 jnn, th he Bastan Bruins. There wf. second tie game in the nTnZS?J.' T."?,!u nra iitts w?;it reless at DUrott. L- 'sihs national HOCKey League scores ..,,,, . " rhiM n. rt' " ?n 1 ' ' 2 , u B.:lst?n5.T:ont?.2.t!e, -M"UI"' iorK 2 exi games win be at the week-end as foelows Saturday-Bosten at Toronto I Sunday Canadlen- at Chica- i go: Toronto at Drtrolt; Rangers at Boston. 7716 league standing to date: W D L F A Pts ivanaaiens 10 3 6 68 42 23 Toronto 9 4 4 59 41 22 Boston 6 7 4 51 41 19 1 TO AVOO DISAPPOINTMENT SHIP TO POINTS IN Maritime Provinces Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta British Columbia Lovely Lamps A new lamp. Many styles, beautifully mounted. Great Stock m our Toy DEPARTMENT BLONDIE ,., And Only One Mind By Chic y. :SL. ''HiHIIll! :'I-L CLEA(? THE1 Ill n -tthH r.,,, U tttt . DOUBLE TAX IS OPPOSED l.. JJZr:.? r1 ,r,C I KV X , ,r, r-r, . '"-' . V TWO UAkiOC JL'bT HAVE A V TABLE FDR l"rrwMt DAS WOOD 1 j J 1 -T I OfZb La -ew minutes a vt vou wvawuuuy rl TO OPESS FOR ) -t 7 QUICK -- VSvbfA , N Vr- THE yjy Cta jj) Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce Supports Kelowna On Three Resolutions, i Three Resolutions , from j Kelowna wuuuh Chamber ui of (-wmucree Commerce wen the support ot the Prince Rup:rt Chamber of Commerce . ., -re r i i Monday night's meeting one of the Kelowna resolutions towards any sysum of dual taxation by Dam- . . . - lnl?n and urevlnce Personal corporate Premier Jehn Hart of British Columbia to reach a satisfactory financial agreement with Ottawa at the earliest possible date. Another Kelowna resolution urges the increase of the exemp- eI mirr,cd women from in5Cme tax' holding that the new regulation wherebv huAandji whose wives earn more than I ' $250 a year lose their married Detroit 7 10 62 77 18 t.ew York . 7 10 33 GO 18 I Chicago 5 10 49 66 12 CHRISTMAS GIFTS ewer PACK CAREFULLY ADDRESS. CORRECTLY NOT IATER THAN December 12 Oecember 14 December 16 December 16 December 17 SUGGESTIONS An Enormous 1 imivMir 'Hill's I I o J GIFTS in Glassware Crockery Hardware Furniture Electric Goods A "E-VKRYTHINC. TOR T II K H 0 M E " GORDON & ANDERSON The Ntutil ami larwsC Slore In sc, Central B.C. General Contractor We do basements, reshingUng, build fences, sidewalks, remodel your kitchen. Demolish or move buildings. 100 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CALL BLUE filO and we will give P.O. IlOX 354 sUtus has had the effect of causing lack ef essential labor In primary laduntrtes. The ef fect of this new regulation Is to cause labor shortage in the fruit packing industry in the Okana. gan and the flrt. packing indus- try on the coast. The third resolution from owna urged the provincial gov-. ernment to make a "considerable Increase" in the physical educa tion and recreational grant which now amounts to $50,003 per year. HEAVY PRINTING In h the k middle uuuuic u of the me 18th loin cen cen- tury. more books had been print ed in Chinese than in all other languages put together. PRINCE RUPERT TO VANCOUVER VIA OCEAN FALLS "Prime Ailelaiile" Kcry .Monday. 10 p.m. ALASKA PORTS Trim cos Nnrnli" "Princess IxuiUe" Full information on Hiilingi from local lirl.rl airnt, vr wriir V.. Irnre Harper, CP. A.. C I' K. Mo,',,,,, loirourer. NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 1S6 SI u It if VI u Numerous U ripniiUNil IVIirrnri kg & PRESSURE COOKERS Kitchen I)eliRht an estimate. PRINCE RUPERT I Tnn a vr . i . 1 1 l 1 URDAY $in3 Crosby 1'ng. lob eid D0,,,. ' on e 9xlr, 9,Ht SoW imh ifcor, a U-iorgl tovgKAdt IXTRA! VOICE or CANADA GUEST PESTS SATURDAY SHOWS AT 2:00 - 4:J8 - 6:36 - 8:54 y y y y v y y x y y y y y y y y 5 y ob Hope Gi .5 .. ujAj TABLE AND I'.nrnnip i Mnt, y sILtX COFFEE MAKERS y For (he KI,1,liV riri. . y - " .'K,iur run, irjsti y Dl IDTdt n mo , r.O. Box 1321 31J Third Are, ( jji Mr- v. . ai . is i ANNOUNCEN Tn TIiron ifii WAITING FOR l A Kb AN T uav. ti wf fill UUVtJ i...a J UC J were placed with S. B Parker Ltd W?Wi: policy of filllnj? the oldest orders fir Cu c: u.lll Kb nnon tw 4 . HH . io see wnere ne .stand.N oa t ie n iw mm n a n m n 11 11 oJo rMKixLK LIMI rUKU AJMU MONARCH DEALS 3rd Avenue CHRISTMAS GIFTS LEATHER GOODS PLAYING CARDS CONfiHESS, L Wit1 BESNETt BLOCK Mi OF II0XEI) ivnirmrAl, i-ipr unrr II 1 1 ' .n crll 1.111 .- mimn OT nfl'l' -r If I R MKS. DOUTHEIl AND SUSS WATSOX al the DRY GOODS & NOVELTY Have done their best to obtain a Christmas stock for you Some lines are short, yet we think you could find an acceptable gift here Call and see us anyway! BESNEK BLOCK REPAIRS NEW CONSTRUCTION i9i7Jers one Contractor PHONE RED 5G1 OPENING OUR NEW STOKE ... HAPPY WONO 2H SIXTH STRU7I mbW8TAKP (NEXT TO JU"1"1 '.rTA FRESH FRUITS and Vtor-Wholesale and "a"0 c n ir V FROM u U r - 1 in- m phonf 1