iWay Food Market llBBON' HITS a Size ISDS U) NUTS (ROSS INGRAM) GOOD EATING AT MODEST COST H AND EGG SPECIAL! i Strictly Fresh Lggs r.UAUi: "A" LARGE gift's Premium Back Bacon 110 JUICE dice Quality 65c 25c Walnuts I'ccans lis. Filberts, Brazils. I Quality from 1946 49c SARDINES 2 Eastern Best Quality TINS CALIFORNIA WALNUTS THE 2 FOR 87 23c FRUITCAKE FRUIT Iloblnson's 'Vs 25 Each 48 PUREX TISSUE 7c 3 WEBEBL ROLLS riNK No. 1 Diamond Large Size POUND . 28c GRAPEFRUIT Texas QQf 2 FOR iO 59c RWAY FOOD MARKET Our New Fast Delivery Service PHONE 434 , VV'think vou're noin' fa a 1. I am. ntflrrr! And 1 think cf that rlreant. R ot rost's Qrapc-Nuts I loot just damns iloni on Iter fRln'lhcn. hrnthrrt And i 'or a bowlful myself. On those cartxhydrales ;Wtln for muscle; phos-wh and bones; Iron lor breakhsl of, malfy-rch, golden-brown Grap-Nuts Fokej? the blood; ana ovner ioou csw.uu . "Grape-Nuts FUkcs arc good all right 1 Thai's because tlifyrc maoo of two grains wheat and malted barley. And Ricclaiiy Dicnacu, and toasted for eoldcn-brown. dcU- cious crlsvmcss ana easy aigwviv,,. "We'll polish off one of tnosc giani economy packages. NAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE lAed 1910 LIMITED niture and household goods packed, crated, stored and shipped all parts of canada and u.s.a. WICK, EFFICIENT, CAREFUL AND RELIABLE SERVICE Phone UNnSAY'S 60 or 68 Thai Party ... PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port Edward. B.C. "Op sill'v m mow 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 pm. MEIN UPERT MOTORS LTD. PRINCE RUPERT. B. C. ARTS AND SERVICE DEPOT llRYSLER fS DODGE lYM0UTII MJ DESOTO n0I)GE AND FARGO TRUCKS Prince Rupert-Rorn Member Gyro Speaker An Interesting autobiozranhi- cal talk by a Prince Rupert-born member, James Parker, featured we program at yesterday's weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club, President W. D. Lambie was In the chair and there was a good attendance of members with one guest in the person cf Ivan Cameron. W. F. Stone reported arrangements well under iway for special club' proceedings to be held Friday and Saturday in con nection with the official visit of International President Ore Yorkc of Vancouver and District Governor Fred Hawcs of Victoria the last list of donations to the Leonard Campbell Fund was a sum of $72.25 from the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. employees which, added to an additional $17 already acknowl edged makes a total of $39.2a. Announcements All advertisements in wis column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. United Church Bazaar, Dcc. 5, Toe II Grand Variety Concert, December 6. Civic Centre. Orange tea and home cooking. Mrs. J. G. Anderson's, 303 4th East. 2:30 to 5. Dec. 12. Card party, Catholic School Hall, Dcc. 12, 8 p.m., in aid of Christmas Tree. King Edward High School concert. December 16, Civic Centre. S.O.N. Christmas Tree and Dance, Civic Centre, December 26. Children's Fancy Dies. Parti- Civic Centre, December 2". PUMPKIN PIE An old family favorite with nnv winter-lineal . and doubly delicious with' whipped cream. Irradiated Pacific Milk whips so easily and it's economical too. Whipping directions arc on the familiar Pacific label. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed Local News Items' Meeting of Job's Daughters Dec. 6 8 pjn. Installation, Silver march and social. (285) A naval staff car for H.M.C.S. Chatham naval reserve division was unloaded-from the Princess Louise this morning. AElio Furniture Store will be closed from Dec. 9th to January 5th, 1947. (d27) William Slater, local customs examiner, returned on the Prln cess Louise this morning from a holiday trip to Vancouver. A S O N. mpetirt? has been Dost- Inadvertantly ommltted from from Thursdayi Dcc. 5 to Friday, Dec. 13. (234) Lieut. Carson, R.C.N. electrical inspector for the Navy, arrived in the city this morning on inc. Princess Louise on an official visit to the navy facilities here Mrs. Halperin, after an ex tended visit here with her father, William Goldbloom, has returned to hsr home in Winnl Peg- Bishop Anthony Jordan, vicar apostolic of the Roman Catholic Church here, is due back in Prince Rupert next week after having been on a trip to Ottawa on ecclesiastical business. Margaret, to Waller, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Langmuir. Rim-b?v. Alta., the wedding to take place at Donnelly, December 23 A, Monthly dinner meeting Junior Chamber of Commerce, December 5, Commodore Cafe, 6:15 p.m. All interested invited. (284) T. llannon, comptroller of the White Pass and Yukon Railway. passed through the city today aboard the Princess Louise en- route to Skagway. A window in Smiles Cafe was kicked In last night by prowlers but no loss was reported by the Cow Bay business establishment according to a police report this morning. Lutheran Church Official Is Here Bishop H . L. Foss, Seattle, to gether with Rev. Roy Olson, pastor, Ketchikan, Alaska, ar rived on the lish packer byancy, Captain Aasmund Hendrickson, early yesterday morning for a three-day "Alaska-Prince Rup ert Circuit Church Convention' at the St, Paul's Lutheran Church, Rev. A. O. Aasen, pastor. Bishop Foss is not a stranger In thl3 city, having visited this church several times in official capacity. He will be present at every one 67 the three sessions each day from Friday to sun day, preaching the opening scr- A Long tnps or snort, aay or," - night. 93 Tail at your service. ou"u-' " "f , , engagement notice known to all the fishermen of this area for his outstanding church work at Ketchikan. His Mr onrl Mrs .Tnlin Mrfillire of mCSSaSC to the VOUth Will 0" Donnellv. Alta.. announce ths , cienverco. at me ciosmg miuu engagement of their daughter of the convention Sunday nir.ht Pastor Thomas Knutson, Petersburg, Alaska, not yet arrived hut expected any time, will also bo in attendance. KIN PRESIDENT TO PR. GEORGE Will Attend Inaugural (lathering Next Week-Local Club in Session Club business occupied the at tention of the Prince Rupert Kinsmen's Club last night at the regular fortnightly dinner meet ing at the Civic Centre. Presi dent R. E. Montador was dele I I - .1 - 1 Chest Colds olUr I LffrCT5s . A 5t1 Plb looP.Ni, , -i jM- rv t. X M HI IV V JAOUCR3 5 ' , 'i t . i I USE OUR BUDGET PLAN Nu Currying Charges No Ititcrnbt. Terms In accordance with W.P.T.B. ncgulatlons. Sale oi FUR COATS CONEYS, ELECTRIC SEAL MUSKRATS, SQUIRRELS You Know Our Fine Stock . . . EVERYTHING J1AKKE1). l)OVN THIS IS A HANDY WAY TO SHOP FOR HER . . . DEPOSIT ANY AMOUNT TO HER CREDIT AND WE WILL GIVE YOU A PRESENTATION CERTIFICATE YOU MAKE NO MISTAKE THIS WAY. "THE CIUiDIT HOUSE OF QUALITY" Circuit meeting at Lutheran Church. Friday and Saturday. Sessions at 10. 2 and 7:30 o clocK (280) Peter Byrne is sailing tomor row night on the Catala for a trip to Vancouver. Further membeis of the Cham bcr of Commerce party proceed ing from here to Ketchikan on the Alaska Goodwill Tour on the steamer Camosun tomorrow night will include Harry King and Duncan Kerr of Terrace, Robert Elkins, Ed: Gamer and George Dibb of Prince Rupert. gated to preside at the charter I presentation meeting of the new1 Prince George Club and will be leaving for" the Interior next Monday night to be present there the following evening. There will be a special ladles' night dinner party of the local club on December 17. The Tu berculosis Christmas Seal committee reported distribution of seals complete and returns now being awaited. Guests at the dinner last night were C. R. Boxall and A. N. Van Meer. Hotel. . . arrivals Rev. H. L. Foss, Seattle; Rev. R. E. Olsen, Ketchikan; Lieut N, T. Carson, Esquimau. BIRTH NOTICE BOXALL Born to Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Boxall, 201 Eighth Avenue East, in the Prince Rupert Gen eral Hospital this morning, a daughter. Colleen, 7 pounds 10 ounces. NO WALKOUT.. ON NOON SHIFT "THE BEST UNION EVER . . . b when a man gets together with a bowl of Aylmcr. Vegetable Soup," says this smart housewife, packing a thermos bottle with hot soup. "My husband says it's so warming and satisfying especially on cold days." Yes, and those 9 garden-fresh vegetables simmered with barley, rice, macaroni, butler and rich soup stock make Aylmcr Vegetable Soup extra nutritious. It's a delicious way to get needed vegetables every day. Servo Aylmer Vegetable Soup often your family deserves Aylmer qiudity. 1 -z? 1 ffllfrtatmaa J v w V V V y 25 Cosmefic Gifts 1 1 YAKDLKY - I1AKK1ET HU1JHAIU) AYKK-ADIIIKNNE - TUYA - MAX FACTOR EVENING IN PARIS TANGEE OrmestW. At Your Service . . . OUR RECORD KELT. 6 VICTOR - DECCA COLUMBIA Xmas Suggestions for All Ages CHILDREN'S RECORDS AND ALBUMS rhe Husband Who. Was To Mind the House .50 iMotlicr Goose Nursery Rhymes Unc'c Mac's Nursery Rhymes Winnie Tlic Pooh Builds a House - " More Winnie The Pooh Songs A A A A A PUmbO 1 en cf aulliver's Travels . . t Little Black Sambo - ' . bltlc Black Sambo's Jungle Band i .50 sct Rumpelstiltskin rhc Little Red Hen : Sinslng Games - The Story of Ferdinand Dene Kelley's Nursery Songs . What Is God Like? V-fa"--- (Album) 2.50 50 , 1.50 set (Album) 2.35 ... 50 FOR YOUMt PEDl'LE Nutcracker Suite (Phil. Orchestra) t Album) 5.05 Nutcracker Suite (Spike Jones) A bum) 3.00 rnmlini of Iho Animnls (Ph 11. OrCO.) .... tUDumi Peer Gynt Suite No. 1 (Grcig) - DON'T I'OIKiET . . . "You'll (Jet Used To It" (by John Pratt) as sung In "Meet The Navy" 2.03 set -75 MaSts.M A A A A A A Slippers f v y v V V v w V V V Whatever his or her favorite type of slipper, be assured that we have It. Our stock is complete from fancies to mocassins. 5 A A A A A .A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1H TO $6.50 A A ff A A A A A A A A A A A . A A A A A A A A A A A A A A FOOTWEAR Fine New Store STONE BLOCK A A I XM AS GIFTS M 1 A if Hive IIF.lt lively Lingerie a Nightgown, Slip and Pantre, in heavy satin, sizes 32 to K 12, in white, blue or rose. S Dcnosit. $2 70 a v Balance, $10.79 C.O.D. a V . . , tl A Bend color, size, acpou, j and adaress to 3 SYLVIA'S Remly-lo-Wear PCEAJFALLSJJ. 'Delivery fn 3 weeks I I u v M v -m. i j Du Barry Rubenstein Tuya Molinard and Many Others McCUTCHEON Pharmacy Ltd. Third Ave. and Sixth St. l'HONE 7 Box 1308 Thone 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING ESTIMATES . OIL BURNER SALES AND " SERVICE Cor. 2nd Ave. and 7th St. TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS-SERVICE- TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (II. Smith) P.O. Box 167 Terrace Y ! 0 X. i- s 2 1 !