Classified Advertising .j. 2s p n": K A -iC. ktl.r ui"p. ouc. uirtn Notices 'i. catdof Thanks. Death Notice Funeral Notices, Marriage hx cars. """'"Be nd Engagement Annoi.neemenu : $2. "poll SALE .... r -9 pice dining room n t. Jle and chair, . .. l,Mrr ranse. All In ml ' Kltclv n table and 9 r. lb. hish chair, . u i Ave. East. (285) ifE lliilman sedan, 1937, .ALE 8) 'k ".11. P jare wre. ju.ra (289) vohcan grease, best mi r". out. Per can i; iiiture Co. (289) Hous". 7 rooms, 3 nudevn. furnace b:.scmnnt. $3,000. M''y G. P. Tinker - Bi nrr Block, ft-s) .Ro.-mln? house, 22 . 4 lot s, splendid . ,-w Price $4200, "" f full particulars o p Tinker and Co. Ltd., House, 8 rooms, v Dry Dock. Well r 1.75Q. Terms. Ap- tit & Co. Ltd., :: it-?) rSALE nc 2' 2 -ton Maple ) ci:i:ii, '.ruck. Phone Black (2881 SALE V'i building lots tea on 7th Ave. West. . Green 902, Uf) SALE Man's bicycle in .diuon. Phone Green la STOVES $25; oil clrcula- r l.:ater like new; flosr i (urn $4; battery radio rt condition; dining room tsfr. a $25; beds, complete, ;i $10 galvanized buckets n it: blankets, sheets, . S! new fancy mirrors; L--7 cattcrns scatter rugs r jure-;cs, all sizes; all I.U oi useiuj iiuruwirt, ' ; ind office furnltuie ow;t prices, See us Bf Furniture Co., Black p. un lectric Shaver $9.95 1 Hi " El otric Dry Shav-ut;ru) leatherette sriinjt: SP'f shatp-ariio interference: Rr.V 60 cycle AC. ' 'v trunranteed. F.dc-;. Dent. A. 26 Saint John. 1239) Grotto CIGAR STORE Wholesale and Retail Tobacconists COOI) SUPPLY OF M FIN'S SUNDRIES SMALL QUANTITIES UOLLS KAZORS UONSON LIGHTERS Make Your Choice Early See "ert"or"Itiil" w L .A jSlA. 'Ml A FOR SALE FOR SALE-1 restaurant stove with overhead canopy; 1 85-gallon galvanized hot water tank. Terrace Hotel, Terrsc. "C- u6) FOR 'SALE Lovely all-wool fleece coat, beige, size 18, new. $40 value for $3Q. fll3 JOth Ave. East. (284) HELP WANTED HELP WANTED -Ward maids at Prince Rupert General Hospital- (tf) WANTED IMMEDIATELY Ward aides and maids. Native and white applications will be' accepted. Applicants should be 18 years of age or over. Phone or write: Matron. Miller Bay Il-i-pltai 1 286 ; FOli KENT TQ RENT Modern 5-rooraed uite, close in. .Rent $27.00. Nat heated. Apply G. P .Tinker ii Co. Ltd. Besner Bteck. (t-s) FOR RENT 3 rpom unfurnished suite. Apply suite 7 Washington Block. (286) FOR RENT One or two furnished huuefci'fvlg rooms, private entrance, alio 6 room flat, partly furnhhed, 5th Ave. Wet. Apjiiy Suite I Htlgtrson Blork. (2891 FOR RENT -Partly furnished one-room cabin. Phane Black 985. (233) FOR RENT Suite In Vernon Apartments, 141 2nd Avenue. Blue 815. (tf) FOR RENT-Comfortable room. 427 5th East. Pnone Blue 967. (284) FOR RENT Two furnished light housekeeping rooms. Phone Green 937. . (235) FOR RENT Single or double room, meals if desired. Men only. Two .minutes walk from Post Office. Phone Black 9G5 WANTED WANTED TO RENT 2 or 3 room furnished suite. Call between 5 and 7 Red 733. (285) WANTED TO RENT Piano for private home by responsible party. Phone Green $77 or write Box 184 Dailv News, (tf MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, BC. ttf J NEW TEXTILE PRESERVATIVE ROCHELLE, N.J. 0 A new washable fibre made from nylon which will resist mussing, moths, fungi, mildew and alkali should reach the market next year, a textile specialist told the American Association of Textile Chemists and Clorists here recently. Specla'llrt Dr. L. L. Larson said the new fibre should have a "fundamental Influence" on the textile industry. Now produced experimentally, the fibre combines dimensional stability with durability, and Is both light and warm. SARONG ATTRACTS PARIS (Reuters) A pretty Indian delegate, Miss D. Bose, who changes into a different sarong before each of the two dally sessions of the United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization, was re-parted to be enjoying the lime- j light drawn to the small number of women delegates attending the conference now going on here. FURNITURE EXHIBITION LAGOS, Nigeria, W Adewale Dale, ex-Nigerian soldier who erved In Burma, recently held Uls first exhibition of furniture which he made himself. He ud his gratuities to set up as furniture maker and redesigned illustrations in British and American papers, making adjustments for tropical conditions. JULY B1RTHSTONE The ruby is the blrthstone for July. LOST AND 'FOUND LOST Purse containing money, driver's license and other papers. Please return to Telephone Office. (284) FOUND Monday morning, Borden St., gold earring. Owner may have same by calling at Dally News and paying for ' this advertisement. (tf) j LOST 1 man's light blue V-neck sweater size 42 on Dec. 2. Please phone Mrs. R. C. White, Port Edward. (280) ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD Table .meals. Home away from home. Men nreferable. 622 Fraser Street. (dl3) AND BOA"RbAt reason able rates. Apply Box 185, Dally News. (tf) SWAP SWAP French six-power binoculars, leather case. What have you to offer? P.O. Box 585. . (2841 inrriino NEARLY X.rl TIMES AS MUCH wiomi One of the great advantages of Carnation Milk babies and growing children as a food for bottle-fed has been its extra supply of "sunshine" vitamin D. How that vitamin D is nearly two and a half times whit it was formerly! Increased from the 162 to 400 International units per reconstituted quart, (half Carnation, half water.) ..... Here is adJed assurance that the valuable minerals in the milk will be fully used in building strong bones and sound teeth. This makes Carna-tion more than ever the preferred milk for infant feeding-nourishing, safe, digestible, and economical. No extra cost for this increased vitamin D. Carnation Milk CANADIAN PKUUUV.I -jrom .fr yMWi - jfStff IfYEM As soon as ooiulilions permit, Clovor Un( will again lie avail- i JQ!eiileaXJ llrilish Colmubia rarVers Ltd. VI 1 ZfoSI T Y4N:otlU:ll,C.ANAHA CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) - THURSDAY KM. 4:00 Tony the Troubador 4:l& MW-day Melodies 4:30, Songs in Sweet Style 4:45 "Herc.'pooch" Wpg. 5;W Pppular playhouse 5:30 People Ask 5:45 Supper Serenade 6:00 T.BA. B: 15 On the March 6:30 Perry Como 6:45 Til A. 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Winnipeg Strings 8:00 Vancouver Theatre 8:30 Story of Music 9:00 Sports Review 9:15 Points of View 9,30 Continental Varieties 10:00 CBC News 10:10 B. C. News 10:15 Sportsman's Guide 10:30 Tommy Tucker's Orch. Il:00-Weather and Sign Off. FRIDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit , 10:15 Thoughts for Today 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 Keyboard and Console 11:15 Songs of Today v 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude ll:45-Ethel and Albert P.M. 12:00 B. C. Farm Broadcast 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 CBC News 12:45 Easy Listening 1:00 The Concert Hour 1:30 Recital, Winnipeg 1:45 Talk, Winnipeg 2:00 National School Br'dcast ', 2:30 Footllght Favorites 2:45 Musical Program 3:00 Messer's Islanders 3:15 Serenade to America -ij t JfeJMTHeR JAVEX Is liquid sunshine for toilets. Only a few drops are needed to clean like magic, brighten, whiten, disinfect and deodorize. Javex Is wonderful for whitening clothes and removing stoini from sinks and drainboardt. AT YOUR DEALER'S fj -w GOLDBLOOM'S GOING OUT OF BUSINESS Fur Coat SALE PRICES CUT AWAY DOWN! No. 1 Mnskrats, $450 to $..r0 Coney Coats, $175 to $125 Silver Foxes, 35 Percent Off Mink, Marten and Sable, 25 Percent Off NOTHING HELD! Come In and Look-No Time to Walt. GOLDBLOOM'S FOR FURS 5 The Experts Say - - By KAY REX Canadian Press Stiff writer SUGAR AND BUTTER PROB LEM Just about now mother us watching the family sayings of ration coupons dwindle before her eyes as she puts every extra bit of butter and sugar she eat lay her hands on Into the spe-j around the corner. Plum puddings, mincemeat, and Christmas cake, probably already are. underway as they must be given at least a montn to "ripen." Good housekeepers claim ripening tarings out the rich flavor of the spices, raisins, peel, nuts, brown sugar, and mo lasses. Some of those precious cake Ingredients may be still in short supply this year, but for the most part many that haven t 8 lli 5 Jl s means so much more of that rationed ingredient may be put! to holiday use such as Into the Mrs. Martha Morgan, wlfe of making of that favorite festive Reuben B. Morgan, 879 Summit shortbread. Avenue, nassed awav In Prince Shortbread Ingredients: 2 pound butter; Vt cup king sugar; 2 teaspoon vanilla; JVi cups pastry flour. Prill nut. thin nnrl rut with clal goodies which go to bright-, sman cutter recjpe makes en that Christmas season Just, nm.rfwiniatplv six dozen cookies. r PLENTY OF CRANBERRIES Whether your holiday jnenu announces turkey or chicken this year, nevertheless with cran berries in such plentiful supply there still will be plenty of sauce on the side. For a new cranberry sauce recipe try: four cups cranberries (one pound); two cups water; two cups sugar. Boll sugar and water five minutes : and then add berries which first been seen since early in the war j have been washed and examined, will re-appear. For instance a Boil five minutes without stir- few choice walnuts from Man- ring ana men puu uve huuuvm churla will show on grocery longer, stirring slightly. shelves for the first time since 1939. This year such Christmas bak ing "musts" as spices, peel, dates. and so on have been removed from under the price celling, in accordance with the Prices Board policy of gradual decon trol where goods are In fair or plentiful supply. SHORTBREAD Lucky this season Is the mother with a family of non-butter-eaters. It CARROT PUDDING On the desset side here Is a well-tried i recipe for Carrot Pudding guaranteed to top off your Christ-j mas dinner on a high note. Carrot Pudding: Hi cups flour; i 2 cups grated carrots; cup currants; 1 cup suet; 1 cup potatoes; 1 teaspoon soda; 'z cup milk. Carrots, potatoes and suet should be well ground. The pudding must be allowed to steam two or three hours. T" Appetizing 'clover leaf rolls lfe 9 0pj5n SttXmTSm. - ( JOB FOR Yes, Fkischmann's active Fresh Yeast helpayou bake fluffier, tastiou J Clover Leaf rolls. Fleischmann's works fast because it's full-strength. It saves you extra steps. i Ccnoda IF YOU BAKE AT HOME, you'll want Fleischmann's active Fresh Yeast the Yeast cake with the familiar yellow label that has been Canada's favorite for over 70 years. Order some today! I Always fresh, at your grocerS . , ORDER TURKEYS EARLY M " Family Meat VJr Market r DON'T LET CHRISTMAS PUT YOU "IN THE RED" Nobody wants to be extiAvagant this Christmas .which Is just one reason why wise shoppers are heading for THE VARIETY STORE! You can get gifts for everyone that are practical, wanted, and useful. There are all the festive wrappings, cards, seals and tricks that make your pacages look so wonderful, too, all right here. We couldn't possibly begin to list all the many things you'll find here to solve your Christmas gift problems, so why not come In around Just to look THE VARIETY STORE "WHERE YOUR DIMES-ARK.LITTLE DOLLARS" n x('e'e',e'e'e,e',c''C',,t!5,.,C'e'''',s,'',t .a Prfiirc Rupert Dafli? Ji3cUis Thursday, December 5, 1943 MRS. R.B.MORGAN PASSES AWAY Rupert General Hospital last ni;ht. She was 50 years old and had been a resident of Prince Rupert for the last 22 years. Surviving are her husband, who . a fisherman, and one; sop, Georse. both In Prince Rupiert. City police Sergeant L. N. Potterton provided Ithe entertainment feature at today's Rotary Club luncheon meeting, Sgt. Potterton showed colored films of the Kootenays .and Burns Lake country. "FES A BAB 5 Bulkley Market ALSO MESSENGER SERVICE We buy . . . ORDER YOUR GRADE "A" TURKEYS; NOW! WE DELIVER DAILY 3rd Avenue Phone 11 R Prince Rupert Bottle Collecto Phone Blue 7 ALL SIZES Perfex Beer Whiskey, Gin and Botlle;, Bottles Wine Bottles PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE r"n n rffii li ini BmMJftM We are here to serve you and guarantee you will be pleased. FREE DELIVERY OF ALL ORDERS BLAIN BROTHERS PHONE 54" "HOUSE OF FINE FOODS" P.O. Bex 114 rt rt rt rt rt A rt k rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt X rt rt rt rt rt TV FOR THE HOME Aycrs Pure Wool Blankets "Slccpwcll" Down Comforters "SlcepwcH" Wool-Filled Comforters Chenille Bath Sets t Chenille Bedspreads , "C alt" Towel Sets "Homecraft" Luncheon Sets And various other items in limited quantities F0R Better Quality . . . Better Value BUY AT Fraser and Payne NEW RE WE CAN MAKE PAIR I'LACE LOCATION EQUIPJIENT STOCK COMBINED FOR A CO.MPLE1E CANVAS GOODS SERVICE ALL CANVASS PRODUCTS PHONE BLUE 12G EDMONDSON Awning & Sail Works 1C0 East Tlilrd Avenue (Next to McMkin),. r i I 'jiM