Irt-de atie a motor m bring trip I Terras K, hit' 1-""'" ire "'- ,.d offerers! ( Metrs! You Mot Eon or mm"--; LIMITED I. later ill 6"" drug- , ' Ml. . , I'll " fill II Ml IHIII" Jack McNulty sailed on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver on a holiday trip last night. Mrs. O, A. Hunter and daughter, Audrey, returned to the city on last night's train from a weeks trip to the interior. Miss Isobel McCrlmmon leaves on tonight's train for Minneapolis, Minn., to visit her sister, Mrs. W. O. Wilson, the former jean McCrlmmon. Miss Mary Astoria left yesterday for a holiday visit to Lakelse Lake where her sister, Mrs. C. P. Balagno, has been for the pasc week or so. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dibb lefc on Thursday to spend a few days at Terrace. They will be returning to the city over the coming week-end. r honor of the memory four late president I McCutcheon store will be closed from 1 to 4 p.m. 1 ... A...... 7Dii iSummer McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LEARANCE SALE Continues Printed Silks and Jersey JUST WHAT YOU WANT AT BARGAIN PRICE Toe Out for the Carnival BUT ON BUDGET PLAN No Interest No Carrying Charges W.T.P.B. Regulations In O "THE CREDIT HOUSE OF QUALITY" a Watch... Mar not i, (v.. Mine! lmnnTnt 4 111 fl 0 - - iiiui iiupui tain 'flf UOrlfl lie t mnnrlsnr n nil 0 Ki fn 'sl'lv some thought. Wise Ualrll I.... In. ........ ..,... " MJI(, IIICAlia IUIUIC Itlion It's un In HQ in 111 rm if1tn I tc tlcf I" 'our particular use. These (hinra t i,.n., .., uii " ,,llrn showing jou the watches. atch (ester ticciromc Ht'imJ '' ?,r.c tlie sa"'e as elsewhere by ceiling. I i-hemoreiC8hortaBCS r automobile parts, wc urge hwx " 'i u ,, you ever before, .. to LUBRICATE And i tt'ioi, i. i.. radp- , m conunuc to ride, wc use uiuj ""ONE ,((( b'la!C3- au us ior an oppuiuu- lnz"'l and Peerless Motor Oils PERT MOTORS LTD. UIKSLi:it i.AKXS ,)EI,0T Local News It Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Carew sailed on the Prince Rupert last night on a trip to Vancouver. A Long trips or short, day or night, 99 Taxi at your service. (tf) S. Jurmaln sailed on the Prince Rupert last night on a trip to Vancouver. Miss Gladys Fisher and Miss CJ Mitchell of Terrace were passengers for Vancouver on the Prince Rupert last night. Moose meeetlng Mon day at 8 p.m. In Moose Temple, 2nd. Ave. (193) Wf0 Mrs. M. Gonzales and daughter, Geraldlne, of Vancouver, who have been visiting here for the last week, sailed on the Prince Rupert last night to return to Vancouver, Mrs. Dan McMillan and daughter, Ila, who have uecn visiting here for the past couple of weeks with Mrs. McMillan's daughter, Miss Louise McMillan, are leaving by tonight's train on their return to Terrace. Hazen Hanklnson, who Is spending the summer vacation at University of Alberta engaged In Instructional work, arrived In the city on last night's train from Edmonton for a brief visit. He will be leaving In a day or so for Lake Kathlyn ;or a brief stay before returning to the Alberta capital where he will resume his medical studies at the fall ses sion. . Announcements All advcrtlsernr nts n inn column will be charged lor a lull month at 25c a word.. Special train to Telkwa Bar becue. Leave Prince Rupert Sat urday midnight, Aug. 31, return Tuesday morning. Fare $8.00 re turn. Get Information and tick ets at all Co-op stores and C.N.R. Ticket Office. Tickets limited. (199) S.O.N Dance, Aug. 18, Oddfellows' Hall. Port Day, Aiigust 22. Old Time Dance, Prairie Ram blers. August 31, Oddfellows' Hall. LOU A. Bazaar, Oct. 23. W. A. Canadian Legion Fall Bazaar, November 20. ems A For that Port Edward Trip-Tommy's 77 Taxi. Grotto, (tf) Mrs. C. O. Rlmmer left 'last night on the Prince Rupert on a trip to Vancouver. W. II. Brett, M.L.A., sailed on the Prince Rupert last night on a business trip to Vancouver. Mrs. J. N. Klllas and daughter sailed on the Prince Rupert last night on a trip to Vancouver. A The Hollywood Cafe Is now open for business from 11 a.m. to 8 a m. (211) Mr. and Mrs. George HTTl sailed cn the Prince Rupert last night for Vancouver on a holiday trip. Mrs. Nigel Sherwood of Terrace sailed on the Prince Rupert last night on a trip to.Vancouver. Mrs. John McLeod and two young sons returned to the city on last night's train after spend ing a couple of weeks holiday lng at Terrace. 1 vv Classified Advertising - - - - Clua.'rieds: 2o per word per insertion, minimum charge. 60c. Birth Notices. 60c; Cards of Thanks. Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements r 12. DEATH NOTICE McCUTCHEON On August 16 at the family residence, 945 Third Avenue West, William James McCutcheon, pioneer local druggist, in his seventy-fifth year. Survived by his loving wife; one daughter, Mrs. Violet Comer; one brother, Joseph McCutcheon, Cornwall, Ont.; one sister, Mrs. Lula LaRose, Rosemount, Quebec. Funeral services Grenvllle Court Chapel of B.C. Undertakers, Fraser Street, Monday, August 19, 2 p.m. No flowers by request. (It) FOR RENT FOR RENT Four-room fur nished flat with bath, toilet and oil range. Phone 423. (194) FOR RENT Furnished room for single girl. Kitchen privileges. 1028 2nd Ave. Phone Blue 270. (195) LAKELSE CABINS rented by the week rate for balance of season. Dudley G. Little, Terrace, B.C. 92) SUITE TO RENT Furnished,; centrally located. Phone 676. (194) FOR RENT Apartment In Bay Apartments; also front housekeeping room. Phone Blue 815. (tf) FOR RENT Comfortable sleeping room; reasonable. Apply 806 Fraser St., evenings, (tf) FOR RENT-Thrce roms and one kitchen completely furnished. 330 9th Avenue West. Phone Red 693, 13") HELP WANTED WANTED Experienced woman clerk for grocery store. No other need apply. Apply Skeena Grocery. (tf) BRIGHT AND HONEST boys and girls wanting Dally News delivery routes should enter their names at the office. Buy more War savings Stamp3. Miss Ethel Tobey and Miss Lillian Owens sailed on the Prince Rupert last night on a holiday trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Frank Parlett and child returned home yesterday from Terrace where they have been holidaying for a week or so. Friends will be gratified' to learn that L. B. Lambly of this city, who has been quite seriously 111 for some time, is now showing much Improvement at Nara-mata In the Okanagan district where he recently proceeded af ter-being a patient for some time at Tranqullle Sanitarium, Passengers leaving this on the flying boat Skeena Queen for Vancouver were Dr. D. F. Kldd of Canadian Exploration Co., going from Alice Arm to Vancouver; Martin Mix, of Mix Construction Co., A. Cleough; P. J. Linden and A. Kuva. Mrs. G. E. Moore and daugh-ter-ln-law, Mrs. E. T. 8. Moore, left yesterday for Terrace where they will visit for the next few days. They were motored to the Interior by Stewart Donaldson, jr. I J -if arm vveaw mmex- qoldefi-cjoodf nutritious NABISCO SHREDDED WH5T CAMBRAI TAG DAY TODAY In aid of the Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire second War Memorial educational fund, Cambral Chapter I.O.D.E. held a tag day today, with 12 chll dren and several cnaptcr mem bers selling tags on downtown streets.' The drive was under the convenershlp of Regent Mrs. Jens Munthe, with the follow ing ladies assisting: Mrs. Neville Gerrard, Mrs. W. D. Lamble, Mrs. W. G. Lloyd, Mri. V. Grant, Mrs. T. Fraser, Mrs. G. G. Withers, Mrs. George Griffin, Mrs. C. G. Ham, and Mrs. E, Lindseth. Children taggers were Paul Olsen, John Lamble, Andy Brown, Margaret Olsen, Myrna Knutsen, Mary Parker, Bobby Clark, George Howe,, Billy Donaldson, Joe Scott, and Ricky Watts. P. II. Llnzey returned to the city on last night's train from a brief business trip to Terrace. FOR SALE FOR SALE Men's good pre-war bicycle; bearings and tires, almost new. Must sell. Phone 533, daytime. FOR SALE Five -room house, with bathroom; running water and garden, at Usk, B.C. Apply D. J. Gunn, Usk, B.S. (197) FOR SALE Coffee Shop, main street, price reasonable. Owner selling account health. Apply Box 202, Smithers, B.C. (195) FOR SALE, One 36-inch cord-wood saw complete with Model T Ford motor, drive pulley and belt, price $80. Also one all-steel hand winch with 150 feet 'Vlnrh .galvanized cable, price $35. Also one building, size 20 by 50 feet, all double-dressed shiplap, 8 Inches, $200. Everything can be seen at Telegraph Point. W. Walsh, Kwlnltsa. (192) FOR SALE Oyster Bar, very reasonable price. Apply Box 1190; l'lionc 30G.' 345 Third Ave. West. (196) FOR SALE Beauty parlor? equipment and furniture complete. Reasonable price. Phone Blue 943 or call at G03 6th Ave. West. (tf) FOR SALE Sawmill with two and-a-half million feet of timber; camp and kitchen utensils; equipment, tools, 4 horses, good condition. Price $5000. Apply Lee Jim, Hazel-ton, B.C. (tf) WE BUY AND SELL New and Used FumUure: also Hard ware. See us before buying elsewhere. Used ' phonograpii records, 20c; 5-pIcce kitchen set, $16.50; electric ranges, McClary's, from $15; sewing machine, $24.50; 3-plcce chesterfield In good shape, $69.50; radio, 9 tubes, $15; baby carriages, from $7; hassocks, from $2.50; beds, complete, from $12.50; electric fans, from $7.50; new Gurney ranges, all-enamel; new scatter rugs, big assortment, $1,65 each. B.C. Furniture Co., 3rd Ave. Phone Black 324. (tf FOR SALE Portable painting machine. Apply Suite 15 Mc-Intyre Bldg., after 6 p.m. (tf) FOR SALE Studio couch $10. chest of drawers $2, baby carriage $5. Bed, drop-sides, $3. Other household Items all In good condition. 404 Sherbrookc Ave. (192) FOR SALE Canaries and cages. Phone Green 823. (193) FOR SALE 1 '2 h.p. air cooled engine. Phone Green 894. (136) FOR SALE 26 ft. gillnet boat with net guard, 7 h.p. Fairbanks engine. Apply Suite 2, Aldlne Apts. Red 241. (193) FOR SALE Gas boat, 7 h.p. engine; .32 feet long. Apply Henry Russell, Port Edward, B.C. (193) WORK WANTED YOUNG WELL-KNOWN local accountant seeking permanent position in Prince Rupert. Apply Box 152 Dally News. (197) PERSONAL CLENDOR TABLETS are effective. 2 weeks' supply $1, 12 weeks, $5. At, all druggists. (193) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawnills, manufactured by National Machinery Company limited. Vancouver B.C. 'tf1 IN THE SITPREMB COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" i and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP ROBERT IIURRAL OAMMON otherwise known as ROnERT HURRELL OAMMON -DECEASED INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honor E. D. Woodburn, Acting for and at request ot His Honor W, E. usher, made on the 3 1st aay of July, A D. 1946. ,1 was appointed Administrator of the Estate of Rob-ert Hurral Gammon, otherwise known as Rolcrt Hurrell Oammon, deceased, ami all parties having claims against the snld estate arc hereby required to furnish same, properly verified to mo on or before the 18th day of September. A.D. 1046, and all partlef indebted to the Estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. ' DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C.. thl Sth day of August, A.D. 1S46 GORDON P. FORBES. 4 . Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, B.C. 209 Advertise in The Dally News. i tirvu l w am m Be Sure and Attend The Civic Centre Carnival SUPPORT YOUR CIVIC CENTRE Philpott Evitt&Co.Ltd. Phone 631 or G52 Geo. J. Dawes The Auctioneer Sales Every Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bldg.) PHONES: Bus. Blue M." Res. Red 127 Ak for George Idtime 3dupctt Daflp jQetos 3 Friday, August 16, 1946 ; Tweed Pants FOR . $J25 $(j.25 "THE MEN'S SHOP: 332 THIRD AVENUE Boys and Youths Size ranges are now complete ages 6 to 18 years. CLOTHIXG AD FMSHINGS PHONl 343 A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" MATTRESSES BUILT FOR SOUND, REFRESHING SLEEP Beautyrest Mattress, all sizes -. $49.50 Supreme Mattress, all sizes $49.50 Rip-Van-Winkle Mattress, 4.6 and 4.0 $39.75 Felt and Cotton-Filled Mattresses, all sizes $13.50, $14.75 and $18.50 Bed Springs, all sizes $13.00, $14.75, $17.50, $21.75 Beautyrest Box Spring - $49.50 Rip -Van-Winkle Box Spring $39.7$ We appreciate your Mail Orders. Phone 775 327 Third Avenue WE INVITE YOU To drop in and see our selection of "Sunworthy" Wallpapers. You will find the patterns smart and modern, and will be surprised at what small a cost you can buy beautiful papers for your rooms. Gordon's Hardware McBride Street : PnONE 311 General Contractor We do basements, reshingling, build fences, sidewalks, remodel your kitchen. Demolish or move buildings. 100 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CALL BLUE 610 and we will give an estimate. P.O. BOX 654 : PRINCE RUPERT GENERAL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS LARGE OR SMALL PLANNING AND DESIGNING ESTIMATES NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION Stone Block LIMITED P.O. Box 1811 Phone 5(J3 Evenings: Green 103 MOTT ELECTRIC (Prince Rupert) LIJJITED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Commercial - Industrial Marine Electricians Home Wiring and Repair Phone Black iW7 236 Second Avenue West WE HAVE: Birch Wood, 14-, per cord $13.50 Jackpine, 14", per cord $12.50 Slabs, 14", per cord $10.00 Lump, Egg Nut and Slack Coal In any quantity. Fill up now for winter. HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 Announcing . . . OPENING OF PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port Edward, B.C. CHOP SUEY CHOW ME IN 7:00 ajn. to 11:00 pjn. m .-a t'i k.