6 E' n a M fii H a a . u N n a a si a a n 1 M. ' 1U a s 0 a n a a a B il H a n UK 9 g ill ..I ;) cfes I3rinee Bupert Djrtlg jetos Friday, 'August 16, 1948 For Women Who Know Blouses you want ! Adorable feminine frills or dressy tailored styles in ths materials you want, too. Just browse through the hundreds of blouses at Wallaces. It's a veritable shoppers' paradise. At WALLACE'S Of Course! fl R fl H B HPnBHBB ooooKKKHKH5BOiJWDCHaHaDDOOoo(uoaonDooooaDD0OQOOOOO SEE US FOR ALL REQUIREMENTS IN Office Supplies Consult us for your needs in all types of printing work Everything in high class stationery Cards for every occasion Fountain Pens DI.BB PRINTING COMPANY 3ESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE ooaaooaonaoooODocHjaaQDiooQa 0000000000000000000006 Getting In Trim for School . . . hK 77 X ) Remember how you arrived at school last year, unpacked your brand new clothes and discovered that you needed thread, buttons, shields and shoulder pads for your new dresses and a lot or other little things that escaped your notice. Well, that won't happen when you come to the Variety Store first! We've everything in notions right here. THE VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Chop Suey Chow Mcin Chinese Dishes our specialty. Open 6 am. to 2 a.m. PIIONE 173 TENTS - PACK SACKS TRAPPER NELSON PACKBOARDS WATERPROOF GROUND SHEETS PROTECT YOUR LUGGAGE WITH CANVAS COVERS Edmondson Awning and Sail Works 330.SECOND AVENUE J0, Box 303 : PHONE C32 BAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER -.--and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala, 1:30 p.m. .(Daylight Saving Time 12:30 Prince Rupert Time) Friday SS Cardena, 10 p.m. (Daylight Saving Time 8 pjn. Prince Rupert Time) Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every fortnight. Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER I Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 013 220 Sixth Street SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert SAVOYS SHUT OUT CLOTHIERS Savoy's undeviatlng winning parade rolled forward again last night to the accompaniment oi the crack of waod on leather as thl undisputed baseball league leaders waltzed in with three runs, off base hits, to shut out Watts and Nickerson in a scven-innlng fixture at Roosevelt Park. Credit for Savoy's 3-0 victory was a bouquet for pitcher Alex Bill, who allcVed only one hit, by Dumas, in the fourth, and struck out eleven batters while tolling on the rubber. Pitcher Bill walked four batcers. From the scoring standpoint, the game remained static until the fourth inning, when Savoy first baseman Joe Davis ticked a single. He was followed by Walter Johnson, who also got on base on a single, both bringing their runs- home. Savoy's final run was brought In by Pustak in the seventh. Watts and Nickerson made their only hit in the fifth inning when Windle popped a fly which was picked up by Bruce Simund-son at third base. Dahl, Watts and Nickerson pitcher, struck cut 10 batters and walked one. Savoys AB R II E M. Simundson cf....4 0 1 0 Kerr rf 4 $ 0 0 Davis lb 3 12 0 Johnson ss 3 111 B. Simundson 3b .. 3 0 $ 0 Postakc 3 1 2 0 Pavilikis If 10 0 0 Arne 2b 2 0 0 0 Bill p 3 0 1 0 ' T.lnrlc-iv 9 1 O (1 In for Pavlikis in four inning. Watts and Nickerson AB R II E Pierce 2b 2 0 0 2 Forbes lb 3 0 0 0 Lewis 3b 2 0 0 1 Dahl p 2 0 0 1 Windless 3 0 1 0 McEwan If 3 0 0 0 Dumas rf 2 0 0 1 Hartwlg cf 3 0 0 0 Antono c .. 3 0 0 2 James Simpson is spending a week visiting at Terrace. He will be returning home at the end ot the week with Mr. and Mrs. James L. Lee who will make a motor trip to the interior town. Loom UMI ACT Notice of Intention lo apply to iruc IjiikI In Land Recording District of Coast District No. 5. on north sldo of Skeena Highway approximately two mile . west of Amcsbury, B.C. I TAKE NOTICE that I, Ivan It. I Frank of Terrace. B.C.. occupation farmer Intends to apply for a lease i of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted ap-! proximately two hundred yards wcs of mile 36, C.N. Railway and fifty I yards north of said Railway between ! said Railway and Skeena Highway: j thence westerly twelve chains; thence j northerly teji chains: thence easterly ; twelve chains: thence southerly ten chains, and containing twelve acres, I more or leas. . IVAN R. PANK, Applicant. Dated August 14. 1046. INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER TRY OUR CLASSIFIED ADS THEY GET RESULTS 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88- M Baseball Scores National League Philadelphia 15-1. Boston 11-3. Cincinnati 9-2, Chicago 3-3. i New York 1, Brooklyn 7. Plttsburgh-St. Louis, rain. American League Washington 1 2, New York C-7. Chicago 0, Detroit 3. Boston 3, Philadelphia 5. St. Louis 2, Cleveland 3. International League Newark C-12, Montreal 21-2. v Baltimore 3, Toronto 7. Jersey City 12, Rochester 7 (10 ' Innings). Syracuse 4, Buffalo 3. Pacific Portland 3, San Francisco 5. Oakland 7, Sacramento 3. Los Angeles 1, San Diego 3. Seattle 2, Hollywood C. Western International Spokane 8, Vancouver 16. Salem 0, Tacoma 6. Wenatchee 19, Yakima 5. Victoria 5, Bremerton 6. . American Association Kansas City 1, Indianapolis 4. Milwaukee 3, Louisville 3 (called at end of eighth rain). Minneapolis 7, Columbus 4. LAWN BOWLING IS CONTINUING In the men's doubles last evening at the C.N.R. bowling greens Jack Frew and Jack Davidson won from J. S. Irvine nci Bert Morgan by 13-8. In the men's singles R. E. Benson won from L. Bohn by 15-13 but only after a very close game. In a novice's single game on Sunday evening last there was a notable upset when Mrs. L. Bohn won from Jock.McGrelsh in a closely fought game. Not only surprising but astonishing! Mr. and Mrs. 11. R. Moulton of New Westminster, wno have been guests at the home of Mr. ani Mrs. Andrew Thompson for the last few days, sailed last nigh; to return to the southern city. FREE HITTING IN FASTBALL Moose Defeats Kinetics in Hijh Scoring Spree In a regularly scheduled .girls' fastball league fLxturc last evening at Gyro Park the Moose team won from the Klnettes by a score of 35-16. The game was a free-hitting one with the Klnettes on the short 2nd of the score but they were. submerged completely when the Moose nine scored 19 runs in their half of the sixth lnnlnz. That definitely scttlerf It Teams: Kincttes Payne, Busscy, Blaln. A. Barbe. GrimbleBeig, Sand-hals. Grey. L. Barb Moose-iwilson, Dickens, Erick-sen. Windle, Mclntyre, Bond, Heintz, Bellamy, Morrison Scores: Klnnettes .2 0 5 2 5 216 Moose 4 3 5 2 2 1933 The girls enjoyed the match but the spectators would be better pleased if some of the players took the game more seriously. The Moose played better ball and were greatly helped by having a coach. Two-base hiU were scored by both teams but just as often a:; "ot were the rosult of faulty fielding. Ericksen and Heintz were the heavy hitters for the Moos" while Bu'scy. Payne and A. Barbe hit well for Klnettes. A little more prartic" 'twrnn pnmes mhht help thn r.y.'U r GROTTO MEETS 99 TAXI TONIGHT In the second game of thi semi-finals of the Men's Fastball series Grotto and 99 Taxi will renew their current fued at the Gyro Park this evening. In their previous match on Wed nesday these teams played to a 10-all tie In eight innings and cave the spectators one of the best games of the season, Both teams are on their toes for tonight and are determined to win. 20 YEARS AGO In RUPERT ISVOR'I At the rifle ranges scores by members of the North B.C. Regiment were W. Brass 91, G. V. Wilkinson 91, M. M. Lamb 85. R. Davidson 83, W Ilowarth 81. J. Palmer and R Wilson 77, C. V. Evitt 69, F Russell 65, W Hoff 62. CACTHAI 1 B G v I MS V ma mm GYRO PARK TONIGHT 6:45 Semi-Final Playoff GROTTO vs. 99 TAXI Millbank is a Mild, Cool, Straight Cut Virginia Cigarette Simple words but "jfc ' STRAIGHT CUT f3ffll5 VIRGINIA CIGARETTES I J Mm mui i jnez;? im' i i PHONE 644 KEEP YOUR APPLIANCES WORKING Not much new electrical equipment yet. Keep the appliances that you have in tip top condition with expert repair. Call 614 for for the best work. RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRIC We Pick Up and Deliver It's NEW It's SMART It's EFFICIENT IT'S THE 'EUREKA VACUUM CLEANER' Floor and Upright Models with Accessories SEE THEM ON DISPLAY AT TODAY AND SAT. ALSO COLORED CARTOON NEWS PHONE RED 5GI UOX 1308 Phone Blue 850 CffiSlil ML rW M "W Mr. mm Increased Coastal Charter Service nv surtuMAUiNi: i lying hoatu 18 PASSENGERS ( u i i i n l nci n nuiuu vuuvii uiiu uivtx'na Uui MONDAYS Vancouver to Prince Ru; :r c TUESDAYS Prince Rupert to Vane :uv v. q lotte Islands. WEDNESDAYS Vancouver to Prince F : Charlotte Islands. THURSDAYS Prince Rupert to Stnr,.r pl Anyox, Alice Arm and Requc ' F FRIDAYS Prince Rupert to Vam uv SPECIAL CHARTERS ARRANGED FOE PASSENGERS AND I ItEKiUTlNO 3 Types and Sites of AIRCRAIT to StrteT From 3 to 18 Passengers, or 480 lbj t 4r: l G. II. STANIMHDGE, Agent P.O. Ilox 1219 Phone: iJlott Announcement... JOHN HARRIS and M. PARKINSON bin resumed proprietorship ofj ATLAS BOILER WflR HE PAIRS NEW .CONSTRUCTION CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rates for your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) PHONE 51 A I TT. If 11 GREER & BRIDD Builders and Contractors n n t Oil Burners Installed nnd Scrvit PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & IP J. H. Schuman S Julim REPAIRS ANI) ALTERATIONS O ESTIMATES C Nieht Calls: Illuc 170 Oreen 787 CORNER SECOND AVE. and SEVENTH ST p.0 1 mm mm m. mmm . arm. irrvii i All Interior and Exterior Work Builders and Painters Fre5 DrnfflDl tnvnKO SAN0E tIOpKE2 CHOPS! H 0U5t V1 AH you OpcntP-0-10'