L W IfWT- l?rfnrc Uupcrt Daflg J3cU)s Wednesday, January 2, 1916 BIG PARTY AT PORT EDWARD Charles Leeson of Greenville Entertains on Firty-Fifth .Birthday The village of Greenville as well as other native communities of the district were represented Friday night at Port Edward m Or Stilt . comments ALAN YOUNG, radio's newest corned riot. Style H the one thing, possibly above all others, that distinguishes an Adam Hat. Adam Hats are designed by master stylists to help you look and feel your best. In colors, too, Adam Hits are outstanding. Why. not look over the many hats from which you can make yout selection. Pick out the Adam you want todar, RUPERT MENS & BOYS STORE YUE KING'S CAFE for coffee while at NEW IIAZELTON Lunch Counter for Meals ROBERTSON BOTTLE BUYERS Phone Red 296 after G o'clock. 2 will call for them. Any type of construction undertaken. Engineering and plans supplied. NORTH WEST CONSTRUCTION CO. (iencral Contractors HOUSE REMODELLING FINANCED ON BUDGET BASIS Kitchen Cabinets, Rash and Door Pirwf Arnnfin Fatl . - - - ........ v. PHONE 543 PRONE , FOR . . H. Letourneau Expert Plumber, Tinsmith and Roofer : SCOTTY'S b Old Country Fish and Chips Corner of Third Avenue and Sixth Street P FISH AND CHIPS Phone when Charles Leeson of Greenville entertained on the occasion oi his fifty-fifth birthday. The affair took place in Mr. Leeson's Port Edward residence. Patterson McKay, also of Greenville, acted as master of ceremonies (or the evening. Alter a sumptous banquet had been served to no less than three sittings, there was a round of speeches and musical numbers after which dancing was enjoyed with music by George and Wilson Leeson. The speakers included Mat- j rhew Stewart, Robert Stewart J and John McNeill. The enter-i tainers were George Leeson with saxaphohe solos ana Patterson : McKay with story-telling anec-j dotes. 1 Among the district guests were : Ribert Stewart and his three -ons Matthew. Arthur and Abraham of Kincollth and Robert Dixon of Massett, all being accompanied by their wives. IRREPRESSIBLE TOMMY MANCHESTER, England W Men at a military .camp near ere scribbled over the walls of the canteen: "Wot! No Beer!" 'Wot! No Fags!" "Wot! No "ts!" The commanding officer threatened 28 days' detention to anyone caught, but when he returned to his office after parade, he found on his blotting nad: "Wot! Only 28 Days!" STORAGE SPACE AVAILABLE Storage for a 'trunk, radits, cedar chest, piano, or the ntire furnishings of your home is, convenient an inexpensive. We own and operate the warehouse where your goods are stored. For complete details about packing, crating, moving, storage and shipping, PHONE 00 LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LTD. Corner 2nd ana Park Avenue NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 190 1I e.pn 1 11U1IC JUi Take Invigorating steam . baths and massage to relieve that tired feeling. ( R. Y.WALKER , Graduate Masseur Reducing, Facial and General Swedish Massage Phone Green 507 evenings for appointment ( 937TOIRD AVENUE WEST OPEN FROM 5 P.M. TO 6 A.M. TO TAKE HOME 8G4 Phone 566 ! AUTOMOBILE OWNERS- To speed up our service on motor overhauls, we have installed the latest in cylinder boring equipment. Wc can save you money with this new equipment and assure you of precision cylinder wall alignment. RUPERT MOTORS LTD., DISTRIBUTORS CF CHRYSLER PRODUCTS TEN MILLION MILES FLOWN TransCanada Air Lines liaised To Status of Major Air Line In 1915 MONTREAL In 1945, Trans-Canada Air Lines again exhibited the capabilities that In eight years have raised It to the stature of a major air line and that hold such promise for the future, says a review for the year released by H. J. Symington, presl-' dent of T.C.A. At home, the company achieved several Important service extensions. A third dally transcontinental schedule was inaugurated. Third and fourth flights were added between Edmon;on, Calgary and Lethbridge, with the latter being Incorporated (i a new through service between the Alberta cities and the Pacific Coast. A fourth dally servlc linked Montreal and Halifax and a second was Introduced between Halifax and Sydney. At the end of the year, domestic routes totalled 5,299 miles, Including an east-west service from St. John's Newfoundland, to Victoria, and north-south branches reaching Into New York, London, Windsor, Calvary and Edmonton. During 1915, T. C. A. aircraft flew 10,522,000 revenue miles 'last two months estimated), an increase of 1,441.-526 over 1944. Passenger and express traffic continued their steady eight year climb with the former being limited only by the number and size of aircraft available. Mall traffic declined slightly as the period of reconversion began. Passengers numbered 180.000, an Increase of 23,116. Mall weighed 3,572.000 pounds, a decrease of 167,105 pounds. Express weighed 921,000 pounds, an increase of 64,984 pounds. (Figures for the last two months are estimated). The first step was taken In a transformation of the present T. CA, fleet. Although excellently maintained, it Is no longer of sufficient size to cope with the volume of traffic offering and IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" AND IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OP RICHARD II. HALVARSON, ! OTHERWISE KNOWN AS ! RICHARD H. HALVERSON, DECEASED. TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honour Judge Fisher dated the 17th day of December, 1D45, I was appointed administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Richard II. Halvarson. otherwise known as , Richard H. Halverson, deceased, late of Portland, Oregon, who died at I Portland. Oregon, on the 17th day ! of October, 1944. All persons having tiny claim against the estate are required to submit them to me Drcro- erly verified on or before the 31st day of January. 1946, and all persons Indebted to the estate are required to pay to me the amount of their Indebtedness forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. B.C. J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chlropractlcl If nerves doubly so! Smith Block Oreen BSD SAVOY H 0 TEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEEER and VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Phone for Free Appointment Phone Red 127 Specializing in McCUTCHEON Third Avenue at Sixth Street BRITISH M.P.'S MAKE FRIENDS The capital of Berlin, whose streets, not so long ago, were covered with blood and destruction created by war, now lies under a peaceful blanket of snow. Two Royal Air Force M.P.'s strike up an acquaintance with a couple of young Inhabitants as they enjoy the snowfall. V with the country's traffic potential. Plans call for a new fleet of both four-englned and new twin-engined aircraft, these latter of greater seating capacity than the 10 and 14 seat types currently being flown. The entry Into service of three twin-engined 21 - passenger DC-3's mark the opening phase of this program. Twenty-one additional DC-'s are being procured and will see service by the summer of the new year. Meanwhile manufacture of the four-englned DC-6 type aircraft of distinctive Canadian designs 1 j:hs nrnrpnpn ar. rvirmr.rpai i : t i v.a maintainor! iiaUnn : with this project and expects i initial deliveries in the autumn of 1946. RECORD REGISTRATIONS CAPE TOWN '(("During the first nine months of 1945 company registrations In South Africa totalled 1.366, a new record. Of these, eight Johannesburg firms and one Cape Town company each have a share capital of more than $4,500,000. ' CF PR 1240 Radio Kilocycles Dial (Subject to change) WEDNESDAY P.M. 4: CO Victor symphony Orch 4:30 Music by Sigmund Romberg 5,00 Vocal Varieties 5:30 Remember 5:45 Platter Parade 6:00--Supper Serenade OilSKenny Baker 6:30 Music a la Carter 6:45 Roast Pig Tails 6:50 Recorded Interlude C::55 Ideal Hints 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Round-up 7:30 White Empire 8:00 Let's Play Charades 8:30 Norman Harris' Orch. 9:00 Music to Remember 9:30 Waltz Time 10:00 CBC News 10:15 What's Cooking 10:30 Tony Pastor's Orch. 11:00 Silent THURSDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Breakfast Club 8:30 Music for Moderns, 8:45 Morning Song 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Paul Whiteman 9:45 Transcribed Varieties 10:00 Guy Lombardo 10: 30--Round-up Time 10:45 Morning Visit 11 :C0 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Thoughts for Today 11: :30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Personal Album 4 P.M. 12:00 Charles Magnantc 12:15Jack Hilton's Orch 12:30 CBC News 12:45 Matinee Memories 1:00 Modern Minstrels 1:15 Musical Memories 1 :30 Announcer's Choice 2:00 Silent OUR REGISTERED PHARMACIST, KNOWS THE IMPORTANCE ' OF FILLING PRESCRIP- : TIONS 1 ACCURATELY. You can rely on us. PHARMACY Phone 79 828 HOURS SUN, 90 INCHES RAIN Prince Rupen; enjoyed 828.3 hours of bright sunshine and was washed by 90.42 Inches of : i i a. .:or,ding to liguies supplied by the Digby Island meterological station. The year had less sunshine and considerably more rain than did 1944. In 1944 there were 978.3 recorded hours of bright sunshine and a meie 74.3 Inches of rain fell. In 1943 there were 930 hours of bright sunshine and 90.76 inches f ,raln4U H1?hest temperature during the year was 80 degrees on August 22 and the lowest was 21 degrees on November 6. The weather summary for December, as announced today by S. J. Mellor, Digby Island, Dominion meteorologist, is as follows: Maximum temperature, 49 on December 31. Minimum temperature, 26 on December 16. Mean temperature, 36.25. Bright sunshine, 4.5 hours o-: 14 days. ' Precipitation, 7.02 hours on 17 cayo. Maximum barometer reading, 30.425, December. 17. Minimum barometer reading. 28.708 on December 28. Maximum wind velocity. I southeast, 42 miles per hour. ; December 3. i Hotel . . . arrivals Is Lieut, and Mrs. C. T. Standlxh and child, Vancouver; Miss A. Lips, Terrace; J. S. Smith, Cas-pacoj W. J. Eaton, Shirley; Mrs. C. Sawyer and daughter, Phelan; Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Morgan, Bill-mor. Capt. M. Ingalls, Billmor: A. ,' C. Goetz, Seattle; Dr. R. W. Carr and daughter, Ketchikan. YOUK FAVORITE BOOK STORE RUPERT TOBACCO STORE Newspapers - Magazines - Tobaccos - Candy OPPOSITE ORMES DRUG STORE Quality Repairs at Economy Prices PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) SHAMES BRIDGE ONLY OBSTACLE TO ROAD REPAIR Highway construction crews from Prince Rupert and Terrace are still working on the Shames River bridge, which remains the only Impediment on the Prince Rupert Highway following the slides and floods which created havoc along the route two months ago. No prediction as to when the bridge would be repaired was forthcoming from the office of the local public works engineer, but It was learned today that materials for the Job were available and that work was going ahead. A section of the approach to the bridge was washed out and one end of the double span structure was knocked askew by floodwaters which rolled huge boulders down the river channels. v The section of grade which the rampant river ripped away is being refilled while a pile driver "KITTY" COMING THIS WEEK-END Paulettc Goddard is Heroine of Guttersnipe's Success Story Set in Elegance of 18th Century London Coming to the Capitol Theatre this Thursday, Friday and Saturday is "Kitty," a comedy of life in 18th Century London, starring Paulette Goddard and Ray Milland. It Is the story of a guttersnipe from the London slums of Houndsditch, who Is hired as a model by Painter Thomas Gainsborough when she tries to rob him. Under the guidance of a scoundrel named Sir Hugh Marcy,, Kitty is educated and introduced until she becomes a duchess and a real lady. The plot thus varies only ll hU from the Pygmalion lc end, a well-tried blueprint for many fine pictures and plays. What, makes Kitty remarkable Is Its excellent character actors and settings and costumes of al-1 most Inconceivable luxury and' elegance. The atmosphere of , 18th century London Is produc- j ed with no less attention to de- tall. Actors and actresses swill gin and port In the abandoned 1 fashion of that drunken era and the dialog is larded with "Your servant ma'am," " Stap me." , Ods blood" and other George III expletives. As leading man, Ray Milland Is said to give an accomplished performance. In the title role Paulette Goddard struggles hard with a cockney accent but seems to grow more beautiful each time she wears another of her 26 costumes. I (ot COUGHS. HEAD and I ruccT CHEST COLDS rr nc LING THE TAILOR ' We are takinjr cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street foundation for places a new pile the damaged bridge. Elsewhere along the highway between Prince Rupert and Haz-elton the road Is passable. However snow conditions, which have hampered highway crews, present a threat to block the road should it fall in greater amounts. Whenever it rains at Prince Rupert, It snows along the highway, road workmen say. and this snowfall has hampered repair work. Public Works Department crews from Prince Rupert are living at Telegraph Point, the closest location to Shames where living quarters are to be found. This Is some 30 miles from the scene of their bridge repair operations. TOD A V STARTS TOMORROW.. Direct From Hollywood FOR A PRE-RELEASE SHOWING Paulette GODDARD ONE OF THE LUSHEST PICTURES TO COME OUT OF HOLLYWOOD SINCE PRE-WAR DAYS ' Pocket Editions Read by Millions ADDED ATTRACTIONS: COLORED ' i CARTOON LATEST NEWS WUKKUHKi U5KKHJ OCKHMKi OtHJ an OCH5 OO0 O POO iWfrOOUCHWOOeO See Us for Your NEW YEAR OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND ALL YOUK PRINTING REQUIREMENTS SMALL CALENDAR PADS (IDEAL) LARGE CALENDAR PADS (JUMBO) ?'-'"' DIBB PRINTING COMPlS OnODDODDDOD DO OD 0000 0 OOO MtOftrt ftrtrin.nri!VtWOB0Ct6W! Tommy's Taxi Stand: Grotto Cigar Store Day and Night Service 77 phone 77 After 10 p.m. and Sundays PHONE BLUE Kill Tommy Chrlstoff, Proprietor TERRACE W. c. Osborne REX CAFE Under New Management OPEN FOR BUSINESS DECEMBER 2!) Chinese Dishes our specially. Chop Suey - chow Mcin Open 6 ajn. to 2 a.m. Better Lnglish By D. C WILLiAMj 1. What is wrnn .,.. Cli'vw.ft. v ft.ullult'U it 0 1 Ilk. ' : VViUU UlkC. 2. wnat is the correct 3. Which one of these is misspelled? Empc. mm slum, millennium. 4. What does the word Jcctural" mean? Answers 1. Say. "He handled , what awkwardly." 2, P: nounce vag, a as in mar no; ill uaj. 0. uuiiun 4 p( taming 10 a surmi e or iruca was a mere conjectural opinio, BUY WAR SAVINGS STv EDDIE BRACKEN and DIANA LYNN in "OUT OF THIS WORLD' K T T y Ray MILLAND THE STORY OI 1 GUTTERSNIPE MHO EECAiME A DICII-ESS DURING THE 18TII C ENTER Y IX LONDON. This Picture Not Suitable for Children COMPLETE SHOWS II 1 00 3 00 5 00 7 00 9 00 OiVLll,Jj UALiiIi U Alt fAIJS AINU OlAViU, CUmpit'te .7 ; LAROE CALENDAR PADS AND STAND, complete $IM Offifp KlinnlipK limit tiinrlinir Prlnfiutr Ct a lilUlCri' lSirltulay and Every Day Cards BESNER BLOCK Waterman Prn THIRD AVENUE t TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage MiTTTr at.T, TRAINS- SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (H. RMITH) MACHINE SHOP AND GARAGE V Imirf' Expert Repairs on all makes or cars - Reconditioning Motors Tractors Road Equipment Machine Work Diesel Acetylene and Electric WeldM BOX 202 : TERRACE, BC' Second Avenue W'