fcal News Items your new city tele-rectory tor at the City Hall clephone Office. (821 Dance Oddfellows' Hall, night, '82) nd Mr rted W. Stone Initfht on the Prince nu- -i three weeks holiday Vancouver, Victoria and )5. tou seen our American :ard: ' Highest quality, . . .11. nl.i.tu.. Bilccs Normem uumuu- m-w-! an Croxlord, who has ir- her parents, Mr. ts J Croxford, since iscnarged from the Royal an Ad Force, Women's i. ailed last night on the Rupert for Vancouver. MEN ONLY. They're 'he onr ana omj nam Grain Brogue Oxford and n"i)' nrnv lines. Sec our mi display. The Family Ion Ml) r;. Mi Gordon Clec and ck mid Bobby, sailed last &n ii- irince uupen lor vc 'tiroutc to Calgary will take up rcsi-Mi I, Clee has been em-witb the dry dock and ivy nerc 'or the last four Is Our Business advantage of our years of auto and 11 machine repair ex- Terrace Machine Shop jaragc is under the iraent of Bill Osborne Bas secured the services Campbell, who has had years of experience In r.d truck work. CONSULT US face Machine Shop AMI OARAGE Terrace ERRACE liisfer&Taxi Storage IMEET ALL TRAINS VICE TO ANY POINT THE DISTRICT (H. SMITH) 167 TERRACE smiling and Heating n inters ' AND COAI. STOKERS ;i Anderson LIMITEII jjnd Ave and 4th Street Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 pp your ''fers well had for our Wily Coals! Mrs. O. L. Brown sailed last night on the Prince Rupert on a trip to Vancouver. Meeting for Job's Daughters April 5. Easter Addenda, Silver March, moving pictures. (81) Mrs. James Hutchison sailed on the Prince Rupert last night fcr Vancouver where she will attend the annual provincial convention of .the I.O.D.E. as delegate from mil GO Chapter of which she Is regent. Mrs. J. A. Teng and daughter, Barbara, sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver where Mrs. Teng will attend the annual provincial convention of the I.O.D.E. as delegate from Queen Mary Chapter, of which she h regent. A Special meeting of United Fishermen and Allied Workers' Union will be held ,in the Deep Sea Fishermen's Hall, Friday, April 5, at 8 p.m. All fisher-men and shore worker members please attend. on Mr. and Mrs. Harry Herget ana children, Barbara and Harry, sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver enroute to Oakland, California, where they will spend the next three months on a holiday In the California 5lty. Mr. Herget will meet a brother whom he has not seen In 25 years. Indian Agent James Glllett, who has been transferred to take charge of the New Westminster agency, leaves tonight on the Cardena for the south to assume his new position. His successor here. F. E. Anfield of the Bella Coola agency, sailed last night to return to Bella Coola on business after spending a few days here. Mr Anfield will be In charge of both the Prince Rupert and Bella Coola agencies pending the appointment of his successor at Bella Coola. Mow that SEALSKIN Ii htr, your hinds cm bt mort beautiful than ever before. SEALSKIN, the new protective it in cream, forms a durable, inviiible waterproof jlovt that it death to diihpan handi. Strong loapij even acid solution, present no problem to SEALSKIN and SEALSKIN helps nature heal hands that are rou$b and sore. I I SEALSKIN Is inexpensive. Try I ., .iiii some toaay your neijnoornooa druj, grocery, department store. 1 or beauty shop has it CatiflifVi? RtprtanMirr$; ltirrkJitr$ Viumpatif, Vnncoitnr 1H-S KWONG SANG HINO HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE i 812 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tai) All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 2 ajn. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 PHONES 11G - 117 ALBERT McCAFFERY Mrs. J. P. Cade was a passenger for Vancouver last night on the Prince Rupert. G. P. Tinker sailed on the Prince Rupert last night ona business trip to Vancouver. " R. E. Montador sailed on the Prince Rupert last night for Vancouver cn a business trip. Ro! Judge sailed on the Prince Rupert last night on a trip to Vancouver. W. M., Watts returned to the city on i last night's train from a business .trip to Smithers.r Mrs. F. M. Hall of Terrace Is o visitor In the city today, having arrived on last night's train from the Interior town. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brother-ton sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver where they expect to take up residence. Bishop J. B. Gibson sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Ocean Falls on ecclesiastical business. He Is expected to return early next week. Fred W. McGovwn, who has been a civilian employee here with the United States Army, Is sailing tomorrow morning by ths Cardena on his return to Seattle. Dr. C. H. Hanklnson, who has been taking up medical postgraduate work In New York, and Mrs. Hanklnson returned home on last rtlght's train. Mrs. H. o. WIndt arrived in the city on last nizht's train from Smlthers and sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. Douglas Frizzcl, after a trip to Smlther3 and Terrace, returned home on last night's train from the Interior and sailed on the Prince Rupert for a business trip to Vancouver. Peter Collins who has been Y. MCA. war services supervisor here, sailed last night for Vancouver where he will leave the "Y" service to take up Presbyterian mission work on the prairies. The Prince Rupert and District Union Board of Health held Its regular tri-monthly meeting In the Health Unit building this afternoon. Among topics dlscus-sed'was the board's elforts to ob tain a full time medical director for the unit, whic hso far has been unsuccessful. Mrs. F. M. Hall, Terrace representative, was present at the meeting. "You can have healthful, whole milk," says Elsie the Borden Cow, "yes, anywhere, anytime ... as long as you have Klim Powdered Whole Milk with you I UtdT O The Borden Co. THIS AND THAT TTi Crt Winlicw Aim Unlet, IWi'BBTlA I V " I "Well, what's more Important me or your nasty old Income tax?" Catholic Women Are Organized SMITIIERS Miss McMaster of Vancouver visited Smlthers recently and organized a branch of the Catholic Women's League at a meeting held at the home of Mrs. William Duff. Officers are: President, Mr3. II. J. Ludgate. Vice-President, Mrs. William Duff. Secretary, Mrs. Jack Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. Would It be all rlsht to talk with one's neighor at the table, when there has been no introduction? A. Yes; It Is perfectly all right to do so, as it Is Implied that all persons present are "To make milk for drinking or cooking . . . simply add Klim t water. Beat I . . . And there's your whole milk ... as easy as that!" Klim is whole milk only the natural moisture removed. Gives you all rJhe cream, minerals, protein! and vitamins of pasteurized whole milk. Milk made from Klim keeps like fresh fluid milk. No waste . . . make It as needed. Have Klin: handy at all times. It's patleurized 'THE BORDEN COMPANY UMITED M.HAN DY POWDEReO FORM A. MacKenzie Furniture u i m i t i: i) "A GOOD. PLACE TO BUY" FOLDING COTS 30"x72", comfortable and convenient; folds quickly for easy, storage, with all-felt roll mattress. Special , $ I :$.". KOCKEK CIIA1KS Made of eastern hardwood; natural finish, very comfortable SjW.lM THE ARISTOCRAT BABY CARRIAGE Rubber tires, hood and apron. Special $ll).u() MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION Can be forwarded C.O.D. for your convenience Phone 774 : 327 Third Avenue LEGION LADIES MAKE PLANS FOR "WELCOME" FETE Preliminary plans for the veterans' "Welcome" cefebratlon were laid last night at the regular meeting of the Women's Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion with the appointment of a catering committee for the func- , tion which will be held sometime this month. The committee consjsts of Mrs. A. Guyan, Mrs. H. Smith, sr., ' Mrs. F. Gomez, Mrs.. Barker, Mrs.' IL Smith, jr., and Mrs. Miller Mrs. Guyan and Mrs. Dan Par-en, Auxiliary president, were appointed to Interview the men's organization to co-ordinate ar- "acquaintances" and "friends." rangemehts. even If an introduction has been. pl ' fnr ,hp rplphrnr,nn ,, overlooked. Q. Should a man light his own cigaret first and then hold the match for-his friend? , A. No; the American custom is to light the other person's cigaret first. Q. What is a good complimentary close to a formal social note? j A. "Sincerely yours" or "Very sincerely yours." Hi t, for a dance and buffet supper to which all local veterans of World War II and their partners, will be Invited. Attended by 33 members, with president Mrs. Dan Parent in the "chair, the meeting witness-: ed the Initiation of Mrs. G..Cic- cone, and heard a report on thej W.A. provincial convention by Mrs. Parent. Mrs. W .Rothwell reported on the organization's annual banquet held March 14. Applications for membership by Mrs. G, McNeill and Mrs. J. Kings were approved by the meeting. An unusual opportunity for hospitality was provided In the form of a visit to the meeting by five members of the United States women's naval service,! returning to Seattle from service In Alaska. "The girls, who visited briefly, were Edna Doyle. Boston, Mass.; Betty Culberson, Seattle; Emily Wonack, Glade-watter, Texas; Mary Giles, Cottage Grove, Tennessee, and Fran Worrell, Erwin, North Carolina. Six New Rotary Members Intalled j Six new members of the Prince j Rupert Rotary Club were for- , mally welcomed as Rotarians by j the club's Installation officer, j Bishop J. B. Gibson at the regular wepkly meeting Thursday afternoon. Installed as members before the meeting were E. T. Applewhaite, E. E. Hyndman, George Hill, A. P. Crawley, William Terry and Harry Hanson. Guests at the meeting were Dr. J. D, Galbralth, David Scott, F. E. Anfield, Bella Coola; J. A. Find-lay and D. Nixon. Announcements S. O. N. , Fishermen's Farewell dance, April 4, Oddfellows' Hall. Junior Chamber of Commerce St. Patrick's Ball, Civic Centre Auditorium, April 5. Women of the Moose Bazaar and Tea, Oddfellows' Hall, April 11. Help Norway Committee, Basket Social, April 12, Oddfellows' Hall, 9 to 1 a.m. Presbyterian Spring Sale, April 18. Queen Mary Daffodil Tea, Easter Monday. St. Andrew's Cathedral Spring Sale, April 25. St. Peter's Spring Sale, May 2. United W. A. Spring Sale, May 2. Cambral Spring Tea, May 9. W.A. Canadian Legion Tea ana Novelty Sale. May 10, Old Time nanr. I O.D.E. Hall. every Saturday. Modern dance every Saturday n!ght. Oddfellows' Hall, Bobby Woods' orchestra, Tonight at Civic Centre , Friday 2:00-4:00 Open to servicemen. 4:30-5:30 Junior boys. 5:30-6:30 Basketball. 7:00-8:30 Service badminton Club. 8:30-9:30 Service badminton Club. 9:30-10:00 Service badminton Club. Hotel. . . Is arrivals Prince Rupert Mrs. F. M. Hall, Terrace; Mr. O. Anderson, Shirley. HOW CAN I ? ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY A. How carr I destroy any taste of baking powder when making biscuits? A. Add a teaspoonful of su gar and it will destroy any taste of baking powder. Buttermilk is always a good substitute for fresh milk when making biscuits. Q. How can I whiten the teeth? A. Apply peroxide of hydrogen, diluted with one-half water. Or clean with prepared chalk and orris root every morning and night. Q. Can I use laundry starch that Is left over? A. Yes. by allowing It to settle and dry, and then putting back In the package to use again. IF MOM! Z&ZC HE'S BEGGING jPrW) WAQHT J.5-tAI .ItAtlJUAlitt l Ii A Prince Uuuctt Dalle I3cUjjgi Friday, April 5, 1946 JUST ARRIVED .. . . Boys' Polo Shirts Knitted Cotton in Waffle Stitch EASY TO LAUNDER Shades of Tan, Blue, Grey and White Sizes Small, Medium, Large - 95 c - "THE MENS SHOP" Soot may ntante over 'a your fuel: eliminate soot with CniMJSEY SWEEP 12-oz. can 40 Big 3-lb. can $1.0!) Soot lining jout furnace Hel belt, wastes fuel. Just eprinUe Chimney Sweep on Uie Cre. as) directed. It quiclly helps remote and clean out soot from furnace, flues, stovepipes, etc. Helps give you more beat. Saves fuel, saves money. No fuss, no muss. Safe, non-inflammable. Use in coal and oil furnaces, coal and wood fireplaces, stoves. Cet Chimney Sweep today. ?'T1IE CREDIT HOUSE OF QUALITY" Suits c lifts Jusl sprintls os If fir Gordon's Hardware McBride Street Now Open Phone :M1 Hollywood Cafe riMNCE RUrEUT'S NEWEST ami most UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 1 1 A.M. TO 1 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - G p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE V.Kl 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST J 1 ll.sCi Latest in Dressmakers and Tailored Intriguing and Eye-Catching . d Smart and New OCILD tig Perfect for Every Occasion ouses RUDGET PLAN A convenient way to have the pleasure of your Spring clothes, right at the start pf the season. TERMS in accordance with W.P.T.B. Regulations. i Sheers, Prints and Jerseys Fresh As April Days v Sweet Sixteen Ltd. (Formerly Annette's)