r 1 FIRE LOSSES IN 1945 WERE 1REATER THAN EVER BEFORE bn't Delay . . . INSURE TODAY foLLART AND McCAFFERY LTD. !,; MONTADOIt, Manager 1'llONE 11 b.M Quality I Repairs at lEconomj Prices FOR Letourneau 'xpert Plumber, Tinsmith and Roofer 1INCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR St. (Near the Post Olflce. I0ME SERVICE EMPIRE CAFE (Fu.eny L.D.) Completely Renovated and Redecorated FULL MEALS, LUNCHES CHOW MEIN, CHOP SUEY 11 ain. to 1 a.m. J.H.BULGER Optometrist (At Bulger's Jewelry Store) SERVING THE PEOPLE OF PRINCE RUPERT SINCE 1925 STORAGE and Furniture Crating HYDE7RANSFER Phone 580 CLEANING AND REPAIRS . Chimneys, Stoves, Oil Burners, Furnaces Window Cleaning and all Home Repairs PHONE BLUE 934 or 743 IOAT OWNERS, FISHERMEN... Now Is the time to apply Goodyear "GRIPTREAD" Non-slip Safety Moot ins and Protective Coating for .Metal, Wood, Concrete For Safety First wherever It's slippery you need "GKIITREAD" MUde and Guaranteed by Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. 'RINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE SO Second Avenue P.O. Box 772 Phone 632 SEE US NOW for SHOE BARGAINS LADIES IKKSS SHOES Keg. $5.00 to $6.00 NOW $J.1S IXFOKDS Reg. $4.00 to $5.00 NOW !jKt.50 LI1TKKS Reg. $1.50 NOW' C MEN IXFOKDS Reg. $5.00 NOW $-' IXIOltDS Reg. $0.00 NOW Sale Started Friday, Jan. 18 BARGAINS FOR ALL AT CUT RATE SHOE STORE SIl SALES NO EXCHANGES NO REFUNDS Commercial, industrial and marine electricians HOME WIRING AND REPAIRS OOOD WIRING AND GOOD LIGHTING Does Not Cost It Pays MOTT ELECTRIC (SSS) LTD. 20 Second Rvcnuc ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS WKSTOCK GATES "V" BELTS Phone Black 3C7 OFFICES IN VANCOUVER AND NEW WESTMINSTER Specializing in IKS OUR REGISTERED PHARMACIST KNOWS THE IMPORTANCE OP- FILLING . ACCURATELY. You can rely on us. McCUTCHEON PHARMACY Avenue at Sixth Street Phone 79 I I .K I I. Local i News items . A For a reliable taxi, Phone 32. Open Day and Night. (tf) Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Murray of North Pacific returned Sunday night on the Catala from a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brpwnp, fallowing their recent marriage in Vancouver, the bride having been the former Miss Bca Did rlckson of this city, arrived this, afternoon on the Princess Louise from the south. O. L. Greenwood, provincial Inspector of motor carriers, Prince George, arrived-In the city on Saturday night's train or. an offllcal visit. It Is understood that he will take part In discus sions regarding the request of Arrow Bus Lines for an opcrat lng franchise. Provincial Police Commissioner T. W. S. Parsons will arrive In the city on Tuesday night's train from the interior arid will remain In the city un til Thursday nijht when he will leave on the Prince Rupert to return to Victoria. While here. Commissioner Parsons will address the Women's Canadian ' Club on Thursday night. His topic will be the "St. John's Ambulance Association." TRUCK DRIVERS - SWAMPERS NOTICE Prince Rupert' Industrial Workers' Union Truck Drivers sublocal, meeting Tuesday' Jan. 29 at 8 p.m. In C.C.F. Hall. Every body out. 24) 2?. i' of it,; i "j toffte. HAVE BIRTHDAY JOB'S DAUGHTERS The local Bethe'. of Job's" Daughters celebrated the third anniversary of its founding with a birthday party Friday night. During the social hour, a hand some birthday cake was cut by the Honored Queen, Marie Coulter, with the assistance of past queens Margaret Morln and Mona McRae. Delicious refresh ments were served and bingo was enjoyed. The Misses Mar garet Morln, Mona McRae and Audrey Grlmble received their majority degrees. AIRlNWANf TO GET HOME 1 NEW DELHI -Dispatches from New Delhi say that Royal Air Force personnel at Calcutta gained 12,000 new recruits this week-end In their "We want to 50 home" strike. Tills makes an estimated 2,000 R.A.F. personnel who are striking In India. The airmen claim that there is a slower rate of demobilization for them than the British Army and Navy. Five Hundred War Brides to Canada SOUTHAMPTON, Eng. The movement of British war brides and children of Canadian soldiers to Canada la now well under way. Five hundred brides and 200 children sailed from here yesterday. the Rak Pedion. The crude beverage of Kaldi's day and age has reached a marvellous development in the glorious ;ofice known as Maxwell House. Today more people buy and enjoy Maxwell House than any other brand of codec in the world. No wonder I There's friendly stimulation in Maxwell House that goes right to the spot . . . txtra Havor that results from skilful blending of fine Latin-American coffees . . . extra richness and body because Maxwell House Radiant Roasting dcvcloos Jully the goodness of every coffee bean. GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEEER and VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Phone for Free Appointment Phone Red 127 Try Maxwell House today. Happy is the home where the tempting fragrance and Havor of delicious Maxwell House make break fast the prelude to a more successful day. mmmm A Poduct of Gantrol Foods E P E It T RADIO REPAIRS All Work Guaranteed ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES HOME APPLIANCES FLUORESCENT LIGHTING PUBLIC ADDRESS INTERCOM Mall Orders shipped same day as received RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC 313 Third Avenue West Phone 644 Box 1321 Aussies See Danger Of Asiatic Disease Cost in Bloodstock and . Cattle Could Rise to Millions Of Pounds CANBERRA (CP Smuggling of animals and birds from the tropics or carelessness In fumigating planes could cost the Australian bloodstock and cattle Industries millions of pounds, It has been learned. This warning to Australians of the grave danger to which the Introduction of Asiatic diseases into the Islands has exposed pastoral pursuits -was Issued recent ly by Majors L. Rlkard-Bell of Sydney and R. V. S. Main of Launceston. The officers are members' of the Mobile Veterinary Survey Section of the Australian Army Veterinary Corps, recently formed for the special Job of of foreign disease. They said that If diseases now on the very threshold of Australia's shores were to be kept out,.. m,ost stringent scientific precautions and an appreciation ' of the menace by returning troops were essential. Among the diseases which they said could be taken to Australia by Insects was equine anaemia, from which thousands of horses had died In New Britain alone. Encephalomyelitis a brain disease communicable to humans was also mentioned. Rabies could be bi ought' by squirrels, monkeys, dogs and other animals, while there were many complaints that could be introduced by smuggled birds. Another Asiatic disease communicated by Insect bite Is surra, caused by a 'blood parasite. Major Bain, a pathologist, explained that with the importation Into the islands by the Japs of horses from Manchuria. Tibet, China and Japan, a wide range of diseases unknown In Australia had been, brought perilously close to its shores. It would be very easy for mosquitoes and other Insects unwittingly introduced into Australia In aircraft to start sweeping epidemics, he said. NO LIGHT NO COLOR Sir ' Isaac Newton discovered that the color of any substance Is due to the light which falls upon it. Announcements Executive meeting. Native Brotherhood of B.C., Port Simpson, Jan. 28. Delegations from branches requested. C.W. L. Bridge, Whist, Crib-bage, January 31 and February 14.-K. of C. Hut, 8 p.m. Cambral Valentine Dance, February 8, K. of C. Hall ST. JOHN'S RED CROSS 'JOINT BOARD Classes for instruction to commence. For enrolment contact Mrs. R. S. Woods, Saturday and Monday, City Ambulance. B.C. CLOTHIERS Third Avenue just West of Sixth Street MEN'S WORK TANTS Very strong $2.50 MEN'S IRON TANTS Well made $2.95 .MEN'S WOOL SWEATERS For dress and work $4.00 MEN'S WORK SHIRTS ' $1.50 BOYS' WOOL SWEATERS $1.85 $2.45 BOYS' BLACK OVERALL PANTS $1.25 10 $1.50 BOYS' PANTS from $2.00 to $4.25 BOYS' OXFORDS from $3.50 to $3.95 MEN'S WORK BOOTS from $5.00 to $6.25 UNIQUE CAREER IN NEW YORK Motion Picture Companies and Gag Writers Among Customers in Old Shop Run By New York Woman By JEAN MEEGAN NEW YORK (APJ A home made sign saying, "Sharan's Two Flights Up" points the way to a ramshackle nest of rooms deep in Manhattan's West Side, which houses a treasure of the kind found in museums, universities, and rich men's libaries 90 years of back number magazines. Thousands of magazines carpet the floors and swell Into dust-covered, cob-webbed stacks, run by Sophie Sharan,-a young woman with a spicy personality and a frightening memory, safeguarding Australia's, outer which she uses Instead of a for-defence against the penetration 1 mal index or catalogue. Her customers are motion picture companies lining up evidence in plagiarism suits; gag writers looking for forgotten jokes In College Humor, Judge, Puck advertising agencies checking on ancient ads; famous authors looking for their early products. "If they Ritz me they get nothing," trie proprietress boasts. When one "whodunit" writer was derisive recently about the condition of her stock, she shot back: "Disorder Is merely another form of order" and then reminded him that one of his plots was a lot like one in an old magazine she had sold him. That concluded the conversa tion. In a case-hardened New York accent, Mrs. Sharan Is discur sive about . anything literary, knows the work of thousands of writers living and dead, and can put her finger on anything desired in the store in about one minute. Fixes Own Prices She has her own system of prices. "I get as much as I can," she admits. "It's a case of supply and demand." When a mink- coated movie actress dldnt see eye to eye with her on the price Vol some 50-year-old style maga zines the actress needed to study for a part, the actress left emp ty handed. On the other hand, If she likes someone she'll give away a choice volume without batting an eye. The mos; prizes possession In the shop Is a first Issue of the Atlantic Monthly U857) which contains the first Instalment of Oliver Wendell Holmes' "Autocrat of the . Breakfast Table." There are Harper's Bazaars from 1870, Saturday Evening Posts from the same period, but calls mostly are for a different type thing.. Collectors of L-ashiell Ham- ! L.O.B.A. Bridge, Whist and ! mett will pay $2 or $3 for a 1930 Crlbbaee. Feb. 14, 8 p.m.. Odd fellows' Hall. Admission 35c. United W. A. Tea, February 14. Valentine's Dance at the Armouries, Feb. 15. $1.00 a couple. Good orchestra. Refreshments. Modern dancing every Saturday night, Recreation Hall, 5th Ave. East. Admission 50. detective magazine that Kami mett Is In; art dealers looking for magazine prints of important paintings are steady, conservative customers; show producers frequently buy magazines of a special era for Drops. LONDON Children In Wat ford are running about without shoes or stockings because of the "footwear famine," P. Ban-cott told the Chamber of HOW CAN 1111 By ANNE ASHLEY Q. Is It better to cook potatoes with the Jackets on or off? A. When cooked with their Jackets on they retain their nourishment and have a much better flavor than If they are cooked after paring. The peeling retains all the substance. Q. How can I renew old and raveled yarn? A. Wrap It In a towel and place it for a short time in a colander, or a steamer, over a vessel of hot yatcr. Q. How can I make ice cream freeze quicker? A. The ice cream will freeze quicker If finely cracked Ice Is used instead of the larger pieces. J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic! If nerves doubly so! Smith Block Green 995 EARLY NEWS IS WELCOME Local news Items, to ensure publication, should be in the office by 10 a.m, Contributors are asked to bear this In mind. Items of social and personal Interest are always welcome. l?rinec Htipcct Dnllj? J3ctojy Monday, January 23, 1946 Hotel ... f arrivals Prince Rupeit H. P. Cahlll, Vancouver; T. Anstey, St. John's Newfoundland; Cy Poxon, Pentlcton; R. Olofson, Camrose, Alta.; F. Milell, Vancouver; K. E. Wilson, Vancouver; J. S. Kennedy, Mon- treal; R. G. Walsh, Terrace; Miss M. Richmond, Terrace; O. Nor-berg, Vancouver; J. F. Gargus, St. Michael, Aita.; G. L. Greenwood, Prince George; J. F. God frey, Toronto; J. Wilson, Vancouver; M; Rae, Port Esslngton; J. MacDonald, Smlthers; J. Dun-lop, Smlthers; R. S. Newall, Ed monton; Major M. M. Smith. Calgary; G. Joy, Abbotsford; D. Abbott, Quesnel; M. Barbour, Vancouver; E. S. Wilber, Calgary; G. D. Marson, Winnipeg, SSgt. E. A. Splneley, Calgary; Sgt. A. R. Hayesm, Calgary; E. T. Redford, Vancouver; SSgt. Bodlick, Calgary; A. McLean, Vancouver; E. C. Milburn, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Murray; North Pacific; Mrs. E. Mollneaux, Vancouver; P. Kales, Burns Lake; L. G. S. Ford, BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS SCOTTY'S Old Country Foi EVERY JOB Requiring Sturdy, Comfortable Work Clothes We Have Them BIB OVERALLS Treat 'em Ruff. Pr. ijWJ.OO G.W.G. Sanforized. Pr. $2.50 Headlight, heavy, Sanforized. Pr. ...... $2.75 WAIST OVERALLS Pr, $1.(15 to $2.00 COVERALLS Khaki. Pr $:.50 CARPENTERS' OVERALLS Pr SjW.00 PAINTERS' OVERALLS Bibs. Pr $1.50 Smocks. Pr $1.50 "THE MEN'S SHOP" KITWANGA CHILD PASSES AWAY KITWANGA The death occurred here recently of three-, -year old Alfred Sinclair, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sinclair, Kitwanga residents. Funer al service was held last week; at St. Paul's Anglican Church, Kit wanga, with Rev. J. Hayhurst officiating. The sermon was delivered by Richard Fowler, and children of the Kitwanga schdol sang the hymn "Jesus . Loves Me." Mrs. J. Hayhurst was organist. Present at 'the, service were Mr", and Mrs. Charles Wilson of Hazelton, the child's grandparents. Pallbearers were Thomas Harris, Edward H. Benson, Harold Daniels, James A. Fowler, Richard Fowler and' Solomon Bryant. February Ration Coupon Calendar Following ration, coupons become valid In 'February: February 7 Meat 23, Butter 139. February 14 Meat 24, Butter February 21 Meat 25, Butter, R-2, Sugar 70 and S-l. February 28 Meat 26. Orange colored preserves coupons 33 to 37 .and P. coupons P-L to P-25 expire January 31. 1946. OPEN FROM 5 P.M. TO 6 A.M. Fish and Chips Corner of Third Avenue and Sixth Street FISH AND CHIPS TO TAKE HOME Phone 8G1 THIS IS THE Final Week OF OUR ... COAT ; SALE i Take advantage of ; this opportunity and come in today. Annette's Ladies' Wear