mi if j 11 ? 1 ; I J J f t It'i Prince Uupcrt Dnllit? J3ctus Monday, January 28, 1946 GAY COMEDY IS SHOWING "She Went to Ihc Races" Coming; to Capitol This ...Tuesday and Wednesday Gay and hilarious story of a group of college professors who figure racing odds from a scientific standpoint, the light-hearted conledy "She Went to the Races' comes to the screen of the Capitol Theatre here this Tuesday and Wednesday with James Craig, Frances Gifford. Ava Gardner and Edmind Gwenn a$, the principles involved. rAachrme of Miss Gifford to rake $20,000 by the scientific method of betiin? almost works but complications ariss both on You'll be holding the Right Bag... COMMERCIAL HOTEL COMPLETELY MODERN Make this your comfortable home In Prince Rupert. First Ave. and Eighth St. BOX No. 897 PHONE 676 the track and in a hotel sitting loom when Miss Gardner, playing a wealthy horse owner, tn-ters the competition. The plot rises to a brilliant climax when the rival girl places a bet which Is to establish both their economic as well as their romantic security. Pretty Miss Gifford eventually wins out. Sig Rumann and Reginald Owen round out the cast. DOVER. Eng. Oi An 18-year-old boy who was stated to be so anxious to see conditions in Europe that he was going to make a second attempt to row across the Channel, was before the Dover magistrates recently on a charge of attempting to leave the United Kingdom by sea without the permission of immigration authorities. For BAGS - SCARVES - ACCESSORIES WALLACE'S Of Course! REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Chop Sucy Chow Mcin Chinese Dishes our specialty. Open 6 ajn. to 2 a.m. phone I7:t We Deliver Your Order LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP PHONE GREEN 974 Cabinets and Toys made to order Furniture Repaired Upholstery a Specialty 117 2nd Ave. W. Opp. YMCA Watch for I lie New Ford It's SMART BIG THRIFTY TO OPERATE RELIABLE . . . When you want the best in motoring pleasure look to FORD. Remember: "THERE'S A FORD IN YOUR FUTURE." S. E. PARKER LIMITED "The Home of Friendly Service" P.O. Box 38 170 E. 3rd Ave, GOOD EYE SIGHT WE SELDOM THINK OF EYESIGHT UNTIL IT SHOWS SIGN OF FAILING As longer evenings bring more reading, sewing and close work, wc Increase the burden on already over-worked eyes. . 11 Is wise to protect your eye sight by having them scientifically examined at regular intervals. MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENTS FOR EXAMINATION NOW fCor. 3rd Ave. t and 5th St. v Room 4 STONE Optometrist block PROMPT SERVICE ON REPAIRS J- Telephone 593 PRINCE RUPERT v Box 127 I ANTIQUES AT HIGH VALUES Dy HELEN CAMP LONDON (API Post - war Britain Is "going over" antique furniture, paintings and ornaments, and a similar boom is predicted for the United States within two or three years. At London's two largest art auction houses, Sotheby's and Christie's, spokesmen said that while there had been no fantastic prices for any one item, "the most ordinary" art treasures bring two to five times their pre-war price. "We've found that the market here is about two years ahead of the United States," Charles Des Graz, a partner at Sotheby's said, "and goqd healthy American buying is still taking place which means they anticipate a boom. "I notice that the extraordinary high prices are fetched by ordinary things rather than by extraordinary things," Des Graz added. "It's not that things bring $8,000 but that things which used to fetch $80 now bring $400." At Christie's, Sir Alec Martin, managing director, said that the general level of things of quali-. ty, "provided they are on the smallish side," was much higher than before the war but that there had been no real test of an j outstanding article, such as a really great Gainsborough or a Rembrandt, since there have been none on the market. China in Demand He said people do not want : "collectors items" so much as j things of some serviceable value : which they can't buy new, as ! English and foreign china, Geor- Genuine Aspirin marked this way SWAP WANTED Male High School teacher desires one or two room suite, or room In apartment block or hotel. Clean, comfortable, central Phone Red 876 or Box 1059 Station B. (25) WANTED Underwood typewriter in good condition. Apply Daily News. tf) WANTED Puppy. Phone 93. rOlt KL.VI FOR RENT Large furnished housekeeping room, suitable for 2 men or couple. 653 7th Ave. East. (tf) FOR RENT Comfortable sleeping room. 427 5th Ave. East. Phone Blue 967. 23 FOft RENT Two-room suite. 537 8th Ave. West. FOR RENT Warm comfortable rooms with plenty of hot water. Reasonable weekly rates to reliable tenants. Commercial Hotel. (28) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use' the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited. Vancouver. B.C. tft LOST LOST. STRAYED OR STOLEN 2-year-old cross bred spaniel, - male, black with white markings, feet and muzzle. Short tail. 1945 licence tag No. 319 on collar. Reward. H. A. Ponder, 745 5th Ave. West. Black 892. (24) LOST Man's watch "Merit." Waterproof, stainless steel. Silver expansion bracelet. Phone Red 715. Reward. (28) LOST Necklace of crystal beads in vicinity of Presbyterian Church. 1128 8th Ave. East. Reward. (927) RADIO SERVICE RADIO SERVICE For guaranteed radio satisfaction phone 6 and an Associated Radio Technician will call. McRae Bros. Ltd. i Now in Britain, The Hon. Colin Gibson, M.C., Minister of Na tional Defence for Air. gafned intensive firsthand knowledge of conditions among R.C.A.F personnel on the United Kingdom and on the continent. The Minister lost no opportunity of visiting Canadian units and discussing personally with the men problems of repatriation and service in the Interim Air Force. Shown chatting with Col. Gibson in the above photograph are (from left to right) FS Alfred .Schlnoler (seated), of Kamsack, Sask.; WO 2 Mike Kotyk. Box 352. Rouyn, Quebec; The Minister; Air Marshal Johnson (In the background). (R.C.A.F. Photo) Elan silver (rather than the for-merly popular Elizabethan!, small furniture, pictures, carpets and curtains. Chippendale tables, "just big enough for a glass and an ashtray." now bring $400 to $300 where a few years ago they brought $60 to $80; a writing table that formerly cost $1,000 now costs $500; a diamond bracelet worth $90 before now is worth $1,200; Audubon's book of birds, one of the copies of which brought the world's record price of $9,600 in 1937, now averages $14,800 for a "quite bad copy." A Dresden china service is worth $2,000 or twice its prewar price; a small Florentine engraving will bring $8,400: china and porcelain ornaments sell from $120 to $1,200, and a plain silver tea tray brings $6,400. ' People with money to spend i usually choose jewels, silver or ; privately printed books, the experts said. "Even ordinary people have 'money to spend because while ! their salaries have been slashed, so have their expenditures," Des Graz said. "When a man feels down, he thinks "why not have a china vase in the living room to cheer me up 'and just comes in and buys it: " Classified Advertising - - - - Classifieds: Uc per word per Insertion, minimum charee. 50c. Birth Notlcw: 50c; Cards of Thank. Death Notices. Fumrai Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: f2. TRADE Quarter section in Al- FOR SALE -berta for truck, house, boat Immediate or wnat have you? Apply Daily News. (281 ! WANTED FOR SALE Six -room possession; house, Easy terms. 420 6th Ave. West. For information phone Black 449. (28) FOR SALE Rowboat. 16 feet; clinker-built, suitable for inboard or outboard motor. Phone Blue 367, after 6 pjn. 25i FOR SALE "39 Dodge sedan. Phone Black 69. '23) FOR SALE 4-burner Hotpoint range In excellent condition-and separate refuse burner with hot water coils. Phone 83. 26) FOR SALE House, four rooms and tiath; newl decorated, complete new plumbing and wiring. Fully furnished, $3,C00; unfurnished, $2.5C0. Apply Collart and McCaffery Ltd. (28) FOR SALE Immediately. Electric washing maihine, hot plate and iron. All as new. 354 Biggar Place. (24) FOR SALE Quick turnover Four rooms with bath. Also garage. Price $2,000 without furniture. Call 900 10th Ave. East. (23) FOR SALE Pure bred Rhode Island Reds. $3.00. Jack Adams, phone Red 417. (23; FOR SALE New and used furniture selling at lowest prices. 2 - p i e c e chesterfield bed, Khrolcr make, perfect condition, $65; used smoking stands, $1.75; used nassocus, $2.50; records, 25c; used battery cabi- j net radios; electric mantel radios; tools, some are Just like new; office desks; kit-chen sets, slightly used; com-i plete beds, B.C. Furniture i Black 324. FOR SALE fl-room furnished house. 742 7th Ave. West. (24) FOR SALE Large floor sun lamp. Cost $70 new. Apply Pioneer Rooms. Phone 471. (25) HELP WANTEII WANTED Saleswoman who can sell and fit shoes. The Family Shoe Store. (tf) : HELP WANTED Woman for housework. Reliable, willing worker. 8:30 a.m. to 8 pm. Sleep out. $60.C0: or mother's helper. 4 to 8 p.m. $24.00. Phone Blue 240. (25) WANTED Maids for Prince Rupert Ooneral Hospital 29 Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS I 1. What is wrong with this sentence? "They have bought a great big house." I 2. What Is the correct pru-1 nunclatlon of "orient?" 3. Which one of these words Is misspelled? Civil, civility, civl- iy. 4. What docs the word "pretense" mean? 5. What is a word beginning with prec that means "a forerunner?" Answers 1. Say. "They have bought a large house." 2. Pronounce o-ri-ent, o as in no (not as in or, i as In it. accent first syllable. 3. Civilly. 4. That which is pretended. "She wondered how much of It was pretense and how much reality." 5: COUNCIL TOOK HINT CLEETHORPES, Eng. O; Major Albert Cox, Mayor pf Clee-thorpes, who recently returned from India, was working late one night with town council members when a parcel arrived. Inside were a pair of pyjamas and a latch key from the mayoress. The council took the hint and adjourned. 'NEW SCALE SIGNED UP Nova Scotia Coal Miners Oct Increase rf 17c Per Day SYDNEY. Nova Scotia An official of the United Mine Work- ers says a new contract has been signed by representatives of 13,000 Nova Scotian coal miners and subsidiaries of Dominion Steel and Coal Corp. The contract fellows months I I of negotiations and calls wage increases of 17c a day and two week's holidays with pay. CORDON' NOT QUITTING OTTAWA Finance Minister Ilsley denied that Donald Cordon is resigning- as chairman of the Prices and Trade Board. "It is of the utmost importance that he continue," Ilsley said. Weather Forecast Prince Rupert Moderate to fresh northwest winds, part cloudy with scattered showers today and Tuesday MOST OF UNITS -ARE HOME NOW !).50fl Veterans Land at Halifax During Week-end i HALIFAX, -A t 'tal of 9,500 war veterans returned to Canada from overseas during the week end. A Halifax report says that this troop movement marks the return of practically every complete combat unit of the Canadian Army. Commanding officers of the various units landing at Halifax stated the majority of the 50.000 troops still remaining In England are engaged in administrative duties or helping In connection with the repatriation program. Special troop trains have picked up Army. Air Force and Naval personnel disembarked yesterday from two troopships, the He de France and the Lady Rodney. The He de France carried 9,000 veterans back from the United Kingdom while the Lady Rodney had 500 men aboard. LANGLEY. Eng. tt-Thc King's Prize for the best plowman v:a3 won recently at this Bucklng- The Roman emporor MaxI- hamshire town, bv F. Wakefield. minus couldn't find a ring big aged 61, a plowman at Clppen-cnough to fit, so he wore his ham Court Farm, Slough, for 31 wife'3 bracelets on his thumb?, 'years. Timely Topics from Terrace OSBORNES HAVE ANNIVERSARY-POSTMASTER KIRKALDY IS HOST On January 25, Mr. and Mrs. W. Osborne celebrated their thirtieth wedding anniversary. The Osbornes came to Terrace from Vernon and Mr. Osborne is one of the owners of the Terrace Garage and Machine Shop. Sam Kirkaldy had a party in Brookes' Dine and Dance on Thursday night. There were 26 people present and they enjoyed a delicious chicken dinner which was followed by an evening of dancing and merriment. The party was concluded at the home of the Osbornes where -the crowd had been invited and went to congratulate Mr. and Mrs. W. Osborne on the occasion of their thirtieth wedding anniversary. night Llteutenant Bill Osborne, who was recently posted to Ottawa, has been re-posted t England. The Co-operative store is gradually accumulating more stock and shelves should be well filled by spring. Membership is also Mrs. Nelson, well known and highly esteemed Indian woman of the district, is quite M. She Is over 80 years of age and is be ing cared for by one of her daughters. Welding and Body Repairs No Job is too large or too small for us. Our mechanics arc Mrs. O. Levesquc kit on night's train for Prince Kenneth Kerr, who ha been on overseas service, returned to Canada 0n the He de France and is expected home shortly He Is the brother of Duucan Kerr. LUMBAGO (Lame Back) Can't rts.Jt?n up? Hack too Miff nJ wnc to toi.'rb l( ihnt'i liow Uimlugo Ibw Back) aflc'i you. An wliat thou-rvililiavf rl.firpnd K-trmkk, nie rHirf. Tate TennM.i'j T-K-c ', tht rtiwdjr (Kvially in. tie to lc!t yvu. Uun't tuflrr b d.ijr more V.m v;u liave to. i-t Templetoa'i T.K-C'g today. Wc 1 1 . T-2 1 TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS-SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (II. SMITH) P.O. Box 167 TERRACK experts in body repairs. Dependable, prompt service TERRACE MACHINE SHOP & GARAGE W. C. OSBORNE V. iMirnw B0X 202 TERRACE 3 STARTS TOMORROW! H i o bMl-btt ff lv and taught (rm MOM! Thli culit pvl htr menty n th wrtnf htu and htr fallK In Iht right gvyl for: mm mm mm j r Today -'If lHad A ... Million' and 'Two .t...;. I o'Clock ' r a 1 l 1 " .. Courage J i vv l wmmm nrH QniHfiA CRAIG GIFFORD and AVA GARDNER EDMUND GWENN FirIMTKICK TKAVELOctl SI'OKTSIIKLL - CAItTOOS COMPLETE SHOWS A-1:00 - 3:06 5 03 ' :C3 f:f ha H mm l hi mbbbu raaau b1bbb1b1 bbj ia AFTliRNOO.V TKA K YORK GENERAL CONSTRUCTION Building Supplies Free Estimates, Construction and Repairs Windows and Frames, Doors and Frames, Cabmetx Show Cases nf all description Also Furniture Repairs First class finishing and workmanship Phone Black 126' Between 8 am and 5 p.m. Open Dally 5 p.m 2 ' D Dine, dance and be mtnj at a happy holiday spot Kathleen Davi: Piof lct- KATY'S KLEEN KETCHE 703 Fulton Street Dionc D!ik LING THE TAILOf We are taking cleanly pressing and steam pre while you wtit- PHONE 649 220 Slxtlt For Comfort in the Home! HASSOCKS OTTOMAN S.S.."' COFFEE TABLES !?.!)" MAOAZINE RACKS (glass) - $!!" CHENILLE BED SPREADS, Priced Sll.I).- to $20.7" FURNITURE T A FT & ODOWEj OVtLTIES (Formerly J. H. Mm) OUR PRICES ARE RIOIIT The Key to Kconomy w and Satisfaction . . . That's what The Variety Store oners you. Our stocks are large and varied, you'll find per-tonal needs, family needs, and many household supplies. wm juur Duagci win ncariiyf applaud the savings prices!' SI v Till" II anvil fT ARC lilt VAKItlY Mum "Where Your Dimes Jtte Little Dollars GENERAL! CONSTRUCT CONTRACTS LARGE OR SMALL FLANNING AND DEIGNING ESTIMATES LI AHTI I liirrT AiirriMirT HM mwin YYC3I lUnJlKUUiv"' Phone ."(M 12 Second Avenue West rvonlll2S;