f a ra ii u cMk 1 Distributed by: Prince Rupert Dailp J3cUis Wednesday, October 9, 1948 ALL THAT ARE NEW IN FALL COAT AT STYLES WALLACE'S Of Course ! iniBSBBBBBIBIBIB Fall-inq in Line with .... WALLACE'S Fall Coats HIGH FASHION NOTES Loose fitting box styles or form fitting and belted all around. You'll find them all at Wallace's. The pick of Fall Coats. BUILT BY CHRYSLER IiLIbS&aLLh LLLLihiilLLH fljtiiiiiiiiB K vBSfltiiiP iiiiiiiB jBCH H. mm H W K KB k 0 RUPERT MOTORS LTD. PHONE 566 B B 9 1 1 NEW CONSTRUCTION REPAIRS ALTERATIONS GREER & BRIDDEN Builders and Contractors PHONE KED 561 P.O. BOX 721 REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Chop Suey Chow Mein Chinese Dishes our specialty. Open 6 ajn. to 2 ajn. PHONE 173 We are here to serve you and guarantee you will be pleased. FKEE DELIVERY OF ALL ORDERS BLAIN BROTHERS PHONE 3 1 7 HOUSE OF FINE FOODS" r.O. BCI 171 COASTAL CHARTER SERVICE BY SUPERMARINE FLYING BOAT '"Haida Queen" - is passengers MONDAYS Vancouver to Prince Rupert Direct. TUESDAYS Prince Rupert to Vancouver via Queen Charlotte Islands. WEDNESDAYS Vancouver to PrLnce Rupert via Queen Charlotte Islands. THURSDAYS Prince Rupert to Stewart and Return via Anyox, Alice Arm and Request Points. FRIDAYS Prince Rupert to Vancouver Direct. SPECIAL CHARTERS ARRANGED FOR PASSENGERS AND FREIGHTING 3 Types and Sizes of AIRCRAFT to Serve You From 3 to 13 Passengers, or 480 lbs. to 4,000 lbs Freight G. II. STANBRIDGE, Agent P.O. Box 1249 Pnbnes 524 or Red 878 ! a 1 nl iBiBaflPBBBRBBiiinaiagiBaigBh I- Chrysler! Mopar! Chryco! Automotive Parts and Accessories fCpp Radio Dial V I I IV 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) WEDNESDAY P.M. 4:00 Wally Wicken 4:15 Mid-Day Melodies 4;30 Songs In Sweet Style 4:45 Children's Program 5:00 Feature Broadcast 5:30 Bandstand Review 5:45 Radio 1946 Bdctg In Britain 6:00 Geoffrey Waddington Show 6:30 Teen Town Talk 6:35 Recorded Int. 6:45 Dog Town 6:50 True Story No. 8 6:55 Recorded Interlude 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Distinguished Artists 8:00 Political Broadcast 8.15 Songs of the West 8:30 Invitation to Music 9:00 Swing Low 9:15 Midweek Review 9.30 Continental Varieties 10:00 CBC News 10:10 B.C. News 10:15 Ken Stevens !0:30 Olen Miller's Orch. 11:00 Weather and Sign Off THURSDAY AJ.I. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Music by Goodman 10:15 Thoughts for Today 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Song Serenade 11:00 CBR Presents 11:15 Songs of Today 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Dancing Till Noon . P.M. 12:00 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 CBC News 12:45 Easy Listening , 1:00 The Concert Hour 1:30 Canadian Composers 1:45 Talk, Winnipeg 2:00 B.C. School Broadcast 2:30 Footlighfc Favorites 2:45 Musical Program 3:00 Western Five 3:15 Songs and Singers 3:30 Serenade 3:45 BBC News and Comment. Chile Orders 250 Buses in Canada MONTREAL A British United Press dispatch from Chile quoted the Chilean Development Corp. as saying it had accepted a bid from a Canadian firm to supply 250 trolley buses. Delivery of 20 a month is to begin in mid-1947. An official of the Canadian Car & Foundry here said he did not believe his was the comDanv ! referred to, although it had been reported that Canadian Car had been negotiating with Chile on buses. Early last week Canadian Car had not received official notification that any bid it may have tendered had been , TICKER'S INVENTOR The stock ticker was Invented by Samuel F. Laws, a Presbv- ! terian clergyman. fa- LUMBAGO, ACHES 1 and PAINS I Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 857 CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rates for your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) PHONE 31 J II - -aBBfTTttfr EKSLCHLDRfiIi OFP ON SVVISS VACATION -Children from Birmingham and Coventry. England, who have more than TnnJ-f of the ,?rde?U of war smile again as th?y leave forua vacation In Switzerland. The children 130 of ThIm',hPuselovernl8ht ln an alr ral shelter in London KeShcllM URGING TO PURCHASE BONDS MONTREAL "Let us, the largest group of industrial workers in Canada, set the pace for the rest of the country," said R. C. Vaughan, C.M.G., chairman and president of the Canadian National Railways, in a circular addressed to all officers and em ployees of the system. He solicited their suDDort in the Canadian savings bond Issue. -mere will be no patriotic call. no mass meetings, no objective to meet," the C.N.R. president's message said. CONVENIENT SAVING "You may 30 on savine In the convenient way you learned during the war and every emDlovee of the Canadian National will be ' given an opportunity to sub scribe." 4 OR's Qtrs 5 OR's Qtrs Mr. Vaughan congratulated the railways' employees on their response during the war to the Victory Loans in which they subscribed more than $D3,000,000 and pointed out that the new loan actually acknowledges the requests of eiaht out of tpn Canadians who In a nation-wide poll declared their wish for the continuation of the government's saving plan in peacetime. S00 M.P.H. PLANES BURBANK, Calif. Fighter planes capable of flying 800 miles an hour and easily handled will be p.vailable to the VS. Army In the not too distant future, according to an official of a local aircraft manufacturing V, II Hut 1 wlnsr 21vl5n C.S. 24x40" and 24x25' II Hut 2 wings 24 x 120" C.S. 24x40' and 24x25' II Hut 2 wings 24x120' OR's Qtrs. C.S. 21x40' and 24x25 H Hut 2 wings 24x120' OR's Qtrs. Mess C.S. 16x40' & 24x 45' II Hut 2 wings 21x120' OR's Qtrs. Mess OS. -16x40' ?Axi5' II Hut 2 wings 24x120' R.A.P. 6 rms. 21x42' Coy Q.M. Stores, 5 rms. 24x120' Lecture Hut, 24x120' CHAMBER OF COMMERCE HEAD URGES LABOR-OPERATORS WORK TOGETHER ment ........ express Its opinion (Special to the ... Daily J News) "Hill ' ""WtlTJ i - WINNIPEG - Declaring that labor-manatre- Bln rS .......... v uuui, tuiiuinuiia unaeri 'taik"1 wjiiwii vydiirtumiis tuuiu pruuuee goous tnat in these EtaT postwar days they were entitled to have at reason- "C,J11" He " n n 1 .... . . nun. auiv piiuea, v. uuiuuii ocKsnutt, president of Can 1 adian Chamber of Commerce, speaking Tuesdav 01 ' " ""J tn 10 MCRae annual convention horp njtsprt.. ed that labor hnrf tnlrt lt ctnrv SettinCT UD nf snerlal nmn.ui... Thf i Cockshutt asserted labor and management should eet toeether at once and assume responsibili ties in re-exemplifying the character which had carried throueh the war with such success. A crisis faces Canada today In solving its Industrial and economic problems Just as great as that of the war. CHAMBERS MUST LEAD In presenting views of management, the Canadian Chamber of Commerce must assume the lead, declared Cockshutt. "Alms of business must, of necessity, coincide with long term advantages of this coun try," said Cockshutt. "Business, as represented by Boards of Trade and Chambers of Commerce, Is a good cross section of farmers, co-operators, fishermen, miners, manufacturers and merchants." "In the matter of export trade Cockshutt warned aealnst other nations getting ahead of Canada wlilie we are quarrelling among ourselves." IMMIGRATION VITAL Declaring that lmmieratinn I and industrial development went ' hand in hand, Cockshutt assert ed that It was preferable for Canadians to direct the colonlza tlon of Canada now rather than to allow a foreign nation to do so after another war, Mr. Cockshutt uritert full cooperation by the Senior Clumbers of Commerce with juniors wilh freer action for the latter so that ambitious young men with their eye fixed on the future might more fully participate in the march of progress. Study of national affairs by FOR SALE BY TENDER CROWN ASSETS TYPE OF ASSETS: 22 Buildings: 11 Buildings (Area "A") and 11 Buildings (Area "D") Prince George Brigade Camp, PRINCE GEORGE, B.C. War Assets Corporation will receive offers to purchase all or any of the Crown -Owned Buildings described below The purchaser shall remove the building or bunding" fill in and restore the ground to its original elevation, leaving the site In a neat and tidy condition in a manner satisfactory to an authorized representative of the Corporation 11 BUILDINGS AREA "A" No. 1 OR's Qtrs. C.S. 21x40' and 24x25' No. No. No. No. 2 3 No. 6 No. 7 No. 8 No. 10 No. 13 No. 37 II Hut 2 wings 24 x 120' OR's Qtrs. C.S. 24x40' and 24x25' II Hut 2 wings 24x120" uks yirs. vs. zx40 11 BUILDINGS AREA "D" No. 1 OR's Qtrs. C.S. 24 x 40" and 24 H Hut 2 wings 24 x No. 2 OR's Qtrs. C.S. 24 x 40' and 24 H Hut 2 wings 24 x No. 3 OR's Qtrs. C.S. 24 x 40' 1 wine 24 v 12(1' No. 4 OR's Qtrs. OS. 24 x 40 and 24 II Hilt 2 u-lnirs 24 v Ho. 5 OR's Qtrs. OS. 24 x 40' and 24 ..... H Hut 2 wings 24 x no. 6 ORs Qtrs. C.S. 24x40' and 24 H Hut 2 wings 24 x No. 7 OR's Mess C.S. 36x40' and 24 H Hut 2 wings 24 x No. 8 OR'S Mess OS. 36 x 40' and 24 . H Hut 2 wines 24 x No. 10 R.A.P. 6 rms. 24x42' No. 11 Lecture Hut 24x120' No. 37 Lecture Hut. 24 x 120' TENTS - PACK SACKS TRAPPER NELSON PACKBOARDS WATERPROOF GROUND SHEETS PROTECT YOUR LUGGAGE WITH CANVAS COVERS Edmondson Awning and Sail Works 330. SECOND AVENUE P.O. Box 302 PHONE 632 x25 120' x2S' 120' x25' 120' X25' 120' X25' 120' X45' 120' x45' 120' A cetrified cheque or bank draft to the value-of ten percent of the tender nrlre mirte Corporation must be forwardedCwlCth the t c der T Si Tender No. 402-306 , - Tender No. Ior 11 Buildings Area "A" For At Trincc George Bridagc Camp At Trince George. B.C. Addressed: Branch Sales Manager' Addressed: ' War Assets Corporation, 1108 W. Gcorela St., Vancouver, B.C. 103-307 11 Buildings Arra "D" Prince George Bridage Camp Prince George. B.C. Branch Sales Manager . War Assets Corporation, 1108 W. Georgia St., Vancouver, B.C. TENDERS WILL CLOSE AT THLEVE O'CLOCK NOON PACIFIC TIME OCTOBER 18th. 10IC AiJS! & oftr1 PIumb,ns U8hUn and hcatlns nx- BUILDINGS to. be sold for removal and restoration of the. site. ALL AREAS AND DIMENSIONS GIVEN ARE APPROXIMATE. Rtatc thc usc t0 whIc'i the f-,I.,?Jle.utcncreM,niust buildlnir or bullrtlncs or materials rmi. fl MySd"1 bC PUt as thls w111 be a determln facto? "cnders received after closing time cannot be considered. Thc hichest tender w not or anv mw necessarily be accepted. Cheques or bank drafts will be ? retimed . unsScccful tondercrs aulrrd ton3hU!. iecrcr, when notified of acceptance of his or her tender bc rc-and in add-on h.a ceque or ?an,k raft for the remaining 00 of his or her Tender. S? restoring th?HnCSll.icd Cheque or .fnk flralt for an amount equal to the estimated cost Of thf tenrinr Thiu r.u ?"Pi,J1Sua-,"aia?Aee..tLiat c will comply with all terms and conditions i and nnri win will kV, bc j '"muu ur oaim urait Kuaranwemg rcstorat on wl l not rarrv interna j returned upon the satisfactory completion of the terms of the tender. WAR ASSETS CORPORATION 1108 UEST GEORGIA STREET, JaoVvEII. B.C. Note: Passes for Inspection of the above build ings must bc obtained from the offices of War ffiSTTT nGcuapeoSUVCr' DC- 064 nStfteia? EARLY NEWS IS WELCOME Local news items, to ensure publication, should be ln the office by 10 a.m. Contributors are asked to bear this in mind. Items of social and personal interest are always welcome. UNITY NEEDED Business executives must hp prepared to get out and elve freely cf their time and effort In facing Canada's No. l nrnhlem which was "establishment of unity on Democratic lines," more freedom of the individual tn man the results of his own efforts. "If we, throuzh indifferent and laziness, do not face up to our personal obligations. If return to the slots of the Dast Ocd help Canada." concluded Cockshutt. "We can .-rovern nur own destinies and assist the less TOMORROW ARSON'S GOT HIM! 7 o.0 MATI - .9:20 1 pjn- mum. iv I and now It was up to business to n each community Chamber of Bc Ho; (Cr vuuunerre was aavnratrH h . '-j K.ozTtrAt. .". Cockshutt. Board of TraH .iu.. :'ng - th iow"4 in pvprv ii.m7. ::r5"w thai , r.at .;. v must be raised. inr.j.. rtl course. 1 "fcrl favored at:. contact bete- ana west t iao?r far:ri tUfrj. "i wl Three h--. "ventlonwhJT day mornln n . . WnceRupe ""'wftssoKatedBoi w Central Rritu Place Rafcrtcm CABLE'S tMl Latl Tirret Teds; "Sailor Taka Gi A Wife" oooeoooooesooooooeiooooooiJocioflOocoeoswwMK ! Stratford . . . Two-Tone Pens THE DEPENDABLE PEN FOB SCBOC $1.70 DIBB PRINTING Ci OMPI riPCMlTU mnnv THIRD A" O0OO0000000OOOOO0O0006000fOO0ii000i0i50 A. MacKenzie FurniW LIMITII "A OOOD PLACE TO BUY' NOW IN STOCK.. COXCOLITM KtCS All .1... T limits Quantity Only. Choose now while a selection Is a""'0 WINDOW SHADES All sizes arc now in 5W ard windows. . . naited I WINDOW CRANES which wc have long now ln stock. ,ni acsf ana WINDOW CURTAINS and DRAl'IKIES are also ln stock. , . , 4h), et ELECTRIC TOASTERS will be arriv ng tnw Everything for the ""otf Mail orders are given prompt attention, wawu SIW"J i none i ia General Contractor build feD1 .i. i Jnirifnir. sidewalks, remodel your jaw t:. ...ijli Vim dings. uemonsn or mu - - ,,fli 100 SATISFACTION CALL BLUE 610 r.A ,,.?ii mVn nn estimate. aim w. b ap P.O. BOX 654