THE CREDIT HOUSE OF QUALITY": Gift oj Nylons, TO EVERY CUSTOMER MAKING A PURCHASE OF $10.00 OR OVER AT Sweet Sixteen (Formerly Annette's Ladies' Wear) - -" - r"" (TERMS IN ACCORDANCE WITH PRICES Si TRADE BOARD). FILL STOCK OF LADIES' WEAR . . DRESSES COATS SUITS HOSIERY LINGERIE MILLINERY SPORTS WEAR Be one of the foresightcd and fashlon-wlse women to open a Budget Account of $10, or more ... on a stunning spring ensemble. DROP IN . . . YOU WILL ENJQY NOTING NEW TRENDS FOR SPRING (Formerly Annette's) SweetSixteen ltd. A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Sleep Like a Top on a Top Value .Mattress! Simmons Rcautyrest Mattress .$I2.."0 Kcstmore Supreme Mattress $12.50 Other Spring-filled Mattresses at $28.50, $31.00 and $35.00 Felt Mattresses $11.50 and up All sizes in stock Phone "75" P.O. Box 25 We Have D one 117 Sffinj is Relieving COME IN Look for the Red "lODAV's SPECIAL" Cards with the black arrow indicating one of the Bargains of the Day! MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE lOnnnslfo Ponnrflnn T.pplnnl pones 18 and 19 P.O. Box 575 Goodyear HELTING HOSE and ACCESSORIES NOW AVAILABLE See Your Local Dealer Oootlyear Tire & Rubber Company, Ltd. nrsTniniiTrip PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE 'V. box 772 Phone 632 We are pleased to announce that conditions nw permit us to place on the market again "RUPERT BRAND" SCOTCH TYPE SMOKED KIPPERS SMOKED ALASKA BLACK COD SMOKED MILD CURED SALMON Try them today from your Butcher r at jjour favorite restaurant. Canadian Fish AND- Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 1 Local News'. It Shearaown'a deliver dallv. Tn. day's orders delivered tomorrow. Wc.'re as near as your phone. (tf) Girls' and Boys' gym and aancing shorts all sizes. Price $1.25 (at Rupert Men's and Boys' Store. (B4i A Celebrate St. Patrick's by dancing to Bobby Wood's Or chestra, Oddfellows' Hall, tonight. The body of Alfred Abbott. local halibut fisherman, who died suddenly aboard the steamer Prince Rupert while comina north this week from Vancou ver, was brought to the city 'on the Catala last night from Ocean Falls. Interment will take place here. ANNOUNCEMENT The Prince Rupert General Hospital and the Prince Rupert Medical Association announce that, contrary to statements presently being made in the Interests of or on behalf of a certain insurance company, tliey are not parties to any working agreement or understanding with any such company; (64) Canadian Legion (B.E.S.L.) FUNERAL NOTICE All members of the Canadian Legion (B.E.S.L.) are requested to attend the funeral of their late comrade and member, John McDowel Connery, ex-Royal En gineers, World War I. Services will be held at the First United Church, Sunday, March 17, at 3 p.m. Fall in. Legion Hall, 2:40 p.m. Taxis at hall if raining. "Lest We ForgetT "Natural gas" is In reality not one gas 'but four ethane, meth ane, propane and butane. Announcements C.W.L. St. Patrick's Tea and Sale of Home Cooking, 2:30 to 6:00. Card Party, 8:00 p.m., K.C. tut, March 16. St. Patrick's Dance. Saturday. warcn ie, oaaieiiows' Hall Bobby Woods orchestra. Varden Slngeis Concert, Booth Memorial Auditorium, Wedncs day, March 20, 8:15 p.m. Jobs Daughters Tea, home of Mrs. L. W. Kerein. 4th Ave. West March 21. Come and bring a inena. Ski Club Dance, Oddfellows' nan, Friday, March 22. United W.A. Tea, Mrs. David Allan, 420 4th Ave. West, March 28. Orange Ladios' Card Party, Oddfellows' Hall, March 28. L.O.B.A. tea and sale. April 3, Oddfellows' Hall. Junior Chamber of Commerce St. Patrick's Ball, Civic Centre Auditorium, April 5. Women of the Moose Bazaar and Tea, Oddfellows' Hall, April 11. Help Norway Committee, Basket Social. ApriF 12, Oddfellows' nan, 9 to 1 a.m. Presbyterian Spring Sale, April 18. United W. A. Spring Sale, May 2. St. Peter's Spring Sale, May 2. Cambral Spring Tea, May 9. W.A. Canadian Lesion Tea and Novelty Sale, May 10. Old Time Dance. IO D R Tfall. every Saturday. The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S 2 FINEST SALMON LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Furniture Repaired Upholstering a Specialty Expert saw filing and gumming. Small band-' saws brazed. Planer and jointer knives ground. rhone Green 974 117 2nd Ave. W. Opp. YMCA ems Cash for old gold. Bulger's. For a reliable laxl, Phone 32. Open Day and Night. (tf) Mrs. Melbourne Bussey returned to the city on the Catala last night from a trip to Vancouver. Moose and Women of the Moose, Tuesday's social cancelled. Regular meeting, 8 p.m. (65) Mrs. Clara Wilson was accepted as a member of the local Loyal Orange Benevolent Association at a regular meeting Thursday night in Oddfellows' Hall. Following the meeting refreshments were served. BIRTH NOTICE GORRIE Born to Adjutant and Mrs. P. L. Gorrie at Prince Rupert General Hospital, on March 16, a daughter, Margaret Diane. FUNERAL NOTICE CONNERY John McDowel, beloved husband of Ethel Connery. Funeral services will be conducted by Rev. R. A. Wilson at the First United Church, 3 p.m., Sunday, March 17. Interment will be made In Falr- view Cemetery. No flowers by request. B.C. Undertakers. FOR SALE Cream enamel range with silent glow burner. Good condition. Phone Red 370. (65) Classified Advertising - - - - ;iasslfleds: 2c per word per Insertion, minimum charge, 50c. Birth Notices: 60c; Cards of Thanks. Death Notices. Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: 12. T FOR SALE FOR SALE Wlhe velour davenport, practically new. Apply rear of 830 Summit Ave. (64) FOR SALE Kitchen range with oil burner. 987 7th Ave. East. (68) FOR SALE Owner leaving for East, Is offering an exceptional good buy in apartment block In heart of city. Consists of 3 cultes and 9 rooms with chosen tenants the year round. Gross revenue Is $300 monthly with very little expense. Full price, $8,500 V2 cash with good terms, which Includes all furnishings. For particulars and Inspection contact Mr. MacDonald or Mrs. Turgeon at 812 2nd Ave. West. Red 976. (64) FOR SALE Practically ri e w buggy, cheap. 733 5th Ave. w Phone Black 503. (65) FOR SALE New 10-foot clinker built row boat. Phone Black 688. (64) FOR SALE 6 -room furnished house. 742 7th Ave. West. (75) FOR SALE Modern duple apartment, stucco front. 327 2nd Ave. West. Phone Red 889 (tf FOR SALE New and used furniture. Chesterllelds in good condition; large stock tc choose from. Three-quarter and double beds; easy chairs: office chairs of fine quality: new single hot plates, $4.7 5 new press Irons. Everything selling at low prices. Phonf Black 324. B. C. Furniture. FOR SALE Four-room house near Seal Cove, on bus line. Completely furnished, witfc .electric washing machine chesterfield, oil stove, etc $1750.00. For cash. Apply Col-lart and McCaffery Ltd. (65) FOR SALE Drop-leaf table, 46x 46. $7.50. Dressing taoie wun swing mirrors and stool. $7.50 Phone Black 482. (64) FOR SALE Modern home In excellent condition on double corner, 4th Ave. West anr Grant Place. Large concrete basement. Hot water heating Apply 401 4th Ave. West Phone 344. (64) FOR SALE Large 7-room house in excellent condition. Completely furnished, fully modern with new concrete septic tank. Four lots, low taxes Frederick Street. Vacant March 18. $2500, terms .if desired H. G. Helgerson Ltd. (66) FOR SALE Children's store: nrofltable Income, low over head, comfortable living quarters. Apply Wee Tot's Shoppe. 3rd Avenue. (tf) RADIO SERVICK RADIO SERVICE For guaranteed radio satisfaction, phone 6 and an Associated Radio Technician will call. McRar Bros. Ltd. LOST AND FOUND FOUND Two keys on string, Friday evening, front of Capitol Theatre. Owner may have same by calling the Dally News and paying for this ad vertisement, itn Advertise in the Daily News Would Take Part In Housing Plan VICTORIA, OJ A. J. Turner, O.C.F. member for Vancouver East, urged that the government take part in a housing program. WELL KNOWN COUPLE WED Mrs. Violet Branch and John Comer Are United Two well known Prince Ru pert people were united in mar riage at a quiet ceremony held In the United Church Manse at 9 o'clock last night when Rev. R. A. Wilson united Mrs. Violet K. Branche, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McCutcheon, tc John Comer, son of the late J. Comer and Mrs. Comer. . Witnesses of the ceremony were John Scott, who acted ar groomsman, and Mrs. Scott who was matron of honor. Following a quiet reception attended by a few friends, Mr. and Mrs. Comer sailed this morning on the Catala for Vancouver on their way to California and other western states for a honeymoon. They will be away from the city for a month or six weeks. Relieve RHEUMATIC Pain Ache all over? Stiff and sore '.I Inlntonrl muscles? Get quick relief with Templeton'i o, a pruvrn remeuy graieiuuy usea by thousands. Put your trust in T-R-C's. specially made to relieve Rheumatic Pain and Stiffness. Let them help you find the fast relief you' want, (let a box today sue i at arutgisu everywncre. W7 HELP WANTED WANTED Bookkeeper for temporary work, or qualified beginner with training in office accounting, general stenography, etc. Apply in writing, stating qualifications. Box 95 Dally News. ui) WANTED Skipper for 65-foot boat. Must have papers. Applv Box 548, City. (84) WANTED Mart to work in small llgglitg vanity iMUOk w. uwil iiy act as cook for four men. Ap ply selective service or rnonei 651. (64) FOR RENT TOR RENT Furnished 3 room fully modern bungalow near Seal Cove Cold Storage. Blue; 825. (66) f FOR RENT Seven-room house, 1 with complete furnlshincs.i $3C0 cash. App-V 549 9th Ave. West. (64) J" OR RENT Unfurnished housekeeping room and one suite. 1142 Park Avenue. (64) FOR RENT Warm bedroom, close in. Apply 806 Fraser St.( after 5 p.m. (65) FOR RENT Nice bright front j Bedroom. Mrs. ueauy s, o-to Taylor St. Phone Green 830. (65) WANTED WANTED IMMEDIATELY -Three-room furnished suite, close in, for civilian couple; no children. Phone Fortress 12 ring 2, 8 until 5 o'clock. (65) VANTED TO RENT Four-room unfurnished house. Close in. Phone Red 328. (64) WANTED Home for high school girl as mother's help. Sleep in. Phone Black 991. (65) MACHINERY PO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company I'mlted, Vancouver, B.C (tf) PERSONAL TREAT FOR YOUR FEET' Use Lloyd's Corn and Callous Salve for prompt relief. 50c at Ormes Ltd. (64) ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS rhls Is a positive and permanent release from drinking without cost or" Inconvenience. It is a personal and confidential service rendered by other alcoholics who have found freedom through Alcoholics Anonymous. Box 78 Dally News. EAT WHAT YOU LIKE! Wil der's Stomach Powder brings quick, comforting relief from Indigestion, heartburn, sou" stomach. 50c and $1, at all druggists. ' (It) VIGORINE The "pep" tonic for men who are weak, nervous, exhausted. 15 -day treatment $1.00. At all drug stores (It) SCHOOLS ANO COLLEGES CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS PREPARE NOW for Spring and Fall examinations Letter Car rier. Postal Clerk, Clerk 1 and 11, Customs Clerk, etc. Full particulars upon request to M.C.C. Civil Service School, 301 Enderton Bldg.. Winnipeg. Man. Oldest In Canada, No Agents. I.O.D.E. CHAPTER HAS BIRTHDAY Fourteen Years Since Cambral Founded Plans for Memorial Fund Drive Mrs. Fraser Delegate The March meeting of Cam bral Chapter, at the home of Mrs. W. D. Lambie, Fourth Av enue East, marked the occasion of the fourteenth anniversary of the founding of this local Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire branch. There was a large attendance of thirty-three members with Mrs. Jens Munthe, the regent, In the chair. Chief business of the meeting was the making of plans for the Chapter meeting its quota of $860 in the Second War Memorial Fund. The members pledged themselves to personaly subscribe the greater portion. Support will be accorded the Cancer Stamp Drive for next month and the Chapter will con tinue to subscribe $10 per month to the Rup-Rec. Mrs. Tommy Fraser was named delegate to the provincial convention to be held In Victoria Prince. Rupert Daily jScujjq! Saturday, March 16, 1946 SCORES OF YOUNGSTERS attend children's Rup-Red classes In the Civic Centre auditorium. Here is a class of 80, only part of which Is shown, going through exercises designed to strengthen their bodies and alert their minds. They love It. Now that the Y.M.C.A. building is operated by the Civic Centre, children's classes will be even more comprehensive than before. Support The Civic Centre GRAND OPENING DANCE MONDAY, MARCH 18 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. TICKETS 2 a couple Space SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert J.L.CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic! If nerves --doubly sol Smith Block Green 995 Ml SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala, 1:30 pjn. Friday SS Cardena, 10 pjn. Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every fortnight Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 Take Invigorating steam .baths and massage to relieve that tired feeling. R. Y. WALKER Graduate Masseur ) Reducing, Facial and General Swedish Massage Phone Green 507 evenings for appointment 937 THUID AVENUE WEST ASTHMA Prom all over Canada and tho U.S.A. come glowing reports or quick relief with "Davis" Asthma Remedy No. 1895." Get It, together with diet sheets, at any Edmonton Drug Store. Three weeks supply 3.00. ECZEMA For adult or baby, don't mloa this-- "Davis" Pruritus Cream," greaseless, stainless, odorless and immediately effective To try !t Is to boost it 60c $1.00. $1.65. next month. Committees for the month were named as follows: Sick Visiting Mrs. T. W. Brown. Welfare Mrs. Crawford Moore, Mrs. Ned McLeod and Mrs. L. C. Griffiths. Hospital Mrs. T. Fraser. Mrs. G. P. Lyons was winner Civic On sale at Watts & Nickerson donated by courtesy of the above FOUR STAR TRANSFER "SERVICE WITH A SMILE" Phones: Blue (i!) Res. Green S20 Prop., L. Chrlstopherson (Ex-Naval Vet.) PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bldg.) Sales Every Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free GEO. J. DAWES The Auctioneer PHONE RED lt!7 Ask for George Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN TMIRY PHONE 657 SPECIAL THIS WEEK ELECTRIC IRONS CHENILLE BEDSPREADS Keg. $7.95. Keg;. $12.93 and $14.95. Special JjUUlO Special ! and .$0.11 We carry a full line of household furniture and furnishings velour chesterfields, solid hardwood suites and hardwood dinettes. Ten percent discount for all ex-service men. TAFT & ODOWES Novelties "OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT" Furniture An Announcement To the Motoring Public ... NEW HOURS FOR SALE OF GAS AT LONG MOTORS WEEK DAYS SUNDAYS - of the War Savings Stamp raffle. Mrs. I. Griffiths was welcomed Into the Chapter as a new member. The meeting, after adjourn-, ment, enjoyed refreshments, the feature being a decorated birthday cake specially made for the occasion by Mrs. T. Fraser. DcCarlo's Orchestra - ENTERTAINMENT REFRESHMENTS Centre Building 9 DRESS OPTIONAL downtown stores firm INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R.E.MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 8tl Storage and Furniture Crating HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 KWONG SANG HTNG HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Nfixt to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 pjn. to 2 ajn. Outside Orders from 3 pjn. to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 8 A.M. TO 9 VM. 1 1M. TO 4 P.M. This is a service for your convenience . . . you are invited to take advantage of it. Operator FRANK MORRISON Ai