fcj- Pis ram i. J,, Idrinrc Utincrr Daily .BrUiS CIVIC CENTRE SUPPLEMENT J PROGRAM OF RUP REC ) .1 THE NEW CIVIC CENTRE fills a great community need in iPrince, iRupert. We, are happy to extend our congratulations to the CIVIC CENTRE COMMITTEE SECKEATIONAL COUNCIL, and THE CITIZENS who have worked to achieve it! 5 RURfRT BAKERY OYSTER BAR CAFE "'SUNRISE COMPANY LTD. rut urn Although relinquishing control of former recreation centre, 'Y.M.C.A. War Services We now have our -1VIC will continue a full-time service for men and women of the armed forces In this area. We Congratulate Prince Rupert on acquiring the New Civic Centre Building! FASHION FOOTWEAR A. J. Dominato Centre IT IS SOUND CITIZENSHIP TO SUPPORT IT. R. E. MORTIMER Insurance Healthy Minds and Healthy question: "Fitness for what?" and the .question ,may well be answered as: "Fitness for .Llyj Significant Aspects of lUip-Rec One of the Ideals of Rup-Rec! Is seen In the emphasis placed! upon all-roundedness, ratheri than specialization. The star athlete idea has been super-i seded by the "Everyone ani athlete" Jdeal. The Rup-Rec program Ls based upon this premise, promoting activities; which requlresaimintmum.ln ac-i commodatlon and .equipment, yet which best "'suit everyone,''' irrespective of :ag, sex stature or physical development In; short,.actlvitles which assure ac- tive participation as against passive spectatorship so common; In modern athletics. Everyone! Is not expected to become an outstanding performer, but e very -t one Is encouraged to take part4 and "play the game" for itsowni sake. . 1 Thus.highly competitive, sports and formalized "physical jerks'' are discarded in favor of en joyable rhythmic gymnastics, group games, folk, and tap, dancing, elementary tumbling, box vaulting and other tus activities designed to de-i We are happy indeed! To get this fine -Civic sCentre Building .after so many years of work and planning is a .source of gratification to those who have been identified with the CIVIC CENTRE effort. To make it successful we must, even more than in the past, pull together. In this regard, Prince Rupert has a chance to lead the rest of Canada, Let us do it! Philpott, Evitt COMPANY LIMITED T, N, YOUNGS, 'M anager Bodies lng." The end for fitness should ! pervlsed be tne amiity. to lead' a life full of utility, action and healthy enjoyment, providing for Uie -Individual and family needs arid taking a full share in social and community life. The motto selected for the Rup-Rec emblem, "Fitness First" to be properly understood, must be given a broad Interpretation, It is customary, when fitness is mentioned to Interpret the word In Its narrowest sense, i.e. physical fitness. To do this is to miss the 'true meaning of the motto entirely. The dictionary definition of fitness is: "conforming to a standard of right, duty, taste or propriety." This is the Rup-Rec interpretation. For our purpose fitness, is fourfold including physical fitness. social, fitness, mental fitness and physical fitness. The accomplishment of the Ideal of a fit community .is a; major project and it is only iby the close co-operation, of allthe Institutions of the city that .lti can -be, realized. The.famlly.ithe' school and the church must .do their share In leading the way to community and national sftt-i nessl For Prince Rupert Folk By GEOROE McQREGOR,. Rup-Rec Director A healthy mind, and body,. each kept in itsipropei itrim and working in harmony one Avith;the other, are the objectives of -Run-iRec training. SinceSeptembci .1945 Rup-Rec has.conducted 2-lij classes with an-overall attendance of 308:3 members. In those classes training for fitness of mind and body have been the key-: note. Many people will ask the velop strength. flexibility .and ,During the summer month? outdoor .activities .will : predominate in an- organized, and. su- playground program ball and softball In the city and hiking in the nearby mountains. To train leaders as instructors for the ;suraraer program il will be necessary to organize a second leaders course. The First Leaders Training Course conducted. at thea.O.D.E. Hall,; began; on Sept.'9,jl945,.anrt continued for six weeks. The purpose of this course .was to train. instructors and leaders for the winter program and instruction In all indoor gym activities was given. Once the summer training course is organized, I feel certain the Instructors and leaders of ,wlnter .program will volunteer to take the Summer Training Course and continue their. valuable, services and. assist in providing full recreational opportunities for every, citizen. The formation of the entire winter and summer program which will take In the arts.and crafts, music and drama, Is based upon a growing reallzaj Hon on -the part of the .people that physical. education doei.not stop upon grad ua tlon ifrom school. No.more than dOes;edu- cation of the mind and' the.iwul. It Is a life-long development. Throughout the whole of Can ada thinking people have come to realize that fitneSs Is as1, important for work as' it isj for play. Wide Variety of Activities The .active program of Rup- Rec which In the past has been hampered by the meed for ade quate building accommodations will with the opening .of 'the civic centre, dc expanaea to the fullest. A variety of activities will Insure a wide appeal and encourage active participation by every member, irrespective of age and sex. The program has been arranged to promote activities for various "age groups, and classes and group work of .all kinds will be provided for the juveniles, Juniors, intermediates and senior members. Rup-Rec will, seek to mainlaln an all-year-round recreational program, outdoors In summer and Indoors In winter, promoting a happy mixture of gymnas tics, sports, games, cultural rand social activities. The value In herent In such a project. Is; ob vious. The classes conducted to date have made provision for .energy, outlets, tor tne "mg emotlonv and have focused the youim people's interests upon healthy and wholesome subjects. A bet ter attitude towards sport has1 been developed ;and the centres have been helpful in social ad Justment and in tthe expression of personality. iPhyslcal educa-1 Hon well organized. and. demon-, strated Is a first line of defence In the field of preventative medicine and Is effective In .reducing the wave of (juvenile crime that is presently sweeping the nation. .With the co-operation of the schools, the social service workers, the churches and In fact all .sports and .youth organizations in the city it will be possible to .assure .every child thti opportunity .to , develop ,hlmselL to the fullest extrit and realize' the benefits of good health, Increased -vitality and .a happier outlook on life. In Kelowna where a Pro-Rec program ihas tbeen functioning' for the last 15 years, Its actlvl-, ties are financed wholly ,by money .raised through athletic and gymnastic displays. RECREATION LEADERSHIP IMPORTANT Meet TlMMse In Charge tltup-lteo Instruction Good leadership largely determines the success of any organization and recreation Is. definitely noxceptlon. Much, has been heard about the ltupRec leaders and on March 6 syou, public will be able to see them perform In a display to be held at the Auditorium of the Civic Centre. Actually, it takes three years of continued leaders' training courses and "in-service" training to become a qualified in jstructor. The; first year is spent in swimming tnving ana, lire-1 as a leader, the second as ar saving classes at Salt.Lakes and assistant Instructor and. after hi .track and field events, base- naSsinE the necessary practical and theoretical examinations, you may, qualify as an instructor. Each .year, members of the. open classes, who have the necessary leadership qualities, a .sturdy physique and a high .degree, of peuro-museular skill will be chosen for leader training. In this way, i Rup-Rec will always have .an atfuntant supply of talented people to direct its activities. In our first year of operation we chose instructors at the, close of the Fall Leaders' Training Course on the basis of ability and previous training. ,In this regard, we were extremely fortunate In having a few cut-standing members who -had had previous training in Pro-Rcc Classes in iPrince jRupert, and In other parts of the province. The instructresses who have done such outstanding work In the Junior Girls' classes, the Ladies' Gymnastic classes and the Ladies' (Keep Fit classes are Mrs. Ylland Alls. M. Gogal, and .Miss Marjorie Jaekton. The fully .qualified Instructors for men!s and boys' classes , are Eric Fieeman and Ted 1'ark-house. Mrs. .Mary Gogal was born in Manitoba. -When she imarried and took, up. residence In Prince Rupert, she brought, with her a wealth of knowledge of recreation, gained from 8 years as a member of the classes sponsored by the Dept. of Health. and Recreation In .Calgary. Apart from excelling at .gymnastics and I dancing, Mrs. Gogal was the pitcher of the girls' softball team, which held the Wheat ueit cnampionsnip ror 5 years. In. addition to thls.she was one of the star-players of the cham pionship basketball team for this district. All of which goes to prove the .point that the co ordination, timing, flexibility; and grace which Is built up through fundamental gymnastics has a definite carry-over to other sports and games. If .you believe you haven't time to attend Tecreatlve gymnastic classes, remember that Mrs. Oogal Is1 also a housewife and the mother of two children. Miss Marjorie Jackson is an attractive brunette. She came .to .Prince .Rupert, from .Vancou ver. She Ls.now actlng as secretary for W. D. Fulton, local barrister. Sport has always been .Marjoiie's chief hobby. She skis, .hikes arid .swims, and was a members of 'Pro-Rec In Vancouver for some time. Marjorie typifies the Ideal of Rup-Rec, Insofar as she Is a keen participant of many sports, rather than a specialist in one, . Mrs. Ellleen Yelland, like Marjorie, was born in Vancouver and had her early education .there, but all iher thigh school days .were spent in Prince Rupert, and she became captain of the glrl'a High School basketball iteam. During iPro-Rec days In Prince Rupert prior to the war, Ellleen was a keen gymnast, and was especially outstanding in tumbling. When the Pro-Rec ended, due to lack of accommodation for classes,. Ellleen turned to badminton, hiking and swimming 'for athletic recreation, and, she Is proficient in all three. Ellleen Is now happy back In gymnastic work but finds time to look after the needs of iKen, iher husband, .and their twollittle.glrls. Eric Freeman was born In Kamioops and spent meet of his life rthare until coming to Prince Rupert In 1942, to work for the C; N. Telegraphs. From an early oge Ken belonged to the Kamioops Athletic Association and went on tour with that famous "No man can afford to be an aggregation when they were amateur at physical education." putting on gymnastic displays MAYBE IT'S A MOUSE down there which Is causing these Rup-Rec leaders to keep C feet so high. Officially It Is described as a pyramid on paralleli bars, and It Is one of thtV difficult routines of Rup-Rec training. Leadership training Is an arduous but interfs. course, and will attract many now that the Civic Centre Is available. Pictured, left . in this heads-down pose are i George McGregor, Eric Freeman, Johnny Thompson, Don t son ana iva rarKiiuuse. in various parts of B.C. Eric plays basketball, badminton, bowls and swims, and he was table tennis champion of Kamioops and district at one time. Ted I'arkhouse was born In North Battleford, Saskatchewan, but received most of his education in Saskatoon. During his High School days he played soccer, softball, football and basketball. Mast of his leisure time was spent In sport, and. he was a dally visitor at the "Y" pool, where he became an expert swimmer and diver. He came to Prlhce Rupert In 1941, to work for Mott Electric, and just prior to this, he .spent a winter In Vancouver during which time he was outstanding in ProrRec work. He assisted In putting on the Pro-Rec annual spring display at the Forum, where he competed In the gymnastic championships. At this lime, Ted specialized In mat tumbling and box vaulting. Since coming to Prince Rupert, Ten" has been( a keen soccer player. In Decemtsr, 1944, he marrjed n local girl, Inez Ber.s, and they have just become the proud parents of a baby boy. Denis O'Neill. was born.hrEng-land but came out to Canada at a fairly early age.. He was active in baseball in Victorlarand played football on the Nanaimo team during his .stay In that town. Denis has resided In Prince Rupert for three and a half years, and prior to ccni'g here was a Continued on'Paae 4) T OUR CIVIC CENTRE . . . For Y.ears We've Wanted It! NOW WE ;H AVE II! 'Let Vs Make the Best PossibleiUse of lit. FAIRWAY FOOD MARKE! (Kossilngraui) PRINCE RUPERT'S HEADQUARI TERS FOR SPORTING AND OUT! DOOR EQUIPMENT EXTEND BEST WISHES FOR THE FUTUF OF THE CITY'S NEW CIV13 CENTRE. Kaien Hardware Co. V. J. (Joe) SCOTT, Propiictor UK LACK OF RECREATION FACILITIES HAS HAMPERED THIS CITY IN THE PAST Good Luck... WHICH EXISTS NO MORE. IN ANTICIPATION OF A 1JROAD IMtOfJRAM OF SOCIAL, tCUIrURAE ANI) ATHLETIC ACTIVITY, VK JOIN IN CONCRATULATINC. THE CITIZENS OF PI RUPERT, THE CIVIC CENTRE, AND RUP-REC. CRAWLEY & DIDRICKSEN Boat 'Builders Cow Bay TO THE CIVIC CENTRE ANI) RUP-REC. ROTH HAVE K 0NE AN T!'f!Rl:I RTMT TOR TM TTIR PAST WE LOOK FOR'A'1 TO ORE AT COMMUNITY WORK IN THE FUTURE. SUPPORT THE CIV1IC CENTRE! THIRD AVENUE EAST C S. E. PARKER LTD. Ford and 'Monarch Cnr. Trnr!. Tractors IT1ZE$ .rr