InH & it 3 M Li: 1 i prince Rupert Daily HcUiS M.mdav. Mav :'U. T!4G Today is Sports V-E DAY AT KITIMAAT KITIMAAT This village celebrated the first anniversary of V-E Day with a sports program and parade which was led by two returned soldiers, Heber Amos and Ralph Adams, who followed the KItlmaat Concert Band. Children of the village school took part In the parade. A football game and track sports were held in the afternoon and a dance in the evening. Winner of the senior 100-yard dash was Allan Hall, time 11 45 seconds, while the intermediate 100 yards was won Jimmy Maitland. time 12 45 seconds. Other events included races for ladies and girls', and men and a tug-of-war. Baseball Scores SATLitDAY National League First game Chicago 19, New Ycrk 3. Others rained out. American league New York 0, Chicago 5. Philadelphia 0, Detroit 2. Boston 18, Saint Louis 8. Pacific Coast League San Francisco 7, Los Angeles 4 Sacramento 1-2, San Diego 4-.? Hollywood 3, Oakland 4. Portland 9. Seattle 4. Weslern International Wenatchee 4. Vancouver 2. Spokane 8. Victoria 11. Portland 9, Seattle 4. Yakima 8, Salem 5. Bremerton 13, Taeoma 11. SUNDAY National league Cincinnati 4, Brooklyn 0. Chicago 8-3, Boston 6-5. Pittsburgh 3-1, New York 1-5. St! Louis 9-4. Philadelphia 5-01 American League Washington -4-7, Chicago 3-1. Philadelphia 4-13, St. Louis 3-2. Boston 4-1, Detroit 0-3. New York 7-2, Cleveland 1-0. Pacific Coast League Portland 4-1, Seattle 3-2. Sacramento 4-3, San Diego 3-2. SanFrancisco 2-3, Los Angeles 1-0. Hollywood 0-0, Oakland 8-1. Western International Yakima 4, Salem 1. Bremerton 0-10, Tacomn 8-3. Date of Enlistment Date of Discharge . Activities oj Rup-Rec OUT OF DOORS CLUB- Th hiking or out-of-doors club nw an actuality and tentative plans are made for a hike ncxi, Sunday. If there arc any people we haven't heard from, who'd like to come along, will they please contact Margaret Dixon or Glenys Lashmar. SUNDAYS Sunday program has now been discontinued at the Centre . for the summer months and there will be no mare badminton until the fall. WHATB ON TODAY Itup-liec JTogram 4:30 to 5:30 Junior girls. 7:00 to" 8:30 Intermediate boys. 7:00 to 8:30 Intermediate girls. 8:30 to 9:30 Ladies keep fit class. 8:30 to 9:30 Men's gym class. Meetings 8 p.m.-Goftball meeting in the ladies' lounge upstairs. 8 p.m. Rod and Gun Club meeting. Common lounge upstairs. 8 pjn Civic Centre Carnival meeting. Board room, downstairs SHORT SPORT Tete Latzo dethroned Mickey Walker as world's welterweight boxing champion 20 years ago tonight when he won a 10-round decision over the "toy bulldog' at Scranton, Pa. Four years later Walker won the middleweight title from Tiger Flowers. He also campaigned wifbless success as a neavyweigiii. Six years ago Frank Hayes of Philadelphia Athletics hit a home run with the bases full at St. Louis that never found Its Way Into' the American League records. Rain halted play in the fifth Wnlns wUh the A's lead ing 0-0, just a half-inning before P could be declared an official came. Buy War Savings stamps OLD VIRG PIPE TOBACCO DAILY NEWS HONOR ROLL Your Assistance Invited The Daily News Is completing a Roll of Honor which It Is hoped may contain the name of every man and woman of this city to serve with the armed forces at sea, or. land and In the air. To make this list complete, it Is essential to obtain the co-operation of the public as a whole In submitting the names. It is impassible for the Dally News or any one person to compile the list complete so we are asking YOU to be responsible for the submission of the name of YOUR boy, YOUR girl or YOUR friend. The following is the Information we would like you to till in and send to ROLL OF HONOR EDITOR Dally News, Prince Rupert Nanu Service (Army. Navy. Air Force) Rank Next of Kin Relation Address If Casualty. Nature and Date . Remember, If YOU do not submit a certain person's name, no one else may. You are responsible. James Bryant Tony Bussanlch Bronson Buasey Harold Bunn John Bunn Hugh Burbank O. Calderwood Rdward Dawes Oordon Dell John F Denning flenree Dlbb A. F Dodrt Vincent Dodd John Dohl Pihert. Duppan Harold Duncan Donald Eastman rimer Eburne Melvln Eburne John Eby Robert L. Ebv William Farl Eby Robert Elklns Martin Erlksen James Feasbv Bernard Fortune Terry Fortune Oordon Fraser Mltefeell Oav Patrick M, Olllls NEW GOVERNOR GENERAL "AN EXCELLENT ENGINEER I " 7hen Canada's new Governor General, Held Marshall the Right Honorable Vifrount Alexander of Tunis, steied down the ramp off the S.S. Aquitania at I lalif ax, a Canadian National Railways' special train was waiting at dockside to take him direct to Ottawa. Picked crews of men who had distinguished them-relves in the C.N.R.'s Eunice were at their posts. Tin superintendent of each division rode the train over the territory under his jurisdiction, accompanied by liia master mechanic. Two of the crew chosen for the honor were men who had served Their MajertiM, the Kin and Qiieen, i tlie entire 8,G()-mile rail tour of ''aaada and the United States in !:;'.). They were Steward William 'ley, of Ottawa, and Chef Fred way, of Montreal, ,,ord and Lady Alexander are ilkiwn, upper left, with their three eliildren, lirian, Shane and Itose, I'KINCK RUPERT Honor Roll List of Men and Women on Active Bervlc Are YOD responsible for someone's name not In this list? NAVY Mr.N Bluney Alexandei Peter D. Allen Charles Anderson Harold Anderson Stanley Anderson J. Armstrong jr. i I'.. Armstrong n. D. Armstrong J ion Arney led Arney Oori;e Bagshaw rreu u. iiarner W. O. Barker rinlle Blaln John Bowman Arthur Bredeson J. K. Ereen William Bremner Bernard Brldden Lloyd Lahte Arvla J. Landals Jack It. Laurie Maurice Lay James O. Laurie Klchard Lelghton Jantoft Leland Fred Lewis Karl O. Llndqulst Tilly B. Lloyd Bruce Love Harry Lunrtqulst M. R. Meuse Fred Miller Ted Mills Harry Monkley John Morrison T. A. Mulhern William Murdoch F. II. Brooksbank WUllam Murray C5core J. Brown Wm. H. Murray W. M. Murray Daniel McDonald Jack Macfle Robert McKay Ernest McKlnley Robert McLean E. (Ned) McLood i Richard c;ameron Jonn mcuto Russell Cameron Norman McLeod Edward Capstlck David McMeekln Robert Capstlck David McNnb none. Chrlstlson Robert McNab Vernon C Clcconc John D. MeRae Jatmv Clark Harold Neville Thoma- Collins John O'Neill Wm. J. Commons R. K. Olsen All.'italr n. Crerar Charles Ormlston Kvdney Croxford P. E. M. Palmer Rpencer Davles Frank D. Parker Oordon Parkin C. R. Parsons Peter J. Peterson Douglas Payne A. M. Phllllpsor. C J. Phllllpson Bud Ponder N. C. Powell Maene Rabben Lloyd M. Rice David Ritchie Jack Ritchie Robert Ritchie Harry Robb J. II. Robinson Robert Roy William P. Elklns Arvld J. Sandhals I-n Enst.rom Arthur fiaundera W. J. Rchealfer R. M. 8cherk Stanley ficherk J. D. Schubert A. Blmiindson C. Sllversldes t". J. Slma "nOVKKNMKST MOTOR ACT" NOTICE OP APPPL1CATION FOR CONSENT TO TRANSFER Ul" BEER LICENSE NOTICE is hereby given that on the 3rd dav of June. next, the un dersigned Intends to apply to tne Liquor control uoara jor conwiu wj transfer of beer license No. 7404 imiiui in rpiwrt of Dremlses belne part of a building known as Central I Avenue and 7th Street. Prince Ru-' nert. B.C.. unon the lands described as liOts numbered Eleven (111 to Fourteen (14), Inclusive, In Block number Ten (10), Section One (1), Man No. 023. Irlnce Rupert Land Reglstery District, in me -rouitu of British Columbia, irom AiDert nirnn Harold Oarfortn Dixon aim Sidney Watcrflcld to Central Hold ings Ltd., navmg lis mu unite i 78!) Pender Street West, Vancouver, B.O.. the transreree. nATFTi at Prince Rupert, B.C., this 25th day of April. AD. 1940. CF.NTUAU liuuoinuo Applicant and Transferee. (1211 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT and IN THE MATTER OF Till; ESTATE OF LEONIE MORIN. OTHERWISE KNOWN AS LEON IE Mtautx. vz. fflQl'Il TESTATE. take notice that by Order of His Honor, Judge Fisher, made on the 10th day of May, A D. 1940. I was onnnintpil Administrator of the Estate of Leonle Morln, otherwise known as Leonle Merry, deceased, and all nnrtien havlne claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to n nn nr Ix fore tlie l&tn uay 01 juiib, VD. 1940. and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C., this 11th day of May, AD. 1940. OORDON F. FORBES, Acting Official Administrator, VrXne Riinnrt. B.C. ' -m standing on the rear platform of the special train as they were leaving Halifax. At Mont Ji the Governor-General, donning cap and eoveralU rliialied into the cab ami slid into tlie engineer's sent. He drove, the train for :!U miles. Throt'le in hand, he if Mr. Justice Harper Is Taking Assizes Paying his first visit here since his elevation from the County Court to the Supreme Court bench, Mr. Justice A. M. Harper will be '.be presiding judge at the spring session of the Supreme Court Assizes opening in Prince Rupert on Monday next.. Train Schedule For the East- Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8 p.m. Fiom the East- Tuesday,, Thursday, Saturday 10:45 p.m. 1,000 VARIETIES More than 1,000 varieties of wheat have been Identified In Australia. DAVENTRY, England f Dr. Richard Moser. often called by police to examine Intoxicated persons, has bought the Dun Cow Inn, Daventry public-house. Efner Oreen James Oreer Lester Orlmble Terry Orlmble laii urlmason Boyo Ourvlch John Orlmsnon Peter C. Johnson Tom Johnstone Rodnev Jones Jack W. Joy M. Ekalmerud F. W. Bklnner Henry Skinner John Skog Ole Blatta Uarl smith Jack E. Smith Carl J. Oustatson Malcolm Smith Oeorso D. Hague Raipn ttmiin lla?en Hanklnson waiter emivn Victor Hanley Thor Solllen Matt Harris r. 11. oiepoena, ji Olen Hemmons Carl Strand W. W. Hildebrand John Strand Trevor Hill Jack Storrle Raymond Hougan Orme Stuart BUI Hunter Charles Sunberg Foster Hasoy James Taylor Peter Husoy n. iavior James M. Irvine Paddy Taylor Inge Valen Stanley Veltch Sid White Robert Whiting L. (Sonnvl Keavs Carl O. Wilson t v in iscar Tvincnam narry u. nnuisjn Oerr;i Yule Percy Knutson -lack Yule (Women) Lavlnla Exley V. M. Thomson Dapane Hemmel U.S. NAVY (Men) 1. J. Robertnon Howard FrlZ7ll VS. NAVY (Women) Viola M. Dybhavn shown, upper right, waiting for the ronduelor's signal. The man Ix himl gii.eer". Tlie pliotograph lower cent re liim M Canadian National Railway- -Iic.h Viscount Alexander at tlm end master mechanic W. A. ISoulay. of of tlie run Fining the train order C.imrJjellton, N.B., who dex-riW lie. t whi h it shown at left. On the HU Kxcellency as an "excellent en-: right Honorable Rose Alexander, -the Briefs From Britain By the Canadian Press ST. LEONARDS, Sussex, Eng. 0) Miss Harriet Slnclalre, now 103, does not like radio because "they speak such bad English at the BBC." LONDON 0) Gardeners and allotment - holders have been asked by the ministry of agriculture to grow more potatoes this year, as a substitute for bread. GORIESTON Norfolk, Eng. B Admission to a movie here was by presentation of a pound of potatoes at the box-office. Result: tlie local hospital got 10.-000 spuds. MORECAMBE, Eng. 0 Rev. Edwin Greenhalgh, appointed honorary canon of Blackburn Cathedral once worked Blackburn cotton mill. public house here. Governor-General's daughter, with her friend Henrietta Scott, i laying one of the many vi: i ts Jie made during the trip to the baggage car to see her jut slrfep dog.;. In a LONDON O; The Bishop of Southwark, Dr. Vertram Simpson, opened an "Art in the Tav ern" exhibition of pictures In a COWES, Isle of Wight t Be cause early porpoises have been seen off the coast, longshore men expect a fine summer, LONDON O Rupert Sandi-lands, who died at 77, played as wing forward In five international soccer matches during the 90s. LONDON W The Westminster Theatre has been bought for" 132,500 ($596 250) for the pre sentation of the moral re-arma ment plays of the Oxford Group, Classified Advertising pays. THIS AND THAT SPORT I T" I SPORTI N G- I HATS I GOODS Th Ctp M.Mlnw AJ- ''- i ' "Do you think the fishes will like this one on ine?" ROSE TRIAL POSTPONED MONTREAL O The trial of Fred Rose, M.P., charged with conspiring to communicate In formation to the Soviet Union, was adjourned Friday until next Wednesday at the- request of special Crown Prosecutor Phll-lippe Brais. Brals asked for an adjournment, explaining that In view of the continuation In Ot tawa of the trial of Edward Maserall on espionage charges, documents necessary for the trial of Rose, Labor-Progressive M.P. for Montreal-Cartler, were not available. r IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT . and IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OP JOHN ROBERTS, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS BOB ROBERTS, DECEASED INTESTATE. -TAKE NOTICE that by Order of Ills Honour Judge W. E. Fisher, Local Jiiflnre of the Suoreme Court of Brit ish Columbia, I was on the 10th day of May. 1940. appointed Administrator of the Estate of John Roberta, otherwise known as Bob Roberts, who tiled on or about the 8th day of Hpntemher. 1945. All persons Indebted to the aald estate .are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith and all iersons having claims against the said estate are required to file them with me properly verified on or before the 15th day of June, 1940. failing which riutrihniinn will be made having re gard only to such claims of which I Khali have been notified. DATED at Prince Rupert, BCj this 10th day of May. A D. i4o. OORDON F. FORBES. Actlnn Official Administrator, Prlnre Runert. B.C. IN THE SUPREME COURT Of BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" find 122 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF LOUIS BINKAU uvKtMatAi INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honor. Judge Fisher, made on (he lBth dav of Anrll. AD. 1948, I was' appointed Administrator of the Estate of Louis Slneau, deceased, and all partleo having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 31st day of May AD. 1940. and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to mo forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C., this 18th day of April, A D. 1940. nonnoN v. lxmiusj. Acting Official Administrator, Prlnco Rupert, BO, M20 TRAPPERS AND BUYERS Don't be foolish and sell your furs at the waterfront when you can fetch them to Oold-bloom's and get 30 percent more. ISEAVLK $85 LARGE BLANKETS .. $70 MLDIUM $10 SMALL $20 Prices for everything are 25 percent higher WILLIAM G0LDBL00M THE OLD RELIABLE Halibut Sales Summary American -171.000 pound1; Canadian -339,000 pounds All at celling prices. . American Seattle 40,000, Edmunds ft Walker. Kanaga C2.000, Storage. Thor 48.000, Pacific. Pierce 21,000, Atlin. Canadian Ingrld H. 15,000, Atlin. Helen II 12.000, Whiz. All Star 13,000, Atlin. Cape Beale 33,000 Storage. Mae West 17,000, Storage. Five Princes, 25,000, Co-op. Stream 8,000, Co-op, Cape Spencer 24,000, Co-op. Takla 60,000, Co-op. Edward Wahl 21,000, Co-op. dony 22,000, Storage. Stratham 23,000, Booth. Embla 18,000, Storage. Smith Sound 14,000, Atlin. Arctic I 23,000, Royal. DETECTS FLAWS High frequency sound equipment now has been developed to .detect flaws In thick sheets of metal. Joseph Howe, Pierre Bedard, William Lyon Mackenzie, and William Macdougall are but a few of the colorful journalists of Canadian history who subse quently- assumed Important places In Canadian political events. Better Wfi Minora Blade, Minora ha a rni . H 1 . cage other low price blade,. fact shamed douKI...H. clou. One ihave will conyi. J nil TOUI I Seal of i BRITISH COLUMBIA'S 'Tail I MIMA' FINEST SALM0 Long Distanc is extra. one Circuit! 24-HOUR SERVICE LOW KATKS ON NIGHT AND STATION-TO-STATION CALLS Effective Tuesday May 21 in havn improved lone distance W phone service by means ' of direct hlr.h-rjTade all-! j circuits to Vancouver. With the new service come cw" rates. This means that callers will have the additional H vantage of the lower rates on station-to-station and nig i calls. On station-to-station calls, for example, a Prince Rup. caller can talk to Vancouver in the daytime for $2.40 1 thr minntP. nnri .it nlffht or on Sunday for as little 1 $1.20 for the first thret minutes. Government tax, of coursj TIIK II. C. TELEPHONE CO Rex Bowlins Alleys in f ""V 1 C NOW OPEN TO tVLKiui EVERY NIGHT! 6-1 1 MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY FRIl 2-11 SATUHUAY AMU oui"" 4-11-TIIURSDAY PHONE G58 for reservations NEW HOURS FOR SALE OF G -AT LONG MOTORS WEEK DAYS SUNDAYS - (Members only on Sundays) An Announcement To the Motoring Public . . TO r 8 A.M- i P.M. TO 1 innce . 1 Tins is a service ior yum tui.-v are invited to take advantage oi h. Operator-FRANK MOItMSON NATIONAL MOTOR SEKVi Third Avenue and First Street .... nllCTS STANDARD OIL gerTi General Tires and naileries - lHHman SalJJ