tacal News Items... L Quick Reliable Taxi Serv- call 66 Taxi- "ou, i nnii returned to the n (he uaiaiu mb" ni trip to vu'"-ul""' n nia-mo leaves Tues- 3' ... . nn a hnlirlav I, Victoria tne and Seattle, - rnnrunK Progressive- lervativc Association, Civic lre, May 2) p.m. uiu; ... ...,! n Vn it (he end of tnc wee irom e( trip to Terrace on legal of 61 vehicles checked by I it v ponce in their current n dcteswv- brakes, 35 de- Li iwhtinr, and lour aeiec- irr Ont- vehicle was ban- ieeaust- of general un- hica Lies Uupcn has been In to send u delegate to the i conference of the Cana- Fcderauon of Mayors and jpalltlcs which Is to be :n Vancouver between June June 27 This Is the first II that the conference has ht'i t" wc :lern Canada. Guaranteed You "Regular" or double your money back A First Presbyterian Church. Special Congregational Meeting", ' 8 p.m. Monday. m8) Moose meeting, i.o. D.E. Hall, Tuesday May 21, 8 p.m. (118) J. E. Ormhelm sailed last night on the Catala for Stewart where he expects t0 spend the coming month on fur buying business. C. M. Cole of Vancouver, office supervisor of National Selective Service, arrived In the city at the end of the week from the south and will be spending a few days at the local office on official business. Ned McLeod, who has been pmployed on the staff of the Canadian Pacific Steamship office hero since his discharge from the Navy last fall, saiiori Saturday night on the Princess Louise for Vancouver prior to going to Skagway where he has been transferred by the company. He is succeeded here by .Tack Macintosh, son of Mr nnri Mrs. J. L. Mcintosh. Advertise In the Dally News. to Keep Naturally ) for the kiddies . . . Wagons and Wheelbarrows Oct them snniclhinc to ply with outdoors. Wc liave wagon and wheelbarrows in all sizes at right prices at IHE VARIETY STORE. 'Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" FOR SALE BY TENDER CROWN ASSETS '"01 .SSITN 31 111 ll.lllNUS, YOKK ISLAND IIATH:itY. IU'. R ASlSETd CORPORATION will receive offers to purchase nil Of the Onu'n.numnri hullrilnir riMwrlhed below. The PUr- ff shall remove the building c- buildings, till In excavations Ur- Cdv condition In a manner satisfactory to an authorized -j. wtv VUIIULHVIUII. M KIIUHMiS Ni, III II iv i: l; Mi n :n Hi V) in .11 3? a; an a; 3f. .11 r,i, A! .-) (ill 01 More It. ...til -Id x IS' Mentils mill (Inlerlv llnoni 211 10' 11(1. Hut mill Kllilirn 20x40' Wet Ciiiileen 20 x 10' Other Hunk ((mirier 20 X 10' other Kimkn (mirier W in Olher l(iink (Hurler 20 x 10' Other UunkH (jmirters 20 x In' Sergeant Mens 20x10' mill 10x17' SerRennlM (Jtr. mill Mine Itonin 20 x 40' ll.tf. Mi. res 20 X 20' Other lUnk Sleepliif; (Jtrs. Ilix20' .Dilution Itonin 21 X I.o' Sergeant Ijlrs. 20 x 10' Left Seitlim H.2 20 x 10' Hltht StTtion K 20 x 10' C.X.O. Ofllre anil Milthili 20x30' (lliunl lluuxe 21 X 14' M. Mures IHxSO' J.M. Stores 22 X 41' Oil Store II) x 10' Skiilillii' Miop 20 X 20' Sergeant Al.liillnn 20x13' Nile l(n,irter 10 x 10' Oil Mores IK 20 It. CM:. Workshop 20x21' r.x.o. lint I'nwer House ami Operators' tjtrs. 10 x 10 Workshop lo x 20' Engineer Hut anil Mores 40x20' Hlaiksiiilth shop It X 10' "riliiR K. ...in 20 x 30' Inn stores 10 x 10' Shell stores 15 X I.V ''"(Wtih'SI bulltil'R Includes only such normal Hghtlng. lwat- M m,:; " - '"".urei. as may be msuiiieo. wiuuh w .......... It, W dimensions given are approximate. tew ....""I'd I " erii.r.ii nque r,- or i..,i, bank ..... draft to ,i, the value value oi nf ten ten nerccnt perceuv u. of I1'mfdrJl!u "nale Payahle to War Assets Corporation must be with if tender 'enoer In in a a smiled sealed envelope envelope pwuuj plainly marked: TimVi-.; li i ; . 'M'- 1-I-I73' i. ii i.- ... . . . ..... .... ttvv it r1 J, lt.lTTI.KV. lilfiim . -' r'""ll 1 (;.....' I,., "fMiieh Col poratlon, 110.1 " Imnh i. Sales r""" Mmiuser. .inillHSlTi Wnr Jllir Assets .is-..'tMiFiil r.e''t' Vaoeouver. 11 (!. IVl"iir k.V."'1' r,os': at th 1:1.1 1: irvu u SF wnarer m.. muat Btatc ..... the . which t.v, OCK NOON. I'ACII U' use to the building or build- I" Ininir I ! cntalncd therein will be r"t thla wiu bc a tlur 'n aectdlnB the acceptance oi any icnner. t'niivr i .'vt'd after eloslne time cannot bc considered. The 1 J't' im i,lldcr may not neceSR1"'"y b0 acccptd. Cheques or L.'if 'ir- , returned to unsucccssiui icnacrci. .T'l'iide. k Ul tpndorer wl. when notified of acceptance of nls 11 c .,n.ln' ninctV norrnnt nf hi nr her tender, and In addl- crf Jhcnue or bank draft for an amount equal to the ' 01 rPHt.nrln.i- (h. .it. no a frunrnnton that hO -"fbani 011 tne tms md conditions of the tender Thla I'm. ."""It draft .... ..... .. in rnt enrrv Interest -i j fnt. e.i.iniuniug I KHUII Will li"' J ndei urne(l upon the satisfactory completion of the terms Mr and Mrs. E. Hougeau, An-Eus Apartnienta, leave Tuesday for Vancouver where they expect to take up residence. Initiation uf recently acquired new members will comprise the program at the Prince Rupert Gyro Club's weekly luncheon this Wednesday. 'An early speaker to the club will bc E. T. Apple-whaite on the subject' ol the Prince Rupert railway outlet of which he has been making n smay ior tne Prince Ruper Chamber oi Commerce. Sea Cadet Orders I It.C.S.C.C. "CAPTAIN COOK1 Lleut.-Cmdr. A. S. Mitchell, Commanding Ship's Company Orders Monday, May 20 7:00 Duty Watcn to muster on Main Deck. 7:15 Band and Markers to muster. 7:17 Hands Fall In. 7:20 Off iccrs'' Call. March on Band, March on Guard. 7:25 Prayers, Colors and Divisions. 7:30 Inspection and March Past rehearsal. 9:00 Secure. 9:10 Sunset. Officer of the Day Midshipman L. Youngman. Duty Petty Officer P.O. W. Davidson. Duty Division Nelson Divi sion. Tuesday, May 21 7:15 (a) Inspection rehearsal as arranged Monday, May 20. (b) Clean ship. Wednesday, May 22 7:C0 p.m. Band and markers to muster. Guard to muster. 7:15 p.m. Hands fall in. 7:30 Annual inspection by Lieut. Comdr. Grand, R.C. N..R). 'Note: Compulsory parades for all ranks.) JOHN WILSON Lieutenant, R.C.S.C. Executive Officer NOTlCi: Applications will be received by the undersigned up to noon, May 22, for the position of caretaker for the cemetery. Starting salarv will ba $100 ner month. June 1. (Sgd.) E. A. PHILLIPS, City Engineer. City of Prince Rupert. Announcements C.'W. L. Bridge. Whist and Crib-bagc'. May 23, KC. Hut, 8 p.m. Modern Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, Friday, May 31. Bobby Wods Orchestra. Eastern Star Tea, May 31, Mrs. Rochester's, Prfnce Rupert Hotel. United Tea, Home Cooking, June 6, Mrs. George Roric's, 220 4th Ave. West. Anglican W.A. Tea, Saturday, June 1., Mrs. Parkin's. Trcsbyterian Church Tea, Mrs. Robert Parker's, 805 Summit .vcnue, June 20. Get your Marxist and current jamphlcts at Room 8, Stone Block. Open evenings 7 to 9. SOUTHAMPTON, England CT) When the aircraft carrier Indefatigable left England for Australia carrying dependents of Australian servicemen, she was equipped with private lounge, sick bay, canteen and nursery. NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUFERT. B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 miS AND THAT "Mark my wordsin another day they'll be on the outs again." Industry Submissions Approved (Continued from Page 1) is to be able to convince outside interests that we have definite prospects and the courage to throw all our energies behind any move to develop them. The presentation of well-prepared briefs will be a substantial contribution to this end. "The Industrial Development Committee is glad to note that matters to be considered for presentation to the visiting delegation will include briefs on coal bunkers, plywood Industry, fi-breboard plants, shingle mills, shipping, utilization of wharf at Port Edward, lights in Hecate Straits, revision of load-line regulations, future use of dry dock equipment and facilities, use of Seal Cove air base and development of industrial airlines, water and power resources, development of clay deposits in Tcrrqce district, hot springs at Terrace and Port Essington, mica deposits, return of Fisher Duties to commence on or before I les Experimental Station to Prince Rupert, and the establishment of. a brewery. The preparation of these briefs indicates hat the community Is a forward-looking one and is planning to build for the future on a sound basis, not a boom-time expansion. The growth of the city in its life of less than half a century is really remarkable. The next 25 years will show a greater expansion and on a solid basis." The Industrial Development Committee will contact Ottawa again In connection with future developments or prospects re- TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Small cabin near Seal Cove. Phone Blue 751. (123) IHDIGCSTI0N Help clean up inside with sparkling , Any prorrr who for eirs on IS-S C i M !ms Imtllcil nitli short- IVS? J iifces, restrictions mill ration- t&UIit!! tflhlffl I B lug is luc for praise. Willi his MilwSfew B first IihiiiI knowledge of "UiSiflVll1 1 m brands, prices mill values, llii. I crocrr helps to liiukc jour jftCfMV f I food-liuying on easier task. V Kv m CANNED FOODS gf MOTT ELECTRIC (Prince Rupert) LIMITED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Commercial - Industrial Marine Electricians Home Wiring and Repairs Phone Black 3G7 230 Second Avenue West I garding proposed subsidy for steamship service out of this port. H. G. Archibald, M.P., will be asked to inquire into the matter of the dry dock subsidy and the plans for reconditioning and improvement of pontoons. A letter from the Public Relations Council of the city indicated the support of that body in any efforts to interest private concerns in the operation of the local shipyard. - The meeting of the Industrial Development Committee was presided over by Mayor H. M. Daggett with W. F. Stone, Bruce Mickleburgh, Aid. T. N. Young3 and W. M. Watts also present Miscellaneous Shower Is Held SMTTHERS Miss Betty Burtt, whose marriage to Gordon Chapman of Smithers will take place shortly, was pleasantly surprised on Friday evening at a miscellaneous shower arranged by Mrs. C. Kerr and Mrs. Bill Graonzy and held at the home of the latter. The gifts were arranged under a prettily decorated umbrella. Games and contests were enjoyed durin.g the evening, prizes going to Mrs. Bill Hanson, Mrs. Ted Davis and Mrs. Al Ford. Refreshments were served by the hostesses. Whifflets From The Waterfront oawaaaaaaaaaaaaDaaaaaaa Union steamer Catala, Capt. Ernest Sheppard, arrived in port at 9:30 last evening from the south, sailing at 2 a.m. for Stewart and other northern points whence she will return here to morrow morning to sail at 12:30 noon for Vancouver and way- points. Grade 12 Has Happy Picnic First of the closing events for the 1946 graduating class of Booth Memorial High School was a happy picnic yesterday when .the 30-odd students, accompanied by several of the teachers as their guests, spent a delightful day on the sandy shores of Tuswell Island. The hours passed all too quickly Irom 8 a.m. to io p.m. with playing of games, swimming and hiking. Transportation was provided by Dr. R. G. Large and Dr. L. W. Kergin with their power cruisers Fusilier and Aledor. Advertise in The Daily News. May 24 th PARADE OF CHILDREN, PETS, STUDENTS' DECORATED CARS AND FLOATS Line Up Court Hous5 Grounds at 11:30 for Judging; Move along; Third Avenue to Fulton Street, then up Fulton Street to Acropolis Hill. tf tf tf Prizes for Best Entries in Each Class .f. FREE ICE CKEAM AND POP FOR FOR E YOUNGSTER IN THE PARADE ENTRY FORM CUT OUT AND MAIL to: Kinsmen's Club, P.O. Box S2G, Prince Rupert, B. C. or leave at Daily News or Evening Empire. Be sure to mark a cross beside class to bc entered. ENTRIES CLOSE MAY 23 CHILDREN'S CLASSES Pets ......Best dressed boy or girl Doll buggies Best dressed boy and girl Tricycles Most original costume Wagons Funniest costume HIGH SCHOOL CLASSES Bicycles Best dressed Small floats clown or novelty School floats costume Decorated car ....Decorated float NAME. ADDRESS.. PRESTO COOKERS For . . . FASTER, TASTIER, HEALTHIER COOKING See these new pressure cookers, now on display at Gordon's Hardware McBridc Street : 1'IIONE 311 EVERY 4 BOX 13CG prince Rupert Dnllp JSetos Monday, May 20, 1946 JAHKFTS For. Sport and Outdoor nrvr Wear "Fairway" GAUAKUIM: JACKET With contrasting trim $7.50 "Fairway" SPOUT SWEATER Clipped rayon, zipper front $0.00 "Fairway" GOLF JACKET Hyrovlzed, fawn shade $10.75 GARAUDINE GOLF JACKETS $0.03 to $0.00 'THE MEN'S SHOP' MWMHE-- -.-.WL1 ---g ' F- "Til mi 11 Hlalljl. n.rin.n.ri Installed JtoML PHONE 108 Serviced & Cleaned PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & KEATING J. II. Schitman S. Julian REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS 0 ESTIMATES Night Calls: Blue 170 Green 787 CORNER SECOND AVE. and SEVENTH ST. WEST A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED : "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Warm Weather Accessories . . . PLAY PENS 3G"x3C"x24", assembled $7.50 unassembled $5.85 DECK CHAIRS, PORCH CHAIRS, RECLINEKS with bright striped canvass and hardwood frames We appreciate your Mall Orders Goods forwarded at once. Phone 775 327 Third Avenue Prince Rupert r J. KESTEN Furrier 731 DAVIE STREET, VANCOUVER, B.C. FUR STORAGE SAFE KELIAULE AND INSURED WE TAKE TRADE-INS AS PAYMENT ON YOUR NEW FUR COAT ORDER NOW HAVE IT READY WHEN YOU NEED IT. WE DO REMODELLING, CLEANING, GLAZING, REPAIRING and RELINING REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Chop Suey Chow Mein Chinese Dishes our specialty. Open C a.m. to 2 a.m. PHONE 17a Representing Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd. HOSE BELTING TIRES and TUBES and Accessories CARRIED IN STOCK , FRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE Manufacturer's Agent Phone 632 P.O. Box 772 Plumbing and Heating Engineers OIL AND COAL STOKERS Barr&Anderson LIMITED Comer 2nd Ave. and 4th Street Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 KWONG SANG IUNQ HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 1 612 7th Ave. west (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 pan. to 2 ajn. PHONE RED 247