i I3rinrc Rupert Dailp f3ctos Aa tnflp5t ur.j nem-papw devoted to optrandteg ei Saturday. December 7, 1945 , northern and eentrtf British CoJumbU. (Anthorlad m Second CUs lua. Post Office Dept OttT). Published CTeioOTipt8unyPrtaee Rupert DUly Ken United. Third Avenue. Prince Rupert. . BntUh OolnnbS. o. A. IiraTER. Managing Editor. H. O. PERRT. iHCTglag Dlrrctor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES . By City Carrier, per wrtt. 15c: Per Month, 65c; Per Tear. 17.00; By Man. per month. 40e: Per Tear. UJK MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS CfggjO AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION Realism About Russia w IN ALL NEGOTIATIONS that are taking place, sympathetic consideration J must be given to Russia's natural desire for its own security, but we should not acquiesce in the accomplishment of this objective by the enforcement of Lussian rule upon unwilling and weaker people. The lesson of Munich should not be forgotten. Furthermore, while we may well be grateful for the co-operation and the gain in mutual understanding during the war years, and the measure of progress that has been marked by the United Nations, we must not close our eyes to the fact that there are still many close parallels between Hitler-isra and the present Russian system. There is the dictatorship. Thereis the one-party system. There are the youth organizations. There is the secret police. There is thetloor closed to information from without-closed even more tightly than in Germany in pre-yar years. And last and more serious than all the rest and to which all the restrcontnbute, is the thought control that wrought such havoc both in Germany and Japan. let every effort be made to bring about .the friendship and mutual helpfulness that we know will eventually prevail, but let us not condone evil Jor the sake of a peace that is no peace. 4 LATE CHARLES STEWART ALTHOUGH Ontario - born, Hon. Charles Stewart of Alberta, who died yesterday was in essence the real Western farmer, with the same calm, philosophic outlook on life that the great open spaces develop in one. His early experience made him a philosopher, for few "breaks" came his way. It was the virtual annihilation of the family homestead in Simcoe county by a cyclone that turned his thoughts to the West. At KillanL Alberta, he made a new start. But misfortune again dogged him: a hailstorm wiped out all his season's, work, leaving him almost penniless. That was bad enough, but another blow was to befall him as .oon as he had secured employment in which he had hoped to re-eonp his fortune by a winter's work. He had obtained a job as bricklayer and had been working only a few weejes when a strike was called, and once more the future premier of Alberta and federal minister was on his team ends. That, however, was the last big crash. Thenceforth, Mr. Stewart motfed ahead Steadying things up by selling agricultural implements, he continued to work his farm; and, as the -gods admire the man who can bear their buffets and smile through, his life began to prosper. Extends Education LONDON, a Hitherto in Etrj-fand boarding schools have been mainly available only to the comparatively few children whose parents could afford the fees involved. A recent an- v. ESTABLISHED 1S00 ibl.ll His career in Alberta politics was one of worthy achievement and was a useful stepping stone to the wider federal field. It was in the triumph of 1921 that he came to Ottawa and accepted the portfolio of the Interior, a post for which his prairie experiences aptly fitted him. His record in that department was one of lofty accomplishment: to the Western farmer "Charlie" Stewart was a real friend "at court." His best achievement was the legislation which returned the na. tural resources to the prairie provinces. An intricate and vexed problem, he negotiated it with eminent success and to the avowed satisfac-. tion of all concerned. While always mindful of his responsibilities as a Dominion minister, he nevertheless saw to it that the basis for this transfer was a fair and equitable one to all. It required the delicate tact of a diplomat to smooth over the rough places that revealed themselves in the course of the negotiations. But Mr. Stewart had tact, and what was, perhaps, of greater importance, he had a human sympathy founded upon an understanding of prairie problems which was' begotten of personal contact with' them. An able, sincere and thoroughly dependable minister, he was a diligent worker and a competent, nounctment by the minlatry of coucaium marks an Knportant step in making boardbr: education avaUable to all classes. Under the Education Act cf 1944 the duty is laid on locn! education authorities of seeing mat poaraing education travail able to all children for whnm in j "Pinion of the parents and iuc iuuioriis, it is desirable The ministry, in a recent circular I ays that as building facillUes j and other circumstances allow, boarrf-ng education will be great- !y extended. Fingerprints all look alike to the average man, but examination by an expert proves there are no two alike. INSURANCE NEEDS DIFFER, TOO! No two men have Identical responsibilities and arab.uons. Let a friendly Crown Life counsellor help you draft a savings and protection wogram that fits oar individual needs O. HAVROY. General Agent J. J. KENNEV, CX.U- Provincial Sunt. Provincial Ofice: lUigers Bldg., Vancouver Crown Life insurance Company r 'I 'i i t rwTT t r t-i -1 vrr m S mm MENBRoucm gifts! a i ,i run iuu Rupert Jeivellers 1 J. Alexander j g REPAIRING OUR SPECIALTY & 730 Second Avenue' PHONE: RED 1)92 HOMt orricci TORONTO, CANADA Box 1308 Phone 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING ESTIMATES OIL BURNER SALES AND SERVICE Cor. 2nd Ave. and 7th St. SWEDISH TARS LOCATED V2'S Stockholm Editor Sirs Countrymen Did Math to Ilejp Defeat Germans paper Srensfca Dagtladet, said in an interview here daring a Canadian tour. Building and Repairs of all kinds ! Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners PHONES: Green 48C Red ' 894' JONES NEWS STAND F.astern and Western papers Magazines , SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN" Sixth Street Red 08 I MAVIS CALCL0UGH Studio of Dancing ; FOR CHILDREN New Location: 7th and 'Pulton' Enrolments Starting Tuesday. December 10, 2-5 pjn. Studio: Studio Phone: Blue 882 Residence: Blue 480 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 m mo alike Advertise in The Daily News. boys.'" The fact vras thit a much greater quantity of bearing were" delivered o Britain by Bri- :Llh boaU Prt ot REGINA. O-Sweden did many things llnr for for th the Allies All! vMoH which could LyJCKiL not be published during the war. Dr. K. G. Boiander. a senioi editor of the Stockholm news When A'lied planes flew over Sweden tby were ml by a rnijhty tar rate bat none were shot dwsm became goanen bad bfrn iastmetea not to shoot at the plane The display was J5 T?1?" "ie hand, W.Gn 2f.r?S. ?aUnd Binder said. where the destructive V2s were being developed. The -bombing - has been credited with delaying CREEPING ROOF ine vz anacK oy several months BRIGHTON. Eng.. The (mas acd shortening the warr . 2!-ar o4d lead roofing of j Bweotsri sailors had noticed Chiehester Cathedral it "creep- that vast amounU of concrete ta like a 'aterpyisr" and leav were oeing laren into rennemude log gaps at the top. Lord Leeon-and reported thee and othor ficid. Lord Lieutenant at s- acttvitie to the British. The Swedish people were In terested in Canada but bad no inkling of the van Indostria: strides Ufcen by the Dominior. during awl since use vrar. Dr Be lander said that mueh had been made el Sweden rirliv- eriBg ball beanug to German", for the manufacture of fighter pfauies to "hoot down American sex. said in launching a J 120 .090 fund for repairs. Train Schedule Prom the Fait Tuesday. Thursday. Saturday j -10:45 pjn. , g For the East Monday, Wednesday. Friday 8 pjn. Business and Professional HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP i Permanent Waving, i Beauty Culture in i a4i its branches. 206 4th Street Phone 655 HANDYMAN. HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS .SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heatin Engineers Phone 174 P.O. GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant. Auditor, etc. I Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block - Phone 387 If its a Rock Job-Can a Ro?k Man M. SAUNDERS Blue (riC Concrete Sidewalks, BxsemenU I d.Ki't'take work I cannot, do myself. JERRY VRECOSCH PAPERHANOINC and PAINTING P. N. Kilborn W. Peterson BERT'S TRANSFER AND MESSENGER Lumber - Coal - Wood - Bajgage Freight - Express jL Phone Blue 810 . Night Calls Green 977' n Prince Rupert PRINCE RUPERT FLORIST A. R. LOCK Wedding Bouquets Corsages uesigns Potted Plants Bulbs Novelties MODERATE PRICES -Prompt attention to mall orders. Box 518, Phone 777, 300 3rd Ave POa PftOMPT m EFFIOEHT SERVKf mall Hour !( 00UJMB1A OPTICAL cam mm mm b. mukxwvu.u. A. MacKenzie Furniture A GOOD LI.MITEI) PLACE Bulkley Market TO BUY' STORE NEWS We have a splendid selection of merchandise in stock and R6, a" very suitable for your Christmas eifts BuncTp'hWe3 hS2r,p,eceJ ette s"" in P' SredA,1' ,4'Su.2l eauUfu'S Phone 775 3 3rd AWn Pfnfe R(, ORDER YOUR GRADE "A TURKEYS NOW! WE DELIVER DAILY Jnl Avenue Phone 178 NEW CONSTRUCTION REPAIRS ALTERATIONS GREER & BRIDDEN Builders and Contractors PHONE RED 5C1 r 0 ()x v y y y r y s ly . y y y Whifflfets From The Waterfront OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOO Union Steamships' Island vessel Cassiar. Capt. Lome ' God frey. arrived in port here at noon Fridav frasi the south Isfanrit wnd sailed again for Massett and Port Clements at 7 o'clock this morning, alter waiting here all nlyht to make connection with the Catala from Vancouver. The Cassiar arrived with some 40 loer frm the Queen Char- 'otte Islands who are heading ,for Vancouver to spend Christ- Hie W-foct Amertoan seiner Onw Kafluk arrived in port Friday morning with one carload of frwen fkh from KetcWRan DLVOSADR-S BILL The duek-biiled dinosaur used his bill to gather aquatic flTfttfi:fi1tirr Whatever his or her favorite type of slipper, be assured that we have it. Our stock is complete from fanries to mocassins. 75c TO $6.50. QuaUty Repairs Economy Prices at X FOOTWEAR J Fine New Store STONE BLOCK Steamship Service SP PRINCE from I KETCHIKAN OCEAN FALLS ! WESTVIEW ' (Powell River) VANCOUVER H Is expected that sailings, m ill ' Be resumed December 12, 11:15 pjii. XMAS SAILING Dec. 19th, 11:15 p.m. For reservations call or write city or Depot Ticket Offices. PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) I w-- I Slippers j Watches of Accuracy Perfect Diamonds 7b the Electors of Prince Rupert: LADIES AND OENTLEMEN: Ht for the Mayoralty The I v services rendered " you thi. ofiice speak for thernseVM ' I shall discus the Imi of ts Monday night at :50 and at th IfAOr VmtK jj vii. if " n' 'Zr",".,K auaresse.s and on December 12th. TO THE ELCTORS . . . 1 5 Enamel 1 . ! 5? Tl Call . . . Scooters - Kiddy Cars A small deposit will hold any article till Christmas. CfurttS MrBride Street Satin-Glo Finish ie'e.ieeie'e,e'ceiecf,c,e,c'e,c' NEW RE - -!, Voi-r- ' - , LADIES AND GENTLEMEN" In soliciting your support at th Pnit. r. elected my best effort in asshgPfS, I sense progressive program, with : 1 improvement and road extension to F . - t GEORGE B. CASEY ALIIEKMANIc CAMllntr-r " M. DACC1 OF THE PEOPLE AM) FOR THE I'EO Hollywood Caf fKINCK Rlll'lltrs NEWEST AM) MOST UP-TO-DATE ItESTALKAXT FULL-COURSE MEALS Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p CHliSESK DISHES A SPECIALH WE CATER TO PARITIES' CHOP SUEY CHOW mpiv FOR OUTSIDF ORDERS PHONE l 73a THIRD AVENUE WEST d CHRISTMAS DECORATlNr. f 1 111 )n lutnnl iftf a...m..iL! ,i HlT Sf . , , uluu'"i ""j wnnjf in me nu whii iiiese mrce hatin-iilo nnishes: , Satin-Gli Varnish M Ihompson nardwarc Lo..Ll 13? Piiune 101 DA n J m- I - KM. UiWT Loc.tnox fQHft.T! stock COMBINED FOR A C0M( CANVAS GOODS $m WE CAN MAKE PA IK PLACE ALL CANVASS PROPK PHONE BLl'E 11 EDMONDS0? & Sail W 1C0 EaU Third Jtmuj Next to McUecE. EDWARD LfPSETT LTD. for . . . Expert Radio Repaifc INCOME TAX Returns Prepared Set-It. K. MORTIMER Gift PHONE 237 324 2nd Ave. - Phone 88 FOR THE YOUNG . . . Ricycles - Wagons Roller Skates - Skis nrKS FRASERHOU 714 FRASER STH Pl-.c-.f B!-:k II Remembrr the f' Election Utc It you WAPNlKIhl nlv3Wee riioxf zks Till X III Ul 11 I t J I m ' 11 I?omoml.nrn Wisn! SIlOl) E.irlv! 1J - Ktancnn'c iwellsrl BOXINM P HETTER BETTER JEWELLER THE HOME OF TAKR AnuAMTAnp np mm SPECIAL LTIIKISIIMAR JIY-AWAY fUftri Mail orders Receive Prompt Attention silver 0la . cut I CA Cor En 'Vent Ho: