Gustanson A. DeMalr FInerson Stratford I WINGDINGERS JSrfnrc Rupert Daily JScUtf Saturday, December 7, 1946 Today in Sports WAR ASSETS BOWL SCORES In last night's War Assets bowling, the Chickens emerged with the highest total score, running up 2,565. to win three straight ;ames over Spitfires. The Wastis, with an aggregate score of 235, defeated Wing-dingers. 3-0. Last night's game scores: Chickens 3, Spitfires 0. Wasps 3, Wingdingers 0. Sharpshooters 2, Gulls 1. Helldlvers 2, Mcsqultces 1. " CHICKENS S. Stiles 175 223 205 603 J. Berg 106 123 179- 408 D; Hwstfln. 309 20T 189 605 I. Stiles 124 122 107 353 Bi Houston 219' 120 257 593 833 795 9312565 SPITFIRES ML Postuk 173 1 53 139 465 198 229 145 572 113 89 173 375 129 150 -169 443 52- 96 191 3S9 665 717 8172199 L. Ham 113 84- 94 291 K. Alrd 134 142 141 417 J. Parker 192 151 235 573 R. Aird 120 108 151 379 R, Goodlad 172 131 127 480 751 666 7382155 WAS PS-McDonald 122 183 167 472 B. Cconey 136 178 165 479 J. Ham 121 123 110 3 J, Rfil 213 163 159 573 R. Vuckovich 221 222 233 652 843 877 810-2535 SHARPSHOOTERS D. Chanple 102 142 119 3C3 A. Nelsoa 232 203 160 655 V. Carrier 233; 159 144 506 L. Hitchens 160 145 147 452 J. Mulliris 151 138 123 413. 843 847 6992394 GULLS II. Brewer 148 91 96 335 M. Munlzaba 166 169 202 537 P. Dustan 171 107 166 444 O. Nelson 123 1 63 218 509 J. Unwin 119 143 183 442 732 673 S62 2267 HELLDIVERS j E. Foster 136 160 1C1 397 I E. Lemire 149 163 116 425 ; CANADIAN LEGION BOXING SHOW CIVIC CENTRE GYM DECEMBER. VI ::o rounds of boxing o MAIN EVENT.- 1 0 ROUNDS . LEN IIITCHINS, 117 vs HENNY WINDLE, 117 SEMI-FINAL DAUKOW GOMEZ, 150 VS LEO ADOLPII, 150 (i PRELIMINARY EVENTS Tickets. On Sale at Grotto Cigar Store, W. F. Stone Canadian Legion, 99 Taxi PRACTICAL' 3 m 6 . SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 3" P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert m SHORT SPORT The lure of cash proved too much for the time-honored agreement against broadcasting among New York's three major league bas;ball clubs five years ago when a sponsor's bid, reported to be $75,000, caused Larry MacPhail to abrogate the 14-year pact and announce that Brooklyn Dodgers would broadcast all their games, at home and away. Ottawa Senators set a new re- rnrrt in hp OhpHpp Rpnini-TTntov their 12th consecutive game, without a defeat. Their string was jnapped next time out by Verdun Red Devils. TIE FOR LEAD IN LADIES' BOWLING Variety Store and Three Sisters are now in a tie for leadership of the standing in "A" League Ladies' bowling with Savoy, Annette's and Ideal Cleaners close behind. - - k.-u-' u UU. JILL ll 11 AND SPORTING GOODS . GULLS DOMINATE ASSETS BOWLING: With 21 wins and six losses, Gulls are well in the-lead In the ... . i i 11 1 T T 1 1 iVvar Assets Dowung- irusuc-. ncii- divers are second with 17' wins and 10- losses following- last night's play; Here-are the-league standings: W L P Gulls 21' ' 6 21 Helldlvers 17 10 17 Wasps 16 11 16 Mosquitoes 15 12 13 Sharpshooters 13" 14 13 Chickeas 13 14 13 Wingdingers 7 20' 1 Spitfires 6" 21 .6 MALARIA PERSISTS MELBOURNE,, Australia,. J Seven thousand returned Aus tralian jervicemen still receive treatment for malaria picked' up during service in the. tropical is! ands north of Australia AIL are 1,51112 treated with Paludrine, the League by defeating. Montreal 1 FUEL CONSERVATION" LONDON. P A scheme of training in the economics andN efficient use of fuel for stokers and boiler house attendants hast been announced by the ministry, of education as a step in meeting .the present shortage of fuel in Britain. IN THE SUPREME COUHT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" AND.. . .. IN THE MATTFR np Tire pctit The itandin&s to date In thlstp anton aubroziak, other-' ...... - . i- , i i i.ji. nnunn o Aniiiunx ai - .cugue are u lunuftS. i BROZIAK. DECEASED. INTESTATE' ieo. W T pf I TAKE NOTICE, that by. Order oil , . nn nonour juage v: .. r'lsnfr. Local Variety Store x 23 13 23 Judge of the Supreme Court of Brlt Rir Kktpr: vj m oi . lsh Columbia, I was on the 27th day ouiicrb a n n of November 194B nnniiiiitd ki. Savoy 22 Annettes . 21 15 21 Ideal Cleaners. 20 16 20 Mcose 17 Orange n Lucky Strikes 14 Toilers 13 Miller Bay io 19 19 22 23 26 I. Lmire 155 205 232 592 G. Lemire 130 229 157 516 Low rcore 60 105 118 630 S62 7242216 MOSQUITOES V. Ch-berl'n 158 129 118- 405 1. Parkhouse 165 219 163 547' 2. Storelh 60 105 147 312 W. Brown 81 135 162 373 H. . Hartz 119 159- 267 545 533 747 8572187 NEURALGIA Don't let the pitiless pain of Neuralgia prevent you from enjoying life. Get fast, safe relief with T-R-C's. specially made to relieve you quickly of piercing, stabbing pain and dull, throbbing aches. Good also for Rheumatic. Arthritic, N'euritic Pain and Stiffness, Sdati'-a. Lumbago. Get J. Dawes The Auctioneer Sales Every Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED,. PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bide.) PHONES: Hui Blue XATt Res. Red 127 Ask lor George 14 22 ' minlstrator of the Estate of Antoi nuiunKiuK, oinerwise Known as An thony Ambrozlak, who died on or about the 3rd day of September, 194& All persons lnlebtcd to the said Estate are erqulred to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forth'-with and all persons having claims against the said estate ara required to file them with me properly vert fled on or before the 31st day ol December. 1946, falling which rils-trlbutlon will be made having regard only to such claims of which I shall have been notified. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C.. this 27th day of November. 1846. GORDON; F. FORBES. '' Official Administrator. Prince Rlipert. Hd- " 285 'M M nUIrn I II IW h II II I II II II II II III III M II II II II 11111111 nun a i" 1111 11 11 it- 1 1 it 1 1111 11 11 Grotto CIGAR STORE Wholesale and Retail Tobacconists GOOD SUPPLY OF MENS SUNDRIES SMALL QUANTITIES ROLLS RAZORS RONSON LIGHTERS Make Your Choice Early eenrMr KAIEN HARDWARE nirnvi? nunKT P.O. BOX 98 RUPERT MOTORS LTD. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. PARTS AND SERVICE DEPOT CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH DODGE DE SOTO DODGE AND FARGO TRUCKS fa I a p it t V.,, - ;j ' t t Radio-Dial 1240 Kilocycle. (Subject to change). SATURDAY P.M 4:0Oi-Hawail Calls 4:30 Songs in- Sweet St5't 4:45 Swing Time 5:00 T.B-Av. 5:30-Smeeti and: Low Down 5:45 Sports. College 6;O0-CBC Newsv 6:05 Recorded interlude 6:15 Music a. la. Carter 6:30 Saturday. Night Serenad9 7:00 Datfcing. Party 7:30 Organ Music 8:00 Red River Bam Dance 8:30 Old Time Rhythm 9;00 Ray Norris Trlov , 9:15 This Weet 9:30 Three Suns Trio 9:45 Lee Slms. : 9:55 Solo Spotlight 10:00 CBCNcws 10:10; B.C. News 10:15 Hollyu-ood- Barn. Dance 10:45; Dance Orch. 1 1. fi. v : ll;0tt Weather andslgivolLann SUNDAY A1U ' 8:30- Concert Album 9:00 BBC News and , Commentary 9:15 Songs and Singers ' 9 JO Alan and Me 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 B.C. Gardener 10:15 Just Mary .10:30 Way of the Spirit 11:00 CBC News 11103 Capitol Reports 11:30 Religious Period 12:00 New York' Philharmonic Symphony Orch. P:M; 1:30 Church ol the-Air 2:00 CBC News 2:03 John Fisher Reports 2:15 Elmore Phllpott 2:30 T.BJV. 3:00 Music foe Sunday 3:30 CBC News 3:33 Regional Weather Forecast 3:33 Dr, William Brewing, 3:45 Canadian Short Stories 4:00 Symphonic Music 4:30 Record Album. 5:00 Musla in Three-Quarter Time 5:30 Stage 47-Toronto 6:30 Familiar Music 7:00 CBC News; 7:15 The Old Songs 7:30 Sunday Serenade 8:00 The ReadersTake Over 8:30 Waltz. Program 9:00 Classics For T6day 9:30 Vesper Hour 10:00 CBC News-10:10-B.C. .News 10:15 Canadian Yarns 10:30 Prelude to Midnight 11:00 Weather andslin off ann. IN THK SUPRLE COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATB IN THK MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" AND IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP LEE DONG. DECEASED INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by Order of HU. Honour W. E Fihr made on the. 2nd day of December. A D. 1946. I' was appointed Administrator of the Estate of Lee Dong, deceased, and all parties having claims against the aid estate are hereby required to furnUbJ same, properly; rerlfied. to me on. or before the 18th day of January, A.D' 1047, and' all parties Indebted to the Estate are required to pay the amount of their lndebt-fdntms to me forthwith. . DATED' at Prince Rupert, B.C. thl Ind day of; December. A D. 194J. GORDON P. FORBES. Official Administrator, Mince, nupert, B.C. 298 TO THE PEOPLE flFPPWrtm Who Suffer wXm You will be IntPr.t f .. Cir fed town Who ha had a fallen arches, and can makp aJzL cor, lleve that painful and tired tetoifT? 8 can-explain. watorjy(( Mr. BUI Terry; with many year, I 6f ,f, ments. is at Hill's shoe Stort and take an imnre.nn nf . ' . be niJ can be done In vonr irMhHH.... . 0 '"Wil -'uuuai C3JSC Mr. BUI Terry Is also In chares n't Dept. where your renainr Z Shoe! ly. Call around and wm ,?.MltIIi fERRACE MACHINE SHOP & i TERRACE, R.C. Dealers in GENERAL MfYrnno t Today, as never before, there rests with every merchant an obligation both to his customers and to the common good... an obligation to justify confidence and goodwill and to co-operate unreservedly in the maintenance of a stable economy. We, General Motors dealers in this community, recognizing these obligations, will continue, in all our business dealings, to adhere to the following principles: We-will, sell all. New and Used Cars and Trucks at not more than the authorized prices. 4p Ve will do our best, under present conditions, " J to allocate all the New Passenger Cars and Trucks-wc receive, on the fairest, possible basis, with, special consideration to any Veteran of Worlil War II who may require a car with special controls;, to practising Physicians and-Surgeons, and others, whose urgent need is 'apparent. We will make allowances based on an honest - appraisal and a. fair valuation to purchasers . who. have cars oc trucks, to trade. : 'll "4- LONG LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE Established 1911 LIMITED FURNITURfe! AND HOUSEHOLD OOODS PACKED, CHATED, STORED AND SHIPPED , TO ALL PARTS OF CANADA AND U5.A FOB QUICK, EFFICIENT, CAREFUL. AND UEMAHI.E . SERVICE Phone LINDSAY'S 60 or 68 MOTORS LING THE TAILOR We, re taking clfanlnt and pressing, and steam pressing. while you wait. PHONE 649 - 220 Sixth Street' COR. 7lh STREET AND 3rd AVENUE RFX vua rrd MACIIINK WORK OAS and ELECTRIC tlfPCtft - J . . .....o.. m..u uwL-lOK REPAIRS For minor repairs and ru A Statement of Policy by. General Motors Dealers imp - ;' handling CHEVROLET OEDSMOBILE . PONTIAG LTWtM rTTrTTri at rri l r-rr rnn t tt-o BUICK j 7 tAt We. will give purchasers the benefit of those accessories which are available, but delivery of a-new car or truck will not be conditional upon the acceptance of accessories other than those desired. "Tip Wc will charge only equitable prices for parts, accessories and services, and when requested will gladly provide advance estimates for the benefit of the customer. Vr Wc will, at all times, strive to serve our customers' needs with, efficiency, fairness and courtesy. i CAFE prtNCE bupM SF.COND AVENUt;, ut;ruouu - Chop Siicy - Chow Mn Chinese Dishes our IP'1W' Open 0 ftn-t0 3 m rllONE 173