News It JIJ.Ia 30l(j. canaiaa be heard over 1:30 pjn. ioo' sailer) on me M ti, maKe tne kchlkan. 1. 1 JU1VC' D- T ,i Boulter, ,:y on hr a the Camo- visit to her livantage of this compete your rand itl vocal - p 75c Xor U Hack 637. uh j hcements a in tnw column (o, . (ul) month I word. 1 home cooking. 111. Uprsons, ivi im Dec 12. Catholic School D.m,. In aid of ird High scnool Imber 16, civic una ifce au lentre. Decemocr Lncy Dres: Party, 3eraber 27. EW? ur FREE catalog red Buttons and lso do buUon h, iruung anu he tirrv in slock If Shoulder Pads, . Threads, Mas-Chalk. Sequins, Bias Tape, etc. KG SUPPLIFS I-Vancouver, B.C. oiven Prompt catlcn a 1 fect coat to keen warm and Viimfv F' loner. New- prap-around. PAL HOTEL Pi Monthly Rates convenience . . . ' Decorated Rooms CAFE Connection Novated) nNE 51 ems Cash for old gold. Bulger's. A Basketball Tonight, Civic Centre. Circuit meeting at Lutheran Church Saturday. Sessions at 10, 2 and 7:30 o'clock. (it) Col. C. V. Evitt arrived In, the city on the Camosun last night for a brief business visit to the city. AEllo Furniture Store will be closed from' Dec. 9th to January 5th, 1947. (d27) A Hear Daggett over CFPR Mon day at 6:50 pin. Vote for a Mayor who devotes full time to vour business. (it) Attention Fishermen! Regular meeting of Deep Sea'Fishermen's Union will be held Sunday Dec. 8 at 2 pjn. (it) ( A Lutheran Church. Three ser vices: 11 a.m., speaker Bishop H L. Foss; 3:30, Norsi, speaker Rev. Th. Knutson; 7:30, speaker Rev, Roy Olson. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Dickens sr. left on last evening"s train for New York where they will .embark on the Queen Elizabeth for a trip to their native home in London, England. A donation has been received by Mayor' Daggett for the Pion eers' Home fund from Capt. Alf Anderson, who turned over the money in behalf of the donors, representatives of the Caterpillar Co., Twin Disk Co., Western Marine Gear Co., and Bendlx Supersonic Depth Sounder Co. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN This is to notify that I will not be held responsible for debts or obligations Incurred in my name Sy any persons except by mysell personally. FRED M. HILL. (287) Council Accepts $102.41 For Bonds A special meeting of city council last nleht iravr first reading to a by-law. authorizing the lssuinc of Local Tmnrnvr. menp debentures covering the construction cost of sewers on Fourth Avenue East and Ninth Avenue. Council also adopted a recom mendation of finance committee tnat a bid bv the brokerage firms of Burns Bros., and Den ton Ltd. and H. J. Bird and Co, ua., for $102.41 for each $100 debenture be accepted "Now, then, young man," de manded her father Irritably, when he called for the tenth time, "what do you want with my daughter?" "Wl-with her sir?" Well you know best what you can afford." AHarmonecr's Dance Tonight and every Saturday night at Oddfellows' Hall, 8:30 to 12 mid night. Everyone welcome. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN This is to notify that I will not be held responsible for debts or obligations incurred In my name by any persons except by myself personally. EJVIND NIELSON. (287) Classified Advertising Paysl V A of. - - Give HER Lovely Lingerie Nightgown, Slip and Pantie, In heavy satin, sizes 32 to 12, in white, blue or rose. Deposit, $2.70 Balance, $10.79 C.O.D. Send color, size, deposit, and address to SYLVIA'S g Reudy-to-JFcur v OCEAN FALLS, B.C. y y Delivery in 3 weeks lavished with fur FUR COATS and OTHER COATS THIS IS A HANDY WAY TO SHOP FOR HER . . DEPOSIT ANY AMOUNT TO HER CREDIT AND WE WILL. GIVE YOU A PRESENTATION CERITFICATE YOU MAKE NO MISTAKE THIS WAY. USE OUR BUDGET PLAN FOR YOUR XMAS BUYING No Carrying Charges No Interest. Terms in accordance with W.P.T.B. Regulations. KWONG SANG HING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 Seventh Avenue West (next to King Tal) will be closed until further notice For outside orders phone the HOLLYWOOD CAFE ISM "THE CREDIT HOUSE OF QUALITY" SUPPORT JUNIOR CHAMBER RADIO AUCTION SATURDAY SERMON PHILEMON By REV. FRED ANTROBUS, First Baptist Church The letter to Philemon, written by the apostle Paul, when he was in a Roman prison is one of the shortest books in the Bible but it is a real cem. It shows us what these early Christians thought of each other. The words ' beloved," 'lellow-soldier, "fellow-laborer," indicate a warmth anl a friendship, which, I am sure, pleased the Master. It was said of the church then, by an outsider: "Behold how these Christians love one another." Philemon was a -man of means," living in the city of Col-ossae. He had become a believer through Paul's ministry there and, henceforth, he imitated Lydla In Phillppl, and Jason in Thcssalonica, in opening his DIRECTORY OF CHURCHES Times of Services Services In ull churches at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. and Sunday School at 12:15 except as shown. ANGLICAN CATHEDRAL 4th Ave. W. at Dunsmulr St. Holy Communion 8:30 a.m. Sunday School 2:00 p.m. Rector: Basil S. Prockter, B.A., B.D. (Blue 7331 ST. PETER'S ANGLICAN Seal Cove FIRST BAPTIST 5th Ave. E. at .Young St. Minister: Rev. Fred Antrobu3 (Red 839) ST. PAUL'S . LUTHERAN 6th Ave. at McBrlde St. Pastor: A. O. Aasen (Black 822) FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 4th Avenue East Minister: A. P. MacSwcen. B.A (Green DB2I SALVATION ARMY Fraser Street CO.: Adit. P. L. dorrie (Black 269) FIRST UNITED 638 6th Ave. West Minister: It. A. Wilson. M A. ' (Orccn 613 FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE 221 6th Ave. West Pastor: Rev. J. Llnney (Green 620) Never have ensembles been so lovely so feminine as they are this season. And when they're they're par excellence! mm m A y Cosmetic Cjifts YARDLEY - HARRIET HURBARD AYER-ADRIENNE - TUYA MAX FACTOR EVENING IN PARIS TANGEE OrmesLtd. Jim Pioneer Dmqsf tats VOTE AS YOU LIKE BUT VOTE ON DECEMBER 12 home to the servants of the Lord. In fact, the church met in his home. He had a slave, Onesimus, by name, who having rpbbed his master had run away as far as Rome, There he met Paul, who although in prison, yet had his own private dwelling, guarded by Roman soldiers, who were mem bers of the "elite" bodyguard of Caesar Nero. Like the younger son In the parable, he took his master's goods, and used them to get away from that master as far as ne coma, a master to whom he belonged, to whom he owed a great deal, and who loved him Men are still doing that same thing with God, using the gifts or Hie, to get as far away from their Creator and Saviour as they can. As a runaway slave, he was at the mercy of any who might find him for slaves were often branded then, like cattle now. So that, condemnation and death were hanging over his, head continu ally although he .supposed himself quite free to go where he wished. It is also true that "He that belleveth on Him, is not condemned, but he that belleveth not, is condemned already, because he hath not believed on the Name of the Son of God." However, it may become true for such that "There is therefore now, no condemnation for those who are In Christ Jesus." Paul, in a Roman prison, proved that a man be be a Christian and engage in Christian work anywhere. Henceforth let no man complain of his circum stances, or hide his talents. Per naps ne remembered his own words on another occasion: "Bp instant in season, out of season" for if ahy place was Inconvenient, to be on the alert, on the jcb, surely a prison was. In prison, too, Paul was con- stantly1,jubblng shoulders with his Roman guards, night and day. When he disrobed at night, received on real "active service" they would see his "battle scars." on behalf of Clrist, marks which the nvhip, the rod, the stones had made. Those scars would appeal to soldiers. They would ask questions about them and, beginning at that place, the place of hLs "marks of Identification," he preached unto them "Jesus." No wonder that many of these soldiers gave their allegiance to a "greater than Caesar." So too, Onesimus became a follower Of Christ. As he had won the master, Philemon, so now Paul brought the slave. Here were two men at opposite ends of the social and economic situation. Here were "caoital and labor." But "in Christ" there is "no distinction." for "in Him" there are no differences such as we maks, between male and female, rich or poor, capital and labor, colored man or' white man, bond or free. Our Lord prayed that they might be "one in Him:" What an cxannple we have here of practical righteousness What should Onesimus do now? Christ had received him for those who come to Him He will not cast out. That was the great thing of course. But there were debts to be paid, time and money had been taken from his employer. rllf restitution was possible, it Nnnsh bv nil mpnnc hA mnrlp Zacchacus, before him, had said: "If I have wronged any man, I restore to him, fourfold." Have we gained any of our possessions wrongfully? Paul did not' want .lu sec Onesimus nay for his 'crimes with his life but ;go back home to his Regular Baptist Services I.O.D.E. Hall (5th Ave. and McBrlde St.) We Christ ... . preach i c RUCIF1ED ROWNED OMING "Repent" Ye and Believe the Gospel." Mark 1:15. December 8, 1946 12:15 pirn. Sunday School. 7:30 p.m. Gospel Service. Subject; TRAYER" Speaker: Geo. S. Weathcrly WEDNESDAY 8:00, p.m. Prayer Meeting. (Phone 369 or Red 701) THE WHOLE BIBLE FOR THE WHOLE WORLD master he must. Right is right whatever the consequences may be. Paul Is overjoyed when he finds out that this master of the slave 13 none other than his warm personal Christian friend Philemon, so. he writes a letter, In his own handwriting, to Philemon. This letter Is to secure acceptance for the slave with his j old master. I am sure as he trav elled back to Colossae, this let ter gave the slave assurance, comfort and strength. God's Word will tell you the way of salvation and of acceptance with God and do the same for you. Don't deceive yourself, by sup posing that you can ao witnout It." But what about the debt? The slave cannot repay it to Paul says, "I'll pay It. Put that to my thing, or has wronged you." Our jjora says tne same to nis ramer y y v y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y v v v v y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y v y y y y y y y w y y y y y v y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y r At Your Service I $tince Uupctt Daily J3euijj Saturday, December 7, 1940 on our behalf. In effect, when we come to the place of confessing our sins, and trusting Him to save and keep us. Listen! Put all the sinners' demerit on Me, put all My merit and righteousness upon him, IH settle all the tres passes. Yes, at Calvary, there was a complete Interchange be tween the sinner and the Savioyr. Jesus paid ft all all to Him I owe; sin had left a crim son stain; He washed it white as snow. Cpl. T. D. Brunton, provincial police chief at Terrace, who has been on a trip to Vancouver, ar rived In the city on the Camo sun last night on his way back account, if he owes you any- 1 to his post in the Interior. Classified Advertising Pays! For SOUND, INDEPENDENT, NON-PbLITICAL CITY GOVERNMENT Vote H. KRAUPNER For ALDERMAN 700 Independent, No Connection With Any Group, Organization or Party . . . LISTEN TO CFPR MONDAY, 8 P.M. OUR RECORD REPT. VICTOR DECCA COLUMBIA Xmas Suggestions for All Ages CHILDREN'S RECORDS AND ALBUMS The Husband Who Was To Mind the House .50 Mother Goose' Nursery Rhymes , , sel, .rhrte.Billy Goats,Gruff . Uncle Mac's Nursery Rhymes Winnie The Pooh Builds a House j- f More Winnie The Pooh Songs. ;:vr"V ,i Dumbo (Album) 3; Gulliver's Travels Jf? Jf Little Black Sambo fn "J Little Black Sambo's Jungle Band . L50 set Rumpelstiltskin ; 2.50 The Little Red Hen (Album) Singing Games . The Story of Ferdinand I'S Dene Kelley's Nursery Songs (Aloum) What Is God Like? -50 FOR YOUNG TEOPLE Nutcracker Suite (Phil. Orchestra) (Album) 5.05 Nutcracker Suite (Spike Jones) (Album) 3.00 Carnival of the Animals (Phil. Orch.) .... (Album) 5.05 Peer Gynt Suite No. 1 (Grcig) 2 95 sct DON'T FORGET . . . "You'll Get Used To It" Tby John Pratt) " as sung In "Meet The Navy" - VOTE AS YOU LIKE BUT VOTE ON DECEMBER 12 MjaAs.M New Leather Handbags are Here! Two shipments have just arrived from the cast. The styles this year run mostly blacks and browns with some of the new designs in fasteners and quite a number have zippers and different kinds ol gadgets and fittings inside. There arc a number of new shapes and finishes and the prices run from $7.5(1 to S'-Io.OO. We have also some of the new plastic bags at sbmewhat lower prices. Glad to show you anyhow even if you don't wish to purchase Just now. Vole As You Like But VOTE on December 12 T ft STETSON A 3 A A A A A A A . A A A A 9 A A A X A 4 A 5 5 'Mw TO S UI T T h i s Christmas give him a Stetson Gift Certificate w i t h Miniature Hal. ALL PRICES Du Barry Rubenstein Tuya Molinard A A A A A A A A A A A-'" A A A A A n A A A A A and Many Others McCUTCHEON Pharmacy Ltd. Third Ave. and Sixth St. PHONE 7 A A A. A A A A ft x A Z y y y y v v y y y y y y y y ANY TASTE A I A, A . A A n A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A a K A A A A A A A A TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS-SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (II. Smith) P.O. Box 167 Terrace