6 ill's a li)ciufc Uupcct Oaily J3ctu0 Saturday, December 7, 1940 FiS TO liOPii , Santa knows what's best for vou and his advice is to play smart and shop early. That way you'll have our complete selection to choose from and you'll be able to shop in comfort ... no rush when you shop early. Follow Santa's advice shop now! Wallace's Of Course ! The Store of 1000 Gifts for Mother and Daughter Wc arc here to serve you and guarantee you will be pleased. FREE DELIVERY OF ALL ORDERS BLAIN BROTHERS "HOUSE OF FINE FOODS" HIONE517 : P.O. Bix 174 VOTE AS YOU LIKE RUT VOTE ON DECEMBER 12 Pacific Cafe Phone Blue 803 726 Third Ave. SPECIALIZING IN WORKMEN'S MEALS Chop Suey : : Chow Mein 6:30 AM. TO 12 MIDNIGHT COURTESY AND SERVICE NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION LTD. Expert Foundation Work and Interior Alterations CONTRACTS LARGE OR SMALL Planning and Designing Estimates 3 STONE BLOCK Fhone 3G3 FURNITURE REPAIRING 1 Upholstering - Slip Covers Drapes Car and Truck Cushions Repaired and Recovered Out-of-town orders given special care. LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Tiione (ircen 371 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre BLONDIE P.O. BOX 1381 Evenings: Blue 370 GOLDBLOOM'S GOING OUT OF BUSINESS Fur Coat SALE PRICES CUT AWAY DOWN! No. 1 Muskrals, SI50 lo $350 Coney Coats, $175 lo $125 Silver Foxes, 35 Percent Off Mink, Marten and Sable, 25 Percent Off NOTHING HELD! Come In and Look -No Time to Walt. GOLDBLOOM'S FOR FURS There, There, Dagwood! 'TOC H CONCERT (SHOWS BINE CITY TALENT An indication of the broad scope of talent available In Prince Rupert was displayed last night at the Tec H variety concert in the Civic Centre auditorium, where an audience of seme 300 applauded the entertainment presented by more than a dozen local performers. Proceeds from the show ar being turned over to the Pioneers' Heme Fund by the Toe H group. Musical presentations included three opening choruses by the Borden Street school choir directed by Principal J. S. Wilson, delightful arrangements of "All Through the Night," "John Peel" and "The First Noel." A monologue sketch by O. Aubrey Bate and two vocal solos by Mrs. Terry Fortune preeeded a gymnastic display by members of the Rup Rec leaders' class under Neil Ross. Harmonica solos toy David Jones. "Temptation" and "To Each His Own," accompanied by Mel Skalmerud on the electric guitar were followed later in the program by a vocal solo, "Blue Skies," sung in the Hoagy Car- michacl manner by Mel Skalmerud, accompanied by the electric guitar and Mr. Jones's harmonica. Dr. R. G. Large, baritone, sang two solos, "Give a Man a Horse He Can Ride" and "Ah, Swret Mystery of Life," while Corporal Wallace, tenor, sang "Danny Boy" and "Irish Lullaby." John Frankey's two pianoforte solos were extremely well received.- Clrniax'of the show was a venerable one-act comedy, "Box and Cox," the maiden effort of Prince Rupert' new little Theatre Group, wiUi a cast consisting of Rev. Basil SProckter, G. Aubrey Bate and Noel Jones. Final presentation was by the Prince Rupert Symphony .Orchestra, which played a series of numbers under direction of Neville Gerard. Accompanists during the evening were Mrs. V. Seaman, 'with IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" AND IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF OLE KORNELIUS OLSEN. DECEASED. INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that bv Order or His Honour Judge W. E. Fisher. Local Judpe of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, I was on the 28th dnv of November. 1946. appointed Administrator of the Estate of Ole Kor-nelius Olsen, who died on' or about the 10th day of September. 1946. AH persons Indebted to the said Estate arc required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith I ana all persona having claims against the said estate are required to file them with me properly verified on or before the 31st day of December, 1946. falling which distribution will be made having regard only to such claims of which I shall have been notified. . DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C.. this 28th day of November, 1946. GORDON F. FORBES. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, B.C. COAL WOOD CRATING STORAGE HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 We Serve You Nothing But the Best . . . SPECIAL ItED BKANU BEEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FUUITS COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats Roast Chicken Meal Pics and Salads Daily RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West the Borden Street choir. MLwl Frances Moore, Charles Balagno and Andy McNaughton I Children composing the Borden Street school choir were: ) Anltn Time n.irham Mf-nro Tlir- I -7 I I if I if I Hotel. . . arrivals bara rrince Ilupert Stalker, MargltMac-' arthur.MesslnajPavllfcta. Roberta c F- P" Faulkner, New West-Paul. Myrtle Miller, Marjorle , mlnster; M,r- and ' MJ?' : B"s" Way. Lorraine Gurvich. Bettv ! slnB". Telkwa: c- v; E?ltt Hillyer. Barry Lashmar. Jimmy I Parture Bay: F C. Woods, Bute-Holt, Elvin Phillips, Dick Nick- i dale; Miss G. Mewhaurer, Queen erson, Joan Grlmble, Pat Gur- I Charlotte City; Miss D. Mew-vlch. Sherry Lashmar. Marlon ; haurer. Queen Charlotte City; Home, Beverly Corner. Olie j N- Shumchuck, Queen Charlotte Strand. Tommy Mocrchouse. City; O. S. Reade, Queen Char- Lenore Nelson, Dorothy Hibbard. ilotte citv' Ronnie Black, Mary Lou Lunn. Ivy Gillespie, Beatrice Yuen, Jack Antone, Jacquelynn Moore. Diane Paquette, Marina Jones. Gerald Roberts', Stanley Parker. Alex Wesley. Molly Peterson. A. D. VANCE FILES PAPERS Nomination papers of Allan Dewstow Vance, seeking election as alderman for a two-year term, were filed with Returning Officer H. D. Thain this morning Mr. Vance's nomination was sponsored by Alderman S. D. Johnston, and seconded by John McLepd. Protect Your Boat From ' FIRE See Us for KIDDE-LUX C02 Fire Extinguishers We recharge C02 Extinguishers after use, in our own plant in Prince Rupert. PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Building Supplies Coal Phone 651 and 652 "Who's the responsible man here?" asked the caller. "If you mean the fellow that always gets the blame," answered the office boy, "you're speaking to him now." y y i Y. r V y v v v v y v v y y y y y y y y y y y ! y y y IK V y y y y v v V V y y y v v y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y V y y y v V y y y y LLOYD MORRIS TRANSFERRED TO VANCOUVER Lloyd Morris, radio announcer at station CFPR is to be transferred to She Vancouver studio of the CBC in the near future, it was learned Friday. Date on which the transfer becomes effective is not yet known. Mr. Morris, who has been In Prince Rupert for the last six years, five of which have been with the CBC, is president of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, and was first president of the Prince Rupert Public Relations Council which he helped to MATA WAS MARGARET Mata Hari's real name was Margaret Gertrude Zeller. SlXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXCtXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXV t WLW IS.. ? AS A SANTA CLAUS ARE YOU A DUNCE? Does a slim Christmas purse, little time for shopping and lots of friends and family make you a puzzled Santa Claus? Then discover THE VARIETY STORE! With lust a few spare half hours, you can dazzle everyone with your lovely gifts! From our really huge stocks of practically everything under the sun, you're sure to find Just what you want for Mother. Dad. Sister, Brother and Sweetheart, all in one convenient store. And we've all the wrappings, too . . . cards, eals, decorative papers and ribbons to dress them jip. Dash in. the next spare half-hour you have and see if we're not telling the truth! THE VARIETY STORE "WHERE YOUR DIMES ARE LITTLE DOLLARS' SUPPORT RADIO AUCTION DECEMBER 12-13-11 ) Today. un V - ROB A FAMOUS RADIO PROGRAM COMES TO THE SCREEN! 7Big Town1 with PHIL REED H1LLIARY BROOKS "UAU TO UTrW. a.. . ... m am mm m m m rk m m m aaaa MJWUAY MIUNIft AND MONDAY SHOWS at 9. . .. Avoid Waiting In Line : : il . . . . - . WESTUtX R0M.iv COWBOY with 5,AKV BETH IlCl I. til tf. BUY BOOKS of THEATRE TICK CAPITOL V.X.XXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX-tlfe-,:- 5 y y TABLE AND BOUDOIR LAMPS SILEX COM EE MAKERS r..r iiio um,i;... Li .. . 5 -A H. tt ft, v iif lr-tfll Aim,, Y. iitrj TUAST1.KS " "" ua ii ic .Minor hiis, t rvslal Set Dl lnrriT rt a ri - V IUrCIV 1 I A l I 1 K I.TTDI yi "uuvihi y r.u. nox 1321 313 Third Avr . nm il),xxx).)imiixsimi-.-. 1 ANNOUNCEMENT TO T1IOSK WHO A Iff A f) rai & v a ...... AN1A(; H)K 1 4 lit I t. n...... i aua 1; iKH Wc have taken over nil orders and ; were placed with S. E. Parker Ltd Wj t policy of fUHns the oldest orders f.r ' Ov will be open lor inspection to any c u. :r: to sec where he stands on the list I POIID AND MONARCH DEALE.-.S 11 ... 'a v: ii rii .lvrnup Phnn. Ittttl W MMMW 1 -, W La. M fir sv 1 mm mm mm r i - n r r na i x i i 1 aw av w mii " mw mi mskn .. XI T 1' -" 1 M tl a. 9 J M I mmw aW aW mm Iff LUI 11 I huaIv T nmn A., ,.......,..,. Mnmprn,,. 2? ! 2 fMmmmmmmm ' OTITiniirnV . w- III B J i I r I ffllflii wmw rY r r j-mmm mmmmmmmmTmMmmmmmm. mM Mm n I . 0CT1 - - - - ti u ft ait- aBBBa aBBaaaaaaaai -lBlaTBHaiaiaTalaT III LL1I D-.i!f..l'liiIi: t 5 VmmmmVW. )J lllHI III II :tt wr i . . r. r ijl'rl ll 1 1 1 ill iiiirrurs n m a. -ssaav i y- w w . . . filCTC Jmmmm M oSTWv AlL n imxm. i . .v mm m mr Mmmmmmmmmmmwr .mr.w. v h i I " - j iii.ii'i-i "mm "' mW J 1 I PLAYING CARDS . iw. i'Av -.. yvf , . k a . . ww ' . a i. - - n wi M ' kZx fta u ainii mi. i-iiaiiia A new lamp. .Many styles, beautifully mounted. A Great Slock in our TOY DEPARTMENT Glassware Crockery Hardware Furniture Electric Goods A EVERYTHING FOR THE COOKERS I; n., , n . . n 5 .MlllM' f Y) v v iw r a k a a m a a a.aaaa.ME..' i)v . s5 5 c "V r ..a .h" y . . ,.,i,ct l - . ' P Kr VV Jpr'- ' W y Sul'loft Junior Chamber Radio Aui.iuii-icc v, - Kitchen Delight II OM E" 00HDON & ANDERSON Tlic Newest and Largest Store in North Central B.C. VOTE AS VOU LIKE BUT VOTE ON DECEMBER 12 By Chic Young CO VOU' WANT) U1 -CDCOA A WOULD EtOJGH MILK j)" VOU PUT IM T SuR THINKING i-T CO'EE 0(?TEaS 7 rt V630012 FOR COCOA . FRONT OF ME! StoS'k! por suPEt?? J j fora would vou ) s-- SlZy (cmange -.kete f pin 1 8 General Contractor We hasoments, rcshmgling, build fences, sidewalks, remodel, your kitchen. Demolish or move buildings. 100 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CALL BLUE 610 and we will give an estimate. P.O. BOX 654 PRINCE RUPERT ffici't!it'itcicvctic,ietic!"C'SX'c',''";tt MRS. DOWTIIIIR AND MISS WATSON at the DRY GOODS & NOVELTY Havp done their best to obtain a Cliristmas stock for you Some lines arc Miorl. ycl r think )" could find an acceptable gift h"6 Call and sec us anyway! B ESN MR BLOCK mi." . 1 1 Kr no Knnort not! E V,U""- AI.Kfl MI SSKNT.KR SERVICE TllOnC D'ul 1 F . . T B I Z E S we ouy ... a"' . nnj irf ii.r Whiskey, Gf r,:. w unHiiKi Wine Mouk" PirOMPT AND UUUIUW" OI'ENING OUR NEW Siuit. ... HAPPY WONOy. ill SI.VIII STUhtT ,r,a.JD ( NEXT TO JONES WE Wholesale and Haii - nTlti ft N K D i " ' liUY r n w jvi