Classified Advertising - - . word per Insertion, minimum charge, 50c Birth Notices, lt Thank". Death Notices. Funeral Notlcm, Marriage C ond Engagement Announcement: t'l. rn nc - .. i fOK 'b . I a nlrve dining room 1 HELP . .i,L" nil in na,,l" (280) iimise. 7 rooms, 3 owdern. furnace n5,. tesement. $3,000. Ar y O P Tinker .Booming house, 22 4n(j 4 lots, spwimiu ; ew Price $4,200, Fo, ui) particulars pTinXerandCc.Ltd.. Block House. 8 roans. Drv Dock. Well .'e 14.730 Terms. "- i t- Jm (Ml c;ie pare w. usai grease, piling out. Per Furniture Co. (280) .m t i n n n n iimi 1 1 1 r . r. m.;Ji. 415 7th Avenue (280t in. 2'2 ton Maple in k Phone Black (288) .te ' building jots 1 an Ave. West. Green 902. tf) tr Man's bicycle In Phone Oreen (tf) ;1B ceotaurant stove ,c:::c;d canopy; 1 80-jvar.ized hot water Tcrruce Hotel, Terrar?, i286l i $4 battery radios edition dining room j $25 beds, complete, jr r.alvanlzed buckets tf: blankets, sheets. t. r.sw lancy mirrors, itlerr.?. scatter rugs -nrc ;es, all sizes; all useful hardware; -.a" office furnitme ,-:;t prices. See us 31. rur.mure uu., diuik (tf ... . , i ;i urewn enamei ,cir- 'Inn Fit i ?r $25.00 Phone (237) F .-; new recored and :j radiators for all . anu trucks write t :jj Radiator Repairs, FAir 1372., Van- U d Ui)l tr T) 1. 1 i ;pare tire. $30. (288) I :t like new: noon u-E Adjustable dress i condition. Phone (201) to Ave E. Phone Black tit) xt'z. h.h chair, buggy, n tj)e and chairs. aud Electric Dry Shav- 'f r.artlng; self sharp- r-) cadio interference; ' 120V CD cycle AC tully guaranteed. Sales. Dent. A. 20 MACHINERY (289) uEtH.! luinucr jiiuic wically, use the modern P-to-date type National uawiiuus. manuiac- 1 nauuillU AiaCIHIlCJJ uuiiea, Vancouver, WANTED r who will slve lessons llV MauiB ,vl..t f..U I., ' 1L111 111 '41 itxnt R0OM AM) "itMAitn M ft... (286) u BOARD Table ume awav from home. h.-f 1 . -.luii-. oi riiisn (dl3) UUARD--JU reason- CWS. (lf lST AND l oiiNn . , o. (tf) ; "Jve same bv enlllrnr nt MUJMIU IUI Lilll "orment. nt 'lnian'o linui i.i... i. at. . - uiuc v-iirviw HIXP WVNTED WANTED Ward maids at Prince Rupert General Hospital, (to WANTED IMMEDIATELY Ward aides and maids. Native and white applications will be accepted. Applicants should be 18 years of yge. or over. Phone or write: M.;tron. Miller Bay Hospital. (286; Hill KENT FOR RENT 3 room unfurnished suite. Apply suite 7 Washington Block. (280) FOR RENT One or two furnished housekeeping roams, private entrance, also 6 room flat, partly furnished, 5th Ave. West. Apply Suite 1 Helgerson Block. (289) FOR RENT -Partly furnished one-room cabin. Phone Blaek 085. (288) FOR RENT Suite In Bay Apartments, 141 2rid Avenue. Blue 815. , (tf) FOR RENT Single or double l room, meals If desired. Men only. Two minutes walk from Post Office. Phone Black 9C5 (tf) FOR RENT 2-room. apartment, furnished. 9G0 1st Ave. West Apply 221 5th Ave East. 291 SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES YOU CAN RUN a Home Kindergarten with our help. Canadian Klndegarten Institute, care M.C.C. Schools, Winnipeg, Man. LIFE 'n me upert fry BIDDER JINKS It's going to be different this year Christmas, I mean. When the announcement Is made "There are only 10 more shopping days until Christmas" nolhing Is going to roll all up Inside of men and then burst with an Internal bombardment something like the atomic bomb. No sirt Not this year and I'll tell you why. First of all; no more mall or der shcppln.3 for me. It seems so simple, Just sitting in your favorite chair, choosing the things you want and ordering them. Everything looks so good the things I do happen to set. That is, I can mall thera after standing a reasonable length of time itarlng over people's heads at the beauty tt a square wlctoet. I think back to a few. years ago. I remember that after only a haJf-hour It still looked beautifully square. After an hour and a half, even a square sets sort of angular and colorless, Maybe one's attention wanders. That might have comethlng to do with It. After all, wnen someone four persons ahead of yon sees her friend only three In line behind you, and they proceed to have their "over-the-fene," I too in the catalogue! Those ! mean, unless a person is trained glossy pages with everything i in the art of concentration, they from toys to Aunt Mattle's gloves sort of listen in, no matter how and Uncle's shirt Just reach out and beckon at you. But can you get them! And when one order-house lets you down surely one of the other six mijrht not. But no they can't do it either. So that's what I say. No final blank order is .going to come sailing in on December 23 this .year to leave me limn and In special need of Christmas "spirits' on the eve of the twenty-fourth. After 12 hours of steady shop ping, I'm home with an empty purse and the wrapping staring me In the face. Then, too, this year I can mall PERSONAL BEAUTIFUL Fuller nylon hair brushes. Now available. Phone. , Oreen 873. (287) private the conversation! Part of It sets lost, cf course, when somewhere in the line a moth er's arm gives out what with holding parcels and baby longer than nature Intended her to. So The puts "baby" down, thlnklnx that babies axe safer to leave lvlna around than, oarcels whereupon there Is a wud and lusty yell, which Is Immediately Joined by another, of the same age ?.nd mind further down the line. Even this clamor gets a bit hazy; when something about, the size of an elbow enters the an atomy Just two inches below the place where your heart was .a moment before! And while your breath Is still Inhaled, one foot, then two. scream their agony as a dark form murmers: "On, ex- cuser me, but I've Just got to get this mailed!" The wicket Is getting, .slightly closer now and . the toes have "begun to feel like toss again and the ribs are gently responding to the rise and fall of normal breathing when tome husky creature, seeing an Inch or two of rpace, squeezes Into the line Just In front of you, A wave of falntne& assail you almost Im mediately (bathing once' a week No. 1) and then he turns and yawns squarely" In your face! People talk so nonchalently of last straws." I: wonder, have they ever been held In a vise, one all rigged out In Christmas wrappings (and it seems to me that someone was humming a carol) while 100 per cent hali tosis Is breathed out right .under their nosel But human nature is wonder ful, ;o they say, and I thought so myself when I saw the wicket only three people away. Yes, It was wortn it all to get tnese nraceh oil . The poor dears would yet them on time., too If Ihey ifft on tonight's mail. And didn't mind It so much. In fact, it was worth it all now that It was Just about over. There! "She" was finished and that left only two people In front of me,. I even turned to cast a pitying glance at the poor unfortunates strung away out behind me. Oh, well! If I did It, they could. Then. I heard a bans. I dared not took, I just sort of peeked. It couldn't be but it was. The wicket was closed! A blighted Christmas, that's what it was. Santa Claus himself must have felt the pinch from his cherry nose to where he shakes like a bowlful of Jelly. Any skinny hlmney admitted i him and his pack that year. But is not enough, says Health Rule as I say, we're a cheerful lot. Optimism is tne word, Tnavs why this Christmas Is going to be different. BAGTHORPE, Norfolk, Eng. Two children, aged six and seven, will go 2'i miles to school In a taxi every day. The local education committee will pay for It. LONDON 'CP Fifty govern ment rent tribunals, with power to lower rentals charged for rooms, apartments and houses, now are operating through Eng land HI-WAY SERVICE Now Open for Servicing, light Repairs and ,Vulcanlzlng BELLAMY & TWEED 404 McBrlde For That Party . . . PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port Edward, B.C. CHOP SUEY . CflOW MEIN 7:00 ajn. to 11:00 pjn. 1 : 7 I HIWill I WHAT t rMR.ANDMRS.M'NUCKLE1 r 4 I ARE YOU X ACROSS THE WAY ARE by CVAC YOUNG- 1; l rr 3:wsiMv 1 . $l :9Kk ' I . . i . JTT. xfrW qjAMF on sou PgFkiNG ) 1 I M "i &V ( ITS AMAZING HOW SHE CAN ) ! : ISfo IVnOWRpSpS H ml SWING THAT BROOM" . I V CO ANYTHING 9 W gl giM ' ' r f EXCITING LIKE , I l" 1 1 Z-.JJP , -s,, THAT? GEE WHIZ V SdSS5toJCS k u ; ' 1 pa I : 1 I i-i T pvS3 i NOW. IF YOU HEAR ) I WTWm FRANKLY, ) S ' I - id C.C PJL J SOME NOISE DOWN- IM ' ' SVV . V STAIPS DON'T WORf?- ) 1 " i n-i - V V V y y y y v v v y y v V y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y w y y y y a a y y Prfufc Uupcrt Daflp I3eUi3 JSaturday, December 7, 1916 Here's really effective gentle relief from CONSTIPATION! Get glorious rc'ief from tluggishness the proved Phillips' Milk of Magnesia way. So effective. So gentle., Just take 2 to 4 tablespoonfuls with water. You'll be thrilled with the way it helps you start each day keenly alive and refreshen. What's more, Phillips' Milk of Magnesia' is one of the fastest neutralize of excess stomach acidity known to science. Its double-action means relief from constipation and relief from acid indigestion. Remember ... rr-n-r:;n tartan tattsft . MSj. vim I TABLETS I fr '"""'I ; il Everybody loves slippers. We've a tremendous. collection of the newest everyone in the family. Delight the Ladies v and latest styles for WARM AND COMFY FOR KIDDIES STURDY AND RELAXING FOR DAD Cut Rate Shoe Store) (Third Avenue, across from Ormes) GEORGE BROWN Proprietors R- C. WOODS U ii UADITJLMT " . m HABITANT H omecra ft Hand-Loomed iin ; Old Quebec Bridge Sets Luncheon Sets 1 Tablecloths Shopping Bags and Head wear " . - would make . -appreciated gifts! Shop at . . . Fraser & Payne FOR Better Value Better Quality Election Day . . . Exercise Your Franchise ORDER TURKEYS EAKLY Market Phone 957 If IS A K K K H A H A H n K A A A A A A f o , M 42 on nor 9 Dlancn . "Mr. R c White. Port tie fWHA tWW''VW'' -i-mw Vftke In TV.. ....... is