LDrfncc Rupert Daily JDclus Tuesday, April 16, 194C SHORT SPORT -. Hamilton Tigers are on their way to Regina where they will "meet, the Calgary Stampeders tor the first game In the' best-of-seven-game series for the Allan Cup. The eastern Canadian senior hockey champs left Hamilton Saturday night for the west and their battle for the senior hockey championship of Canada. They climbed aboard the train amid the cheers of hocltey fans who were on hand to see the 'ilamllton team on their way. At Wembley stadium In London Saturday night, Canada defeated Czechoslovakia 10-6 In a hockey game that was billed as international. Franck Boucher of Ottawa stole the show as he scored five times for the Canadians. The Canadian team was composed of Air Force and Army players with Johnny Mowers, former Detroit Red Wing net-minder, in goal. Advertise in the Dally News. LOOK $p FEEL sap BE SHARP OTTAWA WINS HOOP OPENER OTTAWA CP Ottawa University defeated the Saint John, New Brunswick, team 52-43 last night In Ottawa, Ottawa ran up a nine-point lead In the first game of the two-game total -points Dominion Intermediate Seml-Final Series. The second game will be played in Ottawa toniglit. PUCK SERIES IS EVENED UP Vancouver Cauucks Shellack I!oston Olympics by Score of 9 to 1 Last Evening VANCOUVER. P Vancouver Canucks trounced Boston Olympics by a score of 9 to 1 last night to even up the best of seven United States senior hockey championship series at one game each, 'Boston had won the first game nine to six. The third game will be played tomorrow night. A crowd of 5,000 fans jammed the Forum for last night's games. A If! BASKETBALL City 'Intermediate Championship High School Vs. Savoy Preliminary Garnet TONIGHT, 7:30 'p.m. Civic Centre Admission Adults 25c, Students 10c. I' on YOUR SPRING CLEANING NEEDS McIIride Stieet Plumbing and Heating Engineers on. and coal stokf.ks Barr&Anderson LIMITED Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th Street Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 You will find in our varied stock of paint cleaners, polishes, waxes, mops, brooms and cleaning materials, everything ycu need to make the Job as easy and efficient as Gordon's Hardware Phone 311 KWONG SANG HINO HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Wxt to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 9 p.m. to 2 Am. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 HOME OWNERS IT IS TIME FOR YOU It SPUING REPAIRING! We have now in stock a substantial quantity of Cedar Shingles, Kirch' and Cedar Panelling in a variety of finishes, Jnsul-Rrick, Building Papers, etc. Philpott, Evitt & Co. Ltd. LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIALS Pliones 651 and G52 Today in Spoi'ts SERIES IS EVENED UP St. Michael's and -Monarch Now Have Game Each in Memorial Cup Final TORONTO, Oi St. Michael') College last night tied up at one game each the junior hockey classic of the year the final In the Memorial Cup series by scoring a 5 to 3 victory over the Winnipeg Monarchs. The game was played in the Maple Leaf Garden and attracted a roarlns crowd which filled the capacity of the great Indoor stadium. Saturday nljjht we visiting Winnipeg Monarchs gained a three to two victory. Fourteen thousand people packed the Gardens to see the opener in the best-of -seven series for the Canadian junior championship. WINNERS OF ALLAN CUP1 By the Cnnnrtlan rrpss Winners or the Allan Cup, presented by Sir Montaguo Allan for competition among Canadian senior amateur hockey teams, follows: 1903Ottawa Cliffsides. 1909 1910. 1911- 1912 1913- 1914 1915 191G- 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1923 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1930-1931 1932 1933 1934- Queen's University. St. Michael's College. Winnipeg Victorias. Winnipeg Victorias. Winnlpes Hockey Club. Regina Victorias. Winnipeg Monarchs. Winnipeg Cist Btn. Toronto Dentals. Kitchener. Hamilton Tigers. Winnipeg Falcons. University of Toronto. Toronto Granites. Toronto Granites. Satilt Ste. Marie. . Pott Arthur. Port Arthur. University of Toronto Grads. 1U23- -University of Manitoba. 1929- Port Arthur. Montreal A.A.A. Winnipeg. Toronto Nationals. Moncton Hawks. Moncton Hawks. 1935 Halifax Wolverines. 193G Kimberley Dynamiters. 1937 Sudbury Tigers. 1038 Trail Smoke Eaters. 1939 Port Arthur Bearcats. 1940 Kirkland Lake Blue Devils. 1941 Regina Rangers. ROTARIANS PLOT 'SECRET WEAPON' i AGAINST GYROS Realizing that something more than creaking muscles and time-dimmed eyes will be required to defeat the athletl-cally-trim Gyfo basketbal! squad, the Rotary "Raindrops" have devised two or three "secret weapons," which the "Raindrops" coach and first aid man Don Ritchie promises will have devastating effect when the two teams meet at the Civic Centre gym some night soon. Strategy for the Rotary Raindrops was plotted last night by Mr. Ritchie, Gordon Durkin and Johnny McLeod, and the result of this armchair training is' predicted to be at least amusing if it Is not victorious. The other two team members, Doug Stevenson and Martin Stuart, were absent from training. The Gyros, brstered by a feeling of security following their colorful triumph over the Kinsmen Blackfaces three weeks ago have so far not been reported to be undergoing any intensive training, probably because they feel they don't need it. However, no matter -who wins (he omic feature, the xule book will again be tit? loser, as it was in the Gyro-Kinsmen game. BIG LEAGUES START TODAY NEW YORK W Today the Big League ball teams in the United States start off on their 1946 season. Eight National League clubs and eight American League outfits play ball this afternoon. DATE OF GOLF CHAMPIONSHIPS EDMONTON 0. The Royal Canadian Gold Association announced today that the Canadian Amateur .'Gold champion ships, will be played July 29 to August 3 at the Mayfalr Club In Edmonton. It was previously announced that they would be held August 5 to 9., The president of the Association J. A. Fuller of Montreal .said the change was made to permit the $10,000 open. 1942 Ottawa H.C.A.F. 1943 Ottawa Commandos. 1944 Quebec Aces. . 1945 Unplayed. 1946 Hamilton Tiger,s or Calgary Stampeders. Roofs Somfonr called trees "subterranean animals waving their tails in the air". Roots nre forgotten lx-catisc lliey nre not seen. So with textiles. You see a sheet, n piece of dress goods or the backing of a carpet, but yon cannot see the years of experience and tlie expensive machinery which went into making it. Hack of every "Colonial" sheet, for instance, lies almost a full century of experience and craftsmanship. Nor do you see the risks and adventures of building nn industry to make these things, nor the cost nnd effort to attain and keep up the quality which enables Canadian-made textiles to compete wilh those of older and larger countries. Dominion Textile unrler arc now Limy turning out tlm man)' thing Hint are o badly tiwliil for our ira'Hinie liting. A long as tlir rri-nt trrnirn.loiia demands ami relative shortage eUt, mh hall no on ilUtriltulinK ur rtMltwtIoii on a iitiotu huftii, iiluying no favourite. DOMINION TEXTILE COMPANY LIMITED GoUm lite Maii&i Qakic We Have Done IT Seeing is Believing COME IN Look for the Red "TODAY'S Sl'ECIAL" Cards with the black arrow indicating one of the Bargains of the Day! MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE (Opposite Canadian Legion) Phones 18 and 19 P.O. Box 575 WAR ASSETS BOWLS PLAY Hell Divers. Falcons, Condors And Mallards Are Winners In the Latest War Assets Corporation Bowling League play Hell Divers scored a three-sames-to-nil clean sweep victory over Goldeyes while Falcons, Condors and Mallards were win ners two games to. one In each rase over Eagles, Ravens and Gulls. Detailed results of play were as follows: Hell Divers p. Hay 92 218 80390 L. Chambcrlln 85 84 117-28G E. McKale R. Houle H. Plemeutos C. Unwln W. Brown G. Anderson C. Carrier 11. Loder A. Demaerc P. Grey L. Raabe B. Kennedy .1. Ham W. Koraluk P. Johnson V. Nixon M. Drouln V. Carrier A. Ross Bradshaw P. Hay Joy Berg in. AiMy B. Houston O. Brown O. Yule E. Houston Geo. Brown G. McGlnnis Lynn Hay P. Patourncau S. Birre 11 V. Holoka I. Macklnnon M. Carrier P. Plementos F. Myer 183 134 111428 171 217 219-C07 201 127 101480 133 123 108 3C4 8C5 903 790 2504 Goldeyes 111 126 109-340 102 105 118-445 200 212 105 -517 127 130 191448 91 192 185-468 137 56 53-246 823 882 761 2470 Falcons 110 138 131-379 118 106 138362 102 122 117-341 109 144 104-417 121 179 170-476 85 109 99293 C45 798 825 22G8 Eagles 153 165 113-431 160 109 165494 162 117 134-413 191 134 85-410 121 71 110-303 85 93 103286 872 749 721 2342 Condors' 100 107 130-349 180 101 166507 120 117 52-289 203 99 170-472 91 123 155309 118 114 163395 818 721 842 2381 'Ravens ' 3. Lemirc 188 238 182-608 D. Latourneau 103 183 106392 B. Thornton 84 81 108273 95 102 112369 108 37 127322 93 112 116-321 671 803 751 2285 Mallards 21G 111 112459 194 136 141-471 140 112 102354 32 50 12O-205 99 86 128313 115 199 201515 79G 694 827 2317 Gulls M. Munezaba lt2 177 93397 V. Choneluk J. Unwln M. Edgar . Loder O. Brown 123 128 136 377 109 119 147376 133 145 122400 133 111 106 350 -77 92 100269 697 772 709 2169 UNITED STATES HOCKEY IS TIED KANSAS CITY The Tulsa Oiler- defeated the Kansas Crty Play-Mors 4-3 In 5 minutes and 57 seconds ot overtime in Kan sas City Sunday night. The; United States Hockey League final play-off scries Is thus all J tied up at two game apiece and uie tcauu j live i, in imu tu- night for the fifth game of the best-of-seven series. Saturday night, in Kansas City, the home team hung up a 5-3 Baseball Scores PACIFIC COAST LEAftlJE Satin day Portland 0, San Francisco 4. Seattle 3, Hollywood 6. Los Angeles 5, San Diego 3. Oakland 1, Sacramento 0. Sunday San Francisco 5-5, Portland 1-2. Los Angeles 2-6, San Diego 1-2. Oakland 4-0, Sacramento 3-4. Seattle 5-2, Hollywood 1-1. HOOP TEAMS GOING SOUTH Booth Memorial Teams to I'lay at Ocean Falls Two Booth Memorial High School basketball teams will j venture to Ocean Falls on Thursday night to defend the Northern B.C. hoop championship against the paper town challengers In the first half of a possible best-of-five series. At stake is the Arthur Murray trophy, significant of the boys championship for nortn-em British Columbia, and the Alex MacKenzie trophy, of similar significance in the girls' melon competition. The second half of the series will be played at Prince Rupert, next Wednesday and Thursday. Hie two local teams will be accompanied on their return home next Wednesday on the Prince Rupert by their Ocean Falls opponents. The annual competi tion will wind up in a blaze of friendship at a banquet at the Boston Cafe next Thursday afternoon. Both the boys and girls of Bo-Me-Hl are holders of the Northern B.C. championship, having successfully defended It In similar competition last year Leading the two local teams on their southern expedition will be Coach Alrx Bill, and Manager Boyo Gurvlch. Miss Dean of the High School staff will chaperon the girls. Team members are: Boys Jim Forman, centre; Don Hartwig, fd.; Reg. Lavigne. fd.; Craig Miller, centre; Mel Thompson, pd.; Etidie Clccone. Ed.; Jack James, gd.. Frank "Foot" Jamas, a leading player for. Bo-MeHl will be absent from the line-up on account of a bout with pneumonia from which he has not fully recovered. The girls' line-up consists of Betty Hamilton, fd.; Jackie Budl-nich. fd.; Rusty Thaln, fd.; Beryl Anderson, gcL; Elizabeth MacKenzie, gd.; Marie Col well, gd.: Nellie Bill, gd.; Muriel Thornton, centre. IN THE SUPREMF COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THR MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP IIKNKY SHARP M1SNKR, DECEASED - INTESTATE i . s it ivj.iv.c null ii y umn i,i JIM Ilfll.i tfllllKC T. b 4 latirt , MAUI Judge or th Supreme Court of British Columbia, I was on the 2nd day of April. 1040. appointed Administrator ot tbe Estate or Henry (Sharp MLsncr. w)u died on or atxmt Uie 14th day of January. I!M6. All per-Kons Indebted to the Kald Estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith and all persons having claims anal nst the said Estate are required to f Ho tbem with me properly varlfled en or before the 15th day of May, 1946. falling which distribution will be made having regard only to such claims of which I shall have been notified. DATED at Trlnce Rupert. n.C. this 2ad day of April. A O 1948. GORDON P. FORBES. Act In? Official Admlnls'.rator. Prlnc Rupert. B.C. 02 FOUR VETERANS PRINCE RUPKRT DECORATORS Specialists in Each Branch raperhanging Signs Decorating Blue 285 Box 1422 Stn. B. Steamship Service from 4'KINCE KIII'F.KT to OCEAN FALLS POWELL RIVER VANCOUVER Thursday at 11:15 p.m. to KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight FAKES and INFORMATION at CITY TICKET OFFICE 528 Third Avenue and DEPOT TICKET OFFICE oorjaooooopfloooooooroooDooDt3DooreHiaDOoaoooooooriOij V - ....... HV . . . iy . . . IBB PRINTING COMPANY Office Supplies, Bookbinding. Printing, Stationery lllrthdar and Every Day Cards BESNER BLOCK Waterman Pens THIRD AVENUE u)lictiioffccu'asmei) i-. , ..... m- A M it rnedirint. IN THIS EXTRA-FLAVOR COFFEE There's friendly stimulation in every fragrant cup rf delicious Maxwell House. This world-famous coffr? has extra flavor . . . extra smooth and satisfying bodr because it contains choice Latin-American coflea And this superb blend is then "Radiant-Roasted" to bring out its full goodness. Make Maxwell House your tegular cofTce for all nr r.i!nn- It's ? wayt uuuu iu luc Last Drop!'' A Product ef Ctntrel Fsedi k .mi p. Mm mii irv i iip. iinii.Y ri ".wrwi . i hi .u i . i ii m ni SOON... KASTKR WILL UK 1IKRK. SEE . . . OUR MANY CUT SUfiC.KSTIONS. S END . . . KASTERGRKETltfnS"ON ... COUTTS CARDS. KfcJD D fl i m i m va m rw m -1 - ... ... .... a ra t 1 n.J UoaflJ Rf! we serve you noming dui me Desi aprrui nru u... Choicest fresh Vejetables and Fruits Complete line of Groceries OUR. DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT OPEN DURIM Dfnin an ornnc! tinilRS ' Choicest Cooked Meats, Meat Pies, Koast Chickens, Fish and Chips dally. We are ready to serre joi Chinese dishes Chow Meln, Chop Suey, etc., to UK out. Cooked with delicate taste and .quirk service. T It Y 0 S 1 RUPERT BUTCHERS Royal H" Phone 21 Third Ave. West - Next The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON Cards and all the things you need this month, come to THE VARIETY STOKE! We've cards and gifts to please everyone. Come in and have fun just looking aroundl rCMTDAI HI) Weekly and Monw ' For your convenience - NEWLY DECORATE APRIL FOOL YOUR For Easter Gifts, Easter a3 Transient Kro! Cafe In Connection olMlS? (RenovaWd) nioNE s' BUDGET! aaatt - laT THE VARIETY STOtf - ----- H wnern mui jjuiico .- a Little VoW