I 4 i prince Rupert Dally jaeU)0 Tuesday, April 16, 1940 SPENDS LEAVE IN RAT SEARCH LONDON, O'-LAC. Ian Shepherd! 23, who keeps a pet rat called "Rtbecca" at his R.A.F. station &( Brunswick, Germany, came to London' to find her a husband. He fouHd a suitable male rate in a London store, bought It and named ltf. "George." "Rcbcc$a was pining for a husband' when I left Germany to .come 'home on leave," Shep I MAR TAW, Devon, Eng., & --Mice hU to pieces three II notes at. (he post office. Take Army Fire Dept. Admirable Protection Will Be Afforded Terrace as Result TERRACE There appears to equipment plus the buildings which house the fire engine. herd saW. "As I could not ob- of tnc Army camp hcre tain a Royal uutcn rat in Ger- A meeting was held in the many. I. spent my 10 days' leave i municipal office Friday nlsht searching' for one here -4 between Ihe Village Corpora tion and the volunteer fire bri- iNVFftARIR RrnthnH Raae 10 consider an agrcsmeni First pr'lzp at a whist drive here ion the matter 'hich has bf n went tott04-year old Mrs. Watt, received by the corporation irom me ueparimeni ui 11a-tlonal Defence. In the nature of things fire I and financial repercussions. The meeting, after a careful reading, clause by clause, .of the proposed agreement, decided to ask the advice of the Minister of Municipalities before signing on the dotted line. When word has come back from Victoria another meeting will take place when It is hoped the matter can be clinched and Terrace enabled thus to acquire a really fine and modern outfit. be a prospect that Terrace maylijp i ' ICTpiVS be able to retain in the villas I V; the first rate fire flshtln.se r UK UKtAfvO c SYDNEY. Australia, 0" Australia's housing olans hava created a strange job for construction expert D. Jackson. At Rydc, a Sydney suburb, residents are getting preview of first all-steel houses built in their country. Jackson .each night occupies this modern cottage with it1? flat roof and larse airy windows. His job: to listen for! creaks when the steel frame- fiphting might result in loss or ; work contracts after a day In injury, which would have legal . the sun. h tfjt imiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBiRBBiiiiiiiiisii; i RUPERT PEOPLES 4 t WTonwrroivs i Store TODAY offers... STORE SPHSll HUES " S. K. I'AKKni LID. arc pleased to announce the appolnt-mcnt of Gus Stromdahl as Shop Foreman. Gus has had several years of experience with S. E. Parker Ltd., and with a full staff of seven qualified mechanics, and up-to-date equipment, Parker Garage is now in a position to turn out Guaranteed Mechanical work. .MOTORISTS! Phone S:i, and ask for Gus. DON'T FORGETI S. E. PARKER LIMITED 170 East 3rd Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. We arc pleased to announce that conditions now permit us to place on the market again "RUPERT BRA!D" SCOTCH TYPE SMOKED KIPPERS SMOKED ALASKA IiLACK COD SMOKED MILD CURED SALMON Try them today from your Butcher or at your favorite restaurant. Canadian Fish - AND - Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT. B.C An Announcement To the Motoring Public . . . NEW HOURS FOR SALE OF GAS AT LONG MOTORS WEEK DAVS SUNDAYS - Operator FRANK MORRISON 8 A.M. TO 9 TM. I P.M. TO 4 VM. I This is a service for your convenience ... you ui u inviiuu to mite advantage pi it. I l.M liUilSIItY ACT He: CcrtifloaK- of Title No. 22598-1 to Lot nilrtwn (13). Block Kour-Ufn (14). Townslte of Atlln, Map 678. WHEREAS satisfactory proof of loss of the above Certificate of Title Issued in the name of William Arthur Dodd has been filed In this office, notice is hereby given that I shall, at the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication hereof, Issue a provisional Certificate of Title In lieu of said lost Certificate, unless In the meantime valid objection be made to me in writing. DATED at the Land Kegistry Office, Prince Rupert. B.C. this Oth day ' of April, 1916 AD. ANDREW THOMPSON, Deputy Registrar of Titles. IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP JOHN ELLSWORTH GARLAND (otherwise known as John: Garland). DECEASED INTE3- TATE. TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honor. Judge Fisher, made on ! the 12th day of April, A.D. 1940. I was appointed Administrator of the 1 Estate of John Ellsworth Garland, otherwise known as John Garland, ' deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate arc hereby required to furnish same. ' properly vrlfled. to me on or before the 22nd day of May, A.D 1946, and I all parties Indebted to the estate I are required to pay the amount of i their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince RXipert, B.C., i this 12th day of April. A.D. 1946. GORDON P. FORBES, 1 Acting Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B. C. This Is Our Business fake advantage of our many years of auto and general machine repair experience. The Terrace Machine Shop ad Garage Is under the management of Bill Osborne and has secured the services of J. Campbell, who has had many years of experience In car and truck work, CONSULT US Terrace Machine Shop AND GARAGE Terrace az'tWtiB&&i :JW'ii iryy-B vrmmuf irTw'zzmt'' FOR SALE Large tricycle, also kiddy car. 332 7th Ave. East. (92) FOR SALE Six-room house on two lots; nice, fenced lawn and garden; house consists of living room, dining room, cabinet kitchen, three good-sized bedrooms, standard bath. Part concrete full-sized basement. Both living room and kitchen equipped with oil burning stoves. Situated on bus line, in good location. Phone Blue 469. (tf) FOR SALE '30 Chrysler. 30 Studebaker. '30 G.M.C. truck, 1-ton. Apply National Motors, phone Red 392 or Box 988. (91) FOR SALE 5-room house with bath. 529 7th Ave. West. Call 633 8th Ave. West. (90 FOR SALE 6-room furnished house. 742 7th Ave. West. (100) FOR SALE McClary electric range, used, $10.00; barber chair, fair shape, $35.00; small size coal and wood stoves, new, $28.50; new hardwood chairs, special, $2.65; trl-light lamps, big assortment, used, from $5.00; electric and battery radio sets from $10.00; electric press Irons; hot plates, new, $4.75; drinking classes, new, lCc; slightly used kitchen set. $16.50; dining room set, seven pieces, In good shape $45.00. All kinds of furniture and hardware bought and sold at the lowest prices. B. C. FURNITURE CO. Black 324. iOR SALE Dressing table, chlf-fonlcre, single and double beds complete, modern kitchen sink complete, small tables, stand lamp. Phone Blue 562. (tf) 'OR SALE 1 double bed: 2 camp beds; 2 dressers; 1 dining room suite, painted: 1 chesterfield suite; kitchen table and chairs. Phone Black 751 or call 1028 10th Avenue East. (90) -XJR SALE 12x14 cabin. Fishermen's New Floats. (90) TOR SALE McClary Quebec heater; ' dinette suite; mantel electric radio; mattress. 424 8th Ave. East, or phone Black 614. (90) FOR SALE One black coat, size 16; also one fur Jacket, size 16. Both practically new. Phone Black 390 or call U7 4th Ave. W. (91) FOR SALE Tri-lite lamp, maga zine rack, coifec table, electric fan. office chair and record player. Apply 117 4th Ave. W. or phone Black 390. (91) FOR SALE White enamel range, like new. 221 4th Ave. E. Phone Black 633. (90) FOR SALE Five windows, four cedar posts. 1108 7th Ave. E. (tf) FOR SALE 17 h.p. Rap, semt- diescl, complete with shaft and propcllor, In good condition. $200. Phone Green 609. (91) FOR SALE Trollcr, "G and O." New Floats. (90) FOR SALE 7 h.p. Palmer marine engine. Apply Tchjesvold, Dodge Cove, Dlgby Island. (94) FOR SALE S h.p. Vivian, shaft and propellor, 15 h.p. three cylinder Yale. Also brass shafting, propellors, transmissions and boat hardware. Atlas Boiler Works. (94) Soon to be presented to the Secretary General of UNO by Prime Minister W. L. Mackenzie King Is the Illuminated resolution, shown In the above photograph, which assures the adherence of the Fisheries Council of Canada t o the charter or the United Nations. The resolution, which was signed by leaders of the fishing industry representing all parts of the Dominion, was accepted on behair of the prime minister by Hon. II. Francis G. Bridges, Minister of Fisheries (right), from C. J. Morrow (left) of Lunenburg, N.S.. retiring president of the Fisheries Council of Canada. The presentation was made at Ottawa during the council's first annual meeting. P F D D Radio Dial V I I I 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) TUESDAY P.M. 4:00 Two Piano Tteams 4: IS Metropole 4:30 Stock Quotations 4:43 Weather Forecast 4:45 Top Bands 5:00 Marck Weber 5:30 The Looseleaf 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Dinah Shore 6:30 Marimba Melodies 6:45 This and That 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Leicester Square to Old Broadway 8:00 Citizen's Forum 8:30 Winnipeg Strings 9:00 Books for. the Times 9:15 Swing Low 9:30 Musicana 10:00-CBC News 10:10 B.C. News 10:15 Ann Watt 10:30 Pacific Pianoforte 11:00 Opera Time 11:55 CBC News and Interlude 12:00 Silent WEDNESDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Warlng's Pcnnsylvanians 8:30 Music for Moderns ,, 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Special Holy Week Program 9:45 Songs; in Sweet Style 10:00 Morning Visli 10:15 Songs of Today. 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Women's Forum 11:00 Hits in Review 11:15 Thoughts for Today 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 1 1 :33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Piano Moods P.M. 12:00 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 CBC News 12:45 Matinee Memories 1:00 Hit Review 1:15 Interlude 1:10- Women in Office 1:30 Holy Week Meditations 1:45 Music Styled for String 2:00 Classic Hour 2:30 Tne Robinson Family 2:45 Downbeat 3: CO Mcsscr's Islanders 3:15 Homemaker's Program 3:30 Magic in Spring 3:45 hue News ana; Commentary FWLLHELI, Wales, (Pj Warm sunshine In mid-March resulted In many bathing parties here. IN THE SCPHEMB COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE I.N THE MATTKR OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and i IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP JUSTUS HERMAN HELIN othe. wise known as HERMAN HELIN. DECEASED - INTESTATE .TAEE NOTICE that by Order of illi. Honor, Judge Fisher, made on ho 3rd day of April, A.D. 1946, 1 'a appointed Administrator of the Ljtute of Justus Herman Hclln, otherwise known as Herman Hclln. debased, and all parties having claims aiwtnst the sold estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly J"1?1;,1" ne-on or before the 15th lay of May. A.D. 1940. and'all parties Indebted to the Estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to forthwith. ..?A,TED.at.Pr,ncc Rupert. B.C., this 3rd day of April, A.D. 1940 GORDON P. IORBE3. Acting official Administrator, Prince Rupert, Be. ' 02 TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (II. SMITH) P.O. BOX 167 TERRACE -- Classified Advertising ;iasslfleds: 2c per word per Insertion, minimum cliarne, 50c. Birth Notices: 60c; Cards of Thanks. Death Notices, funeral Notices, Marrlago and Engagement Announcements: f2. FOlt SALE FOR SALE Four-burner and oven General Electric kitchen range and annex: one con-golcum rug. 1533 Piggot Ave. (95) HELP WANTED WANTED Fully experienced fisherman to go trolling. Have boat, ready to go. Would consider 50-50. Contact 318 6th Street West, back of Royal Hotel. (90) WANTED Reliable girl or worn-1 an to mind year-old baby. Will j share house with couple. 117; 4th Ave. E. i9H WANTED ; WANTED Two -room livln? quarters for woman and child. ; Phone 676. (95) WANTED 22 or .25 repeater or automatic rifle. Reply Box 103, Daily News. (91) WANTED Light housekeeping room. Box 104, Daily News. (90) "OK KENT FOR RENT One-room furnished cabin, newly decorated. Apply 1144 7th Ave. East. Phone Blue 822. (92) FOR RENT -- One four-room 'suite, unfurnished. Call at Hawkinson's Laundry. (91) FOR RENT Furnished seven-room house. Apply 315 9th Ave. West or phone Green 838. 93) FOR RENT Housekeeping loom. 801 Borden St. (tf) FOR RENT Two single furnished rooms. 224 5th Ave. West. (90) ROOM AND KOAKD ROOM AND BOARD Single or double room, board if desired. Onc-mlnutc walk from Post Office. 400 4th Ave. West. Black 905. (95) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company J'mited, Vancouver n.c itf RADIO SCitVlCh RADIO SERVICE- For guaran- tecu radio satisfaction phone 6 and an Associated Radio Technician will call. McRa? Bros. Ltd. PERSONAL RUGS AND CHESTERFIELD suites cleaned, shampooed and vacuumed. Phone Blue 318. (91) SLENDOR TABLETS are effective, 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks $5at all druggists. (94) DO YOU need any repairs, sidewalks or new foundation? We can do It. Sackncr. Phone 51 or Box 280. (94) I'KINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre- Bldg.) Sales Every Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free GEO. J. DAWES The Auctioneer PHONE RED 11!7 Ask for George TRY OUR CLASSIFIED ADS THEY GET RESULTS DRIVES LONG, NO ACCIDENT WINDSOR. Ont., 0 Harrv Schultz, 43, amateur eardener on week-ends, has driven buses mors than 1,000,000 miles without a single accident. He's won o many decorations ' for safe driving the company is stumped op how to observe his 15th year of service. Tve won a sold watch, twj tar ind eight medals with pearls, rubles and diamonds," aid Harry. He started driving his father's Jalopy around 1918. If he has a hobby, beside ng radishes at nearby Belle 7iv:T. lfs tinkering with the amlly vehicle. TODAY at 7:05 - 9:10 COMPLETE SHOWS AT 1:00 3:30 4:54 - 0:04 7:2C - 8:30 all." he V "e other ma, hI!11"? o what he ' that way iai fJ llilng, nnthin .- k,: "arrow : he sml!-. at. hi He make, it ,, , i his eye ar i , dewn (he r ad ' enouRh atifad" t slop well in fi There are a; ir.. " . drher; :. ' - " . n w : fachultz' cnunoi J thinks that v , ' w!! times too caul :Ui ' 1 UILI.AKI1 I'AKKI I! i Vf funds for a new home. in. suss ADDED FEATURE I "FIGHTING GUARDsSS Edward Arnold Frances Raffertjl In "THE HIDDEN EYE" ALSO FOX CANADIAN NEWS Enpi PUBLIC MEETING re Pioneers' Home At a public meeting held April Uth.iM decided to formulate n drive ior ai All organizations are requested to be resented by their President and Secretary or; ternate delegates and all other interested pe ons. are invited to attend at , CITY HALL, Thursday, April lSlh, at 7 P" N II I). TIIALY On behalf of Inlrrim CommilWj GENERAL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS LARGE OR SMALL PLANNING AND DESIGNING ESTIMATES NORTHWEST CONSTRUCT Stone Block LIMITED Phone .":$ Evenings; Green K 99 NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 190 rnMMFI ,0. B"1 1J1 R S T vvr 'let Warm comfort" with Plcn j First Ave. - o!j BOX No.