id: 4 Idrinrc .Rupert Dflllg,-i3ctos Wednesday, May 8, 1946 SEVEN MILLION BRITONS GIVEN DEFENCE MEDALS LONDON Altogether 7,000,000 Britons are entitled to the Defence Medal and 150 miles of medal ribbon will be used for cutting Individual ribbons, 2'2 Inches long. Ribbon -will be available before the medals which will require many tons of bronze, though each will weigh only one ounce. Four million civilians and 3,-030,000 servicemen and women are invited to go to any post office and "fill up the appropriate claim form." AIYANSH MAN PASSES AWAY Peter Achuns, well known 01-year old native of Aiyansh, died at his home in the Naas Hiver village last evening, according to .word reaching the city today. A f'flsherman 'for the U.C. Packers ... bii the Skeena River, he was weli ; J-.nown locally. A widow and fam-liy survive, also two brothers ;one, James, at Aiyansh and the 'other, Anthony, who has been ttt. a Skeena River cannery and -Is leaving for Aiyansh tonight. GLASGOW, h Heatherwood wood" made from heather Is "advanced as the latest .substitute for building floors and furniture. Heather Is collected sand-blasted to clear it of leaves and roots, and then compressed with coal resin into solid blocks. Durability and hardness is claimed for the product h ar w r i m. XAJvBrri Virginia NONE GENUINE WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE MltefmoCv-; PIPE WEDNESDAY P.M. 4:00 Your Music 4:30 Pops On Parade 4:45 The Frasers 5:09 Let There Be Music 5:30 Hawaiian Echoes 3:45 Supper Serenade (1:00 CBC News 6:15 CBC News Roundup 6:30 Fashions In Music 0:45 To Be Announced 7:C0 Let's Play Charndes 7:30 Invitation to Music 8:00 Sports Commentary S: 15 Juliette 8:30 Kaleidoscope 9:00 CBC News !l:10 B.C. News 9:15 V-E Day Anniversary Talk 9:30 Western Songs 9:45 Favorite Stories 10:C0-r-Speuklng of Records 10:15 Benny Carter's Orch CBS 10:30 Sammy Kay's Orch. CUS 10:55 CBO News and Int. 11 :00 Utllmore Hotel Orch. NBC 11:30 Silent THURSDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CUC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music For Modems 8:45 BBC News B:59--Tinie Signal 9:00--Little Concert 9:15- Morning Devotions 9:30 Claude Sweden's Orch. 9:45 Transcribed Varieties 10:00 CBR Presents 10:15 -Guy Lombardo's Orch. run TOBACCO . . . contracting firm of (R. J.) BRIDDEN BULKLEY CAFE CHOP S1IEY CHOW ME1N Our Specialty Open-Weekday 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. Sunday 8 a.m, to 9 p.m. Located at Hulkley Hotel SMITH ERS, B.C. !! II I I'M IIIUM 111 MM WM ll WM Rex Bowling Alleys NOW OPEN TO EVERYONE EVERY NIGHT! HOURS : C-l 1 MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY 2-11 SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 4-11 THURSDAY PHONE 658 for reservations Announcing The new building and (J. S.) GREER & Consult us if you are planning a new home or repairs or alterations to the present one. We will endeavour to meet all your requirements in this field. Phone Red 501 P.O. Box 721 SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert GENERAL C CONTRACTS - f r n p Radio Dial V I I IV 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) ONSTRUCTION LAROE OR SMALL AND DESIQNINQ ESTIMATES NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION Stone Dloclc LIMITED P.O. Box 1381 Phone fjfl.'t Evenings: Green KM 10:30 Roundup Time . . 10:45 Paul Whiteman's Orch. 11:00 Hits of Today 11:15 Thoughts For -Today 11:30 Weather Forecast. 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Personal Album P.M.; 12:00 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:15 Program Resume THIS AND THAT I "They really penalize you If you Baseball Scores American League St. Louis C, Boston 10. Cleveland 1, Washington 2. Detroit 7, Philadelphia 2. National Ieasue New York 1,'cinclnnatl 2. Boston 4, St. Louis 6. Western International Bremerton 10. Tacoma 11. SHORT SPORT Durable Tony Canzonerl, twice world lightweight boxing champion, got the worst beating of his career nine years ago last night at the hands of reigning champion Lou Ambers' of New York. A crowd of 11,000 watched the veteran Canzonerl waver through 15 rounds with his former sparring partner, winning only two and keeping one even. War Admiral won the 63rd running of the Kentucky Derby nine years ago today. The son of the .great Man O'War, piloted by Charley Kurtslnger, covered the mlle-and-a-qyarter In the second fastest time In the history of the event. Minora Blades give LOW-COST SHAVING Minora outlasts and "outshavet" ordinary double-edge blade. For honest-to-goodness economy, try the quality blade In the low-price field. Fits your double-edge razor. COMMERCIAL HOTEL COMPLETELY MODERN Warm comfortable rooms with plenty of hot water. Reasonable weekly rates to reliable tenants. First Ave. and Eighth St. BOX No. 997 PHONE 078 0. SELVIG General Contractor We do basements, reshlngllng, build fences, sidewalks, remodel your kitchen Demolish or move buildings 100 Satisfaction Guaranteed CALL BLUE (110 and we will give an estimate P.O. Iloz 651 12:30 CBC News 12:45 Thursday Recital 1:00 From the Classics " 1:15 Women's News Commentary and Talk 1:30 Music Makers 1; 45 Downbeat 2:00 Western Five 2:15 Echoes From the Tropics 2:30 Serenade 1it Grw$. Mjnltfw A4m $nlW. Inc. go in the rough on this course!" Activities of Rup-Rec ARCHERY- -One of the finest leisure time activities for all people of all ages Is the ancient sport of archery. Dating back to the times of primitive man, this pastime has never lost Its fascination. Today, as In the past, en thuslastlc archers construct their own bows from yew or hickory and make their arrows from birch chaffs, Hetched wllh neatly trimmed turkey feathers. Bows for range shooting have a pull of about 35 pounds while hunting bows f or", big game pull or "weigh" up to 100 pounds. Yes, archers have hunted all variety of game In British Columbia with a bow and arrow and even the powerful Kodlak bear has been downed with the razor sharp broadhead tipped shafts. Are you Interested In this fascinating sport? Let us know at the Centre. LACROSSE- Over 20 Intermediates and seniors turned nut for lacross practice at the Centre on Tuesday night. The enthusiasm for this sport Is riiuhln; high and It Is expected that, In addition to the star players we are fortunate Jn having In the city, seme fine new players will be developed this year. ADULT OAMES ROOM-It Is, sometimes wondered If the adult members of the Civic Centre realize fully the facilities In the building tor their use and enjoyment. Last night, the comfortable upstairs lounge for resting, or as a meeting place, was described. Today, we want to bring to your attention the fine game room, adlacent to the loungo. This spacious, attractive room U fitted out with snooker, pool, table tennis and card tables. Business menwhy not meet your friend In the games room for half an hour of relaxation before going back to work at lunch time or after the office Is closed at night and before dinner 1.4 ready? SCHOOLS AM t:OLLF.(iE8 Civil Service Examinations PREPARE NOW for Spring and Fall examinations Letter Carrier, Postal Clerk. Clerk 1 and 11, Customs Clerk, etc. Full particulars upon request to M.C.C. Civil Service School. 301 Enderton Bldg., Winnipeg, Man. Oldest in Canada. No RADIO SEKVICK RADIO SERVICE For guaranteed radio satisfaction phone 0 and an Associated Radio Technician will call. McRo? Bras. Ltd. MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company I 'mlted. Vancouver. BO (tf) Agents. LOST AND FOUND LOST Sunday In Post Ofrice, ring of keys with chain. Finder please leave at Dally News. (109) FOUND Gold wrist watch. Owner may have same by calling at the News and paying for this ad. INDIAN DANGER TOURS AMERICA NEW DELHI-Ram Copal, the well-known Indian dancer, Is ex-pexted In America shortly with a troupe of 30. After a tour of the United States he may visit Canada. Ram Gopal specialize In the authentic early dances of South India, based on his studies of carvings and sculpture in ancient temples. The music for his ballets has been specially written by Comolatta Dutt who com posed the music for the ballet In which Pavlowa and Uday Shan-ker were partners. During earlier tours Ram Gopal has visited London, Paris, New York and Tokyo. In Hollywood he was sponsored by Cecil B. De Mllle and the late Max Relnhardt. during the war he toured various war fronts. Classified Advertising ;ias8lMPds: 2c wr word per Insertion, minimum chare, 60c. Birth Notices 60c; Cards of Thanki. Death Notices, Funeral Notice, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: (2. CAR!) OF THANKS Arthur Beaudin of Terrace desires to express his sincere appreciation of kindness and assistance extended in his bereavement In the loss of his wife. The Oddfellows, Rebekahs and- Drs. Kergln and Mills are particularly thanked as well as those who sent flowers. FOR SALE FOR SALE New house, four rooms, bath and pantry. Water side of Ambrose. $2800, less for cash. Collart and McCaf- fnrv I lrf (1131 FOR SALE Kitchen range. . i . . i hnn ...... t'none uiacK uu. uu FOR SALE 12 foot boat with 4j hp. Johnson outboard Phone 747 or house at 3rd and McBrlde. (1091 FOR SALE Modern five room house, maple Honrs, tile In kitchen, close In.. $3,000 cash. Armstrong Agencies. Phone 342. (tf) FOR SALE New three-room house; modern, large glassed-in porch, on two lots, all cleared. Reasonable. 10C3 Ambrose Avenue. (112) FOR SALE-- Roller canaries, singers and hens. Also breed ing cages and pairs. At Star Shoe snop, Fulton street. FOR SALE Eagle Rooms, above 13 Taxi. See proprietor at 12 noon or 6 p.m. (112) FOR SALE Roller canaries, good singers. Reasonable. Phone Blue 519. Box 315. (Ill) FOR SALE Hydraulic lift and dump box for truck, good condition! cheap, for quick sale 1320 8th Ave. East. (110) FOR SALE Kitchen range, $30; kitchen table, chairs. $15.00; kitchen linoleum, $5.00; Good condition. 1404 Overlook. (103) FOR SALE 6-room furnished house. 742 7th Ave. West (112) DESIRABLE RESORT SITE on scenic Lake Lakelse, near Terrace, B.C., for sale or lease. Communicate with Frances Poe, 147 Linden Ave., Wllmette, 111. (118) FOR SALE Slightly used hassocks, reg. $10, now $2.50; used electric floor lamps, complete, from $4.50; battery radios, selling out, $7.50; 4-plece kitchen set, table and 3 chairs, $0.00; 7-plece dining room set, $42.50; bed and spring, $4.00; beds, complete $12.00; McClary electric range, $10.00; new small size ranges, wood and coal, $23.50; new and used McClary and Ourney ranges; new electric hot plates, and press Irons, from $4.75. All kinds of furniture and hardware sold and bought at the lowest prices. See us for a good deal. B.C. Furniture Co., 3rd Ave. Phono 324. FOR SALE Restaurant, good lo catloti, Third Ave. Bargain, Apply Box 1190. (108) FOR SALE Kitchen cabinet, Al condition. Annly Suite 1 Helgerson Block, after 7 p.m. (108) FOR SALE 404 acres Crown Grant fine timber, spruce and cedar, Lot 3059 Remo district, Range 5 Coast. Make offer; write or wire Marchle B. Boynton, 112 South Seventh Ave., Yakima, Washington. (112) FOR SALE Baby carriage. 1209 8th AveyEast. (110) PERSONAL SLENDOR TABLETS are effec tlve. 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks $5. At all druggists. (1111 MRS. E. PERRAULT your Spencer a&ent from Rock lsland( Que., for foundation garments, U opening a shop on 318 Oth Street on May 1. Residence Phone Black 304. EXPERIENCED nurse speclallr Ing In all chronic cases. Phone Red 248. (108) FORMER LOCAL GIRLS Here are Bernice and Eileen Horton, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Horton, formerly of this city and now of Jasper. The girls have become talented figure skaters and took prominent part in the Jasper Ice Carnival during the past winter. Buy more War Savings stamps WORK WANTED WORK WANTED " Typing or other work to do at home, Blue 712. (108) HEM WANTF.ll WANTED Woman for alteration, repair work in tailor shop. B. Lamb, Tailor. (1131 KITCHEN1 HELP NEED ED' Central Lunch. (112) WANTED 20 men. Port Edward, for dismantling buildings. Apply Selective Service or Ache-son, Port Edward. (100) WAITRESSES WANTED Apply Victory Cafe. . (110) WANTED Thirty men and eight women for fish floor work. Work commencing approxl mately May 10. Please apply In person to Mr. Wm. Balllle, Plant Superintendent. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltd,, Seal Cove. (108) WANTED WANTED Cedar, Fir and Pine Poles, all sizes. Quote f.o.b. shipping point; state quantities can supply, earliest shipment. Niedermeyer-Martln Co., Spalding Bldg., Portland 4, Oregon. (114) WANTED Two rooms with bath, close in. Apply Box 113. Dally News. (103) FOR KENT FOR RENT One-room furnished cabin, newly decorated, $15.00 a month. 1144 Seventh Ave. East. Phone Blue 822. (1131 FOR RENT Clean sleeping room. Apply 80G Fraser Street. (Ill) FOR RENT Small house, partly furnished; close In. Box 112 Dally' News. (108) FOR RENT Furnished suites, 5 minutes to Post Office; ground floor, private entrance. 512 8th Ave. West. Phone Green 276. (110) FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms. Phone Blue 815. (1101 FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, both 5 minutes to Post Office; ground floor, private entrance. 512 8th Ave. West. (110) TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage Wfi MEET ALL TRAINS-SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT. (II. SMITH) P.O. Box 1C7 TERRACE This Is Our business Take advantage of our many years of auto and general machine repair experience. The Terrace Machine Shop and Garage Is under the management of Bill Osborne and has secured the services of J. Campbell, who has had many years of experience In car and truck work. CONSULT USI Terrace Machine Shop AND GARAGE Terrace CONTINUE SOCIAL CLUBS LONDON, (CD During the war the government provided at Its own expense a chain of social and recreational clubs throughout Britain primarily for war workers transferred from their own homes. The Ministry of Education recently announced that these clubs with equipment and furniture will be transferred free to local authorities for use as community centres. Olof Hanson, writing to the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce at its meeting Monday nlqlit, told of having spent :i couple of days In Vlct6rla recently taking up highway matters, among otheM with Premier John Hart prior to the la Iter's departure for the East where he was to Interview H. C. Vaughan, president of the Canadian National Hallways, on the matter of right-of-way Jurisdlction.-Mr. Hanson expressed willingness N. proceed East himself If that appeared necessary. Every FATHER Back to StW.-I openiinrrTJ years. Is ii-i.r!pt hlmn,..?.l bundi r h 6UhM Joyce, arrived In the fff1 Prlncp 1? her , will accompany h;mwh A lves for Stewart Sunda, J NOTICE . V, ",e "Potions iJ the time.,elnE Prinf( 1 pert. Anyone havin, U J , Please call , or before May n. We thank you Kihmr il Vim r hi ifi...n ' ll J '""age Hawkinsoru i i i . . i-aunary Ltd. no with thit of njr othtr compjnj. Evidence of ihe latiifjcncs i Mutual Life polii'tholilcrt il furnished, bjr the fact that l J( families and sutceeding gc.ina. lions hive entrusted their life insurance programs exdusnclr to The Mutual Life, and each ttu tpproiimateljf 5 of in ne buu ness comes ftom policy hudm. Ask your Mutual Life leprrirou. live to explain the special fcanitn ti Uiis Company, ...sliould answer llicso (jueslions'. "How much are my utvtngt r tally W ORTH?' The taih valut of your savings is not what counts most. Vint is important is the amount of wiiinmm innmi they would provide, if your wife and children were left without other means of support. In most cases ordinary savings can't provide enough! That is why you nceJ life insurance . . . "It k important UIIICI1 lift insurance cmpany I chftt?" It ' is! Life insurance companies are much alike as to policies and rates, but actual long-term results vary widely. We invite you to compare The Mutual Life of Canada's record THE MUTUAL UK II or Canada mmmm UIAD OFFICE WATERLOO. ONTARIO Iaiw Cost ftff?) UJe Insurance tfjj&jffi Since I860 JMt&g m p t (f 1 rik-H Richard Sephton, Prince Rupert, Coastal anil Interior District R. E. Mortimer. Representative prinre Kupmm E. T. Kenney. Ltd.. Representative Terrace, I L. H. Kenney, Representative Smithers, linen & M:ii1l?nn. Itenretrntatlves TelkM.1 E. R. Condon. Ilenresentatlve Ocean Falls, I REOPENING .-MONDAY, MAY 13 . . . NATIONAL MOTOR SERVICE Third Avenue and First Street STAN II A II II OIL PRODUCTS General Tires and Batteries. Ilillman Sales and SerflJ j.H.Mair Auctioneer SALES ARRANGED anil Conducted at Your Convenience SALES ROOMS 171 Third Ave. E. Phone Klack 150 SAILINGS FOR VANCOOV and way ro Tuesday- -8S Catala, 1:J f (Dayimm ouv...& - i 12:30 Prince Rupert Tin j rrlday::SS.Cardena.lOr Rupert Wl 9 p.m. Prince Sailings ior - h,i Islands every fortnW'j Further Information. H and Reservun"--FRANK J BKWNJ A2en' PrinPP Rupert PJlOflC , mLUJ Aim An Announcement To the Motoring Public . . NEW HOURS FOR SALE OF GAl AT LONG MOTORS " " WEEK DAYS SUNDAYS - Movine L.i.j.. AM. TO"" ". ir.M.TH'1 'Oil mi jf nnt,anpfCe . ' imn Jo a service iui yuui iui-"' .. are invited to take advantage of it Operator-FRANK MORRISON