V 7 MAGIC DAKING I0VDL:R wins more users all the time by giving cr baking results. Pure, dependable Magic assures you finer texture more lusciousncss .rt.r.,r.-r .-?r:f i 'I I ran . f: "V vii ( ii .j r, 3 iTO ,V;w.lSr FOUR STAR TRANSFER OOtVlCF. Phonos- Res. arccn H'JO p "P- L. Christophcrson wi-avai Vet.) Quality Repairs Economy Prices a? r UN K A 1 ': -9 7 it J See us for li' ' the materials necessary to make your home a credit to yourself 7 and your OAKDI-MNO SUPPLIES FENCING SEEDS AND FERTILIZERS community. B-H ENGLISH HOUSE FAINT 1007c Furc. UTILAC The original, ami finest 4-hour enamel. IS1FEKVO The new high gloss enamel for inside and outside use. FKESCONETTE One coat velvet finish for interior walls. MURESCO The inexpensive finish to make your rooms attractive. Tools -- Builders' Supplies. Everything you need for fixinc your home. Gordon's Hardware "il'-ritlc Street PHONE 311 PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) "iitouiwenwnl . . . W. M. MARTIN Has taken over and is now operating the SEVENTH AVENUE MARKET ' '-'Mi OF CHOICE MEATS AND GROCERIES B Your patronage would be appreciated Scvcnlh Avenue East PHONE I!):! General Construction Sec or Phone Us on a New Insulation KIMSUL Something New and the Best Free Estimates on Any Kind of Construction You Name It, and We Can Do It "s HAro ...r uuu OWN SHOP WE CAN MAKE ANYTlunu pi 0ne RIck 126 Day Phone Black 731 Evenings for cakes, for biscuits, for alf baked dishes. Try Magic Baking Powder today and discover why It is the baking stand-by of 3 out of 4 Canadian women. Clean Up!! Paint Up!! Fix Up!! Dr. J. D. Galbraith. director of the Miller Bay Indian Hospital, returned this morning on the Prince Rupert from a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Allen, who have been spending a holiday in the south, returned this morning on thd Prince Rupert from Van couver. Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Robins of Nelson Bros., Port Edward, re turned to the city this morning on the Prince Rupert from a trip to Vancouver Hotel... Is arrivals O. Olandcr. Terrace; J. Wilkic city; Mr. and Mrs. W. C. SmI- thers, Glcncoe, 111.; J. Wlllett.j Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. J. R. ) Hayes, Brooklyn, New York; R. . J. Crakes, Houston; R. E. Cherry. ' Vancouver; G. H. cousins, Van- couver; W. H. Williscroft, Terrace; Mrs. C. Wilkinson Pacific: Mrs. A. Leake. Pacific; J. Smith-hurst. Vancouver; G. MacSpor-ran, Edmonton; R. S. Eden, Kamloops; Mr. and, Mrs. C. Graham, city; Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Woods. Ketchikan; W. Draycott, Smithcrs; E. Dobble, Copper River; Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Marse, Prince George; R. Ketching, Ketchikan; J. Wilson, New York; E. Evanson, Fort William, Ont., Mrs. G, A. Hull, West Vancouver; E. Bolton, Port E'.singtcn; Mr. nnd Mrs. W. O. Williams, Premier: E. Jacobson, Shirley; Mrs. J. Douglas, Port Esslngton; D. B. Holman. Kamloops; C. S. Hard-wick, Prince George; H. Bowman, Prince George. CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rates For your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms Cafe In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) PHONE 51 LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Furniture Repaired Upholstering - Slip Covers Drapes Expert saw filing and gumming. Small band-saws brazed. Planer and Jointer knives' ground. Phone Green 974 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre Local News Items A Canadian Legion (B.E.S.L.) No. 27 Regular Monthly Meeting tonight 8 o'clock. Ladiesl You are Invited to attend Cambral Tea and Sale of Home Cooking to be held Thursday, May 9, at the home of Mrs. Sydney Elklns, 216 Fifth Avenue East. (It) Notice has been received by the Prince Rupert Chamben of Commerce of an air conference to tie held at Montreal June 6. 7 and 8. A Baseball meeting, Thursday, May 9, Legion Club Rooms, 8 p. m. Sponsors and' prospective players requested to be present. (10$) Bishop Anthony- Jordan returned this morning on the Prince Rupert from a trip to Vancouver on ecclesiastical business. II. G. Archibald, M.P. for Skeena, in a letter to the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, has -stated that he Is doing all he can In the, way of obtaining at Ottawa Information pertinent to the possibility of the port of Prince Rupert being brought un- klcr the National Harbor Board. The Industrial Development Committee is expected to have an early report for the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce on the matter of federal subsidies for ocean shipments out of Prince Rupert, a matter in con nection with which the commit tee has been active of late. Seaports and Airports," an Eastern publication, in its latest Issue, contains an excellent and profusely Illustrated article descriptive of Prince Rupert. It is another excellent piece of publicity typical of what Prince Rupert has been getting In vari ous quarters of late. A DANCE Friday, May 10. Oddfellows' Hall, 10 to 2. AusplceJ Ladles' Orange Lodge. Proceeds for Pioneer's Home. Come and bring your friends. (110) A For that Mother's Day gift have you considered a modern table lamp or a boudoir set? See the up to date selection at the Rupert Radio & Electric. (110) Mayor H. M. Da&gett had a letter before the Prince Rupert Chamber :of Commerce at its meeting Monday night expressing appreciation for. a letter of acknowledgement which had been sent him by the .Chamber for his efforts on behalf of the city when he went south recently to interview the provincial government on matters pertaining' to local industrial develop ment. At any time he could co-l operate with the Chamber In its activities he would be glad to do so, the mayor said. Announcements Cambral Sprina Tea, May 9 Mrs. Sid .Elklns, 216 5th Ave. E. C.W.L. Membership Ttea, May 9, 2:30 to 6, K..C. Hut. C.Y.O. Bridge, Criubage and Whist, May 9, K. or C. ilut, 8 p.m. W.A. Canadian . Legion Tea and Novelty Sale, May 10. Orange Pioneer Home Benefit Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, May 10. Lutheran Tea, Home Cooking and Apron Sale, May 11, Church Parlor. Norway Independence Celebration, May 17, Civic Centre. Everybody welcome. Program follower" by dance. C. W. L. Bridge. Whist and Crlb-bage, May 23, KC. Hut, 8 p.m. United Tea, Home Cooking, June 6, Mrs. George Rorle's, 220 4th Ave. West. FAREWELL STAG PARTY IS HELD Gib Taylor Honored by Friends Last Night Before Leaving For South " In honor of G. L. (Gib) Taylor, who Is leaving this Friday for Vancouver to take up future residence in the south, a stag party was held last night at ths Old Landmark, the feature of the proceedings being the presentation by W. F. Stone, on behalf of the guests assembled; of a handsome pen and pencil set to th? parting guest. Sentiments suitable to the occasion were expressed and Mr. Taylor responded appropriately. Tlie party was organized by Clarence Thompson and those present included Stewart Donaldson, Elmer Clausen, William McChesney, William Hutson, Reg Kelsey, T. J. Boulter. George Bolton, Fred McDonald, A. J.' Dominato, Peter DeJong, Dan McDonald, W. D. Lambie. James M. Taylor. Bart Hedstrom, Roy Johnson, Larry Halcrow, Bruce Wilson, Alex Storrle, James Rhodes, William Sutherland, William Long, Ingvar Morse. Wil liam Gregg, Joseph Scott. Orme Stuart, S. C. Thomson, Stuart Johnson, Benny Windle, Mort Math and Albert Dickens. Olof Hanson of the Hanson Timber and Lumber Co., Smt-thers, arrived in the city this mornin on the Prince Rupert from Vancouver and will spend a lev days in the city before proceeding to the. interior. TOO LATE TOO CLASSIFY WILL the lady Inquiring about bookkeeping position at Atlin Fisheries office Tuesday please phone 34 or call again. (tf) FOR SALE Three-room frame house, clean, bright, furnishr ed; living room 10x20. Im mediate sale. 161 Wantage Road. (113) 1 U I II I II U U I II I 5 U in the kitchen ; : ; in front of a cool "herb garden" window. Use a "dining table" that drops down out of the way between meals : : ; And then most important of all put down a sparkling bright Gold Seal Congoleum rug! its smooth surface is easy to clean with the swish of a damp cloth. And durable! Why, its wear-layer of heat-toughened paint and baked enamel Is actually equal in thickness fo 8 coafs of best floor paint applied by hand. But when you buy your Congoleum rug look for the familiar Gold Seal. Without it remember! it isn't Congoleum. You'll be surprised how much quality you can buy for so little money. Gold Seal Congoleum Rugs : : : product of Congoleum Canada Limited, Montreal. r I AJiJACnocAiAnnf , ' Local Dealers in Congoleum Vc handle Congoleum Products ... Gordon & Anderson Ltd. GORDON'S HARDWARE THIRD AVENUE McDKIDE STREET We are agents for Congoleum Rugs , , , Coiigolcums of every description when TAFT & ODOWES slocks a,e avai,ab,e J 622 third avenue j A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. Induce Rupert Daily jftctu Wednesday, May 8, 1946 FLANNEL SHIRTS "THE MEN'S SHOP" For COMF.OKT and LONG WEAR . . .. For the first time in some years we have a full stock of Wincey Flannel Shiits. In sizes from 14 & to 17'2, these grey and fawn col-: ,ored flannel shirts are" famous for comfort and durability and arc ideal for either work or spbrt wear. PRICED AT $3.75 PLACE AN AD IN THE DAILY NEWS CIRCULATION COUNTS mm I Mother's Day MAY 12tli .MOTHER'S DAY CARDS in a large varied assortment that is sure to please. SEE THEM ON DISPLAY AT THE VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" LATEST MODELS FOLDING CARRIAGES' The Lloyd and the Gendron Easy riding, springs on all four wheels. No-draft curtains on hoods. Streamlined body with removable footwell. Maroon, blue or grey coverings. Complete range from $11.50 to $:."). OO LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE Established 1910 LIMITED FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS PACKED, CRATED, STORED AND SHIPPED TO ALL PARTS OF 'CANADA AND U.S.A. FOB QUICK, EFFICIENT, CAREFUL AND RELIABLE SERVICE Phone LINDSAY'S 60 or 68 MOTHER... . . . Remember HER On SUNDAY- MAY 12 th Send Greetings On Coutts Cards McuMvs.jM BOX 13G6 Oil Burners Installed Mil F'l 1 PHONE 108 Serviced & Cleaned PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS ESTIMATES Night Calls: Blue 170 Green 787 Black 861 CORNER SECOND AVE. and SEVENTH ST. WEST