IDtiiuc Uupcrt IDaflj? r3cU)$ Wednesday, May 8, 1946 Still Going Strong WALLACE'S 9c s TO A L 99c e Wallace's Dept. Store NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50. Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 LING THE TAILOR Wc arc taking- cleaning and pressing; and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street AUCTION SALE 825 Borden St. Thursday, May 9 2:30 p.m. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Easy Wavliintr Machinelike new; Iladio; 8-piecc Oak Dining Koom Suite; Davcncttc; Singer Sewing Machine; Clare Jewel Kaugc in white enamel; 2 Dressers; Chest of Drawers; Beds; End Tables; Garden Tools; Saws; Baby High Chair; Baby Carriage. Oilier goods loo numerous to list. J. H. MAIR - AUCTIONEER Phone Black 15G UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY o at CENTRAL HOTEL HAS REOPENED We specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. WE EXTEND A HEARTY INVITATION TO COME AND ENJOY OUR FINE FOOD AWNINGS SAILS . . . . . . WINDOW BUNDS CANVAS SPECIALTIES EDMONDSON'S 430 Bowser Street (Behind 137 Fifth Ave.) Phone Black 1C9 P.O. Box 302 Storage and Furniture Crating HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 We scrTe you nothing but the best Special Red Brand Beef, Choicest fresh Vegetables and Fruits Complete line of Groceries OUR DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT OPEN DURINO REGULAR STORE HOURS Choicest Cooked Meats, Meat Pics, Ro'ast Chickens, Fish and Chips daily. We are ready to serve yon Chinese dishes Chow Meln, Chop Sucy, etc., to take out. Cooked with delicate taste and quick service. TRY US1 RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West Next Royal Hotel IS INDUCTED AT SMITHERS Rev. C. A. Ilinclicliffe Formally Installed at Smillicrs Church SMITHERS Canon C. A. Hinchcliffe was Inducted as rector of St. James' Anglian Church of Smithers at a very Impressive service held last Sunday morning and conducted by Bishop Gibson, Bishop of the Diocese of Caledonia. The wardens assisting in the service were Messrs. R. W. Champion and O. H. Hoskins. The Bishop gave a very fine address stressing he duties of each member of the church In assist-in? the rector to carry out his services, Canon and Mrs. Hinchcliffe, with their family, Barbara (June). David, Eddie and Peter, arrlvfcd in Smftrrcrs recently. coming here from Dawson Creek. Canon Hinchcliffe has also serv ed in parishes In Burns Lake and Terrace. Thev have taken un residence in the former Colllson home which has recently been ourchased as the Anglican Rec tory. A very sincere welcome ex tended to them by the congregation of Smithers and district. KAMLOOPS MAN JOINS TERRACE GROCERY STAFF TERRACE Harry Phlx'p of Kamloops has joined the staff of the Skeena Mercantile in chr.rge of the grocery department. Mr. Phillip, who has recently been discharged from the active army, has had 10 years experience in the grocery business in Vancouver. Mrs. Phillip and two children accompanied him to Terrace, and they will reside in one of Mr. Fisher's houses. W. H. Crocker, field represen tative of the provincial bureau of rehabilitation 'and reconstruction, arrived in the city from Victoria on the Prince Ru pert. tTH NAME. ADDRESS CITY 609 Second Ave. THIS AND THAT Tl.- '" Matlliro Vlim iri.e. Ir, "Why is it whenever pop can't answer my questions, it's always time for me -to say my prayers and go to bed?" Scotland Yard Improves Radio LONDON, --Linking of police forces throughout the country by an improved radio system is part of Scotland Yard's new war on criminals. Car bandits of the future will have a touf.h time as police radio cars, co-operating with county wireless stations, will converge on them from all directions. Aim of the new plan is to bind county forces together In a radio-connected unit, each linked with other units. In addition to the many existing police wireless stations, new radio centres will be installed at strategic points. Police cars in the country ari gradually being converted to two-way radio telephony and The Shuwin-W imams Co. ol Canada lim'tlad P.O. dOX No. tOt 4 C.P.O. MONTttAl PROV. HOW CAN I ? ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I prevent leftover crusts from becoming rancid? A. When through baking, put the left-over crusts of bread Into the oven until the oven is cool. Crusts treated in this way will grind better and will not gdt rancid nor stale. Q. How can I keep enamel-J ware clean? A. By rubbing with a paste made of salt and vinegar. Q. How can I remove machine grease spots? A. T0 rcmovq spots of machine grease from clothing, try using clear ammonia and soap. OBSERVANT DRONE The drone bee should be able to see everything that goes on. fhf with thn linlr-Mr. nrlll . . . 1 1 w.v. uiail niuinsrvps I1HVP I mm fi flllll rn 1 11 in I lead to greater mobility. i lenses. "We're ai! set for a More Beauiifu with this FREE COLO Commerce Chamber Objectives Named A communication from the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, read at. Monday's meet-, lng of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, told of the year's special objectives of the Chamber: First, with a view to maintaining a high level of employment and Income in Canada and Second, to emphasize the Importance of the functions or Chambers of Commerce. A qucstlonalrc on the subject of taxation was also sent. NURSE SCHOOL OUTPUT HIGHER Number of nursing students In British Columbia's seven training schools was Increased by 49 per cent between the years 1939 and 1945, according to the report of Miss Margaret Colwcll R. N., president of the Prince Rupert Registered Nurses' Association, to that body Monday night. Miss Colwerl, president of the local Registered Nurses' Association, was delegate to the annual convention of the B.C. Registered Nurses' Association In Vancouver last week. Enrolment at training schools in 1939 was 758, Miss Colwcll reported, as against the 1945 enrolment of 1,132, while at the same time the number of registered nurses in the province has increased from 2,296 In 1939 to 3,567 in 1945, an increase of 55 per cent. Offsetting this Increase in number of graduates and students and constituting the major cause of the present province- wide nurse shortage are such war-born factors as the vast increase in population with its necessary Increase in hospital space; the number of nurses required for 'military hospitals; special ization by nurses in the fields or public health and technological lines. University of British Columbia this year hits a record of enrol- Home They're looking nt Sherwin-Williams' exciting new-portfolio "A Guide to More Color-Full Homes". It' packed with wonderful ideas for making your home more beautiful, more satisfying to live in. This beautiful collection of the biggest color photographs you've ever seen will help you transform your home; it includes illustrations of cxpcrtly-dccoratcd living-rooms, dining-rooms, kitchens, bedrooms, play rooms, bathrooms, sunrooms, dens, as well as attractive home exteriors, with complete color and faint specifications and paint color chips. IT lMMPr ADVUTISINO Dtrt. I PAINT5 - VARNISHES - ENAMELS 46.20 HOWE & McNULTY Phone 364 TODAY & THURS. ment of graduate nurses taking advanced courses- which takes them from professional practice. The Registered Nurses Association Is taking progressive steps to make the profession more attractive, making "working conditions better throughout the province, offering bursaries and by co-ordinating its assignment service, whereby mum In all parts of the province will have similar working conditions and .salaries. convention" DATE IS SET The annual convention of the Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia will be held at Terrace 8 and 9 with resolutions to be in by August 1. the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce was advised at its meeting Monday In a communication from Duncan Kerr of Terrace, secretary of the Associated Boards. Terrace Is already making plans to receive a large and representative attendance of prominent citizens from all Important points in the area between here and Prince Oeorge. 000000000000000000000000 TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO 000000000000000090000000 May 8, 1921 James Benjamin McCullogh, pioneer Naas River missionary, died In Prince Rupert at the agti of 68. He had served the natives for 33 years. Two million pounds of halibut was marketed In Prince Rupert during April. Owing t0 a shortage offish cars, 162.000 pounds of halibut had been taken to other ports. A new 75 foot lighthouse tender, the Birnlc, built at Victoria, was due to come north and operate out of Prince Rupert In con-Junction with the Ncwingtori. S. S. Magoffin, construction company partner, who has been building the new ocean dock, was enthusiastic about construction of coal bunkers at Prince Rupert, foreseeing Increased railway traffic. Advertise in Tlie Dally News. COMPLICATE!) Pupil (to learner! ; "What causes laughter Professor 'Myboj aiut Human countcnar.r" nr InunluniniH. v iiuuiuiiiui v, :,U' j. a concentration or cumstanccs, seen ot rr at' 0' ridiculous, ludicrous y, u, ny. mirthful, face: . - cr f ,c ful nature, and acrirrcr a cackle, chortle cacr...ic;"j giggle, .gurgle guffaw a I.WIi lllriivTiiv ii- tto: Certificate of Til' Nr' zvjm- kjv mirieen in tu ui-ii in), lowr. no M At H i in. wtfEffRAS vtti ':r r r-jv ii wiu uijiive CT'lll. 'I' ;:T! in nil na mo nr Willi a h nu urni mea in t,;. is uercuy Riven vc I j i expiration of - ' one r i i Hate of the flr.t pub " ; tm wiif h nrnviMnn.n I ' .,f... In lieu of said lo t c , l in ine meantime j ; made t me In wr!' . DATFD at the t r.J P -rr 05 " " April, I94fl ad. ANUilEW THOMrCOX. Deputy Re '.n r T IN THF KtJPRr ChURT Ot IS PROBATE IN THE MATTFI? OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT and LAND fotherc; X- a t Jn TATK HIV Honor, Judce F . y the 12th day ot Ap: AD. 0 was Appointed Adr : " Estate of John E.: rtli Cr- claims against thi :d hereby remilred ta ti:: urujirriy vriiieu. I 1 r ; c DC the 22nd dnv of Mi AD '94 i all parties (nrtebkd V a arc required ta p:-? t!. their Indebtrrlnr In i firt'if DATED at Prm:-! R; urf 1 this 12th day of Apr:' AD. m OORDON F IOKS3 one Actlnir Offlc::.l Adm!r. i Prince Rup:rt JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue Use D.D.T. Now K1I-LS I'M KS, ANTS,, MOTHS, KOACIIKS AND OTHER INSIXTS D.D.T. SI'HAV quart gallon ,IW Ni:W ADKOSOL D.D.T. VAPOK DISI'KNSKU ".MAfJIC 1MIST" each FRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE Phone C32 P.O. Box 73 Wc Have D IT.' Seeinjr is HelicTlnj: COME IN Look for the "TODAY'S SPKCIAI." Cards with the black arrow indicating one of the Bargains of the Day! MUS5ALLEM S ECONOMY STORE fOnnnsltp nnnnrllan Leelon) Phones 18 and 19 P-0' Box Hollywood Cafe rniNci: uiipkuts newkst and most Ul'-TO-DATIi KLSTAUKANT FULL-COURSE MEALS .FROM II A.M. TO I A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday -5 p.m. t S P nl CIIINESK DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES ' CHOP SUEY CHOW FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 11 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST