5SD0N. ' -Use of aluml- : .v,, r-niir.truction 01 tcmpur- ticuse continues to progress fc-.T-m The houses are de led it !m the factory with all 1'IXK and fittings ior gas, , . 1 ,. ..J,, J t VVA TIH eicvi""' "v . r ana ,. inries nroaucnig tnese L nave in hand orders for l buildincs. GRAPEFRUIT FDR Texas 19c TO STUDY AT NEWCASTLE STOCKHOLM, 0) Seventy-five Swedish teachers will take an English language c6urse at King's College, Newcastle, this summer. Arranged by the Swedish Institute and the British Council, the course will comprise conversation and lectures on British arts, political and social life. air Way Food Market (KOSS IN(iltAM) '().) TIIIKI) AVENUE WEST Just Hclow the Daily News ,ov Trices On Hijrh Quality Foods Every Day SCOTCH ISKOTH JEWEL SOUP SHORTENING Campbell's OCT 1-POUND OAp B TINS ODt CARTONS U' " ' rAnkl CI AlCf chocolate pudding CORN FLAKES pnwnFP Regular Packets I V 1 1 1 L IV J n Kellogg's Offf fl Nabob J FOR TE PACKETS MU SAUER KRAUT SiVr" Lane 2V2 Size Tins JUhI 2roB" 29c 4 ST"1" 29c STRICTLY FRESH EGGS C.KADK "A" LARGE ' DIRECT FROM THE FARM 2 dozen 85c 2 DOZEN ed 89c ITEXAS BEETS l() New Crop 4 Pp U POUNDS JLe)V' OKANAGAN ONIONS No. 1 Quality 2 POUNDS FIELD TOMATOES Mexican POUND Firm and Red DRESSES COATS SUITS HOSIERY LINGERIE MILLINERY SPORTS, WEAR 15c 35c KSSTROASTING CHICKENS ARRIVING FRIDAY MORNING ORDERS IN HV ,1 V.M. DELIVERED THE SAME DAY :AIRWAY FOOD MARKET PHONE 434 "TIIE CREDIT HOUSE OF (JUAMTY": Gift of Nyfoiis.., TO EVERY CUSTOMER MAKING A PURCHASE OF $10.00 OR OVER AT Sweet Sixteen (Formerly Annette's Ladies' Wear) (TERMS IN ACCORDANCE WITH PRICES & TRADE BOARD) H U. STOCK OF LADIES' WEAR . . Bo one of the forcsightcd and fashlon-wlse women to open a Budget Account of $10, or more ... on a stunning spring ensemble. 1),01) IN . . . YOU WILL ENJOY NOTING NEW TRENDS FOR SPRING (Formerly Annette's) Sweet Sixteen ltd. i PRESENTATION AT LEGION LADIES' ANNUAL BANQUET The presentation of a gold pin and a bouquet of flowers from the current president to the past president of the Canadian Legion Women's Auxiliary was a feature of the annual banquet of the organization held in the Boston Cafe last night. The tokens, recognizing appreciated service, were presented by Mrs. Dan Parent, 1946 president, to Mrs. G. V. Hanley who recently retired from office. The 42 members who attended the function enjoyed an excellent entertainment program following the dinner, and there were a number of toasts, one to Mrs. Hanley, proposed by Mrs. Parent. Toasts were also proposed to Mrs. Parent and to Mrs. C. V. Morrow In recognition of a birthday cake she prepared for the banquet. Hall. Friday, March. 22. United W.A1 Tea, Mrs.. David Allan, 420 4th Ave. West, March 28. ; .t 18. Li.W.D.l. tea uuu suit:, .-IJJill Oddfellows' Hall. Women of the Moose Bazaar and Tea, Oddfellows HalJ, Apnl 11. j. United W". A. Spring Sale, Apri; 25. St. Peter's Spring Sale, May 2. W.A. Canadian Legion Tea and Novelty Sale, May 10. Old Time Dance, I.O.D.E. Hall, every Saturday. "Buiid B.C. Payrolls" Ideal For Babies Many doctors prescribe Pacific Milk formulas- Third Ave. IIP irradiated for extra sunshine Vitamin D and vacuum packed this nourishing B.C. Product is ideal for your child. Ask your grocer for Pacific Milk. PACIFIC MILK "Irradiated and Vacuum Packed" SAILINGS FOR- VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala, 1:30 p.m. Friday SS Cardcna, 10 p.m, Railings for Queen Charlotte Islands every fortnight Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J, SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Phone 568 Local News Items . . Sons of Norway meeting, Friday, March 15, 1.O.O.F. Hall. (63) Mr. and Mrs. J. Comer are sailing Friday on the Catala for a trip to Vancouver. Sheardown's deliver dally. Today's orders delivered tomorrow. We're as near as your phone. (tf) Prince Rupert Automobile Association meeting, City Hall, Friday, 8 p.m. Public Invited. (It) John Runsmuir, prominent Vancouver business man, is paying a brief visit to the city. He arrived on the Prince Rupert yesterday from the south and will be returning to Vancouver tonight. ,Col. Hamilton Grant, veterans' re-establishment officer in connection with the local Unemployment Insurance Office, and Mrs. Grant' are sailing tonight Grace was said by Mrs. Wil- t Vancouver. Ham Rothwell and the meal was followed by a toast to The King, j Mr. and Mrs. .William Stoller Entertainment Included commit- and children are leaving tonight nity singing, and a vocal' solo on the Prince Rupert for Van-by. Mrs. Taylor, who sang "If I couver enroute to Winnipeg Were A Wishing Cat," accom- where they will pay a visit be-panled by Mrs. J. S. Black; a fore proceeding to Los Angeles piano solo, "Stardust," by Mrs. to make their . future home. Brown, a recitation, "Little Al fie," by Mrs. Murdoch, and a recitation, "Three Little Monkeys," by Mrs. Parent. The evening was concluded v?lth bingo and ..bridge. Mrs. Frank ElHsonwas brtdge; winner, and Mrs. T. J. Boulter received second prize. Announcements C.W.L. St. Patrick's Tea and Rale of Home Cooking, 2:30 tn 6:00. Card Party, 8:00 pjn., K.C. Hut, March 16. St. Patrick's Dance, Saturday. March 16, Oddfellows' Hall. Bobby Woods orchestra. Varden Singers Concert, Booth Memorial Auditorium,' Wednesday, March 20. 8:15 p.m. Jobs Daughters Tea, 'home f Mrs. L. W. Kergin, 4th Ave. West, March 21. Come and bring a Ski Club" TJaricc,' Oddfellows! George Milburn, president of North Coast Timber Co., Van couver, and G. V. Robinson, su perintendent of Edgetts Ltd. sawmill, arrived in the city Wed nesday on the Prince Rupert on business. They will sail for the south Friday on the Catala. Mayor H. M. Daggett left on last evening's train for Smith-ers to attend an organizational meeting of 'northern and central British Columbia municipalities to be held today. His worship expects to return to the city from the Interior on Saturday night's-train. Miss Mary Ellen Moore, 'who has been in the civilian clerical service of the American Army since September, 1942, here, leaves tonight for Seattle where she will continue similar work. She is the daughter or ivir. and Mrs, R. E. Moore, well known Prince Rupert, resjderitS.j I- w Of the union to be held In Van- Help. Norway Committee- Bas- couver next week. They are kct Social. April 12, Oddfellows' ,... vor,t nnin wv,n win nail, 9 w i a. hi. , Presbyterian Spring Sale, April represent the women workers, and Stan Boshler, who will represent the men. For a reliable taxi, Phone 32. Open Day and Night. (tf) Mrs. Max Heilbroner is sailing tonight for a trip to Vancouver. A Girls' and Boys' gym' and uanclng shorts all sizes. Price $1.25 at Rupert Men's and Boys' Store, (&it Alex Macdonald, for years a member of the city fire department here and at various times acting chief, is revisiting the city irom Vancouver where he has been residing for the past three years and is now engaged in the real estate business. He will be here on private business for the coming week. Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. Would it be proper to say, "Let me make you acquainted with Mr. Jones" when introducing two persons? A. No; this phrase should be avoided. Q. Where should the letters P.P.C. (meaning to take leave) be written on the visiting card? A. In the lower lefthand corner of the card, and written In Ink. Q. When Is It permissible for a maid to speak to the guests? A. When she is spoken to first. ARMY STUDY NEW DELHI, InOa, Indian soldiers can now study for university careers while still in the forces. The army's highest examination, the Indian Army Special Certificate, now is recognized by most universities and boards in India as the equivalent of matriculation. FIRST CHRISTLAN STATE Armenia became the first nation In history to adopt Christianity as a state religion In 303 AD. ANNOUNCEMENT The Prince Rupert General Hospital and the Prince Rupert Medital Association announce that, contrary to statements presently being made In thc ln- terests'of or on behalf of a cer- Two deleeates of tne prince ui uron or.mron.r th R4ipmvtocai, uniteairtisnermen are-nonparties to any working Allied Workers' Unfon, will and agree ment or understanding sail tonight on the. Prirlce Ru-1 wjth any such company. (64) pert for Vancouver to attenai th -second annual convention INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 BRITISH WOMEN STICK TO JOBS Only 70,000 of 6,000,000 Workers Expect to Return To Home Life LONDON ) English women aren't Hocking back to cradle and kitchen quite'as fast as was expected. But the reason the British girl is clinging to her Job is not purely a desire for a career. More often than not It's a case of "I would if I could but I can't" become a housewife v?ife again. Last available Ministry of Labor reports admitted that the November estimate of' 17d,000 expected to go back to home life now has shrunk by 100,000. The exodus of married women from their Jobs definitely is slackening. More than 6,000,000 women hold Jobs in Britain today over 1.C00.O00 above the pre-war figure. "I've had a job for six year3 now. Can't afford to stop work, duckie.v Legs apart, hands on hips, the stocky little railway porter at Charing Cross termi nus grinned ruefully. "The old man don't make enough, not with those two youngsters of mine wearing out their boots the way they do. Besides I've got used to it now. Like the life, you know. Like air the people and all." And off she trundled a mountainous truck full of baggage. "I'll stop work just as soon as my husband comes home," declared the slim, pretty, darkr haired London bus clippie, Jug gling her ticket puncher and a handful of pennies as she spoke, and breaking off repeatedly to call, "Pass down the car, please" or "Plenty of room upstairs, dear." "We've been married five years. Since I was 18. But we've never had a home yet. I'll stay on until he's been demobbed. It's good to have the money, and livfng in one room what else Is there to do? But once he's back it's home and a baby for me." Woman Holds Political Job ' ' ,' But 'the imm'dculaHely .dtcssed, highly efficient member of, Ehg land's title landed gentry, mother of an eightryear-old daughter and holder of a responsible, political Job since i93? en-plfatlc oil the other side". "I've tasted blood now," she declared firmly. "I've known what it's like to hold down a paid Job during war. I'll never go back to doing nothing at home again." The worn looklng( gentle faced countrywoman from the Women's Voluntary Services smooth- h A Product of Quality A superfine tissue, creped for g I PUREX 1 jtlncc Utipctt Daily J3cU)0 Thursday, March 14, 1946 ed her neat bottle green unl- form lovingly as she talked. "I'm terribly tired. There's the family, and the rations, and the evacuees only Just gone home, and all the W.V.S. work. And then, of course, the garden. I feel now I want three months' rest. But I know I'll want to do something after that, Perhaps not full time, with my husband home again. But something useful; part time perhaps." Typical of many of thrir ccur trywomsn, If not of all, these women in their answers probably give a lair Indication, of how their sex is feeling. There mu.it be thousands like the-titled workeT, who feel they can never give up the satisfaction of being needed In a real, honest-to-goodness job. "Most married women In their hearts want to go hack to their homes and care for their children and husband with ail their time and energy," said the chief officer for release and resettlement of women in one ot the Ministry of Labor's wldes.pread Information offices. "But many of them can't yet do so in the wiy they wish. And until they can, they'd rather work." FIRST BRITISH 6TAMP The first postage stamp of Great Britain was made in 1840 and bore a portrait of young Queen Victoria. PRINCE GEORGE VANCOUVER 21 Hours Leave PRINCE GEORGE DAILY 7:30 P.M. (Except Sunday) .; ' Good connections with East-bound train from Prince Rupert. Train arrives Princi George 6:20 p.m. Single $30 Return $54 PIuj Tax Further information from , Canadian Pacific Air Lines. Prince George Hotel Prince George V46- PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bldg.) Sales Every Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free GEO. J. DAWES The Auctioneer PHONE RED 127 Ask for George Fresh Local, Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 FOUR VETERANS PRINCE RUPERT DECORATORS Specialists in Each Branch Paperlianging Signs Decorating Blue 285 Box 1422 Stn. B. Y OU .may be assur ed that every ef fort is being made at Watts & Nickerson to have w h a t you want when you want it . . . and at the price that makes it good, value. If it isn't here on your first visit, please try again,, . . Small shipments ar-rive almost daily and might include just what you're looking.' .Vv'.tp!) t .. .... for. "THE MEN'S SHOP" Storage and Furniture Crating HYDE TRANSFER Phone 5S0 KWONO SANG HING HOP KEE CHOP 5UEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King TaO All your patronage welcome . Open 3 pjn. to 2 am. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 3 ajn. PHONE RED 247 An Announcement To the Motoring Public ... NEW HOURS FOR SALE OF GAS AT LONG MOTORS WEEK DAYS SUNDAYS - 8 AM. TO 9 1M. 1 PJM. TO 4 IM. This is a service for your convenience . . . you are invited to take advantage of it. Operator FRANK MORRISON