m mm EX:" As Prince Utipcrt DaHp f3cU)g Thursday, March 14, 1M6 Speech Therapist Teaches Veterans TORONTO f It takes much patience and understanding to do Margaret McCurdy's work at Christie Street Hospital here But the young Montreal-born speech therapist has won praise ro'irTSofh doctors and veterans alike for the help she has Riven aphaslc patients at the hospital Miss McCurdy is the only speech therapist in Canada working for .the Department of Veterans Affairs. In her "classroom" at Christie Street are some soeech-lers veterans, some unable to read or write and a few who cannot understand speech. A mirror plays an important part Then you attend our Sifts NOW AT Out Since 1941! LIME AC AINU? ACID The use lime tt counteract an acid com Ion of the soil which is un'rvorab' to plant growth has been known since the earliest days of agriculture. In her classroom.. Standing before the mirror the patient sees how he forms his lips for words, guided by Miss McCurdy. Twent-ty-four-year-old Tommy, a private In the 48th Highlanders, was knocked back into infancy when he was shot. In the left side of the head during the fighting in Holland. Today thanks to Miss McCurdy he can speak again and is learning once more how to read and write. WALLACE'S SUGGEST . . . A Lovelier You in a Hand some Do you like being first? t want to initial Spring Suit Display WALLACE'S - 'OF COtJKSE. NEW PEN AND PENCIL SETS Waterman's and Parker's ' ft: ..f rl . j - . - : J . H . BULGER J E W E LE RS THIRD AVENUE (Opposite Post Office) We are pleased to announce that conditions now permit us to i lace on the market again . "RUPERT BRAID" SCOTCH TYPE SMOKED KIPPEJ&& GLOY NOW BACK 'The Handy Office Glue (or Paste)"; 5-ounce bottle ....... 53c. 10-ounce bottle DOc SEE "GLOY" ON DISPLAY IN DUU WINDOWS 4 SMOKED ALASKA ItLACK CODM2M J I ciriwi Tim n mi nun cat WVvr?' 3T ? Try them today from your Butcher.' , or at your favorite restaurant. ' s - Canadian Fish AND - Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. CIVIC CENTRE, REC COUNCIL FUTURE POLICY A Joint meeting of the Civic Centre Association executive and the executive of the Prince Rupert Recreational Council was held last night in the Civic Centre building to inform members of both executives of the work done by the Civic Recreational Board in connection with acquiring the building and to approve tentative budget and operational policies drawn up by the board. The members of the two executives ratified decisions made by the Recreational Board which is a functional body composed of members from both. Plans for the opening program on Sunday were left to the board. During the ceremonies on Sunday afternoon, it is expected that members of the executives of the Civic Centre Association, Rec Council and City Council ! will be on the platform. The meeting approved the i purchase of canteen stocks from the Y.M.C.A. The canteen will be open from 4 pjn. to 10 p.m. oh week days. The building itself will be open from 2 pjn. to 10:30 p.m. except for special events, when it will remain open for any required further length of time. Saturday mornings it will be opened for young people for organized Classes. The' meeting agreed that the building will be open for use of '.community organizations ior i.meetings without charge, pro- jVidlng It is. not done for profit. B 'Emphasis was placed on the fact I that the building is to be a com- munlty centre. Appointments of staff mem bers and employees, effected by the board, were also ratified.. Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS 1. What is wrong wjth this sentence?' "The man flashed a large roll of money." 2. Wfyat is the correct pronunciation, of "replica?" 3. Which one of these words is misspelled? Govern, southern, brtthern, modern. 4. What docs, the word "mutable" mean?, - 5. What 'Is a word beginning jcith sup that means "to re-;lacer'. . Answers i l- Say "The nun displayed a 'ar.ge roll of money." 2. Pronounce re-pll-ka,.e as in let, i as In- it, a uristressec, accent first syUable. -3. Brethren' .4. Capable, of 'enange In form, qualities, or nature. "Nature is a mutable cloudf which Is always and never the sarae.V-Emcrso'n. 5. Supersede. FEATHERED MAILMEN The use of pigeons as mes-:ngers goes back to 3500 B.C. i WHAT Prince Rupert Need ARDEN 'NOTEBti Back to Normal After six years of war the world workshops are beating their swords back again into plowshares. For. the gardener that will mean re-seeding the front lown, which ha been plowed up and put into a Victory garden, and again planting freely flowergfand nursery stock? Freely may' not be quite the right word because Canadian seedsmen state that supplies are not altogether normal yet. There are a few shortages in some garden seeds, though the situation is much better than a few years ago". In nursery stock, however, certain Unes are still scarce because foundation stock for them came from Europe and this, of course, was cut off completely from 1940 " to 1944. - A Cure for Jaded Nerves For ex-service men, for all those who have worked too hard or at too fast a' tempo during the war, arid for that vast thrtmg of normal, average human beings who get a natural craving to dig in the soil every spring, gardening offers a cure, rest and recrea tlon 'alVfolldd' into 'one. 'There fresh air, healthful exercise and hc solid satisfaction of seeing things grow. One can take as little or as much as one likes and the cost is hardly worth mentioning a 'few dollars for tols, a few cents-for seeds and nature with1 la little help will do the 'rest! ' Planning' Will HelpWhile the soil Is getting warm. 'gaTderi e.r jrtrts advise dolrig'a little'pjdn-nlng. Espedialiy where the plot is' small and one wants j-o rnak'4 the very best use of this limited area, a rough sketch on paper of the general layout will help. On this mark the main boundaries and the permanent fea- Support The Civic Centre - GRAND OPENING DANCE MONDAY, MARCH 18 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. TICKETS $2 a couple LING THE TAILOR We are lakinf cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while yon wait, PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street UKESS OPTIONAL Civic Centre Building On sale at downtown stores S (The Sixth of a series of sujeestions by readers of the Daily News for the betterment of this city) First Co-operation with Bonrds of Trade In districts adjacent to this city to promote canning and dehydrayng of such field crops as peas, beans( corn and other vegetables which could .be transported cheaply west to this port by our local railway, In refrigerator cars which usually return here empty for fresh fish. Canning could possibly be handled by our local canneries which also have facilities for cold storage. Second Our provincial government to give more encouragement to prospecting In'the north. Also the need of a mining engineer in the field and a custom concentrator to handle high grade ore. I. Third Our local members to federal and provincial, parliaments to encourage trie Saskatchewan government in handling grain to our local elevator and port. Direct route Saskatoon, Edmonton, Prince Rupert and the Orient. Shipping subsidies to again be taken up with the federal government. FourthA box factory and ply wood industry, possibly shared by employer and employee. Box ends, slabs, sawdust in many of iKh plants pay operating-expenses. I understand a vast amount of cottonwood is available near here. GEORGE JACKSON. City Hall. tures like fences, driveways, sidewalks, house lines, garage, etc. In planning shrubbery and flower gardens the beginner Is advised to bear in mind that each plant should have half as much room either way as it will be high at maturity. This means that shrubs like lilacs, which grow about eight feet high, should have at least four feet between, ordinary shade trees like maple should be from 20 to 30 feet apart, though one can plant temporary shrubbery between. With foundation planting about the house, too, it is Important to give space, and not get this right under the eaves. Most shrubs will make a much better show If planted at least three feet in front of any wall or fence. In the Vegetable Garden Planning the yegetable garden will be more simple. Little and quick-growing things like radish, spinach and lettuce can bo nlantcd in rows a foot apart i when one is going to' cultivate 1 arc a little larger and grow more, j slowly. Minimum space here would be about 15 Inches and ! rather more for' the larger beans Peas can be planted in double ' rows about a foot apart, then twice that much' space until the next double row; Tomatoes re quire at least 18: Inches when staked, arid three to four feet if not staked. Corn rows at least 30 Inches apart, the same for potatoes. Melons, cucumbers atid small tabic squash do best iu hills about 30 Inches square and eventually about eight to twelve plants to a hill. Space between hills ;hould'be at least 15 inches to allow for spreading and DeCario's Orchestra ENTKKTAINMENT REFRF.SILMKNTS REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Chop Suey Chow Mcin Chinese Dishes our specialty. Open 0 ajn. to 2 a.m. PHONE IT.I FURNITURE FOR FATHER Modern Chairs and Sofas . Last Word in Comfort And Compactness NEW YORK Qi Men who have rarely been fans of modern furniture will welcome the new modern pieces which are design ed lor comfort as well as beauty. Now those .gentlemen who have found modern furniture too stiff and formal will find that they can curl up on a modern sofa or snooze in a modern chair without getting a kink in the neck or back. New interesting modern pieces designed by Lester Tlchy of New York, who won first prize in House and Oarden's archltec- j tural awards, are the last word in comfort and compactness. Arm Chairs are more rounded in design so that instead of the arms of the chair being completely out of line as rests for weary elbows, they are curved and comfortable. The furniture of natural birch Is upholstered In cotton and mahalr and the back and seat are slanted o that the maximum comfort of a chair is achieved. You can sit In these new modern chairs without aching to got out of them. Mr. Tichy's tea table which could adequately serve as a game table has a swivel section underneath which swings out to hold cigarette accessories, glasses, extra china or playing ; cards. And thefe arc curved as 1 are all the tables in this modern house. Sofa and coffee tables i are low. . Desk and cabinets In Mr. j Hlchy's hew modern housp hans from the wall though all of them can be similarly used with legs. He found, however, that the desk without legs glve6 more leg room and the light which hangs from the gooseneck wall bracket gives more work oace. Cabinets are decorative and of white lacquered birch with per-formated wood fronts. They can jenerously house the radio, phonograph, record albums, magazines, and all the little things that';normally clutter up a house. The sldeooard has a cia.pboard arrangement for drawers elirninatlng hardware. Qfc0 ltie (fa atd TRY THIS TONIGHTI Life is much brighter if you can Mart the day with a smile. Jf you waken tired and listless why not do as thousands today are doing-just drink a cup of Ovaltine al bedtime each night. 1 1'or Ovaltine acts in three waye, to help make you alert and glad to be alive. lint, taken warm at bedtime, it fosters sound, refreshing deep, without drugs. SrcotiJ, it supplies essential food elements to rebuild vitality while you sleep! Third, it also furnishes important vitamins and minerals in i delicious, more natural way (ot all-round health and vigour. So why not try Ovaltine beginning tonight and get off to a good start in the morning. 13 EXPERT RADIO REPAIRS All Work Guaranteed ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES HOME APPLIANCES FLUORESCENT LIGHTING PUBLIC ADDRESS INTERCOM Mall Orders shipped same day as received RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC 313 Third Avenue West Phone 644 Box 1321 mhAV'TII CAT At 125. 1? IVIHI IILJHI. 7:01. 8ni Serial at 2:48 5:05 pjn. SPECIAL! IN THE NEWS ... "PENTICTON TEEN TOWN" m t mf A nil sssssw r:-,m. llljjHl niif HllHaflHH McCutcheon's Pharmacy Ltd. , Third at Sixth Street ANNOUNCE that the new Talker 51 pen will be on salt i their store this month. lie advised and place net order now for this latest of pens. Any make of pen may be obtained 0; r Mr Sam worth, who has had several years rspc-ir.a with one of the leading pen compunic? w... tt pleased to service your pen at any Lrae ::' . charge. McCUTCHEON'S PHARMACY LTD. The Store Wjth the Up-to-Dutc 6cr..;r Prince Rupert, P..C. MAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED NOW FOR THE PARKER j; There is no substitute' for CROMAX LKJL'ID FLOOR WAX Made especially for L M--:a Hardwood, Rubber and Composition Floor A guaranteed product of (, II. Wood & Co, Sanitation Specialists For Immediate delivery Phone (5.TJ PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE W II O L E S A L i: 320 Second Avenue P.O. Box 772 Phone C A. MacKenzie Furniture tmiutiv LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Sleep Like a Top on a Top Value Mattress! Simmons Reautyresl Mattress Kestmore Supreme .Mattress rhonv:73 K 1 2.50 Other .Spring-filled Mattressr- t. $28.50, $31.0 and $35.00 Felt .Mattresses $11.50 aud up All slies in stock I r.O. B I We Have Done IT.' Seeing is Believing COME IN Look for the "TODAY'S SPECIAL" Cards with the black irro indicating one of the Bargains of the Bay! MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE (Opposite Canadian Legion) 5? Phnno.ianndlfl P.O.BOX Tfr7 7 r . I AJ m st iii ti- in) 'Jir rim It's SMART - BIG THRIFTY TO OPERATE RELIABLE . . . When you want the best in ing pleasure look to FORD. Remember: "THERE'S A FORD W YOUR FUTURE." S. E. PARKER LIMITED KO. Box 38 "The Home of Friendly 'Service" 170 E. 3rd A 1 "TTTtitiWi .k. T i ill! ii1 ill 91 $1 mumu v 2 WAV 1 ! ! Trappers Attention SEE US BEFORE YOU Btlh BILL SHRIABERO M mvilwi imp ... Hlacllir-I m mm mM mm niiiii: -- Di.i runni i uib Highest Pf Paid h & r-l IDC