4 -MC 4 r n D Kadl Uiai f f K 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) oniURSDAV-PJvt. Time 0- -Concert Shaw's Orch. 0- -Artie vnral Varieties 0Joe iteiciii"" platter Parade 5. Serenade -Supper 5 perry Como .People . . , ii the World Sings 0. .CBC News 5. .CBC New3 Round-up 0- .panorama n wmnlDee Drama 0. -Story of Muslc- 0. .Music to Remember 0- Designed for Listening j-.-CBC News 5. .-The Frasers Bands ' 0- -Spotlight 0- -Silent FRIDAK AM. 0- -Musical Clock 0--CBC News . Fred waring vrncie for Moderns 5. Little Concert 0- BBC News 5- -Morning Devotions 0- Kato Mendelssohn 5- Transcribed Varieties 00- -Showtime Rouna-up nme it iMH irnin-iiA 15- Thoughts for Toaay l--Message rcnuu 33- -Kecoraeu muriiuuc 1 k Tho WnvruMintvl 30- cue News jco- lilt Review 115- -Musical Memories i ore. . . arrivals Prince Rupert i - t i .1 t r . . . ... . OU. WUII. U1UIIU, VUIIUUUTL'r. V Robinson, Vancouver; Farrell, Vancouver; D. Can- na. Vancouver; Air. ana Mrs. E. A. woodburv. Vancouver: Quren Charlotte City; R. ill I r.. nl nn R. Davidson, Massctt; J. R. ICE OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND Una Recording District of Ktipert lie unil MUiute In .i r, niiu u. iMriiiin oi lyjc C I! , I'lin 144i. tv.lire Cove. r.a-ve that I, Ed Walil. if Bnx 248. Prince Ru'ptrt, BC. . "an boat Builder. Intends to i.iirr ni )i i, portion OI Lfll CR. R. I'lnn 1411 thatiKn Aunt icny 4 chains, thence u-ny oi, cnalns, and containing ED. WAHL. Annllrnnt. Mm Gord IMeBrirte Slrfet PRACTICAL NURSING TRAINING Manitoba Plans New Schooli To Teach Piofwuional Work WINNIPEG Practical nursing has come into its own in Manitoba, It Ls no longer a wide-open field but a qualified and licensed profession. The Licensed Practical Nn Act the first of its .kind In the Dominion was passed by the Manitoba legislature in March, 1945. As a result, more than 200 women in the province who pre viously acted as practical nurses were required to pass tests and fill out application forms leading to licensing. The provincial department of ! public health has, at present,! two schools for training in the I Winnipeg district. It ls planned to open other training schools in rural Manitoba this fall. The course requires a minimum of one year. It calls for 12 weeks of concentrated study, field trips, demonstration and practice in the classroom and approximately 34 weeks of clinical experience in hospital wards. A one-month holiday is granted. At the end of the three-month theoretical course, a provincial qualifying examination Is held. Students must pass this examination before going on to their clinical training. No tuition fee ls charged, However, during the three months' theoretical work, students are required to maintain themselves and buy uniforms and books. This amounts to approximately $130 and Includes four uniforms and 12 bibs and aprons. When they reach clinical training, they are paid $20 monthly for eight months. Supervisor Is Frances II. Waugh, a .graduate of United r -1 1 - I , 1 f I I . . .. 1 11.. Winnipeg General Hospital. Petite and blue-eyed, Miss Waujh, an employee of the public health department, tenches a ten-hour course. Six cx-servicewomen are numbered among the students. Thirty-one-year-old Irene Sampson was a sick berth attendant in the Navy. Eileen McGrath, 23, was a driver In the Army. Shi says she always wanted to take nursing and finds It "strange but not hard." The other girls are Louise Toews,-Marguerite Stewart, Connie MacGlll and Gertrude Embury. OCULAR OVERCOAT Snakes have a protective storm window over their eyes a transparent membrane which saves the organ from scratches and injuries. cs! Sweeter, tastier bread with FLEISCHMANN'S Son f YEAST r, This active fresh yeast goes right to work, gives you full value because it's full strength. And bread made with Fleischmann's active fresh Yeast tastes sweeter, is lighter, more tender. F YOU BAKE. AT HOME Get Fleischmann's active fresh Yeast with the familiar yellow label Canada's dependable yeast favorite for over three generations. I MADE IN CANADA Thinking of Gardening? Then see us for your GARDENING SUPPLIES Rennle's Seeds - Garden Tool Hose and Fence Netting Fertilizers Vlgoro, Bone Meal, Sheep Manure, Sulphate of Ammonia, Sulphate of Potash, 4-8-12 Fertilizer. on's Hardware rhonettll The Experts Say - - LIVER ONCE A WEEK A serving of liver once a week Is not only recommended by Canada Food Rules, but It also" a good meat coupon extender. It requires no tokens and Is rich la flavor as well as nutritional value. Beef, calf and pork livers are all sood though they vary In flavor and price, say the agriculture department consumer section experts. Beef and calf liver may be recognized by their size, being larger than pork and having a smooth, glossy surface. The pork liver has a pcbbled-looklng surface- and Is reddish brpwn In color while calf liver tends to be yellowish brown. Hog liver has four lobes, beef and calf have two. In preparing liver of'any kind wipe with a damp cloth If It Is slieed or, If it is whole, wash In cold water and dry. Slice and remove the skin and any tough fibres. The liver may be scalded in boiling water for a minute or two before removia? the skin and it will peel off more easily, Liver should not be overcooked or the flavor and texture are apt to be Impaired. Calf liver, because of lis delicate flavor and tenderness may e broiled, but beef and pork should be braised or sauteed. Lamb liver may also be used, but because of its stronger flavor Is no generally as well liked as the other livers Many people like It braised In a savory sauce. If liver is to be ground before and Engagement Announcements ENGAGEMENT NOTICE Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Eburne, 1119 Water Street, announce the engagement of their only daugh ter, Shirley Elizabeth, to Mr. Howard Frederick Brown, son of Rev. and Mrs! W. H. Brown, Keota, Oklahoma. The wedding to take place In the near future In Vancouver. . MISSING HANS MARTINSEN,: last seen New Royal Hotel March 7, 1940. Will anyone who may have Information please com municaie with iver Martmsen of 221 1st Street, Prince Rupert. (G3) C -FOK SALE FOR SALE General Electric I cjinsole. ne rfect condition. Phone 313, C3) FOR SALE Trolling boat. New Floats, Pacific I, .32 feet long, 15 h.p. Vivian engine. Information 924 6th Ave. R 63) FOR SAEE One cook stove with Silent Glow oilbnrner. Apply j Hawklnson's Laundry. 163) FOR SALE -f Practically new-buggy, cheap. 733 5th Ave. W. Phone Black -503. 65) FOR SALE New 10-foot clinker built row boat. Phone Black 688. . (64) FOR SALE 32 -volt 850-watt Delco light plant. Also one power dinghy. Apply Wllford Electric Co. (62) FOR SALE One thousand used bricks. Phone 547. (tf) FOR SALE G-room furnished house. 742 7th Ave. West. (75) FOR SALE Modern duplex apartment, stucco front. 327 2nd Ave. West. Phone Red 889. (tf) FOR SALE Fully modern six-room house, with basement. H. E. Alton, 109 11th Street. (63) FOR SALE 'New and used furniture. Chester! ieldjs in good condition; large stock to choose from. Three-quarter and double beds; easy chairs; office chairs of fine quality; new single hoc plates, $4.75; new press Irons. Everything selling at low prices. Phone Black 324. B.C. Furniture. FOR SALE 1929 model A Ford. Serial No. CA136484. Best offer takes It. Also bicycle. Green 703. (62) FOR SALE Medium office writing desk, good condition, $15. Apply 1807 7th Ave. East. Phone Green 616. (63) FOR SALE Four-room house, near Seal Cove, on bus line. Completely furnished, with electric w a s h I ng machine, chesterfield, oil stove, etc. $1750.00. For cash. Apply Col-lart and McCaffery Ltd. (65) FOR SALE Kitchen range with oil burner. 987 jBth Ave. East. (67) FOR SALE Drop-leaf table. 4Jx 46. $7.50. Dressing table with swing mirrors and stool. $7.50. Phone Black 482. (64) FOR SALE Modern home In excellent condition on double corner, 4th Ave, West and Grant Place. Large concrete basement, hot water heating. Apply 401 4 th Ave. West Phone 344. (64) HELP WANTED WANTED Bookkeeper for temporary work, or qualified beginner with "training in office accounting, general stenography, etc. Apply In writing, stating qualifications. Box 95 Dally News. (tf) WANTED Skipper for 65-foot boat. Must have papers. Apply1 Box 548, City, (84( WANTED Man to work In small logging camp. Must be able td act as cook for four men. Apply Selective Service or Phone 651. (64) FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished 3 room fully modern bungalow near Seal Cove Cold Storage. Bluc-825. (66) FOR RENT Seven-room housed with complete f urnishlncs. : $303 cash. West App-V 549 9th Ave. (04) FOR RENT Three-room fur- nlshed suite, 616 6th Avs. West. Phone Green 698. ( 67) ! FOR RENT Unfurnished' housekeeping room and one suite. 1142 Park Avenue. (64)., FOK RENT Warm bedroom, close in. Apply 806 Fraser St. after 5 p.m. (65) WANTED WANTED TO RENT Four-room unfurnished house. Close In. Phone Red 328. (64) WANTED Home for high school gin as mother s help. Sleep In, Phone Black 991. (65) WANTED Board, room and mother's care for 1 n f a rt t MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company I 'tilted, Vancouver. B.C. (tf) PERSONAL A TREAT FOR YOUR FEET' Use Lloyds Corn and Callous Salve for prompt relief. 50c at Ormes Ltd. (64) RADIO SEKVICh RADIO SERVICE For guaran- teea radio satisfaction phone 6 and an Associated Radio Technician will call. McRae Bros. Ltd. LOST AND FOUND FOUND Two keys on string, Friday evening, front of Capitol Theatre. Dumpr mnv hnvo same by calling the Dally, imcws ana paying ror this advertisement, (tf) LOST Springer spaniel female pup, brown and white. Phone Blue 986. (62) SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert I globln with accompanying lassi- , tude. The answer Is to step up your i Intake ot Iron foods. Choose the cooking, as when It. is used in fr" green vegetables and meat loaves or patties, It should tx scalded In boiling water for several minutes first to make It easier to handle. If the members of your family profess not to like liver, you can serve them Savory Spaghetti and have them ass ror a second.' helping. Don't tell them it I, a Uver dish and the chances are they won't know. It is. The dish resembles Italian spaghetti with meat sauce. For six serving you will need 3A pound liver, 4 cup chopped onion, two tablespoons of fat, orie teaspoon salt, dash of pepper, one tablespoon of chopped parsley (optional), two cups tomato Juice, eight ounces of spaghetti. Scald liver in boiling water for five minutes; drain and grind. Brown onion In fat, add liver and seasonings and cook slowly 10 minutes. Add tomato Juice, simmer 20 minutes. If sauce be comes too thick dur.ng cooking, thin with a little waler. Meanwhile cook and drain spaghetti. Pile spaghetti on a deep platter and pour sauce over It. In the good old days you might have been told you had spring fever due to the shortage of some necessary foods during the winter months. In this age of rapid transportation and food proce&slng methods you can get the right foods the year round but even so a lot of people show a springtime decrease In haemo- Classified Advertising - - - - SlftKMNeds: 2c per worrt per insertion, minimum charee. 50c. Birth Notices: bc; unrus oi 1 nanus, ucam notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage dark cereal. If you have a choice eat potatoes rather than macaroni or spaghetti; green celery rather than white celery; cooked prunes rather than apple or other fruit sauce; oatmeal or cracked wheat rather than cream of wheat; whole wheat bread rather than white. RE-EDUCATE NAZIS LONDON, Cj Plans for the reeducation of Nazi-trained Germans Include the translation of British books for the German market. Several of the books now are In the hands of German publishers and others are being translated. SEND MEDICAL AID NEW DELHI, The govern ment of India has announced it will send" medical aid and drugs for treatment of ailing Indians In Malaya, particularly Indian laborers who were employed on the Burma-Slam railway.. HOW CAN I ? ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I 'avoid large pin holes In the, material when Ja.st-. ening r paper pattern to silk goods? A. When fastening a paper pattern 0a fine satin or silk use thin needJes instead of pins. 0. How can I remove the lettering from flour sacks that I wish to use or dish towels? A. Rub the letters with lard, then roll the sack tightly and allow It to stand until washday. Q. How can I make serviceable mats for flower nots? A. Excellent mats can be made by cutting discs from pieces of old linoleum. GIFT TO 1,000,000 LONDON, W-The King has approved the gift to 1.000,000 ex-servicemen of 23 countries who served la the United Kingdom during the war, or free membership in the Travel Association of Great Britain. jgjj Golden wheat plus mellow malt there's a flavor combination that's hard to beat. TASTY SNACK For an energy food that's tasijr as can be, let the youngsters help themselves; to Shreddies between meals. Each crispy spoon-size morsel toasted a golden brown. Yes, and Shreddies supplies nourishment too for the whole wheat is used in making Shreddies including its bran, protein, minerals and precious wheat germ. Make your breakfasts delicious and nourishing too serve Shreddies often. SbndJin is a rfgislrreJ tradt-mmrh tuntJ in CunatU by daughter. $25 month. Call' THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD. after 6 o'clock. No. 1 Eugene Aparunenis. urgent. (03) NIAGARA FAltS, CANADA Becoming more popular every day Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY at CENTRAL HOTEL 0:30 A.M. to 2:00 AJW. I We specialize in tender, juicy stenks and Chinese dishes. (9 We serve you nothing but the best Special Ited Brand Keef, Choicest fresh Vegetables and Fruits Complete line of Groceries , OUR DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT OPEN DURING REGULAR STORE HOURS Choicest Cooked Meats, Meat Pies, Roast Chickens, Fish and Chips dally. We are ready to serve you Chinese dishes Chow Meln, Chop Suey, etc., to take out. Cooked with delicate taste and quick service. TRY US! RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West Next Royal Hotel Prince Uuwcrt Dully r3ctog Thursday, March 14, 1946 TEA RUNNERS For Young and Old CHILD'S Sizes 5 to 10 .-, MISSES' Sizes 11 to 2 .'. ; 1.10 BOYS' Sizes 1 to 5 l.:r. YOUTHS' 11 to 13 1 .-, LITTLE GENTS' Sizes 0 to 10 1.15 .MEN'S OXFORDS Sizes 6 to 10 u.7.1 Don't let lack or running shoes spoil your recreation. BUY NOW WHILE THEY LAST CUT RATE SHOE STORE YOU SAVE WITH SAFETY AT YOUR REX ALL STORE .tjtii.'rt Plain or ('ii,iiiiuinl. IC OZ. $1.00 .H. Kr Tablets 2t'x .M ASA Kev Tablets. IWTx . . ..', Illsm.-. Itev 4 oz. .7.1 ltex.il! ilriHiflilal MvrNp, (I ' , ..Ml Kexall Che-t Unil.':! u. ..V) Jar lien Kczeniu IjiIIiiii, ! nz. . .:t". In) lies ta'zema l.ollnn, (i , ' l.lio Fruit Sullne, KnglMi tje, IK oz. . .39 Itrxall llYMilioplil(es (Vm- ponml. Hi ijz. I. Oil l.lnaseptlr. 4 nr.. .VI l.liinxeptli'. Hi oz. 1 :l" Hevall Milk or Magnesia, 211 oz. M Itpvall Milk of Magnesia Tablets I'lillllps Milk or .Magnesia Tablet THE KEXALL STORE 703 Fulton Street Keep your Orders Well Ahead for our Quality Coals ! G r H W D Keal! 0illne. I oz: ."),) Agarol. i; oz. llayrr Aspirin, 2r !t liajer Aspirin. Klo't -,J MilanV I'otviier. 4 oz. i.ihi lliukley. Mixture. Sj oz. ... .".i Xlrk: Vapo Unit, id oz. ... 1.1 mm. i oz. , . m imii. r, oz. :. . l.ja Kim I'ruit Salts, famllf size l.on lelloM's Sirup. II oz. , 1.3a Alisiirlilm- Junior. 4 at. !IM Alisorlilne -liinlui'. IS oz, .... l.).l Phillip Milk of AUgiu-sia. 1- "- 4.1 Murine. V3 oz. Sirs. .20; H.Vh, .3.1; 2.VCs, l.flo ail's. .2.1; 55'x, ..In; 2II(Ck, I.IHI Prescription Specialists Ormes Ltd, Z7h Pioneer Druqgists, Boxed STATIONE RY .... for children and grown-ups These make a lovely and'Very useful gilt. Beautifully boxed in a wide assortment oflzes now on display at special ' " :'i prices. Make your selection' NOWI -j ( Hi- v Priced :." to '2.:ir, ; J THE VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" HOME COOKING AND MAKING AFTERNOON TEA Open Daily 5 p.m. to 2:30! a.m. . Dine, dance and be merry WfK' at a appy Jioiuiay spot. ff -0- Kathleen Davis, Proprietress. KATY'S KLEEN KITCHEN Phone Blue 882 PHONES: 116 - 117- ALBERT McCAFFERY i; -;i! i- K' Sit tf S