tHioDial Ig Kilocycles hange Bclodies jject Stye !ot vVeeulc juniors Adventure fosclantz frcnadc jyC'g Ul'.u. Interlude Btory Roundup fequarc to uia urum brum News nducts flnnlpcg iFrecdoms th. ABC ind Sign Off lAY A.M. Ruck bin:" Mi)Ucr!. Conn ivi jcvollons V): o for Today Tunc iai. Melodies mo Console jToaay Forecast 'find liiifi-tude 'ill Noon ,1 n Broadcast lc;umc tenuis cr Hour led (or Sitings bol Broadcast Phllosphcr t h :anders nd Singers Bed Cros3 and Itary swoeter, bread with IHMANN'S CHURCH APPOINTMENTS TORONTO The followlne aD- polntments of women to execu- tivc positions in me united Church of Canada -were an nounced today: Miss Frances Bonwlck, MA., has been appointed toy the Dominion Board, of the Womcn'3 Missionary Society as literature srr.retarv for that organization. succeeding Miss Helen Day, who hns been anoolnted editor of The Missionary Monthly, organ of the W.M.S. Announcements All fcdvertlseinetita 11 run column will be charged (or a full month at 25c a word. Anglican W. A. Tea, Thursday, Oct. 17, Mrs. Mills. Sons of Norway Dance, Friday October 18. Oddfellows' Hall. Varden Singers Sacred Con cert, Lutheran Church. Friday October 18 at 8:15 p.m. Admis sion 50c. L.O.B.A. Bazaar, Oct. 23. Queen Mary Tea, Mrs. Par kin's, October 24. C.W.L. Card Party, Catholic School Hall, Oct. 24 at 8 p.m. Everybody welcome. Gyro Hoedown, Civic Centre, Oct. 31. Rebekah Bazaar, October 31, I.O.O.F. Hall. Cambral Fall Tea, Mrs. Oeorge Rorie's, November 6. C.C.F. Bazaar, Nov. 0, Civic Centre. W.A. Baptist Church fall sale. Nov. 7. Legion W.A. Pioneer Home Dance, Armories, Nov. 8. Women of the Moose bazaar, ! Moose Temple, Nov. 13 and 14. W. A. Canadian Legion Fall Bazaar, November 20. St. Feters Fall Bazaar, Nov. 21. Lutheran Tea and Home Cook ing, November 23. St. Andrew's Cathedral Fall Bazaar, November 30. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar. November 28th. Buy Canada Savings Bonds! NEURALGIA Don't let tlif 'pitiloM pain of Neuralgia M.v.nt vnn frnnl rnlnvine life, llet fftflt. safe if Ucf with T-K-Ci, nwially made to relieve you quickly i4 piercing, subbing onrl .lull 1 hr.iltf.ini, arh. (Vnon aim (or Pheuir.itlo. Arthritic. Ncuritic Pnin ami Siiflnp... Sciatica. Lumbago. (let a box today SOt. SI at drugsUt T-41 Icasy to bake delicious, smooth-tenured f you use Fle'ischmann's active fresh east. bh yeast is Julhstrctigtb. It goes right to uvrm you get best baking results emj ". lAKE AT HOME-inslst on in s active fresh Yeast. The I the familiar yellow label! Ic-CanadYs favorite for over MADE IN CANADA Br 1 Local News Items PT & McCAFFERY LTD. Phones 116 and 117 F. N. Good sailed on tire Catala this afternoon on a trip to Van couver. A Long trips or short, day or night, 99 Taxi at your service. , (tf) It. O. Vandersluys sailed on the Catala this afternoon on a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilklc sailed this afternoon on the Catala on a holiday trip to Vancouver. E. E. Hyndman saiicd on the Catala this afternoon on a trip to Namu in connection with his work as Inspector of schools. A Annual Meeting of PRINCE RUPERT SKI CLUB to be held on Tuesday, Oct. 15th, at 8 p.m. In Civic Centre. Members, and those Interested In skiing arc reauested to attend. (242) Will all members at tend social to be glv en by Women of the Moose. Wednesday, Oct. 16, 9:30 p.m. at Moose Temple. W.OXM. (242) Following their marriage here Saturday night, Mr. and Mrs. Ivor Wahl sailed on the Princess Adelaide Monday night to spend their honeymoon In the south. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE One used McClary coal heater, good condition. Apply Rupeft Men's and Boys' COAL WOOD tre, Store, Sixth Street. (241) I CRATING STORAGE HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 SERVICE Basketball tonight, Civic Cen A. C. Mcsscr sailed on the Catala this afternoon on a busi ness trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Dave MacPhee sailed on the Princess Adelaide last night on a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Brown sail ed Monday night on the Princess Adelaide on a holiday trip to Vancouver. Canadian Legion, special meeting, Executive Committee, Legion Hall 8 o'clock tonight. (Tucs). (It) Mr. and Mrs. J. Nyguard of Namu sailed. on the Catala this afternoon to return to their home after visiting . In Prince Rupert. Miss Dorothy Ebbutt returned on the Catala Monday morning from a holiday trip to Vancouver which Included a visit, with friends In Portland, Oregon. Steve Galloway of the com posing room staff of the Dally News returned on the Catala Monday morning from a three- weeks holiday trip to Vancouver, Seattle and Portland. OF GREEK DESIGN Boots originated in Greece dnd half shoes, or oxfords, appeared In Eurone during the Middle Ages FINAL SEARCH .(Continued rrom Page 1 hunter, despite his age, Is be-! Island. HUNTED TWO DAYS Final search for the man began on Sunday, when 27 men left Prince Rupert in four halibut boats at 9 a.m. Sunday and spent four hours wading" through the thick brush and muskeg. The I hunt was resumed Monday when the. party spent more than eight hours sweeping the area. The party returned at 9 p.m. Mon day, The men rormia u wng line abreast, beating the bush over a wide area In whicli Jacobsen might have wandered near the base of Oval Hill, but the rocks, trees' and muskeg still retain their secret. The party which took part the week-end hunt consisted of Capt. Anton Martinsen, with his halibut boat Dovre B., with Rag- nar Martinsen. Henry Martin sen". Martin Gundersen. Torlief Jossen, Gunnar SelvLg, Tommy Fraser, Victor Nordberg, Bert Lewis, James Olsen, Lome Olsen, Ken Burgess, Rudolph Olsen Leonard Jensen, Henry Peder- scn? Rcinhard Hundeidc; Cant. Axel Petersen, with his halibut boat Arctic I, with Alt Jensen. Capt. Anton Strand, halibut boat Sclma H.. with Bob Ander son, Glen Carlson, Walter Carl son, Ncls Vaseng, Andy Anderson, John Pedersen, Leo Doireen and Joe Yelloway. "Where were you on the night of the 17 th?" "I thought I told you to keep away from here," smiled Dob. "My dear, I never see you any more, since you turncd'the cellar into a shop," protested Ethel. "If a cop were to ask me where you were on the night of the 17th, I wouldn't even have to think. What a lovely table, Dob! Who's that for?" "It was to be a surprise for your birthday, but you see what you get for snooping. I've out in every free night for three weeks on it,' but I've never Gecn so happy in my life. For years I figured I couldn't afford the tools and the lathe and stuff. Dut when we got down to a budget that looked after our life insurance and other essentials first, I saw I could indulge myself and do a bit of tinkering." A man with adequate life insurance enjoys a freedom from worry that nothing else can give him. Premium payments call for systematic saving 'and budgeting. Once the future of his loved ones is secure, the head of a family can relax and derive pleasure from his hobbies. Sear you, is a lift insurance agent. Ask'him for advice in planning your future. It is good citizenship to own lift insurance. A message from the Life Insurance Companies in Canada and their agents. v We are here to serve you and guarantee you will be' pleased. FREE DELIVERY OF ALL ORDERS BLAIN BROTHERS "HOUSE OF FINE PHONE n 17 : LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE MITEU Established 1910 FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS PACKED, CRATED, STORED AND SHIPPED TO ALL PARTS, OF CANADA AND U.S.A. FOR QUICK, EFFICIENT, CAREFUL AND RELIABLE Phone LINIDSAY'S 60 or JS FOODS" Quality Repairs Economy Prlcei at r.o. Bx 171 WAR ASSETS APPOINTMENTS MONTREAL New appointments In the supply department of War Assets Corporation were lleved 1 1 I to U have succumbed 1 i 1 to a I announced today by II. R Mai neari aument and to be lying In some hidden spot on Porcher ley, vice-president in charge of supply. L. L. Price has been appointed special assistant to Mr. Malley, while A. F. Cunningham becomes acting assistant supply manager, plant clearance dm slon. I PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) Genuine Aspirin MARKED THIS WAY WfrCjJ' The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON Only furs can give jou luxurious warmth and beauty. Picture yourself in this extravagantly styled mink-dyed muskrat. AWhy not order it today on our budget plan? No Carrying Charges No Interest, Terms in accordanco with W.P.T.B. Regulations. QWEET OIXTEEN Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 l?f fnee Eupctt Dane Bta$ Tuesday, October 15, 1946 Outing Clothing for FALL Cruiser Coats All-Wool with double shoulder and sleeves. 4 pockets and game pocket $11. no Wool Shirts Ited and Green Heavy, All Wool ' " - 1 By Richard Hudnut Checked, $ Work Socks All Wool, weights 3 to to 5 pounds on? to $1.10 Announcement... INDIAN SWEATERS- Hand Woven by Vancouver Island Natives $ 10.00 to $22.00 "THE MENS SHOP" ,lahMfl I Barry 9 BEAUTY PREPARATIONS A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OP THESE FAMOUS COSMETICS at McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LTD. 3rd Ave. at 6th St. LING THE TAILOR We are- taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street JOHN HARRIS and M. PARKINSON have resumed proprietorship ol ATLAS BOILER WORKS Boilers, Tanks and General Ironwork rnone v I mm asd Funxisiuxcs (J 532 THIRD AVINUE PHONE 345 1 JOHH H. BULGER OPTOMETBIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avcnuo irlLl tiD in . T0YS AN1) games See them on display at just received. Our stock l!. bigger and better than ever. These are now on display for those- who wish to do their shopping early. There is also a limited supply of Xmas Tree Lights, Doll Buggies, Kiddie Kars, etc. THE VARIETY STORE "WHERE YOUR DIMES ARE LITTLE DOLLAUo Third Ave. W. P.O.. box 1118 Phone Red 400 518 ittA4AAAAAAAAAiUAAAAAAA MECCANO Stock Complete - Standard Prices oi tvt n ai,io oci iu. .- Set No. 1 Set No. 2 Set No. 3 Set No. 1 O,. M S V otl " Also Intermediate Sets 1A to 5A and Dinky Toys Now on display at $2,15 $1.70 $0.75 $9.50 '.IT 'ml li. r f.S S!' fa