uis Wins. World Series Edging Out Boston 4-3 In Final rnf Third World rest I any llir.ri Am- .1 hunrtnr U) Germany Oip United not expect to i mt-in Vlr-rnv Lord today tnat i 1 An.tAtA m1 fl... .tntm. , I'll 11VL" 1111.111' DfH KALt UNTER if. ii t iuua i - iff in i.ivrni a IU11U wit u- I nabsen, which , mlrri In n vax. , tbwest Porcher .. r . . .. .1 .. .. .. .. -1 i' i. wiin Hiunu .ing hunter. whl:h Jacob- 1 .dlllllCtTU 1L3 y - - - - than 12 hours deer la;-' seen by his Gundcrson, that ;th.m Hyaline:) Louis Ander- irmnpre w tnp failed to show whrrpntionts il 1 -11. 1' m:iria iu innni was an ardent on Paep 31 In bush a lctintr ne ilrlkc began a general nlnn urtwr rn 1 1 1 . men union iivnn fine i uain . in v. 1 vttratiu Friday scale, FrinkKFmni. u'vn0iiiait claims l yewo" are asking rccocnl- ni i ' iniman. The inslstcnt rlnlm "- unnea 3tates C bombs tn not vM UUUb spokesman, de- ""mug wnat- Spnt. .. . 1 1. ... uui ol lne He is utifipr. DREAMBOAT HIT BY MECHANICAL DIFFICULTIES PARIS - Tacusan Dreamboai, returned to Orly Field lonay .i honlrn trOUDlC tie- W11LJ1 vi""- . vcloped a few hours aiier u took off in an effort to brcah the transAtlantlc speed record between Paris and New York. The Dreamboat had hopad to make the flight in HV2 hours. The present record Is 14 hour, 39 minutes. To span the 3G00 miles, the Dreamboat would have V race nt 313 miles per hour. . 'lire far mer ".ecord required ft spew ' 234 miles per hour. Local Tides i Wednesday, October 16. 1948 ... - Lh,. C NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRiTi. . O, JAPR High 5:25 17.7 ft. 17:08 19.6 ft. Low 11:00 9.4 ft on i n g treaties with. Italy. Finland, Ro mania, Bulgaria and Hungary France Accepts New Constitution PARIS ff) France voted to accept its new constitution Sunday but the feature of the plebicile was the failure of 30-odd per cent of the electorate to cast ballots. CANADA HAS 33 VIOLENT DEATHS Tf-mnNTn. fl Canadian ob.- scrvcrvancc of Thanksgiving Day was saddened by a heavy nt 01 33 violent deaths, among them 22 highway fatalities. ., Ontario headed tne. usi wim 17 deaths Selling Airplane Overhaul Plant MONTREAL The former Canadian Pacific Airlines repair and overhaul depot on Lulu Island, opposite New Westminster, B.C., is being offered for sale by War Assets Corporation, It was announced. ,-,. rniUMBIA AT WINNIPEG The picture show. a group of Pacific Coast province S'WSJ' rJfl'i.wS'1 H T fee aiu5Mr ST BoKd 'ol Trade; O. A. SiiwyBfecSS Holme,. Poors. MOwn. B.roaby. Yugoslavia Quits Peace Talks In Strong Protest Uver Ineste Not Participating In Fin.il Approval Conference On Decisions of Nations V A K IS I'aris Peace Conference officially ended lale today. PAWS (CP) YupoSlavia withdrew officially from the Peace Conference today as delegates of l countries concluded the final session. The Yugoslav delegation, which had contended , ...;n r. uo fi- tim Hal an uort of Trieste, WllllOUU putvwo w v..v- "... UUb . ii declared the country would not participa 1c i in the CLAIM SLAV AND ALBANIAN BANDS ATTACK GREEKS KOZANE, (5 recce Officials reported today lhal three northern (ircek villaccs were attacked and one was burned by bands "directed by Communist ascitis" from Albania and Yugoslavia, A flreck post n Yucoslavla frontier fought off a band of 500. clsions and would noi associaw herself with recommendations MOLOTOVS ATTACK Paris Peace Conference last nijlit completed its task of writing peace treaties for five rnmifr Nail satellite countries after Foreign Minister Molo- tov of Russia assailed por lions of the pacts "un .nlif:irtorv." He accused the United States ntlne to dominate the conference and he said he would FOUR LOSE LIVES OVER HOLIDAY Vancouver. Q Four per sons met dfath In Vancouver and the adjacent area during the Thanksgiving week-end, Including Lonnine Dell Mar- kell, 4, who sunocated in ns crib while his parents were away. Two met death In traffic accidents - and 'a fisherman fell off his boat In the Pitt Rlvef-and was drowned. THE WEATHER Synopsis Skies are clear over the entire province this morning. Lowest temperatures reported during the night were 19 degrees at Williams Lake for the Interior and 32 degrees at Comox for tne coast. Barometric pressures are unusually high over British Columbia and the present clear weather Is expected to continue ' today and Wednesday in all but insist that the Big Four foreign (he nor(hcrn coastal area where ministers in New oris " u increasing clouds ana rain w vembcr 4 reconsider parts 01 ine 1 expectert Wednesday due to a ... ... ,..1.., n . . . . 1 it storm now along the Aleutian Islands which will move eastward across the Gulf of Alaska tomorrow. Forecast Prince Rupert. Queen Char lottes and North Coast Clear todav.' Increaslns clouds tonight becoming -overcast with inter mittent rain Wednesday after noon TJoM northerly winds to day becoming southeast 25 m.p.h. bv Wednesday afternoon. Little chanac in temperature. Mini mum - temperatures tonight Port Hardy. 31: Massett, 30; Prince Rupert. 40. Maximum temperatures Wednesday rort Hardy. 54; Massett, 55; Prince Rupert, 50. Mass Manoeuvres Of Soviet Troops ROME One hundred thous and Soviet troops are on large scale manoeuvres near Vienna, Austria. These manoeuvres are on the largest scale seen since the end of the war. BUFFALO STEAKS $1.75 PER POUND MINNEAPOLIS Buffalo melt 10.000 pounds was hnuviil nn hrre in a few hours hv meat-huiitry residents. One man phoned 1,500 miies to have steaks pu; away for him but .was refused. The bison steaks sold for $1.15 a pound? while buffalo burgers were cheaper at 1 a' pound. EXCOMMUNICATE YUGOSLAVS IN BISHOP'S TRIAL VATICAN CITY, Italy - The Vatican has announced-the ex communication of all Yugoslavs connected with the trial of Arcn- blshop Alojxljc Stepinlc. The Archbishop was sen tenced, to 16 years Imprisonment at forced labor after being found i guilty of collaboration with the Axis. a ntnt.nrp hplwpen the Vati can artd Yugoslavia may pos sibly result. 1 ITfVC PfkSITlOV KpvpVal Italian newEipapers lnr ternreted the announcement of inehrIflciBls ot-CaUwlic faith; responsible for the trial and con-virUnn at Zaereb Included Mar shal Tito, head of the Yugoslav mvprnment. However, authoritative Vatican quarters said Tito's exact status was not known. It was not Known il Tito is a Catholic. Baseball ST. LOUIS Harry (The Cat) Brecheen hurled St. Louis cardinals to world champion ship today with courageous Job of relief pitching for i-i as- rtslnn over Boston Red Sox In the seventh game of 43rd World Scries. Thus Brecheen Joined eight other pitching greats with three Hpplsions in fall classic, nrsi since 1920. A huee throne of 36,143 fans practically mobbed crafty lett hander as final out was recora- pH to eive the Red Birds upset victory over the favored Amen ran chamnlons. In thrill packed finale Cards pulled It out or Hre with an eight-inning run engineered by TPnrw RinneMprs' darlnc base "nmnlnir. run that meant $3, 736.45 to each of underdog Red nirri."!. After the teams traded runs" in first and second Innings, Sox scored first and Birds tying It up In second, St. Louis apparently put the game in ice box with two-run outburst in fifth that sent Dave (Boo) Ferris to early showerv Bostln ..' 100 000 020 3 8 0 St. Louis ,.. 010 020 01x-4 9 1 Ferris, Dobson (5); Klinger 8; Johnson 8: and H. Wagner, Par- tee 8; Dickson, Brecheen 8; and Garai;lola, Rice 8. Ctoen Conflict Between Russia and Western Bloc Forecast In High Places Millions Between Paris and Berlin Scared By Spectre of War paptr ir.P dismal nicture of the continent scared by the spectre of another war was drawn to day by Koss Munro, uanacnan rress wmei. vfo tW frnm Paris tn Berlin, millions of people in Europe are seriously concerned over the pOSSlDllliy OI WUI wdytoiih; xMt.. fa.w.r wesiern nauons. Scores of people B.C. MAN ON some in re sponsible positions, seem to accept the inevitability of war with the Soviet. WORLD FLIGHT VANCOUVER With as little unconcern as If he were purchas ing street car tickets, a Vancou er businessman Edward F Gundrv. fishing net manufac ture-. stenDed into the local Trans-Canada Air Lines' ticket nffire recently and picked up tickets that will take him around the world by air. As far as is known it is the first trans-world air passage sold In Canada. Mr, Gundry is well known in fliJilnz circles in Prince Rupert and on the Skeena River, having vixited here on business several times. He was a Euest speaker at the Prince Rupert Rotary CiuD studded with names made fam ous by the war. He left Saturday afternoon for San Francisco for the Initial over-water nop 10 Honolulu. Then comes Canton Island, Suva. New Caledonia and Auckland. A few hours takes him to Sydney. Brecheen Carried Off . Field By Team Mates; Cards Win Games 4-3 ST LOUIS St. Louis Cardinals won the World Series today by a 4-3 victory over the Boston Red Sox to send home-town fans into a frenzy. Cards, behind the sparkling performance ot Harry Brecheen on the mound, chalked up a second win in two days over the Sox to end the series 4 games to 3. , , ., Brecheen "The Cat" was in top form, despite his heavy and successful pitching duties yesterday. nittordprs Flair In Eastern Bengal BOMBAY. India Disorders over Moslem and Hindu differ ences have occurred In Eastern Bengal. India's most-war army has been formed, with three natlva brigades, one brigade of frontier troops and one or British para troops. Find Unexploded Japanese Bomb BREMERTON, Wash. An un exploded Japanese balloon bomb was discovered near hsre Mon day. Federal Bureau of Investiga tion officers were called to des troy it. War Grips Western Europe . , ii.. .j . n..:r:.. I,,.,.. , l',,,, n (!nal 'Wiirf lnvrt" m:wi;i niwat jni.t,.v. - -. - ' pniNHK RUPERT n.C. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 15. 1916 PRICE FIVE CENTS TAXI TAXI 537 DAY and NIGHT SERVICE Bill and Ken Nesbitt MINING STRIKE N BX. ENDING VANCOUVER W End of Brit ish Columbia's last remaining major labor dLspute the 106-,-day-old walkout of 2,000 hard- rock miners was in sight today as union officials advised members to accept Chief Justice McG. Sloan's proposals for set- Uement for copper mines. Workers are expected to vote on the proposals Wednesday call ing for higher wages. Strike Picture In Canada Today By the Canadian Press The Canadian strike picture today showed: Twelve thousand A.F. ol L. bushworkers In Northern On tario on strike for higher wages and better working conditions. Salt: Wage settlement reached after 117-day strike at Windsor, Ont., affecting 4,000 U.A.W.-C.I.O. employees of Canadian Industries Ltd. Settlement terms not announced. PRESIDENT TRUMAN LIFTS PRICE CONTROL ON MEAT AND LIVESTOCK WASHINGTON, D.C. (CP) Immediate release of all meat and livestock in the United States from price control was announced Monday night by Presi- . UCUL liuiimu ... At the same time the President said the removal of wage controls will be accelerated. Will Nationalize British Cable Co. LONDON, Oi -House of Lords tnH'.- mv third readlne to a British bill to nationalize Cable and Wire Limited, Britain's yorld-wlde telcwnunutucaUons system capitalized at $120,000,000. Seize Industries 'or Reparations BUDAPEST O) The Hungar ian government has assumed control by decree of the country's major Industries until rep arationsfixed at $3uu,uuu,wu are paid. Asks Controls ExceDt Rents Lifted CHICAGO, (Ji American Federation of Labor convention here tjiHnv railed on the covernment to remove Immediately all wage and price control except rents. RED CROSS APPEAL TORONTO Plans for a $5,-000,000 national Red Cross appeal next March for its peacetime work throughout Canada were announced by Arthur L. Bishop, chairman of the society's national executive committee. HANGING NAZI RINGLEADERS AT NUERNBERG PRISON TODAY Only Alfred Rosenberg Refuses to Return to Religion For Solace NUERNBERG Official reports circulated today said that hangings of the 11 condemned Nazi ringleaders would begin In Niiernbere prison yard at 12:01 a.m. Wednesday (3:01 f.m. P.S.T. Tuesday). Prpviouslv It had Deen ex- nected that the executions would start at Dawn. Executions are expected to take about three hours alto- irpthpr. The Four Power Commission mari it nlaln there would be no official announcement until after the last man had gone to the scaffold. we wui speeu uk icuiumi of price control," be asserted. But no Immediate action on trus phase of stabilization problem was ordered. President Truman cpupled his action, designed to bring more meat to meat-shy American 'dinner tables;with''"vlgoroul .denunciation of "a few men in the Congress" who, he said, "in I the service of selfish interests have been determined for s-me time to wreck price controls no matter what the cost might oe to our people. He mentioned no names. Request For Arms Being Considered LONDON Great Britain 13 giving serious consideration to a request of the Greek government for arms to combat guerilla bands. Reg Lavime 'New Broom9 Party Candidate, Is leen lotvn mayor "Old" Party City Clerk and Police Chief Returned at Saturday Elections Teen Town's "New Broom" party did a partial job of clean sweeping at the Saturday night civic elections when it suceeded in whisking Reg Layigne, its mayoralty candidate, into "V? margin of nine votes over iormer muyui m ..v,...r Ten of the condemned men rptnrnpri to religion today for solace, but the eleventh, Alfred unconhprp. nhilosoDher or me iiudvuH.oi i : . Nazi party, mused to see .knloln nr st.nrtv the Bible. Hermann Goerlng tola prison doctors he had no fear of death, indicating he Intended to try to i sun. show dignity until the very last moment. Hermann Georlng and other high-ranking officials of Hitler's war staff are convinced their vnphrer Is dead. Hitler had ,1,.. an far. thev said, that death was preferable to being caught. However, it lost the other two key seats on the Teen Town ad ministration set-up to tne pre vious "Old" party, lncumoenis, when Miss Mickey Murray was returned as City Clerk and Bob McChesney retained 'his author ity as Police Chief. Closing of the pons in me vivm Centre at 10 o'clock Saturday night terminated the liveliest pamnalen In Teen Town's brief history. Culminat ing a 10-day electioneering spasm in which radio speeches and bill posters prociamicu fitness of the candidates, a total of 291 voters cast ballots. Here Is the final voting dox scorer For Mayor Reg Lavlgne, "New" Party ...150 Mel Thompson. "Old" party ..141 For City Clerk Miss Mickey Murray "Old ....ITV Miss Nina Youngman "wew .u- For Tolice Chief Bob McChesney "Old" rlW Ole Skos "New" THOMPSON ALDERMAN Former Mayor. Mel Thompson's defeat as administrative head of Teen Town, however, does not mean that he has teen retired from a formal place in the life of the Junior commun-(Contlnued on Page 6)